private void handleSynthesisResult( ExternalProcessResult mpsatResult, boolean sequentialAssign, RenderType renderType) { final String log = new String(mpsatResult.getOutput()); if ((log != null) && !log.isEmpty()) { System.out.println(log); System.out.println(); } byte[] eqnOutput = mpsatResult.getFileData(MpsatSynthesisTask.EQN_FILE_NAME); if (eqnOutput != null) { LogUtils.logInfoLine("MPSat synthesis result in EQN format:"); System.out.println(new String(eqnOutput)); System.out.println(); } byte[] verilogOutput = mpsatResult.getFileData(MpsatSynthesisTask.VERILOG_FILE_NAME); if (verilogOutput != null) { LogUtils.logInfoLine("MPSat synthesis result in Verilog format:"); System.out.println(new String(verilogOutput)); System.out.println(); } if (MpsatSynthesisUtilitySettings.getOpenSynthesisResult() && (verilogOutput != null)) { try { ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(verilogOutput); VerilogImporter verilogImporter = new VerilogImporter(sequentialAssign); final Circuit circuit = verilogImporter.importCircuit(in); final WorkspaceEntry we = task.getWorkspaceEntry(); Path<String> path = we.getWorkspacePath(); final Path<String> directory = path.getParent(); final String name = FileUtils.getFileNameWithoutExtension(new File(path.getNode())); final ModelEntry me = new ModelEntry(new CircuitDescriptor(), circuit); boolean openInEditor = me.isVisual() || CommonEditorSettings.getOpenNonvisual(); final Framework framework = Framework.getInstance(); final Workspace workspace = framework.getWorkspace(); WorkspaceEntry newWorkspaceEntry = workspace.add(directory, name, me, true, openInEditor); VisualModel visualModel = newWorkspaceEntry.getModelEntry().getVisualModel(); if (visualModel instanceof VisualCircuit) { VisualCircuit visualCircuit = (VisualCircuit) visualModel; for (VisualFunctionComponent component : visualCircuit.getVisualFunctionComponents()) { component.setRenderType(renderType); } String title = we.getModelEntry().getModel().getTitle(); visualCircuit.setTitle(title); if (!we.getFile().exists()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Error: Unsaved STG cannot be set as the circuit environment.", TITLE, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { visualCircuit.setEnvironmentFile(we.getFile()); if (we.isChanged()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Warning: The STG with unsaved changes is set as the circuit environment.", TITLE, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } } SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { framework.getMainWindow().getCurrentEditor().updatePropertyView(); } }); } } catch (DeserialisationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }
public void run(final WorkspaceEntry we) { System.out.println("Verifying Model"); Xmas xnet = (Xmas) we.getModelEntry().getMathModel(); VisualXmas vnet = (VisualXmas) we.getModelEntry().getVisualModel(); try { File cpnFile = XmasSettings.getTempVxmCpnFile(); File inFile = XmasSettings.getTempVxmInFile(); FileUtils.copyFile(cpnFile, inFile); ArrayList<String> vxmCommand = new ArrayList<>(); vxmCommand.add(XmasSettings.getTempVxmCommandFile().getAbsolutePath()); vxmCommand.addAll(processArg(XmasSettings.getTempVxmVsettingsFile().getAbsolutePath())); ExternalProcessTask.printCommandLine(vxmCommand); String[] cmdArray = vxmCommand.toArray(new String[vxmCommand.size()]); Process vxmProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdArray, null, XmasSettings.getTempVxmDirectory()); String s, str = ""; InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(vxmProcess.getInputStream()); BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader); int n = 0; int test = -1; initHighlight(xnet, vnet); while ((s = stdInput.readLine()) != null) { if (test == -1) test = checkType(s); if (n > 0) str = str + s + '\n'; n++; System.out.println(s); } if (level.equals("advanced")) { System.out.println("LEVEL IS ADVANCED "); File qslFile = XmasSettings.getTempVxmQslFile(); processQsl(qslFile.getAbsolutePath()); File equFile = XmasSettings.getTempVxmEquFile(); str = processEq(equFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else if (level.equals("normal") && test == 2) { System.out.println("LEVEL IS NORMAL "); File locFile = XmasSettings.getTempVxmLocFile(); str = processLoc(locFile.getAbsolutePath()); } if (test > 0) { if (display.equals("popup")) { if (!level.equals("advanced")) { new SolutionsDialog1(test, str); } else { new SolutionsDialog2(test, str); } } if (test == 2) { if (highlight.equals("local")) { localHighlight(str, xnet, vnet); } else if (highlight.equals("rel")) { relHighlight(str, xnet, vnet); // System.out.println("str = " + str); activeHighlight(xnet, vnet); } } } else if (test == 0) { if (display.equals("popup")) { String message = "The system is deadlock-free."; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // final SolutionsDialog solutionsDialog = new SolutionsDialog("hello", null); // GUI.centerAndSizeToParent(solutionsDialog, we.getFramework().getMainWindow()); // solutionsDialog.setVisible(true); final Framework framework = Framework.getInstance(); for (GraphEditorPanel e : framework.getMainWindow().getEditors(we)) { editor1 = e; g = (Graphics2D) e.getGraphics(); for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { // GUI.drawEditorMessage(editor1, g, Color.RED, "hello"); } } }