Пример #1
   * This method exports the single pattern decision instance to the XML. It MUST be called by an
   * XML exporter, as this will not have a complete header.
   * @param ratDoc The ratDoc generated by the XML exporter
   * @return the SAX representation of the object.
  public Element toXML(Document ratDoc) {
    Element decisionE;
    RationaleDB db = RationaleDB.getHandle();

    // Now, add pattern to doc
    String entryID = db.getRef(this);
    if (entryID == null) {
      entryID = db.addPatternDecisionRef(this);

    decisionE = ratDoc.createElement("DR:patternDecision");
    decisionE.setAttribute("rid", entryID);
    decisionE.setAttribute("name", name);
    decisionE.setAttribute("type", type.toString());
    decisionE.setAttribute("phase", devPhase.toString());
    decisionE.setAttribute("status", status.toString());
    // decisionE.setAttribute("artifact", artifact);

    Element descE = ratDoc.createElement("description");
    Text descText = ratDoc.createTextNode(description);

    // Add child pattern references...
    Iterator<Pattern> cpi = candidatePatterns.iterator();
    while (cpi.hasNext()) {
      Pattern cur = cpi.next();
      Element curE = ratDoc.createElement("refChildPattern");
      Text curText = ratDoc.createTextNode("p" + new Integer(cur.getID()).toString());

    return decisionE;