public static boolean isTextValid(String aText, boolean canBeNull) { if (!canBeNull && (aText == null || aText.trim().length() == 0)) { return (false); } if (canBeNull && (aText == null || aText.trim().length() == 0)) { return (true); } String checkText = aText.toUpperCase(); try { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( patternStr, Pattern.DOTALL + Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE + Pattern.UNIX_LINES); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(checkText); if (matcher.matches()) { return (false); } Pattern patternHex = Pattern.compile( hexPatternStr, Pattern.DOTALL + Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE + Pattern.UNIX_LINES); Matcher matcherHex = patternHex.matcher(checkText); if (matcherHex.matches()) { return (false); } } catch (Exception e) {"Threw exception " + e.getMessage()); return (false); } return (true); }
/** Initializes the application */ public void init() throws ServletException { "******* UniTime " + Constants.getVersion() + " build on " + Constants.getReleaseDate() + " is starting up *******"); super.init(); try {" - Initializing Logging ... "); Debug.init(ApplicationProperties.getProperties());" - Initializing Hibernate ... "); _RootDAO.initialize();" - Initializing Solver Register ... "); SolverRegisterService.startService(); SolverRegisterService.addShutdownHook(); if (RoomAvailability.getInstance() != null) {" - Initializing Room Availability Service ... "); RoomAvailability.getInstance().startService(); }" - Cleaning Logs ..."); LogCleaner.cleanupLogs();" - Starting Online Sectioning Service ..."); OnlineSectioningService.startService(); "******* UniTime " + Constants.getVersion() + " build on " + Constants.getReleaseDate() + " initialized successfully *******"); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.error("UniTime Initialization Failed : " + e.getMessage(), e); sInitializationException = e; } }
public void run() {"InfoCache cleanup thread started."); try { while (true) { sleep(sInfoCacheCleanupInterval); if (sInfoCache == null) return; synchronized (sInfoCache) { if (sInfoCache.isEmpty()) continue; for (Iterator i = sInfoCache.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); CachedTimetableInfo cInfo = (CachedTimetableInfo) entry.getValue(); if (cInfo.getAge() > sInfoCacheTimeToLive) { i.remove(); } } } } } catch (InterruptedException ex) {"InfoCache cleanup thread interrupted."); }"InfoCache cleanup thread finished."); }
/** * Method validate * * @param mapping * @param request * @return ActionErrors */ public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) { ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); if (name == null || name.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { errors.add("roomGroup", new ActionMessage("errors.required", "Name")); } if (abbv == null || abbv.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { errors.add("roomGroup", new ActionMessage("errors.required", "Abbreviation")); } try { for (Iterator i = RoomGroup.getAllGlobalRoomGroups(getSessionId()).iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { RoomGroup rg = (RoomGroup); if (rg.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name) && !rg.getUniqueId().toString().equals(id)) errors.add("name", new ActionMessage("errors.exists", name)); } Department dept = (deptCode == null ? null : Department.findByDeptCode(deptCode, getSessionId())); if (dept != null) { for (Iterator i = RoomGroup.getAllDepartmentRoomGroups(dept).iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { RoomGroup rg = (RoomGroup); if (rg.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name) && !rg.getUniqueId().toString().equals(id)) errors.add("name", new ActionMessage("errors.exists", name)); } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.error(e); errors.add("name", new ActionMessage("errors.generic", e.getMessage())); } if (!global && (deptCode == null || deptCode.equalsIgnoreCase(""))) { errors.add("Department", new ActionMessage("errors.required", "Department")); } return errors; }
@Override protected CSVField csvBuildDatePatternCell( ClassAssignmentProxy classAssignment, PreferenceGroup prefGroup, boolean isEditable) { Assignment a = null; if (getDisplayTimetable() && isShowTimetable() && classAssignment != null && prefGroup instanceof Class_) { try { a = classAssignment.getAssignment((Class_) prefGroup); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.error(e); } } DatePattern dp = (a != null ? a.getDatePattern() : prefGroup.effectiveDatePattern()); CSVField cell = createCell(); if (dp != null) { addText(cell, dp.getName(), true); } return cell; }
/** Terminates the application */ public void destroy() { try { "******* UniTime " + Constants.getVersion() + " build on " + Constants.getReleaseDate() + " is going down *******"); super.destroy();" - Stopping Online Sectioning Service ..."); OnlineSectioningService.stopService();" - Stopping Solver Register ... "); SolverRegisterService.stopService(); try { SolverRegisterService.removeShutdownHook(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } SolverInfo.stopInfoCacheCleanup(); ApplicationProperties.stopListener(); if (RoomAvailability.getInstance() != null) {" - Stopping Room Availability Service ... "); RoomAvailability.getInstance().stopService(); } QueueProcessor.stopProcessor();"******* UniTime " + Constants.getVersion() + " shut down successfully *******"); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.error("UniTime Shutdown Failed : " + e.getMessage(), e); if (e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) e; else throw new RuntimeException("UniTime Shutdown Failed : " + e.getMessage(), e); } }
/** * Method execute * * @param mapping * @param form * @param request * @param response * @return ActionForward * @throws HibernateException */ public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { BackTracker.markForBack(request, null, null, false, true); sessionContext.checkPermission(Right.Classes); sessionContext.setAttribute("callingPage", "classShowSearch"); Object sas = sessionContext.getAttribute(SessionAttribute.ClassesSubjectAreas); Object cn = sessionContext.getAttribute(SessionAttribute.ClassesCourseNumber); String subjectAreaIds = ""; String courseNbr = ""; if ((sas == null || sas.toString().trim().isEmpty()) && (cn == null || cn.toString().trim().isEmpty())) { // use session variables from io search sas = sessionContext.getAttribute(SessionAttribute.OfferingsSubjectArea); cn = sessionContext.getAttribute(SessionAttribute.OfferingsCourseNumber); } request.setAttribute( Department.EXTERNAL_DEPT_ATTR_NAME, Department.findAllExternal(sessionContext.getUser().getCurrentAcademicSessionId())); ClassListForm classListForm = (ClassListForm) form; ClassSearchAction.setupGeneralFormFilters(sessionContext, classListForm); ClassSearchAction.setupClassListSpecificFormFilters(sessionContext, classListForm); if (!sessionContext.hasPermission(Right.CourseTimetabling)) classListForm.setTimetable(null); if (!sessionContext.hasPermission(Right.Examinations)) classListForm.setExams(null); classListForm.setSubjectAreas(SubjectArea.getUserSubjectAreas(sessionContext.getUser())); if (sas == null && classListForm.getSubjectAreas().size() == 1) sas = ((SubjectArea) classListForm.getSubjectAreas().iterator().next()) .getUniqueId() .toString(); if (Constants.ALL_OPTION_VALUE.equals(sas)) sas = null; // Subject Areas are saved to the session - Perform automatic search if (sas != null && sas.toString().trim().length() > 0) { subjectAreaIds = sas.toString(); try { if (cn != null && cn.toString().trim().length() > 0) courseNbr = cn.toString(); Debug.debug("Subject Areas: " + subjectAreaIds); Debug.debug("Course Number: " + courseNbr); classListForm.setSubjectAreaIds(subjectAreaIds.split(",")); classListForm.setCourseNbr(courseNbr); StringBuffer ids = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer names = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer subjIds = new StringBuffer(); classListForm.setClasses( ClassSearchAction.getClasses( classListForm, WebSolver.getClassAssignmentProxy(request.getSession()))); Collection classes = classListForm.getClasses(); if (classes.isEmpty()) { ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages(); errors.add( "searchResult", new ActionMessage( "errors.generic", "No records matching the search criteria were found.")); saveErrors(request, errors); return mapping.findForward("showClassSearch"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < classListForm.getSubjectAreaIds().length; i++) { if (i > 0) { names.append(","); subjIds.append(","); } ids.append("&subjectAreaIds=" + classListForm.getSubjectAreaIds()[i]); subjIds.append(classListForm.getSubjectAreaIds()[i]); names.append( ((new SubjectAreaDAO()).get(new Long(classListForm.getSubjectAreaIds()[i]))) .getSubjectAreaAbbreviation()); } BackTracker.markForBack( request, "" + ids + "&courseNbr=" + classListForm.getCourseNbr(), "Classes (" + names + (classListForm.getCourseNbr() == null || classListForm.getCourseNbr().length() == 0 ? "" : " " + classListForm.getCourseNbr()) + ")", true, true); return mapping.findForward("showClassList"); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { Debug.error("Subject Area Ids session attribute is corrupted. Resetting ... "); sessionContext.removeAttribute(SessionAttribute.ClassesSubjectAreas); sessionContext.removeAttribute(SessionAttribute.ClassesCourseNumber); } } return mapping.findForward("showClassSearch"); }
public void valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent evt) {"TT Session value unbound ... " + evt.getSession().getId()); }
public void sessionDidActivate(HttpSessionEvent evt) {"TT Session did activate ... " + evt.getSession().getId()); }
public void sessionWillPassivate(HttpSessionEvent evt) {"TT Session will passivate ... " + evt.getSession().getId()); }
public PdfWebTable getTable( boolean html, boolean color, ExamReportForm form, Collection<ExamInfo> exams) { if (exams == null || exams.isEmpty()) return null; boolean timeVertical = RequiredTimeTable.getTimeGridVertical(sessionContext.getUser()); boolean timeText = RequiredTimeTable.getTimeGridAsText(sessionContext.getUser()); String nl = (html ? "<br>" : "\n"); PdfWebTable table = new PdfWebTable( 9, "Not-assigned Examinations", "", new String[] { (form.getShowSections() ? "Classes / Courses" : "Examination"), "Length", "Seating" + nl + "Type", "Size", "Max" + nl + "Rooms", "Instructor", "Period" + nl + "Preferences", "Room" + nl + "Preferences", "Distribution" + nl + "Preferences" }, new String[] { "left", "right", "center", "right", "right", "left", "left", "left", "left" }, new boolean[] {true, true, true, false, false, true, true, true, true}); table.setRowStyle("white-space:nowrap"); try { for (ExamInfo exam : exams) { String perPref = "", roomPref = "", distPref = ""; if (html) { roomPref += exam.getExam().getEffectivePrefHtmlForPrefType(RoomPref.class); if (roomPref.length() > 0) roomPref += nl; roomPref += exam.getExam().getEffectivePrefHtmlForPrefType(BuildingPref.class); if (roomPref.length() > 0) roomPref += nl; roomPref += exam.getExam().getEffectivePrefHtmlForPrefType(RoomFeaturePref.class); if (roomPref.length() > 0) roomPref += nl; roomPref += exam.getExam().getEffectivePrefHtmlForPrefType(RoomGroupPref.class); if (roomPref.endsWith(nl)) roomPref = roomPref.substring(0, roomPref.length() - nl.length()); if (timeText) { perPref += exam.getExam().getEffectivePrefHtmlForPrefType(ExamPeriodPref.class); } else { if (exam.getExam().getExamType().getType() == ExamType.sExamTypeMidterm) { MidtermPeriodPreferenceModel epx = new MidtermPeriodPreferenceModel( exam.getExam().getSession(), exam.getExam().getExamType()); epx.load(exam.getExam()); perPref += epx.toString(true); } else { PeriodPreferenceModel px = new PeriodPreferenceModel(exam.getExam().getSession(), exam.getExamTypeId()); px.load(exam.getExam()); perPref = "<img border='0' src='pattern?v=" + (timeVertical ? 1 : 0) + "&x=" + exam.getExamId() + "' title='" + px.toString() + "'>"; } } distPref += exam.getExam().getEffectivePrefHtmlForPrefType(DistributionPref.class); } else { for (Iterator j = exam.getExam().effectivePreferences(RoomPref.class).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { Preference pref = (Preference); if (roomPref.length() > 0) roomPref += nl; roomPref += (color ? "@@COLOR " + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " : "") + PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " + pref.preferenceText(); } for (Iterator j = exam.getExam().effectivePreferences(BuildingPref.class).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { Preference pref = (Preference); if (roomPref.length() > 0) roomPref += nl; roomPref += (color ? "@@COLOR " + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " : "") + PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " + pref.preferenceText(); } for (Iterator j = exam.getExam().effectivePreferences(RoomFeaturePref.class).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { Preference pref = (Preference); if (roomPref.length() > 0) roomPref += nl; roomPref += (color ? "@@COLOR " + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " : "") + PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " + pref.preferenceText(); } for (Iterator j = exam.getExam().effectivePreferences(RoomGroupPref.class).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { Preference pref = (Preference); if (roomPref.length() > 0) roomPref += nl; roomPref += (color ? "@@COLOR " + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " : "") + PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " + pref.preferenceText(); } if (ExamType.sExamTypeMidterm == exam.getExamType().getType()) { MidtermPeriodPreferenceModel epx = new MidtermPeriodPreferenceModel(exam.getExam().getSession(), exam.getExamType()); epx.load(exam.getExam()); perPref += epx.toString(false, true); } else { if (timeText || !color) { for (Iterator j = exam.getExam().effectivePreferences(ExamPeriodPref.class).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { Preference pref = (Preference); if (perPref.length() > 0) perPref += nl; perPref += (color ? "@@COLOR " + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " : "") + PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " + pref.preferenceText(); } } else { PeriodPreferenceModel px = new PeriodPreferenceModel( exam.getExam().getSession(), exam.getExamType().getUniqueId()); px.load(exam.getExam()); RequiredTimeTable rtt = new RequiredTimeTable(px); Image image = rtt.createBufferedImage(timeVertical); if (image != null) { table.addImage(exam.getExamId().toString(), image); perPref += "@@IMAGE " + exam.getExamId().toString() + " "; } else { for (Iterator j = exam.getExam().effectivePreferences(ExamPeriodPref.class).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { Preference pref = (Preference); if (perPref.length() > 0) perPref += nl; perPref += (color ? "@@COLOR " + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color( pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " : "") + PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " + pref.preferenceText(); } } } } for (Iterator j = exam.getExam().effectivePreferences(DistributionPref.class).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { DistributionPref pref = (DistributionPref); if (distPref.length() > 0) distPref += nl; distPref += (color ? "@@COLOR " + PreferenceLevel.prolog2color(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " : "") + PreferenceLevel.prolog2abbv(pref.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog()) + " " + pref.preferenceText(true, true, " (", ", ", ")") .replaceAll("<", "<") .replaceAll(">", ">"); } } String instructors = exam.getInstructorName(", "); table.addLine( "onClick=\"showGwtDialog('Examination Assignment', '" + exam.getExamId() + "','900','90%');\"", new String[] { (html ? "<a name='" + exam.getExamId() + "'>" : "") + (form.getShowSections() ? exam.getSectionName(nl) : exam.getExamName()) + (html ? "</a>" : ""), String.valueOf(exam.getLength()), (Exam.sSeatingTypeNormal == exam.getSeatingType() ? "Normal" : "Exam"), String.valueOf(exam.getNrStudents()), String.valueOf(exam.getMaxRooms()), instructors, perPref, roomPref, distPref }, new Comparable[] { exam, exam.getLength(), exam.getSeatingType(), exam.getNrStudents(), exam.getMaxRooms(), instructors, perPref, roomPref, distPref }, exam.getExamId().toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.error(e); table.addLine(new String[] {"<font color='red'>ERROR:" + e.getMessage() + "</font>"}, null); } return table; }
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { SolverParamDefForm myForm = (SolverParamDefForm) form; // Check Access sessionContext.checkPermission(Right.SolverParameters); // Read operation to be performed String op = (myForm.getOp() != null ? myForm.getOp() : request.getParameter("op")); if (request.getParameter("op2") != null && request.getParameter("op2").length() > 0) op = request.getParameter("op2"); if (op == null) { myForm.reset(mapping, request); myForm.setVisible(Boolean.TRUE); } // Reset Form if ("Back".equals(op)) { if (myForm.getUniqueId() != null) request.setAttribute("hash", myForm.getUniqueId()); myForm.reset(mapping, request); myForm.setVisible(Boolean.TRUE); } if ("Add Solver Parameter".equals(op)) { myForm.reset(mapping, request); myForm.setVisible(Boolean.TRUE); myForm.setOp("Save"); myForm.setGroup(request.getParameter("group")); } // Add / Update if ("Update".equals(op) || "Save".equals(op)) { // Validate input ActionMessages errors = myForm.validate(mapping, request); if (errors.size() > 0) { saveErrors(request, errors); } else { Transaction tx = null; try { SolverParameterDefDAO dao = new SolverParameterDefDAO(); org.hibernate.Session hibSession = dao.getSession(); if (hibSession.getTransaction() == null || !hibSession.getTransaction().isActive()) tx = hibSession.beginTransaction(); SolverParameterDef def = null; if (op.equals("Save")) def = new SolverParameterDef(); else def = dao.get(myForm.getUniqueId(), hibSession); def.setName(myForm.getName()); def.setDescription(myForm.getDescription()); def.setDefault(myForm.getDefault()); def.setType(myForm.getType()); def.setVisible(myForm.getVisible()); SolverParameterGroup group = null; List groups = hibSession .createCriteria(SolverParameterGroup.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("name", myForm.getGroup())) .list(); if (!groups.isEmpty()) group = (SolverParameterGroup) groups.get(0); if (def.getGroup() != null && !def.getGroup().equals(group)) { List list = hibSession .createCriteria(SolverParameterDef.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("group", def.getGroup())) .add("order", def.getOrder())) .list(); for (Iterator i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { SolverParameterDef d = (SolverParameterDef); d.setOrder(new Integer(d.getOrder().intValue() - 1));, hibSession); } myForm.setOrder(-1); } if (myForm.getOrder() < 0) { def.setOrder(new Integer(group == null ? 0 : group.getParameters().size())); } def.setGroup(group); dao.saveOrUpdate(def, hibSession); if (tx != null) tx.commit(); hibSession.refresh(def); request.setAttribute("hash", def.getUniqueId().toString()); } catch (Exception e) { if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); Debug.error(e); } myForm.reset(mapping, request); myForm.setVisible(Boolean.TRUE); } } // Edit if (op.equals("Edit")) { String id = request.getParameter("id"); ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages(); if (id == null || id.trim().length() == 0) { errors.add("key", new ActionMessage("errors.invalid", "Unique Id : " + id)); saveErrors(request, errors); } else { SolverParameterDefDAO dao = new SolverParameterDefDAO(); SolverParameterDef def = dao.get(new Long(id)); if (def == null) { errors.add("name", new ActionMessage("errors.invalid", "Unique Id : " + id)); saveErrors(request, errors); } else { myForm.setUniqueId(def.getUniqueId()); myForm.setName(def.getName()); myForm.setOrder(def.getOrder().intValue()); myForm.setDescription(def.getDescription()); myForm.setGroup(def.getGroup().getName()); myForm.setType(def.getType()); myForm.setDefault(def.getDefault()); myForm.setVisible(def.isVisible()); myForm.setOp("Update"); } } } // Delete if ("Delete".equals(op)) { Transaction tx = null; try { SolverParameterDefDAO dao = new SolverParameterDefDAO(); org.hibernate.Session hibSession = dao.getSession(); if (hibSession.getTransaction() == null || !hibSession.getTransaction().isActive()) tx = hibSession.beginTransaction(); SolverParameterDef def = dao.get(myForm.getUniqueId(), hibSession); List list = hibSession .createCriteria(SolverParameterDef.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("group", def.getGroup())) .add("order", def.getOrder())) .list(); for (Iterator i = list.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { SolverParameterDef d = (SolverParameterDef); d.setOrder(new Integer(d.getOrder().intValue() - 1));, hibSession); } dao.delete(def, hibSession); if (tx != null) tx.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); Debug.error(e); } if (myForm.getGroup() != null) request.setAttribute("hash", myForm.getGroup()); myForm.reset(mapping, request); myForm.setVisible(Boolean.TRUE); } // Move Up or Down if ("Move Up".equals(op) || "Move Down".equals(op)) { Transaction tx = null; try { SolverParameterDefDAO dao = new SolverParameterDefDAO(); org.hibernate.Session hibSession = dao.getSession(); if (hibSession.getTransaction() == null || !hibSession.getTransaction().isActive()) tx = hibSession.beginTransaction(); SolverParameterDef def = dao.get(myForm.getUniqueId(), hibSession); if ("Move Up".equals(op)) { List list = hibSession .createCriteria(SolverParameterDef.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("group", def.getGroup())) .add(Restrictions.eq("order", new Integer(def.getOrder().intValue() - 1))) .list(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { SolverParameterDef prior = (SolverParameterDef) list.get(0); prior.setOrder(new Integer(prior.getOrder().intValue() + 1));, hibSession); def.setOrder(new Integer(def.getOrder().intValue() - 1));, hibSession); } } else { List list = hibSession .createCriteria(SolverParameterDef.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("group", def.getGroup())) .add(Restrictions.eq("order", new Integer(def.getOrder().intValue() + 1))) .list(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { SolverParameterDef next = (SolverParameterDef) list.get(0); next.setOrder(new Integer(next.getOrder().intValue() - 1));, hibSession); def.setOrder(new Integer(def.getOrder().intValue() + 1));, hibSession); } } myForm.setOrder(def.getOrder().intValue()); if (myForm.getUniqueId() != null) request.setAttribute("hash", myForm.getUniqueId()); if (tx != null) tx.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { if (tx != null) tx.rollback(); Debug.error(e); } } if ("List".equals(myForm.getOp())) { // Read all existing settings and store in request getSolverParameterDefs(request, myForm.getUniqueId()); return mapping.findForward("list"); } return mapping.findForward("Save".equals(myForm.getOp()) ? "add" : "edit"); }