/** * This will indicate that a processing instruction has been encountered. (The XML declaration is * not a processing instruction and will not be reported.) * * @param target <code>String</code> target of PI * @param data <code>String</code> containing all data sent to the PI. This typically looks like * one or more attribute value pairs. * @throws SAXException when things go wrong */ public void processingInstruction(String target, String data) throws SAXException { if (suppress) return; flushCharacters(); if (atRoot) { factory.addContent(document, factory.processingInstruction(target, data)); } else { factory.addContent(getCurrentElement(), factory.processingInstruction(target, data)); } }
/** * This will signify that a DTD is being parsed, and can be used to ensure that comments and other * lexical structures in the DTD are not added to the JDOM <code>Document</code> object. * * @param name <code>String</code> name of element listed in DTD * @param publicID <code>String</code> public ID of DTD * @param systemID <code>String</code> system ID of DTD */ public void startDTD(String name, String publicID, String systemID) throws SAXException { flushCharacters(); // Is this needed here? factory.addContent(document, factory.docType(name, publicID, systemID)); inDTD = true; inInternalSubset = true; }
/** * This indicates that an unresolvable entity reference has been encountered, normally because the * external DTD subset has not been read. * * @param name <code>String</code> name of entity * @throws SAXException when things go wrong */ public void skippedEntity(String name) throws SAXException { // We don't handle parameter entity references. if (name.startsWith("%")) return; flushCharacters(); factory.addContent(getCurrentElement(), factory.entityRef(name)); }
/** * Pushes an element onto the tree under construction. Allows subclasses to put content under a * dummy root element which is useful for building content that would otherwise be a non-well * formed document. * * @param element root element under which content will be built */ protected void pushElement(Element element) { if (atRoot) { document.setRootElement(element); // XXX should we use a factory call? atRoot = false; } else { factory.addContent(currentElement, element); } currentElement = element; }
/** * This reports that a comments is parsed. If not in the DTD, this comment is added to the current * JDOM <code>Element</code>, or the <code>Document</code> itself if at that level. * * @param ch <code>ch[]</code> array of comment characters. * @param start <code>int</code> index to start reading from. * @param length <code>int</code> length of data. * @throws SAXException */ public void comment(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { if (suppress) return; flushCharacters(); String commentText = new String(ch, start, length); if (inDTD && inInternalSubset && (expand == false)) { internalSubset.append(" <!--").append(commentText).append("-->\n"); return; } if ((!inDTD) && (!commentText.equals(""))) { if (atRoot) { factory.addContent(document, factory.comment(commentText)); } else { factory.addContent(getCurrentElement(), factory.comment(commentText)); } } }
/** * Flush the given string into the document. This is a protected method so subclassers can control * text handling without knowledge of the internals of this class. * * @param data string to flush */ protected void flushCharacters(String data) throws SAXException { if (data.length() == 0) { previousCDATA = inCDATA; return; } /** * This is commented out because of some problems with the inline DTDs that Xerces seems to * have. if (!inDTD) { if (inEntity) { getCurrentElement().setContent(factory.text(data)); } * else { getCurrentElement().addContent(factory.text(data)); } */ if (previousCDATA) { factory.addContent(getCurrentElement(), factory.cdata(data)); } else { factory.addContent(getCurrentElement(), factory.text(data)); } previousCDATA = inCDATA; }
public void startEntity(String name) throws SAXException { entityDepth++; if (expand || entityDepth > 1) { // Short cut out if we're expanding or if we're nested return; } // A "[dtd]" entity indicates the beginning of the external subset if (name.equals("[dtd]")) { inInternalSubset = false; return; } // Ignore DTD references, and translate the standard 5 if ((!inDTD) && (!name.equals("amp")) && (!name.equals("lt")) && (!name.equals("gt")) && (!name.equals("apos")) && (!name.equals("quot"))) { if (!expand) { String pub = null; String sys = null; String[] ids = (String[]) externalEntities.get(name); if (ids != null) { pub = ids[0]; // may be null, that's OK sys = ids[1]; // may be null, that's OK } /** * if no current element, this entity belongs to an attribute in these cases, it is an error * on the part of the parser to call startEntity but this will help in some cases. See * org/xml/sax/ext/LexicalHandler.html#startEntity(java.lang.String) for more information */ if (!atRoot) { flushCharacters(); EntityRef entity = factory.entityRef(name, pub, sys); // no way to tell if the entity was from an attribute or element so just assume element factory.addContent(getCurrentElement(), entity); } suppress = true; } } }
/** * This reports the occurrence of an actual element. It will include the element's attributes, * with the exception of XML vocabulary specific attributes, such as <code> * xmlns:[namespace prefix]</code> and <code>xsi:schemaLocation</code>. * * @param namespaceURI <code>String</code> namespace URI this element is associated with, or an * empty <code>String</code> * @param localName <code>String</code> name of element (with no namespace prefix, if one is * present) * @param qName <code>String</code> XML 1.0 version of element name: [namespace * prefix]:[localName] * @param atts <code>Attributes</code> list for this element * @throws SAXException when things go wrong */ public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException { if (suppress) return; Element element = null; if ((namespaceURI != null) && (!namespaceURI.equals(""))) { String prefix = ""; // Determine any prefix on the Element if (!qName.equals(localName)) { int split = qName.indexOf(":"); prefix = qName.substring(0, split); } Namespace elementNamespace = Namespace.getNamespace(prefix, namespaceURI); element = factory.element(localName, elementNamespace); } else { element = factory.element(localName); } // Take leftover declared namespaces and add them to this element's // map of namespaces if (declaredNamespaces.size() > 0) { transferNamespaces(element); } // Handle attributes for (int i = 0, len = atts.getLength(); i < len; i++) { Attribute attribute = null; String attLocalName = atts.getLocalName(i); String attQName = atts.getQName(i); int attType = getAttributeType(atts.getType(i)); // Bypass any xmlns attributes which might appear, as we got // them already in startPrefixMapping(). // This is sometimes necessary when SAXHandler is used with // another source than SAXBuilder, as with JDOMResult. if (attQName.startsWith("xmlns:") || attQName.equals("xmlns")) { continue; } // First clause per http://markmail.org/message/2p245ggcjst27xe6 // patch from Mattias Jiderhamn if ("".equals(attLocalName) && attQName.indexOf(":") == -1) { attribute = factory.attribute(attQName, atts.getValue(i), attType); } else if (!attQName.equals(attLocalName)) { String attPrefix = attQName.substring(0, attQName.indexOf(":")); Namespace attNs = Namespace.getNamespace(attPrefix, atts.getURI(i)); attribute = factory.attribute(attLocalName, atts.getValue(i), attType, attNs); } else { attribute = factory.attribute(attLocalName, atts.getValue(i), attType); } factory.setAttribute(element, attribute); } flushCharacters(); if (atRoot) { document.setRootElement(element); // XXX should we use a factory call? atRoot = false; } else { factory.addContent(getCurrentElement(), element); } currentElement = element; }