/** * Tab key has been pressed inside a table cell. * * @param event the native event that was fired * @param cell The table cell in which the tab key has been pressed. */ protected void onTabInTableCell(Event event, TableCellElement cell) { Node nextCell = event.getShiftKey() ? cell.getPreviousCell() : cell.getNextCell(); if (nextCell == null) { if (event.getShiftKey()) { return; } else { getTextArea().getCommandManager().execute(new Command("insertrowafter")); nextCell = cell.getNextCell(); } } Selection selection = getTextArea().getDocument().getSelection(); Range range = selection.getRangeAt(0); // Place the caret at the beginning of the next cell. Node leaf = domUtils.getFirstLeaf(nextCell); if (leaf == nextCell || leaf.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) { range.setStart(leaf, 0); } else { range.setStartBefore(leaf); } range.collapse(true); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); }
/** * Inserts a paragraph before or after the table containing the selection. * * <p>We decided to use Control/Meta+UpArrow for inserting a paragraph before a table and * Control/Meta+DownArrow for inserting a paragraph after a table. Here's the rationale: * * <ul> * <li>We can't reliably detect if the user can place the caret before of after a table. Our * playground is the DOM tree which we fully control but in the end the browser decides how * to render each node. The table can have previous siblings or previous nodes in the DOM * tree but they may not be rendered at all (as it happens with HTML garbage like empty * elements) or not rendered before/after the table (as it happens with absolute positioned * elements). So we have to insert the paragraph each time. * <li>We can't use the same key to insert a paragraph before and after the table because we can * have a table with just one empty cell. So we can't rely on the Enter key. * <li>We can't use just the navigation keys because they would insert a paragraph before/after * the table even when the user can navigate outside of the table. * </ul> * * We can replace the Ctrl with Alt. The idea is to use the Up/Down arrow keys with a modifier. * They will work form any table cell. * * @param event the native event that was fired * @param before {@code true} to insert a paragraph before the table, {@code false} to insert a * paragraph after the table */ protected void navigateOutsideTableCell(Event event, boolean before) { // Navigate only if the Control or Meta modifiers are pressed along with the Up/Down arrow keys. if (event.getAltKey() || event.getShiftKey() || !(event.getCtrlKey() ^ event.getMetaKey())) { return; } Selection selection = getTextArea().getDocument().getSelection(); if (selection.getRangeCount() == 0) { return; } else { selection.collapseToStart(); } Range range = selection.getRangeAt(0); Node ancestor = domUtils.getFirstAncestor(range.getStartContainer(), "table"); if (ancestor == null) { return; } event.xPreventDefault(); Document document = getTextArea().getDocument(); Node paragraph = document.createPElement(); paragraph.appendChild(document.createTextNode("")); if (before) { ancestor.getParentNode().insertBefore(paragraph, ancestor); } else { domUtils.insertAfter(paragraph, ancestor); } range.selectNodeContents(paragraph.getFirstChild()); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); }
/** * Tab key has been pressed in an ordinary context. If the Shift key was not pressed then the * current selection will be replaced by 4 spaces. Otherwise no action will be taken. * * @param event the native event that was fired */ protected void onTabDefault(Event event) { if (event.getShiftKey()) { // Do nothing. } else { if (getTextArea().getCommandManager().isEnabled(Command.INSERT_HTML)) { getTextArea().getCommandManager().execute(Command.INSERT_HTML, " "); getTextArea().getDocument().getSelection().collapseToEnd(); } } }
/** * Tab key has been pressed inside a list item. If the selection is collapsed at the beginning of * a list item then indent or outdent that list item depending on the Shift key. Otherwise use the * default behavior for Tab key. * * @param event the native event that was fired * @param item the list item in which the tab key has been pressed */ protected void onTabInListItem(Event event, Node item) { Range range = getTextArea().getDocument().getSelection().getRangeAt(0); if (!range.isCollapsed() || !isAtStart(item, range)) { onTabDefault(event); } else { Command command = event.getShiftKey() ? Command.OUTDENT : Command.INDENT; if (getTextArea().getCommandManager().isEnabled(command)) { getTextArea().getCommandManager().execute(command); } } }