private JsonObject updateStatus( JsonObject notif, HashMap<String, JsonObject> response, JsonObject multicastResult) { JsonArray returned = multicastResult.getArray("results"); JsonArray regIds = notif.getArray("registration_ids"); // should never happen, unless there is a flaw in gcm algorithm if (returned.size() != regIds.size()) { throw new RuntimeException( "Internal error: sizes do not match. regIds: " + regIds.size() + "; returned: " + returned.size()); } JsonArray reTryRegIds = new JsonArray(); for (int i = returned.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { response.put((String) regIds.get(i), (JsonObject) returned.get(i)); boolean resend = doResubmit((JsonObject) returned.get(i)); if (resend) { reTryRegIds.addString((String) regIds.get(i)); } } notif.putArray("registration_ids", reTryRegIds); return notif; }
@Override public void process(JsonObject object) { String[][] classes = createClasses(object.getArray("classes")); String[][] groups = createGroups(object.getArray("groups")); JsonArray relative = parseRelativeField(object.getArray("relative")); importer.createOrUpdateStudent( object, DefaultProfiles.STUDENT_PROFILE_EXTERNAL_ID, null, null, classes, groups, relative, false, true); }
private JsonObject setDefaults(JsonObject config) { config = config.copy(); // Set the defaults if (config.getNumber("session_timeout") == null) { config.putNumber("session_timeout", 5l * 1000); } if (config.getBoolean("insert_JSESSIONID") == null) { config.putBoolean("insert_JSESSIONID", true); } if (config.getNumber("heartbeat_period") == null) { config.putNumber("heartbeat_period", 25l * 1000); } if (config.getNumber("max_bytes_streaming") == null) { config.putNumber("max_bytes_streaming", 128 * 1024); } if (config.getString("prefix") == null) { config.putString("prefix", "/"); } if (config.getString("library_url") == null) { config.putString("library_url", ""); } if (config.getArray("disabled_transports") == null) { config.putArray("disabled_transports", new JsonArray()); } return config; }
private static JsonObject findFirstTrain(JsonObject result) { JsonArray trains = result.getArray("trains"); if (trains != null) { Optional<Object> first = stream(trains.spliterator(), false).findFirst(); if (first.isPresent()) { return (JsonObject) first.get(); } } return result; }
@Test public void testJsonArrayToClone() { JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); array.add("test"); JsonObject object = new JsonObject(); object.putArray("array", array); // want to clone JsonObject object2 = new JsonObject(object.toMap()); // this shouldn't throw an exception, it does before patch JsonArray array2 = object2.getArray("array"); }
@SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") @Override public void handle(Message<JsonObject> message) { if (uri == null) { sendError(message, "'" + gcm_url + "' is an illegal value for config parameter 'gcm_url'"); return; } String apiKey = voidNull(message.body().getString("api_key")); if (apiKey.isEmpty()) { sendError(message, "Missing mandatory field 'api_key'"); return; } JsonObject n = message.body().getObject("notification"); if (n == null) { sendError(message, "Missing mandatory field 'notification'"); return; } int ttl = n.getInteger("time_to_live"); if (ttl > gcm_max_seconds_to_leave) { sendError( message, "Max value of 'time_to_live' exceeded: " + ttl + " > " + gcm_max_seconds_to_leave); return; } JsonArray regIds = n.getArray("registration_ids"); if (regIds == null || regIds.size() == 0) { sendError(message, "Missing mandatory non-empty field 'registration_ids'"); return; } if (regIds.size() > gcm_registration_ids_limit) { sendError( message, "Max size of 'registration_ids' exceeded: " + regIds.size() + " > " + gcm_registration_ids_limit); return; } logger.debug("Ready to push notification: " + message.body().encode()); JsonObject notif = n.copy(); try { send(message, notif, apiKey); } catch (Exception e) { sendError(message, e.getMessage()); } message.reply("BusMod responded!"); }
public synchronized Object[] addJointure(String externalId) { if (struct != null) { JsonArray joinKey = struct.getArray("joinKey"); if (joinKey == null) { joinKey = new JsonArray(); struct.putArray("joinKey", joinKey); } joinKey.add(externalId); String query = "MATCH (s:Structure {externalId: {externalId}}) " + "SET s.joinKey = {joinKey} "; JsonObject params = new JsonObject().putArray("joinKey", joinKey).putString("externalId", getExternalId()); getTransaction().add(query, params); return joinKey.toArray(); } return null; }
@Override protected void prepareUser(User user, String userId, JsonObject data) { user.setUser(data.getString(principalAttributeName)); user.setAttributes(new HashMap<String, String>()); try { if (data.getString("lastName") != null && data.getString("firstName") != null) { user.getAttributes().put("nom", data.getString("lastName")); user.getAttributes().put("prenom", data.getString("firstName")); } if (data.getString("birthDate") != null) { user.getAttributes() .put( "dateNaissance", data.getString("birthDate").replaceAll("([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)", "$3/$2/$1")); } if (data.getString("postalCode") != null) { user.getAttributes().put("codePostal", data.getString("postalCode")); } String category = null; JsonArray types = data.getArray("type"); for (Object type : types.toList()) { switch (type.toString()) { case "Student": category = checkProfile(category, "National_1"); break; case "Teacher": category = checkProfile(category, "National_3"); break; case "Relative": category = checkProfile(category, "National_2"); break; case "Personnel": category = checkProfile(category, "National_4"); break; } } if (category != null) { user.getAttributes().put("categories", category); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to transform User for Pronote"); } }
public static JsonObject invoke(JsonObject json, String area) { JsonObject responseData = json.getObject("ResponseData"); if (responseData == null) { return new JsonObject(); } if (Server.l != null) { + " - " + getExecutionTime(json)); } Predicate<String> isJsonArray = name -> responseData.getField(name) instanceof JsonArray; Function<String, List<JsonObject>> jsonArrayToList = name -> { Stream<Object> stream = stream(responseData.<JsonArray>getField(name).spliterator(), false); Stream<JsonObject> objectStream = stream.filter(getFilterFor(area)); return objectStream.collect(toList()); }; Predicate<Map.Entry<String, List<JsonObject>>> nonEmpty = entry -> !entry.getValue().isEmpty(); Stream<Map.Entry<String, List<JsonObject>>> entryStream = responseData .getFieldNames() .stream() .filter(isJsonArray) .collect(toMap(String::toLowerCase, jsonArrayToList)) .entrySet() .stream() .filter(nonEmpty); JsonObject result = toJsonObject(entryStream); setUniqueKeysOn(result.getArray("trains")); writeHeaderFields(result); return result; }
public void addAttachment() { JsonArray functionalAttachment = struct.getArray("functionalAttachment"); if (functionalAttachment != null && functionalAttachment.size() > 0 && !externalId.equals(functionalAttachment.get(0))) { JsonObject params = new JsonObject().putString("externalId", externalId); String query; if (functionalAttachment.size() == 1) { query = "MATCH (s:Structure { externalId : {externalId}}), " + "(ps:Structure { externalId : {functionalAttachment}}) " + "CREATE UNIQUE s-[:HAS_ATTACHMENT]->ps"; params.putString("functionalAttachment", (String) functionalAttachment.get(0)); } else { query = "MATCH (s:Structure { externalId : {externalId}}), (ps:Structure) " + "WHERE ps.externalId IN {functionalAttachment} " + "CREATE UNIQUE s-[:HAS_ATTACHMENT]->ps"; params.putArray("functionalAttachment", functionalAttachment); } getTransaction().add(query, params); } }
public void installApp(JsonObject config, final Handler<SockJSSocket> sockHandler) { config = setDefaults(config); String prefix = config.getString("prefix"); if (prefix == null || prefix.equals("") || prefix.endsWith("/")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid prefix: " + prefix); } // Base handler for app rm.getWithRegEx( prefix + "\\/?", new Handler<HttpServerRequest>() { public void handle(HttpServerRequest req) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Returning welcome response"); req.response.headers().put("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"); req.response.end("Welcome to SockJS!\n"); } }); // Iframe handlers String iframeHTML = IFRAME_TEMPLATE.replace("{{ sockjs_url }}", config.getString("library_url")); Handler<HttpServerRequest> iframeHandler = createIFrameHandler(iframeHTML); // Request exactly for iframe.html rm.getWithRegEx(prefix + "\\/iframe\\.html", iframeHandler); // Versioned rm.getWithRegEx(prefix + "\\/iframe-[^\\/]*\\.html", iframeHandler); // Chunking test rm.postWithRegEx(prefix + "\\/chunking_test", createChunkingTestHandler()); rm.optionsWithRegEx( prefix + "\\/chunking_test", BaseTransport.createCORSOptionsHandler(config, "OPTIONS, POST")); // Info rm.getWithRegEx(prefix + "\\/info", BaseTransport.createInfoHandler(config)); rm.optionsWithRegEx( prefix + "\\/info", BaseTransport.createCORSOptionsHandler(config, "OPTIONS, GET")); // Transports Set<String> enabledTransports = new HashSet<>(); enabledTransports.add(Transport.EVENT_SOURCE.toString()); enabledTransports.add(Transport.HTML_FILE.toString()); enabledTransports.add(Transport.JSON_P.toString()); enabledTransports.add(Transport.WEBSOCKET.toString()); enabledTransports.add(Transport.XHR.toString()); for (Object tr : config.getArray("disabled_transports", new JsonArray())) { enabledTransports.remove(tr); } if (enabledTransports.contains(Transport.XHR.toString())) { new XhrTransport(vertx, rm, prefix, sessions, config, sockHandler); } if (enabledTransports.contains(Transport.EVENT_SOURCE.toString())) { new EventSourceTransport(vertx, rm, prefix, sessions, config, sockHandler); } if (enabledTransports.contains(Transport.HTML_FILE.toString())) { new HtmlFileTransport(vertx, rm, prefix, sessions, config, sockHandler); } if (enabledTransports.contains(Transport.JSON_P.toString())) { new JsonPTransport(vertx, rm, prefix, sessions, config, sockHandler); } if (enabledTransports.contains(Transport.WEBSOCKET.toString())) { new WebSocketTransport(vertx, wsMatcher, rm, prefix, sessions, config, sockHandler); new RawWebSocketTransport(vertx, wsMatcher, rm, prefix, sockHandler); } // Catch all for any other requests on this app rm.getWithRegEx( prefix + "\\/.+", new Handler<HttpServerRequest>() { public void handle(HttpServerRequest req) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Request: " + req.uri + " does not match, returning 404"); req.response.statusCode = 404; req.response.end(); } }); }
private void submitGCM( final ResponseHelper helper, final JsonObject notif, final String apiKey, final HttpClient client, final Message<JsonObject> message, final int attempt) { final Buffer toSend; try { toSend = new Buffer(notif.encode().getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); return; } logger.debug( "Attempt #" + (attempt + 1) + " to send notification to regIds " + notif.getArray("registration_ids").encode()); HttpClientRequest request = client .post( uri.getPath(), new Handler<HttpClientResponse>() { @Override public void handle(final HttpClientResponse resp) { final Buffer body = new Buffer(0); resp.dataHandler( new Handler<Buffer>() { @Override public void handle(Buffer data) { body.appendBuffer(data); } }); resp.endHandler( new VoidHandler() { @Override public void handle() { boolean tryAgain = false; JsonObject[] reply = {null}; JsonObject newNotif = new JsonObject(); int status = resp.statusCode(); if (status == 200) { logger.debug("GCM response: " + body); reply[0] = new JsonObject(new String(body.getBytes())); } else { logger.error("GCM error response: " + body); } if (reply[0] != null) { helper.setMulticastId( reply[0].getLong("multicast_id") == null ? 0 : reply[0].getLong("multicast_id")); newNotif = updateStatus(notif, helper.getResponse(), reply[0]); tryAgain = newNotif.getArray("registration_ids").size() != 0 && attempt < gcm_backoff_retries; } else { tryAgain = attempt < gcm_backoff_retries; } if (tryAgain) { int sleepTime = helper.getBackoff() / 2 + helper.getRandom().nextInt(helper.getBackoff()); try { Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } if (2 * helper.getBackoff() < gcm_max_backoff_delay) { helper.setBackoff(helper.getBackoff() * 2); } submitGCM(helper, newNotif, apiKey, client, message, attempt + 1); } else { if (helper.getResponse().isEmpty()) { // all JSON posts failed due to GCM unavailability sendError(message, "GCM is unavailable"); } else { // JsonObject sendBack = // calculateSummary( message.body().getObject( "notification" // ).getArray( "registration_ids" ), helper.getResponse(), // helper.getMulticastId() ); JsonObject sendBack = calculateSummary( notif.getArray("registration_ids"), helper.getResponse(), helper.getMulticastId()); sendOK(message, sendBack); } } } }); } }) .putHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") .putHeader("Content-Length", String.valueOf(toSend.length())) .putHeader("Authorization", "key=" + apiKey) .write(toSend); request.end(); }