@Test public void saveForLaterPDP() throws Exception { cm.openHomePage(driver); Boolean isLoggedIn = cm.isLoggedIn(driver); if (isLoggedIn == true) { // logout to start test with desired logged out condition cm.logout(driver); } cm.login(driver, testEmailWithSavedCards, pswdForTestEmailWithSavedCards); System.out.println( "Using email " + testEmailWithSavedCards + " password " + pswdForTestEmailWithSavedCards); // pass locator for subcat you want to the method (here it is t-shirts) By locator_tshirtLink = map.getLocator("men_tshirtcss"); cm.homePageMainNavMen(driver, locator_tshirtLink); Reporter.log("On Subcat page title is " + driver.getTitle()); // 2/24 using new CommonMethod, '1' means it will click on 2nd product on subcat page cm.subcatPageClickProduct(driver, 1); // on PDP click on save for later and assert 'saved' msg displayed on the screen Reporter.log("On PDP page title is " + driver.getTitle()); cm.pdpPageSaveForLater(driver); // ts.takeScreenshot(driver); }
// Check links on header for current page @Test( priority = 52, groups = {"Playlist"}, description = "Проверяет ссылки на шапке на <<Мой плейлист>>") public void CheckHeader() throws Exception { driver.get(pageUrl); try { // my play list contentPage.PlayList.click(); contentPage.PlayList.isDisplayed(); assertEquals("Мой плейлист", contentPage.PlayList.getText()); // music contentPage.Music.isDisplayed(); assertEquals("МУЗЫКА", contentPage.Music.getText()); // new music contentPage.NewMusic.isDisplayed(); assertEquals("Новинки", contentPage.NewMusic.getText()); // kazahs music contentPage.Kazahskaya.isDisplayed(); assertEquals("Казахская", contentPage.Kazahskaya.getText()); // upload contentPage.Upload.isDisplayed(); assertEquals("Загрузить", contentPage.Upload.getText()); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { String errorUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); log("FAILED: by no such element on page " + errorUrl); Reporter.log("FAILED: by no such element on page " + errorUrl); throw new NoSuchElementException(); } catch (AssertionError e) { String errorUrl = driver.getCurrentUrl(); log("FAILED: by assertion error on page " + errorUrl); Reporter.log("FAILED: by assertion error on page " + errorUrl); throw new AssertionError(); } }
// Creating A Post and link With image attachments public HomePage composeImagePost() throws InterruptedException { composePageObjects.postTitleField.sendKeys(composePageObjects.title); composePageObjects.postContentField.sendKeys(composePageObjects.content); composePageObjects.imageAttachmentButton.click(); composePageObjects.galleryButton.click(); if (composePageObjects.galleryImages.size() > 0) { Reporter.log("Image present in gallery " + composePageObjects.galleryImages.size(), true); for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { composePageObjects.galleryImages.get(i).click(); } // TouchAction element=new TouchAction(driver); // element.tap(10, 165); composePageObjects.galleryOkButton.click(); } else { driver.navigate().back(); Reporter.log("No images present in Gallery"); } composePageObjects.imageAttachmentButton.click(); composePageObjects.cameraButton.click(); composePageObjects.imageCaptureButton.click(); composePageObjects.selectCapturedImageButton.click(); linkAttachment(); composePageObjects.submitButton.click(); Thread.sleep(5000); return new HomePage(driver); }
/** * The method creates an screenshot usually saved in output/screenshots It also adds the * screenshot to the index.html file generated by surefire-reports for ease of debugging The * method checks to see if the safari driver is used and if it is it will maximize the window so * that it catches most of the page. * * @param LOG_FILE //@param the parameter is used to form the file usually is * test_errorLocation_failed.png * @param driver */ public static void screenShooter(String LOG_FILE, WebDriver driver) { File dest = new File("test-output\\Screen.png"); try { // ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(target) System.setProperty("org.uncommons.reportng.escape-output", "false"); File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, dest); String absolute = dest.getAbsolutePath(); int beginIndex = absolute.indexOf("."); String relative = absolute.substring(beginIndex).replace(".\\", ""); String screenShot = relative.replace('\\', '/'); Reporter.log( "<a href=\"" + screenShot + "\"><p align=\"left\">Screenshot at " + new Date() + "</p>"); Reporter.log( "<p style='border:1px solid red;'><img width=\"800\" src=\"" + dest.getAbsoluteFile() + "\" alt=\"screenshot at " + new Date() + "\"/></p></a><br />"); } catch (IOException e) { // Logger.Log(LOG_FILE, "Couldn't take the screenshot ",driver); } }
private void printReport(Report report) { if (report == null) { Reporter.log("no report"); } else { Reporter.log(report.getStatus().name() + " : " + report.getLocalizedMessage()); printItems(" ", report.getItems()); } }
@Override public NumbersRecord readItem() throws Exception { int i = readerIndex; // Throw an exception when forcedFailCount is reached if (forcedFailCount != 0 && readerIndex >= forcedFailCount) { forcedFailCount = 0; failindex = readerIndex; testState = STATE_RETRY; Reporter.log("Fail on purpose NumbersRecord.readItem<p>"); throw new MyParentException("Fail on purpose in NumbersRecord.readItem()"); } if (testState == STATE_RETRY) { if (stepCtx.getProperties().getProperty("retry.read.exception.invoked") != "true") { Reporter.log("onRetryReadException not invoked<p>"); throw new Exception("onRetryReadException not invoked"); } if (stepCtx.getProperties().getProperty("retry.read.exception.match") != "true") { Reporter.log("retryable exception does not match"); throw new Exception("retryable exception does not match"); } testState = STATE_NORMAL; } if (readerIndex > 5) { return null; } Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { connection = RetryConnectionHelper.getConnection(dataSource); statement = connection.prepareStatement(RetryConnectionHelper.SELECT_NUMBERS); statement.setInt(1, readerIndex); rs = statement.executeQuery(); int quantity = -1; while (rs.next()) { quantity = rs.getInt("quantity"); } readerIndex++; return new NumbersRecord(i, quantity); } catch (SQLException e) { throw e; } finally { RetryConnectionHelper.cleanupConnection(connection, rs, statement); } }
private void takeScreenShot(ITestResult tr) { String screenName = String.valueOf(new Date().getTime()) + ".jpg"; File dir = new File("test-output/snapshot"); if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdirs(); String screenPath = dir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + screenName; Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(tr); Reporter.log(screenPath); // 这里实现把图片链接直接输出到结果文件中,通过邮件发�?�结果则可以直接显示图片 Reporter.log("<img src=\"../" + screenPath + "\"/>"); }
/** * // * @param nameMedicineShort // * @param nameMedicineFull * * @return * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public void createMedicinePostRandom(String nameOfMed, String reasonOfMed) throws InterruptedException { setNameOfMedicine(nameOfMed); WebElement nameOfMedicine; // creating list of proposed Eleemtns List<WebElement> nameOfMedicineList = nameOfMedicineOptions.findElements(By.tagName("li")); // picking random element Random rand = new Random(); int nameOfMedicineCounter = rand.nextInt(1); nameOfMedicine = nameOfMedicineList.get(nameOfMedicineCounter); String name = nameOfMedicine.getText(); Log.info("Choosing randomly name of medicine from list: " + name + " "); clickElement(nameOfMedicine); setReasonForMedicine(reasonOfMed); WebElement reasonForMedicine; List<WebElement> reasonForMedicineList = reasonForMedicineOptions.findElements(By.tagName("li")); Random rand2 = new Random(); int nameOfReasonCounter = rand2.nextInt(1); reasonForMedicine = reasonForMedicineList.get(nameOfReasonCounter); String reason = reasonForMedicine.getText(); Log.info("Choosing randomly name of medicine from list: " + reason + " "); clickElement(reasonForMedicine); Log.info("Typing text in 'Tell Us More' field: Testing post "); typeTellUsMore("Testing post"); clickOnAllStarsTogether(); rateFifeStars(); clickOnPostButton(); Log.info("Checking, that medicine and medicine reason are posted in a right way"); name.equalsIgnoreCase(medicineName.getText()); Log.info( "Medicine is posted in a right way: choosen " + name + ", posted " + medicineName.getText()); Reporter.log( "Medicine is posted in a right way: choosen " + name + ", posted " + medicineName.getText()); reason.equalsIgnoreCase(reasonName.getText()); // Assert.assertEquals(reasonName.getText(), reason, "Medicine reason name doesen't match"); Log.info( "Medicine reason is posted in a right way: choosen " + reason + ", posted " + reasonName.getText()); Reporter.log( "Medicine is posted in a right way: choosen " + reason + ", posted " + reasonName.getText()); }
@BeforeMethod public void LaunchApplication() throws InterruptedException, AWTException, java.io.IOException { try { Reporter.log("Launching Retail URL <br> <p>"); launchBrowser(readConfig("urlRetail")); } catch (Exception e) { Reporter.log(e.toString()); } Utilities.waitForDocumentReady(driver); driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(300000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); Utilities.isElementPresent(PageBase.LoginPageRetail().usernameTextbox); }
/** * This method is intended to provide initial setup. Creates any realms specified in the * setup-realms property in the AddRealmAttributesTest.properties file. */ @Parameters({"testName"}) @BeforeClass( groups = { "ldapv3", "ldapv3_sec", "s1ds", "s1ds_sec", "ad", "ad_sec", "amsdk", "amsdk_sec", "jdbc", "jdbc_sec" }) public void setup(String testName) throws Exception { Object[] params = {testName}; entering("setup", params); try { locTestName = testName; rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("cli" + fileseparator + "AddRealmAttributesTest"); setupRealms = (String) rb.getString(locTestName + "-create-setup-realms"); useVerboseOption = ((String) rb.getString(locTestName + "-use-verbose-option")).equals("true"); useDebugOption = ((String) rb.getString(locTestName + "-use-debug-option")).equals("true"); useLongOptions = ((String) rb.getString(locTestName + "-use-long-options")).equals("true"); log(Level.FINEST, "setup", "use-verbose-option: " + useVerboseOption); log(Level.FINEST, "setup", "use-debug-option: " + useDebugOption); log(Level.FINEST, "setup", "use-long-options: " + useLongOptions); log(Level.FINEST, "setup", "create-setup-realms: " + setupRealms); Reporter.log("UseDebugOption: " + useDebugOption); Reporter.log("UseVerboseOption: " + useVerboseOption); Reporter.log("UseLongOptions: " + useLongOptions); Reporter.log("SetupRealms: " + setupRealms); cli = new FederationManagerCLI(useDebugOption, useVerboseOption, useLongOptions); log(Level.FINE, "setup", "Creating the following realms: " + setupRealms); if (!cli.createRealms(setupRealms)) { log(Level.SEVERE, "setup", "All the realms failed to be created."); assert false; } exiting("setup"); } catch (Exception e) { log(Level.SEVERE, "setup", e.getMessage(), null); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } }
/** * Create Two users * * @throws Exception */ @Test(groups = {"regressionSmoke", "fullSmoke", "criticalDataSmoke", "users.pesAdminCreateUsers"}) public void testPesAdminUserCreation() throws Exception { a.navigateToMyContacts(); a.navigateToCreateUserPage(); userNamesArray[0][0] = a.createUser("teacher"); Reporter.log("teacherUserName: "******"student"); studentNameArray[0][0] = userNamesArray[0][1]; Reporter.log("studentUserName: " + userNamesArray[0][1], true); }
/** * This method remove any realms and identities that were created during the setup and * testRealmAddAttributeValues methods using "ssoadm delete-realm". */ @AfterClass( groups = { "ldapv3", "ldapv3_sec", "s1ds", "s1ds_sec", "ad", "ad_sec", "amsdk", "amsdk_sec", "jdbc", "jdbc_sec" }) public void cleanup() throws Exception { int exitStatus = -1; entering("cleanup", null); try { log(Level.FINEST, "cleanup", "useDebugOption: " + useDebugOption); log(Level.FINEST, "cleanup", "useVerboseOption: " + useVerboseOption); log(Level.FINEST, "cleanup", "useLongOptions: " + useLongOptions); Reporter.log("UseDebugOption: " + useDebugOption); Reporter.log("UseVerboseOption: " + useVerboseOption); Reporter.log("UseLongOptions: " + useLongOptions); if (!setupRealms.equals("")) { String[] realms = setupRealms.split(";"); for (int i = realms.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { log(Level.FINE, "cleanup", "Removing realm " + realms[i]); Reporter.log("SetupRealmToDelete: " + realms[i]); exitStatus = cli.deleteRealm(realms[i], true); cli.logCommand("cleanup"); cli.resetArgList(); if (exitStatus != SUCCESS_STATUS) { log( Level.SEVERE, "cleanup", "The removal of realm " + realms[i] + " failed with exit status " + exitStatus); assert false; } } } exiting("cleanup"); } catch (Exception e) { log(Level.SEVERE, "cleanup", e.getMessage(), null); e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> getAddressbook(String msisdn, DB db) { DBCollection collection = db.getCollection(HikeConstants.MONGO_USERS_COLLECTION); DBObject result = collection.findOne(new BasicDBObject(HikeConstants.MSISDN, msisdn)); if (result == null || result.get("addressbook") == null) { return null; } Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> addressBookUploadedList = (Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>>) result.get("addressbook"); Reporter.log("" + addressBookUploadedList); Reporter.log("" + addressBookUploadedList.size()); return (Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>>) result.get("addressbook"); }
public void beforeInvocation(IInvokedMethod arg0, ITestResult arg1) { TestNG tn = new TestNG(); tn.setDefaultTestName(returnMethodName(arg0.getTestMethod())); String textMsg = "About to begin executing " + returnMethodName(arg0.getTestMethod()); method = returnMethodName(arg0.getTestMethod()); Reporter.log(textMsg, true); }
// PAGE OBJECT METHODS public void waitTillFeaturedPageIsDisplayed() throws Exception { Reporter.log( "Invoke Application: " + System.getProperty("AppName") + " to display Featured Page.."); SeleniumFunctions.isElementPresent(driver, By.id(loginButton), 60); SeleniumFunctions.isElementPresent(driver, By.id(Search_Btn), 30); }
/** * Fatal log * * @param message Message */ public void fatal(final String message) { String msg = message; logger.fatal(message); msg = "<div class=\"failedConfig\">" + msg + "</div>"; // red color from reportng css Reporter.log(msg + "<br>"); Assert.assertTrue(false, message); }
/** * @param indent * @param items */ private void printItems(String indent, List<ReportItem> items) { if (items == null) return; for (ReportItem item : items) { Reporter.log(indent + item.getStatus().name() + " : " + item.getLocalizedMessage()); printItems(indent + " ", item.getItems()); } }
@Test(priority = 6, dataProvider = "pageNavDataProvider") public void verifyPersonHpPageNavigation(String recordsToDisplay) { Assert.assertTrue( person.pageNavigation(recordsToDisplay), "person home page navigation does not work"); logger.info("Test case passed: verify person home page pagination works fine"); Reporter.log("Test case passed: verify person home page pagination works fine"); }
public void launchInventoryInNewTab(String storeID) throws InterruptedException, AWTException, java.io.IOException { driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("body")).sendKeys(Keys.CONTROL + "t"); driver.get(readConfig("urlInventory")); Reporter.log("Successfully launched the Inventory Management page in new tab <br><p>"); inventoryLogin(storeID); }
@Test public void testRequiredServerConnectorInfo() throws Exception { AsyncConnectorInfoManager manager = localConnectorFramework.get().getRemoteManager(CONNECTION_INFO); Assert.assertNotNull(manager); manager = serverConnectorFramework.get().getServerManager("anonymous"); Assert.assertNotNull(manager); ConnectorInfo c = manager .findConnectorInfoAsync(getTestConnectorKey()) .getOrThrowUninterruptibly(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES); Assert.assertNotNull(c); Assert.assertNotNull( manager .findConnectorInfoAsync(getTestStatefulConnectorKey()) .getOrThrowUninterruptibly(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); Assert.assertNotNull( manager .findConnectorInfoAsync(getTestPoolableStatefulConnectorKey()) .getOrThrowUninterruptibly(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); for (ConnectorInfo ci : manager.getConnectorInfos()) { Reporter.log(String.valueOf(ci.getConnectorKey()), true); } }
/** @throws Exception */ @Test(groups = {"users.coordinatorCreation"}) public void testPesAdminCourseCoordinatorCreation() throws Exception { a.navigateToMyContacts(); a.navigateToCreateUserPage(); coordinatorNameArray[0][0] = a.createUser("coordinator"); Reporter.log("coordinatorNamesArray: " + coordinatorNameArray[0][0], true); }
public void onTestFailure(ITestResult result) { Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(result); try { outputDirectory.mkdirs(); File outFile = File.createTempFile("TEST-" + result.getName(), ".png", outputDirectory); outFile.delete(); selenium.captureScreenshot(outFile.getAbsolutePath()); Reporter.log("<a href='" + outFile.getName() + "'>screenshot</a>"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Reporter.log("Couldn't create screenshot"); Reporter.log(e.getMessage()); } Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(null); }
protected void shutdownTest(ITestContext context) throws Exception { connectorServer.stop(); connectorServer.destroy(); serverConnectorFramework.release(); localConnectorFramework.release(); Reporter.log("Jetty Server Stopped", true); }
public void VerifyDateShowInfoColumn() throws Exception { Reporter.log("Verify column headers present of 'Date', 'Show', and 'Information'."); List<WebElement> allColumns = waitFor.ElementsVisible(ProgramGuideTbl_Cls); Assert.assertTrue(allColumns.get(0).getText().contains("Date")); Assert.assertTrue(allColumns.get(1).getText().contains("Show")); Assert.assertTrue(allColumns.get(2).getText().contains("Information")); }
// Clicks "Sign In" link and navigates to "Sign In" page public void clickSignInNav() { ((JavascriptExecutor) driver) .executeScript("window.scrollTo(0," + signInNavBar().getLocation().y + ")"); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath(SIGN_IN_LINK))); signInNavBar().click(); System.out.println("Navigating to Sign In page..."); Reporter.log("Navigated to Sign In page"); }
@Test(priority = 2) public void verifyShowEntriesDropdownvalues() { Assert.assertTrue(person.getDropDownEntries(), "Show Entries drop down values does not match"); logger.info( "Test case passed: verify user able to see values 10, 25, 50, 100 in 'Show entries' dropdown"); Reporter.log( "Test case passed: verify user able to see values 10, 25, 50, 100 in 'Show entries' dropdown"); }
@Test(dataProvider = "gTestData") public void parentRegistration(Hashtable<String, String> data) { // WebDriver driver = BaseSetup.setDriver(); WebDriver driver = BaseSetup.startBrowser("firefox", "http://www.scholastic.com/ups/campaigns/minutes-2015"); Read1000Page read1000 = PageFactory.initElements(driver, Read1000Page.class); read1000.clickparentGo(); read1000.typeDOB(data.get("doB")); read1000.clickSubmit(); String url = read1000.verifyParentPage(); if (url.equals("http://www.scholastic.com/ups/campaigns/minutes-2015/parent")) { Reporter.log("Parent Page is dispalyed", true); } else { Reporter.log("Parent Page is not displayed" + url, true); } BaseSetup.WebDriversetOff(); }
public static void VerifyPopUpForDelete() throws Exception { GenericClass.clickElement(FstCheckBox); GenericClass.clickElement(DeleteSeasonBtn); Alert al = GenericClass.driver.switchTo().alert(); al.getText(); al.dismiss(); System.out.print("Alert Message"); Reporter.log("Pop up showing when deleting Season", true); }
@Test(priority = 3) public void verifyDefaultSelectedValueOfShowEntiresDropdown() { Assert.assertEquals( person.getdefaultSelectedShowEntriesOption(), "10", "By default, 10 is not selected in 'Show entries' dropdown"); logger.info("Test case passed: verify by default, 10 is selected in 'Show entries' dropdown"); Reporter.log("Test case passed: verify by default, 10 is selected in 'Show entries' dropdown"); }
@Test(priority = 7) public void verifyDiffPageNavLinkWorks() { Assert.assertTrue( person.clickOnDiffPageNavLinks(), "Different page navigation links do not work"); logger.info( "Test case passed: verify page navigation links like First, Previous, Next and Last links work properly"); Reporter.log( "Test case passed: verify page navigation links like First, Previous, Next and Last links work properly"); }