Пример #1
  private static boolean isTrypsin(MsEnzymeIn enzyme) {

    // 1.  Trypsin                1      KR          P
    return (("RK".equals(enzyme.getCut()) || "KR".equals(enzyme.getCut()))
        && "P".equals(enzyme.getNocut())
        && enzyme.getSense() == Sense.CTERM);
Пример #2
  private static boolean isCynanogenBromide(MsEnzymeIn enzyme) {

    // 4.  Cyanogen_Bromide       1      M           -
    return ("M".equals(enzyme.getCut())
        && "-".equals(enzyme.getNocut())
        && enzyme.getSense() == Sense.CTERM);
Пример #3
  /** Only some enzymes are supported. */
  public static EnzymeType makeEnzymeType(MsEnzymeIn enzyme) {

    // !----------------------------------------------------------
    // TODO This method should be tested and other enzymes should be supported.
    // !----------------------------------------------------------

    if (enzyme == null || enzyme.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("No_Enzyme")) {
      return makeNoEnzyme();

    // found entries for these in the controlled vocabulary:
    if (isTrypsin(enzyme)) {
      return makeTrypsin();
    } else if (isCynanogenBromide(enzyme)) {
      return makeCyanogenBromide();
    } else if (isLysCNoCutP(enzyme)) {
      return makeLysC_OR_TrypsinK_nocutP();
    } else if (isLysC(enzyme)) {
      return makeLysC_OR_TrypsinK();
    } else if (isArgC(enzyme)) {
      return makeArgC_OR_TrypsinR();
    } else if (isModifiedChymotrypsin(enzyme)) {
      return makeModifiedChymotrypsin();

    // could not find and entry for these:
    else if (enzyme.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Chymotrypsin")) {
      return null; // NOTE: can't find a term for this in PSI-MS vocabulary
      // There is an entry for Chymotrypsin but the given regex does not match
      // the "cut" residues in sequest.params

    return null;
Пример #4
  private static boolean isArgC(MsEnzymeIn enzyme) {

    // 9.  Trypsin_R              1      R           P
    return ("R".equals(enzyme.getCut())
        && "P".equals(enzyme.getNocut())
        && enzyme.getSense() == Sense.CTERM);
Пример #5
  private static boolean isLysCNoCutP(MsEnzymeIn enzyme) {

    // 8.  Trypsin_K              1      K           P
    return ("K".equals(enzyme.getCut())
        && "P".equals(enzyme.getNocut())
        && enzyme.getSense() == Sense.CTERM);
Пример #6
  private static boolean isModifiedChymotrypsin(MsEnzymeIn enzyme) {

    // 11. Cymotryp/Modified      1      FWYL        P
    return (enzyme.getCut() != null
        && enzyme.getCut().length() == 4
        && enzyme.getCut().contains("F")
        && enzyme.getCut().contains("W")
        && enzyme.getCut().contains("Y")
        && enzyme.getCut().contains("L")
        && "P".equals(enzyme.getNocut())
        && enzyme.getSense() == Sense.CTERM);
Пример #7
  private static boolean isLysC(MsEnzymeIn enzyme) {

    return ("K".equals(enzyme.getCut())
        && "-".equals(enzyme.getNocut())
        && enzyme.getSense() == Sense.CTERM);