Пример #1
   * Return the buffer size of a given channel (i.e, a given port and a given channel number). The
   * default value is 1. If the port is an output port, then the buffer size is obtained from the
   * inside receiver. If it is an input port, then it is obtained from the specified port.
   * @param port The given port.
   * @param channelNumber The given channel number.
   * @return The buffer size of the given channel.
   * @exception IllegalActionException If the channel number is out of range or if the port is
   *     neither an input nor an output.
  public int getBufferSize(IOPort port, int channelNumber) throws IllegalActionException {
    Receiver[][] receivers = null;

    if (port.isInput()) {
      receivers = port.getReceivers();
    } else if (port.isOutput()) {
      receivers = port.getInsideReceivers();
    // else {
    // throw new IllegalActionException(port,
    // "Port is neither an input nor an output.");
    // }

    // try {
    int size = 0;

    for (int copy = 0; copy < receivers[channelNumber].length; copy++) {
      int copySize = ((SDFReceiver) receivers[channelNumber][copy]).getCapacity();

      if (copySize > size) {
        size = copySize;

      // When an output port of a composite actor is directly
      // connected to an input port of the same composite actor,
      // calling getCapacity() will return 0. Therefore we use
      // the rate to determine the buffer size.
      if (port.isOutput()) {
        copySize = DFUtilities.getRate(port);
        if (copySize > size) {
          size = copySize;

    return size;
    // }
    // catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
    // throw new IllegalActionException(port, "Channel out of bounds: "
    // + channelNumber);
    // }
Пример #2
   * Interconnect all the remote actors in the same manner as the model's topology. In other words,
   * the connections defined by the model's topology are created virtually over the distributed
   * platform. For each actor, a portReceiverMap is created. A portReceiverMap is a data structure
   * representing for a given port the receivers it contains. In case the port is and input port it
   * consists of a set of receivers ID's i.e. (inputport, (ID1, ..., IDn). In case of an outputport,
   * it contains a map of services to receiver's IDs, i.e. (outputport, ((service1, (ID1, ..., IDi),
   * ..., (servicen, (IDj, ..., IDr))). This structure is sent over the network to the corresponding
   * service. The types of the port are also set on the remote actor.
   * @exception IllegalActionException If the remote receivers can't be created.
  private void connectActors() throws IllegalActionException {
    if (VERBOSE) {
      System.out.println("Connecting Actors");
      System.out.println(">> Creating Ports Receivers Map: ");

    for (Iterator keysIterator = actorsThreadsMap.keySet().iterator(); keysIterator.hasNext(); ) {
      ComponentEntity actor = (ComponentEntity) keysIterator.next();

      HashMap portsReceiversMap = new HashMap();
      HashMap portTypes = new HashMap();

      Iterator allPorts = actor.portList().iterator();

      while (allPorts.hasNext()) {
        IOPort currentPort = (IOPort) allPorts.next();
        Receiver[][] receivers = new Receiver[0][0];

        if (currentPort.isOutput()) {
          receivers = currentPort.getRemoteReceivers();

        if (currentPort.isInput()) {
          receivers = currentPort.getReceivers();

        if (!currentPort.connectedPortList().isEmpty()) {
          portTypes.put(currentPort.getName(), ((TypedIOPort) currentPort).getType());

        if (receivers.length > 0) {
          if (VERBOSE) {
                "Port: "
                    + currentPort.getFullName()
                    + "\n"
                    + DistributedUtilities.receiversArrayToString(receivers));

          if (currentPort.isOutput()) {
            portsReceiversMap.put(currentPort.getName(), createServicesReceiversMap(receivers));

          if (currentPort.isInput()) {
                currentPort.getName(), DistributedUtilities.convertReceiversToIntegers(receivers));

      ServiceItem server = ((ClientThread) actorsThreadsMap.get(actor)).getService();
      DistributedActor distributedActor = (DistributedActor) server.service;

      try {
        if (VERBOSE) {
              "Setting connections to: "
                  + actor.getFullName()
                  + " in: "
                  + server.serviceID.toString());
              "Setting port Types: " + actor.getFullName() + " in: " + server.serviceID.toString());

      } catch (RemoteException e) {