public void connect() { try { lookup = Simon.createNameLookup(, reg_port); Object obj = lookup.lookup("TimServer"); server = (ITimServer) obj; server.login(this); System.out.println("Client connected to and registered of server!"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); eventbus.publish(new TimEvent(Tag.INFO, "COULD NOT CONNECT TO SERVER " +; int answer = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, ASK_FOR_RECONNECTING); if (answer == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { connect(); } else { System.exit(1); } } connected = true; }
@Override public void onEvent(TimEvent evt) { switch (evt.getTag()) { case SENDFILE: Image img = this.getFile((String) evt.getObject()); System.out.println("Image downloaded: " + img); // FIXME easy and dumm check for nullpointerException if (img != null) { showPreviewOfPicture(img); } break; case SENDRUNNER: try { Lookup lookup = Simon.createNameLookup(SERVER_HOST, REG_PORT); ITimRunner runner = (ITimRunner) lookup.lookup("TimRunner"); server.submitRunnable(runner); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } break; case FILELIST: String[] filelist = server.listFiles(); eventbus.publish(new TimEvent(Tag.GUIFILELIST, filelist)); break; case INFO: System.out.println("Client received INFO-TAG!\n" + evt.getObject()); break; case CLIENT_SHUTDOWN: this.shutdown(); default: System.out.println("Client received unknown Tag on Event-Bus!"); } }
/** * Tries to download the specified file from absolute path to file (input parameter). Tries to * read the file as an Image! Publishes to the event bus if exception occurs and might return * null! * * @returns requested Image. Returns null in case of Exception! */ public Image getFile(String name) { if (!connected) { eventbus.publish(new TimEvent(Tag.INFO, ASK_FOR_RECONNECTING)); return null; } else { final File file; // a temp file final byte[] file_bytes; try { file_bytes = server.serveFile(name); file = File.createTempFile(name, null); // "name.tmp" FileOutputStream fOut = new FileOutputStream(file); fOut.write(file_bytes); fOut.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); eventbus.publish(new TimEvent(Tag.INFO, "Cannot receive file")); return null; } Image img = null; try { img = null; img =; } catch (IOException e) {; // just return the img = null! } if (img != null) { return img; } else { // Ask user for save file! JFileChooser save_choose = new JFileChooser(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"))); save_choose.setDialogTitle("Save as..."); int choice = save_choose.showSaveDialog(null); if (choice == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { FileOutputStream fOut = null; try { fOut = new FileOutputStream(save_choose.getSelectedFile()); fOut.write(file_bytes); fOut.flush(); fOut.close(); eventbus.publish( new TimEvent( Tag.INFO, "File " + name + " downloaded and saved to " + save_choose.getSelectedFile().getName())); return null; } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); eventbus.publish( new TimEvent(Tag.INFO, "File " + name + " downloaded but could not be saved!")); return null; } } else { eventbus.publish(new TimEvent(Tag.INFO, "File " + name + " downloaded but not saved ")); return null; } } } }