private void addRule() { // We must add it just after the currently selected Rule. // Let's find which one it is. If there is none, we add it at the // end of the list. MultiInputPanel mip = new MultiInputPanel("Choose a name for your rule")); mip.addInput("RuleName","Name of the Rule : "), new TextBoxType(10)); mip.addValidation( new MIPValidation() { @Override public String validate(MultiInputPanel mid) { String ruleName = mid.getInput("RuleName"); return ruleName.isEmpty() ?"Rule name cannot be null or empty.") : null; } }); if (UIFactory.showDialog(mip)) { String s = mip.getInput("RuleName"); LegendTreeModel tm = (LegendTreeModel) tree.getModel(); // We need to link our new RuleWrapper with the layer we are editing. Rule temp = new Rule(simpleStyleEditor.getStyleWrapper().getStyle().getLayer()); temp.setName(s); Legend leg = LegendFactory.getLegend(temp.getCompositeSymbolizer().getSymbolizerList().get(0)); // Initialize a panel for this legend. ILegendPanel ilp = ILegendPanelFactory.getILegendPanel(simpleStyleEditor, leg); List<ILegendPanel> list = new ArrayList<ILegendPanel>(); list.add(ilp); RuleWrapper nrw = new RuleWrapper(simpleStyleEditor, temp, list); tm.addElement(tm.getRoot(), nrw, getSelectedRule()); simpleStyleEditor.legendAdded(nrw.getPanel()); } }
/** * Copy the default docking layout to the specified file path. * * @param savedDockingLayout */ private void copyDefaultDockingLayout(File savedDockingLayout) { InputStream xmlFileStream = DockingManagerImpl.class.getResourceAsStream("default_docking_layout.xml"); if (xmlFileStream != null) { try { FileOutputStream writer = new FileOutputStream(savedDockingLayout); try { byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_LENGTH]; for (int n; (n = != -1; ) { writer.write(buffer, 0, n); } } finally { writer.close(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { LOGGER.error("Unable to save the docking layout."), ex); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("Unable to save the docking layout."), ex); } finally { try { xmlFileStream.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("Unable to save the docking layout."), ex); } } } }
/** A method to save the workspace : documents and layout */ public void onMenuSaveApplication() { if (!isShutdownVetoed()) { mainContext.saveStatus(); // Save the services status // Save dialogs status saveSIFState(); // Save layout dockManager.saveLayout();"The workspace has been saved.")); } else {"The workspace hasn't been saved.")); } }
/** * Recursive function to parse a layer tree * * @param lt * @param parentLayer */ private void parseJaxbLayer(LayerType lt, ILayer parentLayer) throws LayerException { // Test if lt is a group if (!lt.getLayer().isEmpty() || (lt.getDataURL() == null)) { // it will create a LayerCollection parseJaxbLayerCollection(lt, parentLayer); } else { // it corresponding to a leaf layer // We need to read the data declaration and create the layer URLType dataUrl = lt.getDataURL(); if (dataUrl != null) { OnlineResourceType resType = dataUrl.getOnlineResource(); try { URI layerURI = new URI(resType.getHref()); // The resource is given as relative to MapContext location if (!layerURI.isAbsolute() && getLocation() != null) { try { // Resolve the relative resource ex: new Uri("myFile.shp") layerURI = getLocation().resolve(layerURI); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { LOGGER.warn( "Error while trying to find an absolute path for an external resource", ex); } } // Get table name ILayer leafLayer = createLayer(layerURI); leafLayer.setDescription(new Description(lt)); leafLayer.setVisible(!lt.isHidden()); // Parse styles if (lt.isSetStyleList()) { for (StyleType st : lt.getStyleList().getStyle()) { if (st.isSetSLD()) { if (st.getSLD().isSetAbstractStyle()) { leafLayer.addStyle( new Style( (JAXBElement<>) st.getSLD().getAbstractStyle(), leafLayer)); } } } } parentLayer.addLayer(leafLayer); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new LayerException("Unable to parse the href URI {0}.", resType.getHref()), ex); } catch (InvalidStyle ex) { throw new LayerException("Unable to load the description of the layer {0}", lt.getTitle().toString()), ex); } } } }
private void initialize(ProgressMonitor parentProgress) { ProgressMonitor progress = parentProgress.startTask("Loading the main window"), 100); makeMainFrame(); progress.endTask(); progress.setTaskName("Loading docking system and frames")); // Initiate the docking management system DockingManagerImpl dockManagerImpl = new DockingManagerImpl(mainFrame); dockManager = dockManagerImpl; mainFrame.setDockingManager(dockManager); // Initiate the docking panel tracker singleFrameTracker = new DockingPanelTracker(pluginFramework.getHostBundleContext(), dockManager);; toolBarTracker = new MenuItemServiceTracker<MainWindow, ToolBarAction>( pluginFramework.getHostBundleContext(), ToolBarAction.class, dockManagerImpl, mainFrame);; progress.endTask(); // Load the log panels makeLoggingPanels(); progress.endTask(); // Load the editor factories manager makeEditorManager(dockManager); progress.endTask(); // Load the GeoCatalog makeGeoCatalogPanel(); progress.endTask(); // Load Built-ins Editors loadEditorFactories(); progress.endTask(); progress.setTaskName("Restore the former layout..")); // Load the docking layout and editors opened in last OrbisGis instance File savedDockingLayout = new File(viewWorkspace.getDockingLayoutPath()); if (!savedDockingLayout.exists()) { // Copy the default docking layout // First OrbisGIS start copyDefaultDockingLayout(savedDockingLayout); } dockManager.setDockingLayoutPersistanceFilePath(viewWorkspace.getDockingLayoutPath()); progress.endTask(); addCoreMenu(); }
/** Add new menu to the OrbisGIS core */ private void addCoreMenu() { DefaultAction def = new DefaultAction( MainFrameAction.MENU_SAVE,"&Save"), OrbisGISIcon.getIcon("save"), EventHandler.create(ActionListener.class, this, "onMenuSaveApplication")); def.setParent(MainFrameAction.MENU_FILE).setBefore(MainFrameAction.MENU_EXIT); mainFrame.addMenu(def); def.setToolTipText("Save the workspace")); JButton saveBt = new CustomButton(def); saveBt.setHideActionText(true); mainFrame.addToolBarComponent(saveBt, "align left"); }
public PluginShell(final BundleContext hostBundle) { super(new BorderLayout()); this.hostBundle = hostBundle; parameters.setName("plugin-shell"); parameters.setTitle("Plugin Shell")); parameters.setTitleIcon(new ImageIcon(PluginShell.class.getResource("panel_icon.png"))); outputField.setEditable(false); outputField.setText("Plugin shell, type \"help\" for command list.\n")); // Initialising components // The shell is composed by a logging part and a command line part add(new JScrollPane(outputField), BorderLayout.CENTER); add(commandField, BorderLayout.SOUTH); commandField.addActionListener( EventHandler.create(ActionListener.class, this, "onValidateCommand")); }
/** Adds the empty dialog to the card layout. */ private void addEmptyDialog() { JPanel textHolder = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); JLabel text = new JLabel("Add or select a legend.")); text.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); textHolder.add(text, BorderLayout.CENTER); dialogContainer.add(NO_LEGEND_ID, textHolder); }
@Override public ILayer createLayer(URI source) throws LayerException { if (!source.isAbsolute()) { // If URI is not absolute ex URI.create("../folder/myfile.shp"), then create a canonical URI try { source = new File(location != null ? new File(location) : new File("./"), source.toString()) .getCanonicalFile() .toURI(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new LayerException(ex); } } String layerName; try { layerName = FileUtils.getNameFromURI(source); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) { try { layerName = dataManager.findUniqueTableName("Layer")); } catch (SQLException ex2) { throw new LayerException(ex2); } } return createLayer(layerName, source); }
private void setJAXBObject(OWSContextType jaxbObject) { if (isOpen()) { throw new IllegalStateException("The map must be closed to invoke this method")); // $NON-NLS-1$ } this.jaxbMapContext = (OWSContextType) jaxbObject; }
@Override public void close(ProgressMonitor pm) { checkIsOpen(); // Backup Consistent data jaxbMapContext = getJAXBObject(); // Close the layers if (pm == null) { pm = new NullProgressMonitor(); } ILayer[] layers = layerModel.getLayersRecursively(); for (int i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { pm.progressTo(i * 100 / layers.length); if (!layers[i].acceptsChilds()) { try { layers[i].close(); } catch (LayerException e) { LOGGER.error("Cannot close layer {0}", layers[i].getName())); } } } layerModel.removeLayerListenerRecursively(openerListener); = false; }
/** * Validates this descriptor based on the passed query parameters. * * @param queryParams parameters to validate against * @throws ParameterValidationException when a validation fails */ public void validate(MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams) throws ParameterValidationException { if (!queryParams.containsKey(name)) { // Check for mandatory property if (isMandatory) { throw new ParameterValidationException(name,"Required parameter.")); } // If this parameter was not specified and is // not mandatory there is nothing to validate. return; } if (this.mustBeInt) { validateInteger(queryParams.get(name)); } if (this.dateFormat != null && !this.dateFormat.isEmpty()) { validateDate(queryParams.get(name)); } if (this.mustBeTimeZone) { validateTimeZone(queryParams.get(name)); } if (this.validators.size() > 0) { verifyValidatorsPass(queryParams.get(name)); } verifyMustHaves(queryParams); verifyMustNotHaves(queryParams); }
/** Init the SIF ui factory */ private void initSIF() { UIFactory.setDefaultImageIcon(OrbisGISIcon.getIcon("orbisgis")); // Load SIF properties try { UIFactory.loadState(new File(viewWorkspace.getSIFPath())); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("Error while loading dialogs informations."), ex); } }
private Pool findPool(String poolId) { Pool pool = poolCurator.find(poolId); if (pool == null) { throw new BadRequestException("Pool with id {0} could not be found.", poolId)); } return pool; }
private void verifyMustHaves(MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams) { for (String paramToCheck : this.mustHaveParams) { if (!queryParams.containsKey(paramToCheck)) { throw new ParameterValidationException( name,"Parameter must be used with {0}.", paramToCheck)); } } }
private void saveSIFState() { // Load SIF properties try { UIFactory.saveState(new File(viewWorkspace.getSIFPath())); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.error("Error while saving dialogs informations."), ex); } }
private Cdn verifyAndLookupCdn(String label) { Cdn cdn = curator.lookupByLabel(label); if (cdn == null) { throw new NotFoundException("No such content delivery network: {0}", label)); } return cdn; }
/** Initialize all the buttons that can be used to manage the tree content. */ private void initButtons() { toolBar = new JToolBar(); toolBar.setFloatable(false); jButtonMenuUp = new JButton(); jButtonMenuUp.setIcon(OrbisGISIcon.getIcon("go-up")); jButtonMenuUp.setToolTipText("Up")); ActionListener alu = EventHandler.create(ActionListener.class, this, "moveSelectedElementUp"); jButtonMenuUp.addActionListener(alu); toolBar.add(jButtonMenuUp); jButtonMenuDown = new JButton(); jButtonMenuDown.setIcon(OrbisGISIcon.getIcon("go-down")); jButtonMenuDown.setToolTipText("Down")); ActionListener ald = EventHandler.create(ActionListener.class, this, "moveSelectedElementDown"); jButtonMenuDown.addActionListener(ald); toolBar.add(jButtonMenuDown); JButton jButtonMenuAdd = new JButton(); jButtonMenuAdd.setIcon(OrbisGISIcon.getIcon("picture_add")); jButtonMenuAdd.setToolTipText("Add")); ActionListener aladd = EventHandler.create(ActionListener.class, this, "addElement"); jButtonMenuAdd.addActionListener(aladd); jButtonMenuAdd.setFocusPainted(false); toolBar.add(jButtonMenuAdd); jButtonMenuDel = new JButton(); jButtonMenuDel.setIcon(OrbisGISIcon.getIcon("picture_delete")); jButtonMenuDel.setToolTipText("Delete")); ActionListener alrem = EventHandler.create(ActionListener.class, this, "removeSelectedElement"); jButtonMenuDel.addActionListener(alrem); toolBar.add(jButtonMenuDel); jButtonMenuRename = new JButton(); jButtonMenuRename.setIcon(OrbisGISIcon.getIcon("picture_edit")); jButtonMenuRename.setToolTipText("Rename")); jButtonMenuRename.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { renameElement(evt); } }); toolBar.add(jButtonMenuRename); }
public MapTransform() { adjustExtent = true; if (!GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { this.dpi = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenResolution(); } else { LOGGER.trace("Headless graphics environment, set current DPI to 96.0")); this.dpi = DEFAULT_DPI; } }
private ActivationKey findKey(String activationKeyId) { ActivationKey key = activationKeyCurator.find(activationKeyId); if (key == null) { throw new BadRequestException("ActivationKey with id {0} could not be found.", activationKeyId)); } return key; }
@Override public void draw(MapTransform mt, ProgressMonitor pm, ILayer layer) { // Layer must be from this layer model if (!isLayerFromThisLayerModel(layer)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Layer provided for drawing is not from the map context layer model.")); } drawImpl(mt, pm, layer); }
@Override public Color getColor(Map<String, Object> map) throws ParameterException { try { return Color.getColor(getFieldValue(map).toString()); } catch (ParameterException e) { throw new ParameterException("Could not fetch feature attribute \"{0}\"", getColumnName()), e); } }
/** Returns an ImageIcon, or null if the path was invalid. */ protected static ImageIcon createImageIcon(String path) { imgURL = LegendUIChooser.class.getResource(path); if (imgURL != null) { return new ImageIcon(imgURL); } else { LOGGER.error("Couldn't find file") + ": " + path); return null; } }
/** * Core constructor, init Model instances * * @param debugMode Show additional information for debugging purposes * @note Call startup() to init Swing */ public Core(CoreWorkspaceImpl coreWorkspace, boolean debugMode, LoadingFrame splashScreen) throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException { ProgressMonitor parentProgress = splashScreen.getProgressMonitor(); ProgressMonitor progressInfo = parentProgress.startTask("Loading Workspace.."), 100); MainContext.initConsoleLogger(debugMode); // Declare empty main frame mainFrame = new MainFrame(); // Set the main frame position and size mainFrame.setSize(MAIN_VIEW_SIZE); // Try to set the frame at the center of the default screen try { GraphicsDevice device = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice(); Rectangle screenBounds = device.getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds(); mainFrame.setLocation( screenBounds.x + screenBounds.width / 2 - MAIN_VIEW_SIZE.width / 2, screenBounds.y + screenBounds.height / 2 - MAIN_VIEW_SIZE.height / 2); } catch (Throwable ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); } UIFactory.setMainFrame(mainFrame); initMainContext(debugMode, coreWorkspace, splashScreen); progressInfo.progressTo(10); this.viewWorkspace = new ViewWorkspace(this.mainContext.getCoreWorkspace()); Services.registerService( ViewWorkspace.class,"Contains view folders path"), viewWorkspace); progressInfo.setTaskName("Register GUI Sql functions..")); addSQLFunctions(); progressInfo.progressTo(11); // Load plugin host progressInfo.setTaskName("Load the plugin framework..")); startPluginHost(); progressInfo.progressTo(18); progressInfo.setTaskName("Connecting to the database..")); // Init database try { mainContext.initDataBase( coreWorkspace.getDataBaseUser(), coreWorkspace.getDataBasePassword()); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex.getLocalizedMessage(), ex); } initSIF(); progressInfo.progressTo(20); }
private void validateInteger(List<String> values) { for (String val : values) { try { Integer.parseInt(val); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new ParameterValidationException( name,"Parameter must be an Integer value.")); } } }
/** * Retrieves a Product instance for the product with the specified id. If no matching product * could be found, this method throws an exception. * * @param productUuid The ID of the product to retrieve * @throws NotFoundException if no matching product could be found with the specified id * @return the Product instance for the product with the specified id */ protected Product fetchProduct(String productUuid) { Product product = this.productCurator.find(productUuid); if (product == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Product with UUID ''{0}'' could not be found.", productUuid)); } return product; }
@Override public Color getColor(ResultSet rs, long fid) throws ParameterException { try { return Color.getColor(getFieldValue(rs, fid).toString()); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new ParameterException("Could not fetch feature attribute \"{0}\"", getColumnName()), e); } }
/** * Execute the command with this shell line. * * @param _line The shell line enter by the user. * @return The shell string return to display at the user. * @throws InterruptedIOException The execution can cause a interruption of the console screen. * (Exit/Quit/Shutdown) * @see com.connectlife.coreserver.console.ShellCmd#execute(java.lang.String) */ @Override public String execute(String _line) throws InterruptedIOException { String response = ""; m_logger.debug(SHELL_CMD); // TODO: Complete command response = SHELL_CMD +" not supported yet!"); return response; }
private void startPluginHost() { try { mainContext.startBundleHost(BundleFromResources.SPECIFIC_BEHAVIOUR_BUNDLES); pluginFramework = mainContext.getPluginHost(); pluginFramework .getHostBundleContext() .registerService(org.orbisgis.viewapi.workspace.ViewWorkspace.class, viewWorkspace, null); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error("Loading of plugins is aborted"), ex); } }
/** * Creates a CDN * * @return a Cdn object * @httpcode 200 */ @POST @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Cdn create(Cdn cdn, @Context Principal principal) { Cdn existing = curator.lookupByLabel(cdn.getLabel()); if (existing != null) { throw new BadRequestException("A CDN with the label {0}" + "already exists", cdn.getLabel())); } return curator.create(cdn); }