/** * Checks the xp in the GameTab.Skills of one of the skills we are currently training. * * @return true if succesfully checked a skill */ public static boolean doCheckXP() { General.println( "Current time: " + System.currentTimeMillis() + ". Next XP_CHECK at: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - getUtil().TIME_TRACKER.CHECK_XP.next()) + ". (next(): " + getUtil().TIME_TRACKER.CHECK_XP.next() + ")"); if (getUtil().TIME_TRACKER.CHECK_XP.next() > 0L && System.currentTimeMillis() < getUtil().TIME_TRACKER.CHECK_XP.next()) return false; General.println("Checking XP"); List<SKILLS> gainedXPInSkill = new ArrayList<SKILLS>(); for (Entry<SKILLS, Integer> set : PaintMgr.startSkillInfo.entrySet()) { if (Skills.getXP(set.getKey()) > set.getValue()) gainedXPInSkill.add(set.getKey()); } if (gainedXPInSkill.isEmpty()) return false; LANChaosKiller.statusText = "Antiban - Check XP"; TABS oldTab = GameTab.getOpen(); GameTab.open(TABS.STATS); SKILLS skillToCheck = gainedXPInSkill.get(General.random(1, gainedXPInSkill.size()) - 1); int index = 0; switch (skillToCheck) { case ATTACK: index = 1; break; case STRENGTH: index = 2; break; case DEFENCE: index = 3; break; case HITPOINTS: index = 9; break; case RANGED: index = 4; break; case MAGIC: index = 6; break; default: break; } if (index > 0) { final RSInterfaceChild skillInterface = Interfaces.get(320, index); if (skillInterface != null) { if (Clicking.hover(skillInterface)) { General.sleep(2500, 4000); GameTab.open(oldTab); return true; } } } getUtil().TIME_TRACKER.CHECK_XP.reset(); return false; }
public static boolean toggleRun(boolean enable, Timer timer) { if (!timer.isRunning()) { final int settings[] = Game.getSettingsArray(); if (settings != null) { if (settings[173] == 0) { if (enable) { if (GameTab.open(GameTab.TABS.OPTIONS)) { if (Interfaces.get(261, 0) != null) { Interfaces.get(261, 0).click("Toggle Run"); if (settings[173] == 1) { GameTab.open(GameTab.TABS.OPTIONS); CSleep( new Timing.Condition() { @Override public boolean validate() { return settings[173] == 1; } }, random(2000, 3000)); } GameTab.open(GameTab.TABS.INVENTORY); CSleep( new Timing.Condition() { @Override public boolean validate() { return GameTab.open(GameTab.TABS.INVENTORY); } }, random(2000, 3000)); timer.reset(); return true; } } else { return true; } } } else { if (!enable) { if (GameTab.open(GameTab.TABS.OPTIONS)) { if (Interfaces.get(261, 0) != null) { Interfaces.get(261, 0).click("Toggle Run"); } } else { GameTab.open(GameTab.TABS.OPTIONS); sleep(1000, 2000); return true; } } } } } return false; }