Пример #1
  * React to a change in an attribute.
  * @param attribute The changed parameter.
  * @exception IllegalActionException If the parameter set is not valid.
 public void attributeChanged(Attribute attribute) throws IllegalActionException {
   String tmp = null;
   if (attribute == serverName) {
     // --------------    the user has changed serverName -----------
     String strServerName = serverName.getExpression();
     if (_serverNameString == null) {
       // the value is loaded from the moml file
       // don't cal the _createSubmission
       _serverNameString = strServerName;
       log.info("_serverNameString is set according to original value of moml file.");
       if (!strServerName.equals("")) {
         _appMetadata = AppMetadataParser.parseAppMetadata(strServerName);
         if (_appMetadata == null) {
           // something bad happen while getting the appMetadata
           log.error("Failed to parse metadata at " + strServerName);
           throw new IllegalActionException(
               this, "The selected URL does not point to a valid Opal service");
     } else if (!strServerName.equals(_serverNameString)) {
       // the user changed the value, we have to update the actor
       log.info("Got a new server name: " + strServerName);
       _appMetadata = AppMetadataParser.parseAppMetadata(strServerName);
       if (_appMetadata != null) {
         if (_appMetadata.isArgMetadataEnable())
           // complex submission form
           // simple submission form
       } else {
         // something bad happen while getting the appMetadata
         log.error("Failed to parse metadata at " + strServerName);
         throw new IllegalActionException(
             this, "The selected URL does not point to a valid Opal service");
       _serverNameString = strServerName;
   } else if (attribute == numberFiles) {
     // --------------    the user has changed the number of files -----------
     int numFiles = 1;
     try {
       numFiles = Integer.parseInt(numberFiles.stringValue());
     } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
       throw new IllegalActionException(
           this, "The numberFiles parameter is not a valid integer, please correct the value");
     if (numFiles != _numberFiles) {
       _numberFiles = numFiles;
   } else {
     log.debug("the user has changed: " + attribute.toString());
 } // attributeChanged
  private void populateDataBasedFunctions(
      final Map<String, Serializable> data, IFunction function) {

    if (function instanceof CompositeFunction) {
      CompositeFunction compositeFunction = (CompositeFunction) function;
      for (IFunction func : compositeFunction.getFunctions()) {
        populateDataBasedFunctions(data, func);

    if (function instanceof IDataBasedFunction) {
      IDataBasedFunction dbFunction = (IDataBasedFunction) function;

      String sdName = seedDataName.getExpression();
      String sdAxis = seedAxisName.getExpression();
      Dataset seedDataset = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(data.get(sdName)).clone();
      Dataset seedAxisDataset = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(data.get(sdAxis)).clone();
      dbFunction.setData(seedAxisDataset, seedDataset);
  protected DataMessageComponent getTransformedMessage(List<DataMessageComponent> cache)
      throws DataMessageException {

    // get the data out of the message, name of the item should be specified
    final Map<String, Serializable> data = MessageUtils.getList(cache);
    Map<String, AFunction> functions;
    try {
      functions = MessageUtils.getFunctions(cache);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new DataMessageException(
          "Could not parse the Funcitons comming into the FunctionToDatsetActor", null, e);

    // prepare the output message
    DataMessageComponent result = MessageUtils.copy(cache);

    // get the required datasets
    String dataset = datasetName.getExpression();
    String xAxis = xAxisName.getExpression();
    String functionString = functionName.getExpression();

    // Get the actual objects
    Dataset xAxisDS = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(data.get(xAxis)).clone();
    AFunction function = functions.get(functionString);

    populateDataBasedFunctions(data, function);

    // process the data
    // TODO Add Null Protection here.
    DoubleDataset createdDS = function.calculateValues(xAxisDS);

    // Add it to the result
    result.addList(createdDS.getName(), createdDS);

    return result;
Пример #4
 /** This function returns the number of CPU selected by the user */
 private int _getCpuNumber() throws IllegalActionException {
   StringParameter cpuNumber = null;
   int value = 0;
   try {
     cpuNumber = (StringParameter) this.getAttribute("cpuNumber", StringParameter.class);
   } catch (IllegalActionException e) {
     throw new IllegalActionException(
         this, "Unable to find the command line parameter: " + e.getMessage());
   if (cpuNumber == null) {
     return 0;
   if (cpuNumber.getExpression().length() == 0) {
     return 0;
   try {
     value = Integer.valueOf(cpuNumber.getExpression());
   } catch (Exception e) {
     throw new IllegalActionException(this, "The number of CPU must be an integer!");
   log.debug("Invoking Opal with " + cpuNumber.getExpression() + " CPUs");
   return value;
  * Create a top-level viewer for the specified object with the specified parent window.
  * @param object The object to configure, which is required to contain a parameter with name
  *     matching <i>parameterName</i> and value that is an array of records.
  * @param parent The parent window, which is required to be an instance of TableauFrame.
 public void createEditor(NamedObj object, Frame parent) {
   try {
     Parameter attributeToEdit =
         (Parameter) object.getAttribute(parameterName.getExpression(), Parameter.class);
     if (attributeToEdit == null) {
       MessageHandler.error("No such parameter: " + parameterName.getExpression());
     Token value = attributeToEdit.getToken();
     if (!(value instanceof ArrayToken)) {
           "Parameter does not contain an array token: " + attributeToEdit.toString());
     ArrayOfRecordsPane pane = new ArrayOfRecordsPane();
     pane.display((ArrayToken) value, (ArrayToken) columns.getToken());
     new ComponentDialog(parent, object.getFullName(), pane);
   } catch (KernelException ex) {
     MessageHandler.error("Cannot get specified string attribute to edit.", ex);
Пример #6
   * Create a new background figure. This overrides the base class to draw a box around the value
   * display, where the width of the box depends on the value.
   * @return A new figure.
  public Figure createBackgroundFigure() {
    NamedObj container = getContainer();
    CompositeFigure result = new CompositeFigure();
    if (container != null) {
      try {
        ArrayToken fieldsValue = (ArrayToken) fields.getToken();
        Attribute associatedAttribute = container.getAttribute(variableName.getExpression());
        if (associatedAttribute instanceof Variable) {
          Token value = ((Variable) associatedAttribute).getToken();
          if (value instanceof ArrayToken) {
            // Find the number of rows and columns.
            int numRows = ((ArrayToken) value).length();
            int numColumns = fieldsValue.length();
            if (numColumns == 0) {
              // All columns should be included.
              // Make a pass to figure out how many that is.
              for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
                Token row = ((ArrayToken) value).getElement(i);
                if (row instanceof RecordToken) {
                  int rowWidth = ((RecordToken) row).labelSet().size();
                  if (rowWidth > numColumns) {
                    numColumns = rowWidth;

            // Find the width of each column and the height of each row.
            // All rows are the same height, but column widths can vary.
            double rowHeight = 0.0;
            double columnWidth[] = new double[numColumns];
            for (int i = 1; i < numColumns; i++) {
              columnWidth[i] = 0.0;
            LabelFigure tableElement[][] = new LabelFigure[numRows][numColumns];
            // Iterate over rows.
            for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
              Token row = ((ArrayToken) value).getElement(i);
              if (row instanceof RecordToken) {
                if (fieldsValue.length() == 0) {
                  // Display all fields.
                  Iterator labelSet = ((RecordToken) row).labelSet().iterator();
                  int j = 0;
                  while (labelSet.hasNext()) {
                    String column = (String) labelSet.next();
                    tableElement[i][j] = _labelFigure((RecordToken) row, column);
                    Rectangle2D bounds = tableElement[i][j].getBounds();
                    double width = bounds.getWidth();
                    if (width > columnWidth[j]) {
                      columnWidth[j] = width;
                    double height = bounds.getHeight();
                    if (height > rowHeight) {
                      rowHeight = height;
                } else {
                  // Display specified fields.
                  for (int j = 0; j < fieldsValue.length(); j++) {
                    if (j >= numColumns) {
                    String column = ((StringToken) fieldsValue.getElement(j)).stringValue();
                    tableElement[i][j] = _labelFigure((RecordToken) row, column);
                    Rectangle2D bounds = tableElement[i][j].getBounds();
                    double width = bounds.getWidth();
                    if (width > columnWidth[j]) {
                      columnWidth[j] = width;
                    double height = bounds.getHeight();
                    if (height > rowHeight) {
                      rowHeight = height;

            // Now make a pass to position and add all the figures.
            double rowPosition = _VERTICAL_PADDING;
            // Iterate over rows.
            for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
              Token row = ((ArrayToken) value).getElement(i);
              if (row instanceof RecordToken) {
                if (fieldsValue.length() == 0) {
                  // Display all fields.
                  Iterator labelSet = ((RecordToken) row).labelSet().iterator();
                  int j = 0;
                  double columnPosition = _HORIZONTAL_PADDING;
                  while (labelSet.hasNext()) {
                    /*String column = (String) */ labelSet.next();
                    tableElement[i][j].translateTo(columnPosition, rowPosition);
                    columnPosition += columnWidth[j] + _HORIZONTAL_PADDING;
                } else {
                  // Display specified fields.
                  double columnPosition = _HORIZONTAL_PADDING;
                  for (int j = 0; j < fieldsValue.length(); j++) {
                    // String column = ((StringToken)fieldsValue.getElement(j)).stringValue();
                    tableElement[i][j].translateTo(columnPosition, rowPosition);
                    columnPosition += columnWidth[j] + _HORIZONTAL_PADDING;
              rowPosition += rowHeight + _VERTICAL_PADDING;
      } catch (IllegalActionException e) {
        // Stick the error message in the icon.
        result.add(new LabelFigure(e.getMessage()));
    // Now put a box around it all.
    Rectangle2D bounds = result.getBounds();
    // Double the padding below to allow for both sides.
    double width = Math.floor(bounds.getWidth()) + _HORIZONTAL_PADDING * 2;
    double height = Math.floor(bounds.getHeight()) + _VERTICAL_PADDING * 2;
    Figure rectangle = new BasicRectangle(0, 0, width, height, boxColor.asColor(), 1);
    CompositeFigure finalResult = new CompositeFigure(rectangle);
    return finalResult;
Пример #7
  /** this function build the command line reading the parameters selected by the user */
  private String _makeCmd() throws IllegalActionException {
    String str = "";
    if (_appMetadata.isArgMetadataEnable()) {
      // complex submission form
      if (_appMetadata.getArgFlags() != null) {
        // let's do the falgs
        ArgFlag[] flags = _appMetadata.getArgFlags();
        for (int i = 0; i < flags.length; i++) {
          Parameter flagTemp = null;
          if ((flagTemp = (Parameter) this.getAttribute(flags[i].getId())) == null)
            throw new IllegalActionException(
                this, "Unable to find the command line parameter (flag): " + flags[i].getId());
          if (((BooleanToken) flagTemp.getToken()).booleanValue()) str += " " + flags[i].getTag();
        } // for
      if (_appMetadata.getArgParams() != null) {
        // and then the params
        ArgParam[] params = _appMetadata.getArgParams();
        String taggedParams = "";
        String separator = _appMetadata.getSeparator();
        if (separator == null) {
          separator = " ";
        String[] untaggedParams =
            new String[_appMetadata.getNumUnttagedParams()]; // we make an array to contain
        // the untagged params
        for (int i = 0; i < untaggedParams.length; i++)
          // we initialized it to empty
          untaggedParams[i] = "";
        log.info("We have " + _appMetadata.getNumUnttagedParams() + " untaggged parameters.");
        for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
          log.info("Analizing param: " + params[i].getId());
          Attribute attr = this.getAttribute(params[i].getId());
          if (attr == null)
            throw new IllegalActionException(
                this, "We could not find the attribute " + params[i].getId());
          if (params[i].getTag() != null) {
            // tagged params
            if (attr instanceof FilePortParameter) {
              if (((FilePortParameter) attr).asFile() != null)
                // we have a file!
                taggedParams +=
                    " "
                        + params[i].getTag()
                        + separator
                        + ((FilePortParameter) attr).asFile().getName();
            } else if ((((StringParameter) attr).stringValue() != null)
                && (((StringParameter) attr).stringValue().length() > 0)) // basically the user
              // has entered some text
              taggedParams +=
                  " " + params[i].getTag() + separator + ((StringParameter) attr).stringValue();
          } else {
            // untagged parameters
            if (attr instanceof FilePortParameter) {
              if (((FilePortParameter) attr).asFile() != null)
                // we have a file
                untaggedParams[params[i].getPosition()] =
                    " " + ((FilePortParameter) attr).asFile().getName();
            } else if ((((StringParameter) attr).stringValue() != null)
                && (((StringParameter) attr).stringValue().length() > 0)) { // basically the user
              // has entered some
              // text
              // untagged params this is a bit unreadable!!
              untaggedParams[params[i].getPosition()] =
                  " " + ((StringParameter) attr).stringValue();
                  "Adding the "
                      + i
                      + " untagged paramters with: "
                      + untaggedParams[params[i].getPosition()]);
            } // if
          } // else
        } // for
        if (taggedParams.length() > 0) str += taggedParams;
        for (int i = 0; i < _appMetadata.getNumUnttagedParams(); i++) str += untaggedParams[i];
      log.info("The command line is: " + str);
      return str;

    } else {
      // simple case
      StringParameter commandLine = null;
      try {
        commandLine = (StringParameter) this.getAttribute("commandLine", StringParameter.class);
            "passing by here with commandLine = "
                + commandLine
                + " for server name: "
                + _serverNameString);
      } catch (IllegalActionException e) {
        throw new IllegalActionException(
            this, "Unable to find the command line parameter: " + e.getMessage());
      return commandLine.getExpression();
  } // _makeCmd