Пример #1
   * Tests what happens when creating a page when no template is available in the specific space.
        value = "internet.*",
        version = "8\\.*",
        reason = "See http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XE-1146"),
        value = "internet.*",
        version = "9\\.*",
        reason = "See http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XE-1177")
  public void testCreatePageWhenNoTemplateAvailable() {
    // prepare the test environment, create a test space and exclude all templates for this space
    String space = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
    // create the home page of this space to make sure the space exists
            "You can have fun with templates here",
            "Welcome to the templates test space");
    // we'll create all these pages during this test
    getUtil().deletePage(space, "NewUnexistingPage");
    getUtil().deletePage(space, "NewPage");
    getUtil().deletePage(space, "NewLinkedPage");
    // go through all the templates and make sure they are disabled on this space
    TemplatesAdministrationSectionPage sectionPage = TemplatesAdministrationSectionPage.gotoPage();

    // get the links to existing templates, navigate to each of them and disable the current space
    List<String> spacesToExclude = Collections.singletonList(space);
    List<WebElement> existingTemplatesLinks = sectionPage.getExistingTemplatesLinks();
    for (int i = 0; i < existingTemplatesLinks.size(); i++) {
      WebElement link = existingTemplatesLinks.get(i);
      ViewPage templateViewPage = new ViewPage();
      TemplateProviderInlinePage providerEditPage = new TemplateProviderInlinePage();

      // FIXME: Temporary until we remove the template provider type altogether and make all
      // providers page
      // template providers.
      if (!providerEditPage.isPageTemplate()) {


      // go back to the admin page, to leave this in a valid state
      sectionPage = TemplatesAdministrationSectionPage.gotoPage();
      existingTemplatesLinks = sectionPage.getExistingTemplatesLinks();

    // TODO: should reset these template settings at the end of the test, to leave things in the
    // same state as they
    // were at the beginning of the test

    // and now start testing!

    // 1/ create a page from the link in the page displayed when navigating to a non-existing page
    getUtil().gotoPage(space, "NewUnexistingPage", "view", "spaceRedirect=false");
    ViewPage newUnexistentPage = new ViewPage();
    DocumentDoesNotExistPage nonExistingPage = new DocumentDoesNotExistPage();
    // make sure we're not in create mode anymore
    // make sure we're directly in edit mode
    // TODO: check that we're indeed in the edit mode of space.NewUnexitingPage
    WYSIWYGEditPage editNewUnexistingPage = new WYSIWYGEditPage();
    Assert.assertEquals(space, editNewUnexistingPage.getMetaDataValue("space"));
    Assert.assertEquals("NewUnexistingPage", editNewUnexistingPage.getMetaDataValue("page"));

    // 2/ create a page from the create menu on an existing page, by filling in space and name
    ViewPage spaceHomePage = getUtil().gotoPage(space, "WebHome");
    CreatePagePage createNewPage = spaceHomePage.createPage();
    // we expect no templates available
    Assert.assertEquals(0, createNewPage.getAvailableTemplateSize());
    // fill in data and create the page
    // we expect to go to the edit mode of the new page
    WYSIWYGEditPage editNewPage = new WYSIWYGEditPage();
    Assert.assertEquals(space, editNewPage.getMetaDataValue("space"));
    Assert.assertEquals("NewPage", editNewPage.getMetaDataValue("page"));

    // 3/ create a page from a link in another page
    WikiEditPage editNewPageWiki = editNewPage.clickSaveAndView().editWiki();
    // put a link to the new page to create
    ViewPage newPage = editNewPageWiki.clickSaveAndView();
    // no templates are available, so we don't expect a panel with a list of templates, we just
    // expect it goes
    // directly to edit mode of the new page
    // it would be nice to be able to test here that the create page panel is not displayed, ever.
    // However, we can't
    // since we need to wait for that time, and we don't know how much is never.
    newPage.clickWantedLink(space, "NewLinkedPage", false);
    WYSIWYGEditPage editNewLinkedPage = new WYSIWYGEditPage();
    // since the edit mode loads as a result of a redirect that comes from a async call made by the
    // click, we need
    // to wait for the page to load
                "//div[@id='mainEditArea']//div[@class='gwt-Label' and contains(text(), 'WYSIWYG')]"));
    // make sure we're in edit mode (of the new page)
    Assert.assertEquals(space, editNewLinkedPage.getMetaDataValue("space"));
    Assert.assertEquals("NewLinkedPage", editNewLinkedPage.getMetaDataValue("page"));