Пример #1
 /** Draw the shape into an arbitrary PGraphics. */
 void draw(PGraphics pg) {
   if (iFrame.isEyeFrame()) return;
   if (shift != null)
     if (pg.is3D()) pg.translate(shift.x(), shift.y(), shift.z());
     else pg.translate(shift.x(), shift.y());
   // The shape part took verbatim from Processing, see:
   // https://github.com/processing/processing/blob/master/core/src/processing/core/PGraphics.java
   if (shp != null) {
     // don't do expensive matrix ops if invisible
     if (shp.isVisible() && !iFrame.isEyeFrame()) {
       if (pg.shapeMode == PApplet.CENTER) {
         pg.translate(-shp.getWidth() / 2, -shp.getHeight() / 2);
       shp.draw(pg); // needs to handle recorder too
       if (pg.shapeMode == PApplet.CENTER) {
   } else if (mth != null && obj != null) {
     try {
       mth.invoke(obj, new Object[] {pg});
     } catch (Exception e1) {
       try {
         mth.invoke(obj, new Object[] {iFrame, pg});
       } catch (Exception e2) {
         PApplet.println("Something went wrong when invoking your " + mth.getName() + " method");