Пример #1
    public int getColor(VisualItem item) {
      if (ENTROPY_COLOR) return entropyColor(item);
      // test
      //			if (item.getBoolean("cut")){
      //				return new Color(222,13,107).getRGB();
      //			}
      // color is fixed, what changes as a function of the value is the transparency (alpha)
      int color = sca.getColor(item);

      // lemmas and senses in the pathToRoot
      if (item.isInGroup("pathToRoot")
          && ((item.getInt("type") == 1) || (item.getInt("type") == 4)))
        color = ColorScheme.pathToRootColor;

      // count off -- just return color
      if (NodeColorAction.this.docuBurstActionList.countType.equals(DocuBurstActionList.NOCOUNT))
        return color;

      float total =
                      + NodeColorAction.this.docuBurstActionList.countType));
      float maxTotal =

      if (total < 0) color = ColorScheme.negativeColor;

      if (total == 0) {
        if (color != ColorScheme.pathToRootColor)
          // zero senses get grey, zero lemmas and words get clear
          return ColorLib.setAlpha(ColorScheme.zeroOccurrenceSenseColor, ColorScheme.zeroAlpha);
          // modulate path to root color
          return ColorLib.setAlpha(color, ColorScheme.zeroAlpha);

      // initial alpha for zero and one count
      int alpha = ColorScheme.zeroAlpha;

      alpha += (int) (((float) total / (float) maxTotal) * (float) (255 - alpha));

      if (total < 0)
            "total: " + total + " node: " + item.getString("label") + " alpha: " + alpha);

      // this should not occur except for rounding errors
      if (alpha > 255) alpha = 255;

      return ColorLib.setAlpha(color, alpha);
Пример #2
    public int entropyColor(VisualItem item) {
      // color is fixed, what changes as a function of the value is the transparency (alpha)
      int color = sca.getColor(item);

      // lemmas and senses in the pathToRoot
      if (item.isInGroup("pathToRoot")
          && ((item.getInt("type") == 1) || (item.getInt("type") == 4)))
        color = ColorScheme.pathToRootColor;

      // count off -- just return color
      if (NodeColorAction.this.docuBurstActionList.countType.equals(DocuBurstActionList.NOCOUNT))
        return color;

      // float total = item.getFloat(DocuBurstActionList.CONDENTROPY);
      float total = item.getFloat(DocuBurstActionList.CONDENTROPY);
      float maxTotal =

      if (total < 0) color = ColorScheme.negativeColor;

      if (total == 0) {
        if (color != ColorScheme.pathToRootColor)
          // zero senses get grey, zero lemmas and words get clear
          return ColorLib.setAlpha(color, 255);
          // modulate path to root color
          return ColorLib.setAlpha(color, ColorScheme.zeroAlpha);

      // initial alpha for zero and one count
      int alpha = 10;

      float condEntropyMin = NodeColorAction.this.docuBurstActionList.getCondEntropyMinTotal();

      // alpha += (int) ( (1 - Math.log(total/maxTotal)/Math.log(condEntropyMin)) * (float) (255 -
      // alpha));
      alpha +=
          (int) ((Math.log(total / maxTotal) / Math.log(condEntropyMin)) * (float) (255 - alpha));

      if (total < 0)
            "total: " + total + " node: " + item.getString("label") + " alpha: " + alpha);

      // this should not occur except for rounding errors
      if (alpha > 255) alpha = 255;

      return ColorLib.setAlpha(color, alpha);