private ModuleManager(File cacheRoot) { String systemPackagesSpec = FluentIterable.from(SYSTEM_PACKAGES).transform(appendVersion).join(COMMA_JOINER); Map<String, String> frameworkProps = ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder() .put(Constants.FRAMEWORK_SYSTEMPACKAGES_EXTRA, systemPackagesSpec) .put("", "onFirstInit") .put("felix.cache.rootdir", cacheRoot.getAbsolutePath()) .put("felix.cache.locking", Boolean.FALSE.toString()) .build();"Framework properties are: " + frameworkProps); FrameworkFactory frameworkFactory = ServiceLoader.load(FrameworkFactory.class).iterator().next(); m_framework = frameworkFactory.newFramework(frameworkProps); try { m_framework.start(); } catch (BundleException e) { LOG.error("Failed to start the felix OSGi framework", e); throw new SetUpException("Failed to start the felix OSGi framework", e); } m_bundles = new BundleRef(m_framework); }
public static void logIv2InitiateTaskMessage( Iv2InitiateTaskMessage itask, long localHSId, long txnid, long spHandle) { if (iv2log.isTraceEnabled()) { String logmsg = "rxInitMsg %s from %s ciHandle %s txnId %s spHandle %s trunc %s"; if (itask.getTxnId() != Long.MIN_VALUE && itask.getTxnId() != txnid) { iv2log.error( "Iv2InitiateTaskMessage TXN ID conflict. Message: " + itask.getTxnId() + ", locally held: " + txnid); } if (itask.getSpHandle() != Long.MIN_VALUE && itask.getSpHandle() != spHandle) { iv2log.error( "Iv2InitiateTaskMessage SP HANDLE conflict. Message: " + itask.getSpHandle() + ", locally held: " + spHandle); } iv2log.trace( String.format( logmsg, CoreUtils.hsIdToString(localHSId), CoreUtils.hsIdToString(itask.m_sourceHSId), ClientInterfaceHandleManager.handleToString(itask.getClientInterfaceHandle()), txnIdToString(txnid), txnIdToString(spHandle), txnIdToString(itask.getTruncationHandle()))); } }
@Override public void handleResponse(ClientResponse resp) { if (resp == null) { VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB( "Received a null response to a snapshot initiation request. " + "This should be impossible.", true, null); } else if (resp.getStatus() != ClientResponse.SUCCESS) { "Failed to complete partition detection snapshot, status: " + resp.getStatus() + ", reason: " + resp.getStatusString());"Retrying partition detection snapshot..."); SnapshotUtil.requestSnapshot( 0L, m_partSnapshotSchedule.getPath(), m_partSnapshotSchedule.getPrefix() + System.currentTimeMillis(), true, SnapshotFormat.NATIVE, null, m_snapshotHandler, true); } else if (!SnapshotUtil.didSnapshotRequestSucceed(resp.getResults())) { VoltDB.crashGlobalVoltDB( "Unable to complete partition detection snapshot: " + resp.getResults()[0], false, null); } else { VoltDB.crashGlobalVoltDB( "Partition detection snapshot completed. Shutting down.", false, null); } }
public static void logFragmentTaskMessage( FragmentTaskMessage ftask, long localHSId, long spHandle, boolean borrow) { if (iv2log.isTraceEnabled()) { String label = "rxFragMsg"; if (borrow) { label = "rxBrrwMsg"; } if (ftask.getSpHandle() != Long.MIN_VALUE && ftask.getSpHandle() != spHandle) { iv2log.error( "FragmentTaskMessage SP HANDLE conflict. Message: " + ftask.getSpHandle() + ", locally held: " + spHandle); } String logmsg = "%s %s from %s txnId %s spHandle %s trunc %s"; iv2log.trace( String.format( logmsg, label, CoreUtils.hsIdToString(localHSId), CoreUtils.hsIdToString(ftask.m_sourceHSId), txnIdToString(ftask.getTxnId()), txnIdToString(spHandle), txnIdToString(ftask.getTruncationHandle()))); } }
public static void logInitiatorRxMsg(VoltMessage msg, long localHSId) { if (iv2log.isTraceEnabled()) { if (msg instanceof InitiateResponseMessage) { InitiateResponseMessage iresp = (InitiateResponseMessage) msg; String logmsg = "rxInitRsp %s from %s ciHandle %s txnId %s spHandle %s status %s"; iv2log.trace( String.format( logmsg, CoreUtils.hsIdToString(localHSId), CoreUtils.hsIdToString(iresp.m_sourceHSId), ClientInterfaceHandleManager.handleToString(iresp.getClientInterfaceHandle()), txnIdToString(iresp.getTxnId()), txnIdToString(iresp.getSpHandle()), respStatusToString(iresp.getClientResponseData().getStatus()))); } else if (msg instanceof FragmentResponseMessage) { FragmentResponseMessage fresp = (FragmentResponseMessage) msg; String logmsg = "rxFragRsp %s from %s txnId %s spHandle %s status %s"; iv2log.trace( String.format( logmsg, CoreUtils.hsIdToString(localHSId), CoreUtils.hsIdToString(fresp.m_sourceHSId), txnIdToString(fresp.getTxnId()), txnIdToString(fresp.getSpHandle()), fragStatusToString(fresp.getStatusCode()))); } } }
@Override public void logTask(TransactionInfoBaseMessage message) throws IOException { assert (!(message instanceof Iv2InitiateTaskMessage)); if (message instanceof FragmentTaskMessage) { if (JOINLOG.isTraceEnabled()) { JOINLOG.trace("P" + m_partitionId + " received first fragment"); } m_receivedFirstFragment = true; } m_taskLog.logTask(message); }
public static void logTopology(long leaderHSId, List<Long> replicas, int partitionId) { if (iv2log.isTraceEnabled()) { String logmsg = "topology partition %d leader %s replicas (%s)"; iv2log.trace( String.format( logmsg, partitionId, CoreUtils.hsIdToString(leaderHSId), CoreUtils.hsIdCollectionToString(replicas))); } }
public static void logSiteTaskerQueueOffer(TransactionTask task) { if (iv2queuelog.isTraceEnabled()) { String logmsg = "tskQOffer txnId %s spHandle %s type %s"; iv2queuelog.trace( String.format( logmsg, txnIdToString(task.getTxnId()), txnIdToString(task.getSpHandle()), task.m_txn.isSinglePartition() ? "SP" : "MP")); } }
public void runDDL(String ddl) { try { //"Executing " + ddl); Statement stmt = dbconn.createStatement(); /*boolean success =*/ stmt.execute(ddl); SQLWarning warn = stmt.getWarnings(); if (warn != null) sqlLog.warn(warn.getMessage()); //"SQL DDL execute result: " + (success ? "true" : "false")); } catch (SQLException e) { hostLog.l7dlog(Level.ERROR,, new Object[] {ddl}, e); } }
public static void logFinishTransaction(InitiateResponseMessage msg, long localHSId) { if (iv2log.isTraceEnabled()) { String logmsg = "finishTxn %s ciHandle %s initHSId %s status %s"; iv2log.trace( String.format( logmsg, CoreUtils.hsIdToString(localHSId), ClientInterfaceHandleManager.handleToString(msg.getClientInterfaceHandle()), CoreUtils.hsIdToString(msg.getCoordinatorHSId()), respStatusToString(msg.getClientResponseData().getStatus()))); } }
public static void logCreateTransaction(Iv2InitiateTaskMessage msg) { if (iv2log.isTraceEnabled()) { String logmsg = "createTxn %s ciHandle %s initHSId %s proc %s"; iv2log.trace( String.format( logmsg, CoreUtils.hsIdToString(msg.getInitiatorHSId()), ClientInterfaceHandleManager.handleToString(msg.getClientInterfaceHandle()), CoreUtils.hsIdToString(msg.getCoordinatorHSId()), msg.getStoredProcedureInvocation().getProcName())); } }
public static void logIv2MultipartSentinel( MultiPartitionParticipantMessage message, long localHSId, long txnId) { if (iv2log.isTraceEnabled()) { String logmsg = "rxSntlMsg %s from %s txnId %s"; iv2log.trace( String.format( logmsg, CoreUtils.hsIdToString(localHSId), CoreUtils.hsIdToString(message.m_sourceHSId), txnIdToString(txnId))); } }
/** * Call VoltDB.crashVoltDB on behalf of the EE * * @param reason Reason the EE crashed */ public static void crashVoltDB(String reason, String traces[], String filename, int lineno) { VoltLogger hostLog = new VoltLogger("HOST"); String fn = (filename == null) ? "unknown" : filename; String re = (reason == null) ? "Fatal EE error." : reason; hostLog.fatal(re + " In " + fn + ":" + lineno); if (traces != null) { for (String trace : traces) { hostLog.fatal(trace); } } VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB(re + " In " + fn + ":" + lineno, true, null); }
/** Process a new repair log response */ @Override public void deliver(VoltMessage message) { if (message instanceof Iv2RepairLogResponseMessage) { Iv2RepairLogResponseMessage response = (Iv2RepairLogResponseMessage) message; if (response.getRequestId() != m_requestId) { tmLog.debug( m_whoami + "rejecting stale repair response." + " Current request id is: " + m_requestId + " Received response for request id: " + response.getRequestId()); return; } ReplicaRepairStruct rrs = m_replicaRepairStructs.get(response.m_sourceHSId); if (rrs.m_expectedResponses < 0) { tmLog.debug( m_whoami + "collecting " + response.getOfTotal() + " repair log entries from " + CoreUtils.hsIdToString(response.m_sourceHSId)); } // Long.MAX_VALUE has rejoin semantics if (response.getHandle() != Long.MAX_VALUE) { m_maxSeenTxnId = Math.max(m_maxSeenTxnId, response.getHandle()); } if (response.getPayload() != null) { m_repairLogUnion.add(response); if (tmLog.isTraceEnabled()) { tmLog.trace( m_whoami + " collected from " + CoreUtils.hsIdToString(response.m_sourceHSId) + ", message: " + response.getPayload()); } } if (rrs.update(response)) { tmLog.debug( m_whoami + "collected " + rrs.m_receivedResponses + " responses for " + rrs.m_expectedResponses + " repair log entries from " + CoreUtils.hsIdToString(response.m_sourceHSId)); if (areRepairLogsComplete()) { repairSurvivors(); } } } }
@Override public void run(ImmutableMap<Integer, Long> cache) { Set<Long> currentLeaders = new HashSet<Long>(cache.values()); tmLog.debug("Updated leaders: " + currentLeaders); if (m_state.get() == AppointerState.CLUSTER_START) { if (currentLeaders.size() == m_partitionCount) { tmLog.debug("Leader appointment complete, promoting MPI and unblocking."); m_state.set(AppointerState.DONE); m_MPI.acceptPromotion(); m_startupLatch.countDown(); } } }
/** * Indicate to all associated {@link ExportDataSource}to assume mastership role for the given * partition id * * @param partitionId */ public void acceptMastershipTask(int partitionId) { HashMap<String, ExportDataSource> partitionDataSourceMap = m_dataSourcesByPartition.get(partitionId); "Export generation " + m_timestamp + " accepting mastership for partition " + partitionId); for (ExportDataSource eds : partitionDataSourceMap.values()) { try { eds.acceptMastership(); } catch (Exception e) { exportLog.error("Unable to start exporting", e); } } }
/** Notify the coordinator that this site has received the first fragment message */ private void sendFirstFragResponse() { if (JOINLOG.isDebugEnabled()) { JOINLOG.debug( "P" + m_partitionId + " sending first fragment response to coordinator " + CoreUtils.hsIdToString(m_coordinatorHsId)); } RejoinMessage msg = new RejoinMessage(m_mailbox.getHSId(), RejoinMessage.Type.FIRST_FRAGMENT_RECEIVED); m_mailbox.send(m_coordinatorHsId, msg); m_firstFragResponseSent = true; }
/** * By default returns HashinatorType.LEGACY, but for development another hashinator can be * specified using the environment variable or the Java property HASHINATOR */ public static HashinatorType getConfiguredHashinatorType() { if (configuredHashinatorType != null) { return configuredHashinatorType; } String hashinatorType = System.getenv("HASHINATOR"); if (hashinatorType == null) { hashinatorType = System.getProperty("HASHINATOR",; } if (hostLogger.isDebugEnabled()) { hostLogger.debug("Overriding hashinator to use " + hashinatorType); } configuredHashinatorType = HashinatorType.valueOf(hashinatorType.trim().toUpperCase()); return configuredHashinatorType; }
public static void logCompleteTransactionMessage( CompleteTransactionMessage ctask, long localHSId) { if (iv2log.isTraceEnabled()) { String logmsg = "rxCompMsg %s from %s txnId %s %s %s"; iv2log.trace( String.format( logmsg, CoreUtils.hsIdToString(localHSId), CoreUtils.hsIdToString(ctask.m_sourceHSId), txnIdToString(ctask.getTxnId()), ctask.isRollback() ? "ROLLBACK" : "COMMIT", ctask.isRestart() ? "RESTART" : "")); } }
/** * Given a set of the known host IDs before a fault, and the known host IDs in the post-fault * cluster, determine whether or not we think a network partition may have happened. NOTE: this * assumes that we have already done the k-safety validation for every partition and already * failed if we weren't a viable cluster. ALSO NOTE: not private so it may be unit-tested. */ static boolean makePPDDecision(Set<Integer> previousHosts, Set<Integer> currentHosts) { // Real partition detection stuff would go here // find the lowest hostId between the still-alive hosts and the // failed hosts. Which set contains the lowest hostId? int blessedHostId = Integer.MAX_VALUE; boolean blessedHostIdInFailedSet = true; // This should be all the pre-partition hosts IDs. Any new host IDs // (say, if this was triggered by rejoin), will be greater than any surviving // host ID, so don't worry about including it in this search. for (Integer hostId : previousHosts) { if (hostId < blessedHostId) { blessedHostId = hostId; } } for (Integer hostId : currentHosts) { if (hostId.equals(blessedHostId)) { blessedHostId = hostId; blessedHostIdInFailedSet = false; } } // Evaluate PPD triggers. boolean partitionDetectionTriggered = false; // Exact 50-50 splits. The set with the lowest survivor host doesn't trigger PPD // If the blessed host is in the failure set, this set is not blessed. if (currentHosts.size() * 2 == previousHosts.size()) { if (blessedHostIdInFailedSet) { "Partition detection triggered for 50/50 cluster failure. " + "This survivor set is shutting down."); partitionDetectionTriggered = true; } else { "Partition detected for 50/50 failure. " + "This survivor set is continuing execution."); } } // A strict, viable minority is always a partition. if (currentHosts.size() * 2 < previousHosts.size()) { "Partition detection triggered. " + "This minority survivor set is shutting down."); partitionDetectionTriggered = true; } return partitionDetectionTriggered; }
private long assignLeader(int partitionId, List<Long> children) { // We used masterHostId = -1 as a way to force the leader choice to be // the first replica in the list, if we don't have some other mechanism // which has successfully overridden it. int masterHostId = -1; if (m_state.get() == AppointerState.CLUSTER_START) { try { // find master in topo JSONArray parts = m_topo.getJSONArray("partitions"); for (int p = 0; p < parts.length(); p++) { JSONObject aPartition = parts.getJSONObject(p); int pid = aPartition.getInt("partition_id"); if (pid == partitionId) { masterHostId = aPartition.getInt("master"); } } } catch (JSONException jse) { tmLog.error("Failed to find master for partition " + partitionId + ", defaulting to 0"); jse.printStackTrace(); masterHostId = -1; // stupid default } } else { // For now, if we're appointing a new leader as a result of a // failure, just pick the first replica in the children list. // Could eventually do something more complex here to try to keep a // semi-balance, but it's unclear that this has much utility until // we add rebalancing on rejoin as well. masterHostId = -1; } long masterHSId = children.get(0); for (Long child : children) { if (CoreUtils.getHostIdFromHSId(child) == masterHostId) { masterHSId = child; break; } } "Appointing HSId " + CoreUtils.hsIdToString(masterHSId) + " as leader for partition " + partitionId); try { m_iv2appointees.put(partitionId, masterHSId); } catch (Exception e) { VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Unable to appoint new master for partition " + partitionId, true, e); } return masterHSId; }
/** * Blocking transfer all partitioned table data and notify the coordinator. * * @param siteConnection */ private void runForBlockingDataTransfer(SiteProcedureConnection siteConnection) { boolean sourcesReady = false; RestoreWork restoreWork = m_dataSink.poll(m_snapshotBufferAllocator); if (restoreWork != null) { restoreBlock(restoreWork, siteConnection); sourcesReady = true; } // The completion monitor may fire even if m_dataSink has not reached EOF in the case that // there's no // replicated table in the database, so check for both conditions. if (m_dataSink.isEOF() || m_snapshotCompletionMonitor.isDone()) { // No more data from this data sink, close and remove it from the list m_dataSink.close(); if (m_streamSnapshotMb != null) { VoltDB.instance().getHostMessenger().removeMailbox(m_streamSnapshotMb.getHSId()); } JOINLOG.debug(m_whoami + " data transfer is finished"); if (m_snapshotCompletionMonitor.isDone()) { try { SnapshotCompletionEvent event = m_snapshotCompletionMonitor.get(); assert (event != null); JOINLOG.debug("P" + m_partitionId + " noticed data transfer completion"); m_completionAction.setSnapshotTxnId(event.multipartTxnId); setJoinComplete( siteConnection, event.exportSequenceNumbers, event.drSequenceNumbers, false /* requireExistingSequenceNumbers */); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // isDone() already returned true, this shouldn't happen VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Impossible interruption happend", true, e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Error waiting for snapshot to finish", true, e); } } else { m_taskQueue.offer(this); } } else { // The sources are not set up yet, don't block the site, // return here and retry later. returnToTaskQueue(sourcesReady); } }
/** Runs when the RejoinCoordinator decides this site should start rejoin. */ void doInitiation(RejoinMessage message) { m_coordinatorHsId = message.m_sourceHSId; m_streamSnapshotMb = VoltDB.instance().getHostMessenger().createMailbox(); m_rejoinSiteProcessor = new StreamSnapshotSink(m_streamSnapshotMb); // MUST choose the leader as the source. long sourceSite = m_mailbox.getMasterHsId(m_partitionId); long hsId = m_rejoinSiteProcessor.initialize( message.getSnapshotSourceCount(), message.getSnapshotBufferPool()); REJOINLOG.debug( m_whoami + "received INITIATION message. Doing rejoin" + ". Source site is: " + CoreUtils.hsIdToString(sourceSite) + " and destination rejoin processor is: " + CoreUtils.hsIdToString(hsId) + " and snapshot nonce is: " + message.getSnapshotNonce()); registerSnapshotMonitor(message.getSnapshotNonce()); // Tell the RejoinCoordinator everything it will need to know to get us our snapshot stream. RejoinMessage initResp = new RejoinMessage(m_mailbox.getHSId(), sourceSite, hsId); m_mailbox.send(m_coordinatorHsId, initResp); // Start waiting for snapshot data m_taskQueue.offer(this); }
public void dump(long hsId) { final String who = CoreUtils.hsIdToString(hsId); String.format( "%s: REPLAY SEQUENCER DUMP, LAST POLLED FRAGMENT %d (%s), LAST SEEN TXNID %d (%s), %s%s", who, m_lastPolledFragmentTxnId, TxnEgo.txnIdToString(m_lastPolledFragmentTxnId), m_lastSeenTxnId, TxnEgo.txnIdToString(m_lastSeenTxnId), m_mpiEOLReached ? "MPI EOL, " : "", m_mustDrain ? "MUST DRAIN" : "")); for (Entry<Long, ReplayEntry> e : m_replayEntries.entrySet()) {"%s: REPLAY ENTRY %s: %s", who, e.getKey(), e.getValue())); } }
@Override public void run() { byte[] data = new byte[rowSize]; r.nextBytes(data); try { long currentRowCount = getRowCount(); while ((currentRowCount < targetCount) && (m_shouldContinue.get())) { CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(batchSize); // try to insert batchSize random rows for (int i = 0; i < batchSize; i++) { long p = Math.abs(r.nextLong()); m_permits.acquire(); client.callProcedure( new InsertCallback(latch), tableName.toUpperCase() + "TableInsert", p, data); } latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); long nextRowCount = getRowCount(); // if no progress, throttle a bit if (nextRowCount == currentRowCount) { Thread.sleep(1000); } currentRowCount = nextRowCount; } } catch (Exception e) { // on exception, log and end the thread, but don't kill the process log.error( "BigTableLoader failed a procedure call for table " + tableName + " and the thread will now stop.", e); return; } }
NavigableMap<URI, Bundle> stopBundles(Set<URI> bundles) { NavigableMap<URI, Bundle> expect, update; do { expect = get(); update = ImmutableSortedMap.<URI, Bundle>naturalOrder() .putAll(Maps.filterKeys(expect, not(in(bundles)))) .build(); } while (!compareAndSet(expect, update)); List<URI> couldNotStop = new ArrayList<>(); NavigableMap<URI, Bundle> stopped = Maps.filterKeys(expect, in(bundles)); for (Map.Entry<URI, Bundle> e : stopped.entrySet()) { URI bundleURI = e.getKey(); Bundle bundle = e.getValue(); try { bundle.stop(); } catch (BundleException exc) { LOG.error("Failed to stop bundle " + bundleURI, exc); couldNotStop.add(bundleURI); } } if (!couldNotStop.isEmpty()) { throw new ModularException("Failed to stop bundles %s", couldNotStop); } return stopped; }
public List<Integer> getIv2PartitionsToReplace(JSONObject topology) throws JSONException { ClusterConfig clusterConfig = new ClusterConfig(topology); "Computing partitions to replace. Total partitions: " + clusterConfig.getPartitionCount()); Map<Integer, Integer> repsPerPart = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < clusterConfig.getPartitionCount(); i++) { repsPerPart.put(i, getReplicaCountForPartition(i)); } List<Integer> partitions = computeReplacementPartitions( repsPerPart, clusterConfig.getReplicationFactor(), clusterConfig.getSitesPerHost(), clusterConfig.getPartitionCount());"IV2 Sites will replicate the following partitions: " + partitions); return partitions; }
public void processKafkaMessages() throws Exception { // Split server list final String[] serverlist = m_config.servers.split(","); // Create connection final ClientConfig c_config = new ClientConfig(m_config.user, m_config.password); c_config.setProcedureCallTimeout(0); // Set procedure all to infinite m_client = getClient(c_config, serverlist, m_config.port); if (m_config.useSuppliedProcedure) { m_loader = new CSVTupleDataLoader( (ClientImpl) m_client, m_config.procedure, new KafkaBulkLoaderCallback()); } else { m_loader = new CSVBulkDataLoader( (ClientImpl) m_client, m_config.table, m_config.batch, new KafkaBulkLoaderCallback()); } m_loader.setFlushInterval(m_config.flush, m_config.flush); m_consumer = new KafkaConsumerConnector( m_config.zookeeper, m_config.useSuppliedProcedure ? m_config.procedure : m_config.table); try { m_es = getConsumerExecutor(m_consumer, m_loader); if (m_config.useSuppliedProcedure) { "Kafka Consumer from topic: " + m_config.topic + " Started using procedure: " + m_config.procedure); } else { "Kafka Consumer from topic: " + m_config.topic + " Started for table: " + m_config.table); } m_es.awaitTermination(365, TimeUnit.DAYS); } catch (Exception ex) { m_log.error("Error in Kafka Consumer", ex); System.exit(-1); } close(); }
/** * Constructor for benchmark instance. Configures VoltDB client and prints configuration. * * @param config Parsed & validated CLI options. */ Benchmark(Config config) { this.config = config; processor = new PayloadProcessor( config.minvaluesize, config.maxvaluesize, config.entropy, config.usecompression);;" Command Line Configuration");;; StatusListener statusListener = new StatusListener(); ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig("", "", statusListener); client = ClientFactory.createClient(clientConfig); }
public void pushExportBuffer( int partitionId, String signature, long uso, long bufferPtr, ByteBuffer buffer, boolean sync, boolean endOfStream) { // System.out.println("In generation " + m_timestamp + " partition " + partitionId + " // signature " + signature + (buffer == null ? " null buffer " : (" buffer length " + // buffer.remaining()))); // for (Integer i : m_dataSourcesByPartition.keySet()) { // System.out.println("Have partition " + i); // } assert (m_dataSourcesByPartition.containsKey(partitionId)); assert (m_dataSourcesByPartition.get(partitionId).containsKey(signature)); HashMap<String, ExportDataSource> sources = m_dataSourcesByPartition.get(partitionId); if (sources == null) { exportLog.error( "Could not find export data sources for partition " + partitionId + " generation " + m_timestamp + " the export data is being discarded"); DBBPool.deleteCharArrayMemory(bufferPtr); return; } ExportDataSource source = sources.get(signature); if (source == null) { exportLog.error( "Could not find export data source for partition " + partitionId + " signature " + signature + " generation " + m_timestamp + " the export data is being discarded"); DBBPool.deleteCharArrayMemory(bufferPtr); return; } source.pushExportBuffer(uso, bufferPtr, buffer, sync, endOfStream); }