Пример #1
  static play.mvc.Result invokeMethod(
      Class<?> targetClass,
      play.GlobalSettings global,
      Method method,
      Map<String, Object> extractedArgs,
      play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader r) {
    try {
      Object[] argValues = new Object[0];
      List<Object> argVals = new ArrayList<Object>();
      Annotation[][] annos = method.getParameterAnnotations();

      for (Annotation[] ans : annos) {
        PathParam pathParam = null;
        QueryParam queryParam = null;

        for (Annotation an : ans) {
          if (an instanceof PathParam) pathParam = (PathParam) an;
          else if (an instanceof QueryParam) queryParam = (QueryParam) an;
        if (pathParam != null) {
          Object v = extractedArgs.get(pathParam.value());
          if (v != null) argVals.add(v);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "can not find annotation value for argument "
                    + pathParam.value()
                    + "in "
                    + targetClass
                    + "#"
                    + method);
        } else if (queryParam != null) {
          String queryString = r.getQueryString(queryParam.value());
          argVals.add(queryString); // string type conversion?
        } else
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "can not find an appropriate JAX-RC annotation for an argument for method:"
                  + targetClass
                  + "#"
                  + method);
      argValues = argVals.toArray(argValues);
      return (play.mvc.Result) method.invoke(global.getControllerInstance(targetClass), argValues);
    } catch (InvocationTargetException cause) {
          "Exception occured while trying to invoke: "
              + targetClass.getName()
              + "#"
              + method.getName()
              + " with "
              + extractedArgs
              + " for uri:"
              + r.path());
      throw new RuntimeException(cause.getCause());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e.getCause());
Пример #2
 static RouterClass findLongestMatch(
     List<RouterClass> classes, play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader reqHeader) {
   RouterClass ret = null;
   String rpath = reqHeader.path();
   for (RouterClass c : classes) {
     if (!RegMatch.findAllIn(c.absPathPatternForValues, rpath).isEmpty())
       if (ret == null || c.absPath.length() > ret.absPath.length()) {
         ret = c;
   return ret;
Пример #3
  * スラッシュなし 参考
  * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10004746/how-to-route-urls-in-play-2-0-so-theyre-indifferent-to-an-ending-slash
  * @param requestHeader
  * @return
 public F.Promise<SimpleResult> onHandlerNotFound(Http.RequestHeader requestHeader) {
   // System.out.println("onHandlerNotFound:" + requestHeader.path());
   if (hasTrailingSlash(requestHeader.path())) {
     final String path = requestHeader.path();
     return F.Promise.promise(
         new F.Function0<SimpleResult>() {
           public SimpleResult apply() {
             return Action.redirect(removeLastChar(path));
   } else {
     // System.out.println("onHandlerNotFound action定義なしのため、トップに遷移させます");
     return F.Promise.promise(
         new F.Function0<SimpleResult>() {
           public SimpleResult apply() {
             return Action.redirect("/");
   // return super.onHandlerNotFound(requestHeader);
Пример #4
 static TargetClassWithPath findLongestMatch(
     Set<Class<?>> classes, play.mvc.Http.RequestHeader reqHeader, String appPath) {
   TargetClassWithPath ret = null;
   String rpath = reqHeader.path();
   for (Class<?> c : classes) {
     String path = appPath + JaxrsRouter.prefixSlash(c.getAnnotation(Path.class).value());
     if (isResourcePath(rpath, path)) {
       if (ret == null || path.length() > ret._2().length()) {
         ret = new TargetClassWithPath(c, path);
   return ret;