Пример #1
  public void checkUnusedExit(final Exit exit) {
    if (exit.getParentRegion().getComposite() instanceof org.yakindu.sct.model.sgraph.State
        && exit.getOutgoingTransitions().isEmpty()) {
      org.yakindu.sct.model.sgraph.State state =
          (org.yakindu.sct.model.sgraph.State) exit.getParentRegion().getComposite();

      if (!STextValidationModelUtils.isDefault(exit)) {
        boolean hasOutgoingTransition = false;
        Iterator<Transition> transitionIt = state.getOutgoingTransitions().iterator();
        while (transitionIt.hasNext() && !hasOutgoingTransition) {
          Transition transition = transitionIt.next();
          hasOutgoingTransition =
                  ? true
                  : STextValidationModelUtils.isNamedExitTransition(transition, exit.getName());
        if (!hasOutgoingTransition) {
          error(EXIT_UNUSED, exit, null, -1);
      } else {
        boolean hasOutgoingTransition = false;
        Iterator<Transition> transitionIt = state.getOutgoingTransitions().iterator();
        while (transitionIt.hasNext() && !hasOutgoingTransition) {
          hasOutgoingTransition =
        if (!hasOutgoingTransition) {
          error(EXIT_DEFAULT_UNUSED, exit, null, -1);
Пример #2
  public void checkTransitionPropertySpec(final Transition transition) {
    for (ReactionProperty property : transition.getProperties()) {
      if (property instanceof EntryPointSpec) {
        if (transition.getTarget() instanceof org.yakindu.sct.model.sgraph.State) {
          org.yakindu.sct.model.sgraph.State state =
              (org.yakindu.sct.model.sgraph.State) transition.getTarget();
          if (!state.isComposite()) {
            warning(TRANSITION_ENTRY_SPEC_NOT_COMPOSITE, transition, null, -1);
      } else if (property instanceof ExitPointSpec) {
        final ExitPointSpec exitPointSpec = (ExitPointSpec) property;
        if (transition.getSource() instanceof org.yakindu.sct.model.sgraph.State) {
          org.yakindu.sct.model.sgraph.State state =
              (org.yakindu.sct.model.sgraph.State) transition.getSource();
          if (!state.isComposite()) {
            warning(TRANSITION_EXIT_SPEC_NOT_COMPOSITE, transition, null, -1);
          } else {
            // Validate an exit point is continued on one transition
            // only.
            for (Transition t : state.getOutgoingTransitions()) {
              if (transition != t
                  && STextValidationModelUtils.isNamedExitTransition(
                      t, exitPointSpec.getExitpoint())) {
                warning(TRANSITION_EXIT_SPEC_ON_MULTIPLE_SIBLINGS, transition, null, -1);

            // Validate the state has minimally one named exit
            // region

            boolean hasExit = false;
            Iterator<Region> regionIter = state.getRegions().iterator();
            while (regionIter.hasNext() && !hasExit) {

              Iterator<Exit> exitIter =
              while (exitIter.hasNext() && !hasExit) {
                Exit exit = exitIter.next();
                hasExit = exitPointSpec.getExitpoint().equals(exit.getName());
            if (!hasExit) {
              error(TRANSITION_NOT_EXISTING_NAMED_EXIT_POINT, transition, null, -1);
 private void addExitPointSpec(Transition transition, Exit exitPoint) {
   EList<ReactionProperty> properties = transition.getProperties();
   ExitPointSpec exitPointSpec = StextFactory.eINSTANCE.createExitPointSpec();
   // A transition can only have one exit point so alter the existing
   for (ReactionProperty reactionProperty : properties) {
     if (reactionProperty instanceof ExitPointSpec) {
       exitPointSpec = (ExitPointSpec) reactionProperty;
  private Exit createSemanticExitPoint(Transition transition) {
    Region exitPointContainer = getExitPointContainer(transition);
    String name = getExitPointName(transition);

    Exit exitPoint = null;
    Iterator<Vertex> iterator = exitPointContainer.getVertices().iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      Vertex next = iterator.next();
      if (next instanceof Exit) {
        Exit current = (Exit) next;
        if (name.equals(current.getName())) {
          // Do nothing, there already exists an entry point
          return current;

    exitPoint = SGraphFactory.eINSTANCE.createExit();

    return exitPoint;
Пример #5
  * Exit nodes in top level regions are not supported.
  * @param exit
 public void exitOnStatechart(Exit exit) {
   if (exit.getParentRegion().getComposite() instanceof Statechart) {
     error(ISSUE_EXIT_ON_STATECHART, exit, null, -1);
Пример #6
 public void exitWithOutgoingTransition(Exit exit) {
   if (exit.getOutgoingTransitions().size() > 0) {
     error(ISSUE_EXIT_WITH_OUT_TRANS, exit, null, -1);
Пример #7
 public void exitWithoutIncomingTransition(Exit exit) {
   if (exit.getIncomingTransitions().size() == 0) {
     warning(ISSUE_EXIT_WITHOUT_IN_TRANS, exit, null, -1);