Пример #1
  // The two following tests a really unit tests, but since the whole uses
  // CCMBridge.PerClassSingleNodeCluster, they'll still spawn a cluster even
  // you execute only them, so we keep them in the "long" group. We could
  // move them in another class but not sure where honestly (one could argue
  // that it would make more sense to move all the *other* tests to some
  // DataTypeIntegrationTest class).
  @Test(groups = "long")
  public void serializeDeserializeTest() {

    for (DataType dt : DataType.allPrimitiveTypes()) {
      if (exclude(dt)) continue;

      Object value = TestUtils.getFixedValue(dt);
      assertEquals(dt.deserialize(dt.serialize(value)), value);

    try {
      fail("This should not have worked");
    } catch (InvalidTypeException e) {
      /* That's what we want */

    try {
      ByteBuffer badValue = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
      fail("This should not have worked");
    } catch (InvalidTypeException e) {
      /* That's what we want */
Пример #2
 * Tests DataType class to ensure data sent in is the same as data received All tests are executed
 * via a Simple Statements Counters are the only datatype not tested within the entirety of the
 * suite. There is, however, an isolated test case that needs to be implemented. All statements and
 * sample data is easily exportable via the print_*() methods.
public class DataTypeTest extends CCMBridge.PerClassSingleNodeCluster {

  private static final Set<DataType> DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES = DataType.allPrimitiveTypes();
  private static final Set<DataType.Name> DATA_TYPE_NON_PRIMITIVE_NAMES =
      EnumSet.of(DataType.Name.MAP, DataType.Name.SET, DataType.Name.LIST);

  private static final String PRIMITIVE_INSERT_FORMAT =
      "INSERT INTO %1$s (k, v) VALUES (%2$s, %2$s);";
  private static final String BASIC_SELECT_FORMAT = "SELECT k, v FROM %1$s;";

  private static final String COLLECTION_INSERT_FORMAT =
      "INSERT INTO %1$s (k, v) VALUES (%2$s, %3$s);";
  private static final String MAP_INSERT_FORMAT =
      "INSERT INTO %1$s (k, v) VALUES (%3$s, {%2$s: %3$s});";

  private static final HashMap<DataType, Object> SAMPLE_DATA = getSampleData();
  private static final HashMap<DataType, Object> SAMPLE_COLLECTIONS = getSampleCollections();

  private static final Collection<String> PRIMITIVE_INSERT_STATEMENTS =
  private static final HashMap<DataType, String> PRIMITIVE_SELECT_STATEMENTS =

  private static final Collection<String> COLLECTION_INSERT_STATEMENTS =
  private static final HashMap<DataType, String> COLLECTION_SELECT_STATEMENTS =

  private static boolean exclude(DataType t) {
    return t.getName() == DataType.Name.COUNTER;

  /** Generates the table definitions that will be used in testing */
  protected Collection<String> getTableDefinitions() {
    ArrayList<String> tableDefinitions = new ArrayList<String>();

    // Create primitive data type definitions
    for (DataType dataType : DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES) {
      if (exclude(dataType)) continue;

          String.format("CREATE TABLE %1$s (k %2$s PRIMARY KEY, v %1$s)", dataType, dataType));

    // Create collection data type definitions
    for (DataType.Name dataTypeName : DATA_TYPE_NON_PRIMITIVE_NAMES) {
      // Create MAP data type definitions
      if (dataTypeName == DataType.Name.MAP) {
        for (DataType typeArgument1 : DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES) {
          if (exclude(typeArgument1)) continue;

          for (DataType typeArgument2 : DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES) {
            if (exclude(typeArgument2)) continue;

                    "CREATE TABLE %1$s_%2$s_%3$s (k %3$s PRIMARY KEY, v %1$s<%2$s, %3$s>)",
                    dataTypeName, typeArgument1, typeArgument2));
        // Create SET and LIST data type definitions
      } else {
        for (DataType typeArgument : DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES) {
          if (exclude(typeArgument)) continue;

                  "CREATE TABLE %1$s_%2$s (k %2$s PRIMARY KEY, v %1$s<%2$s>)",
                  dataTypeName, typeArgument));

    return tableDefinitions;

  /** Generates the sample data that will be used in testing */
  private static HashMap<DataType, Object> getSampleData() {
    HashMap<DataType, Object> sampleData = new HashMap<DataType, Object>();

    for (DataType dataType : DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES) {
      switch (dataType.getName()) {
        case ASCII:
          sampleData.put(dataType, new String("ascii"));
        case BIGINT:
          sampleData.put(dataType, Long.MAX_VALUE);
        case BLOB:
          ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(58);
          bb.putShort((short) 0xCAFE);
          sampleData.put(dataType, bb);
        case BOOLEAN:
          sampleData.put(dataType, Boolean.TRUE);
        case COUNTER:
          // Not supported in an insert statement
        case DECIMAL:
          sampleData.put(dataType, new BigDecimal("12.3E+7"));
        case DOUBLE:
          sampleData.put(dataType, Double.MAX_VALUE);
        case FLOAT:
          sampleData.put(dataType, Float.MAX_VALUE);
        case INET:
          try {
            sampleData.put(dataType, InetAddress.getByName(""));
          } catch (java.net.UnknownHostException e) {
        case INT:
          sampleData.put(dataType, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        case TEXT:
          sampleData.put(dataType, new String("text"));
        case TIMESTAMP:
          sampleData.put(dataType, new Date(872835240000L));
        case TIMEUUID:
          sampleData.put(dataType, UUID.fromString("FE2B4360-28C6-11E2-81C1-0800200C9A66"));
        case UUID:
          sampleData.put(dataType, UUID.fromString("067e6162-3b6f-4ae2-a171-2470b63dff00"));
        case VARCHAR:
          sampleData.put(dataType, new String("varchar"));
        case VARINT:
          sampleData.put(dataType, new BigInteger(Integer.toString(Integer.MAX_VALUE) + "000"));
          throw new RuntimeException("Missing handling of " + dataType);

    return sampleData;

  /** Generates the sample collections that will be used in testing */
  private static HashMap<DataType, Object> getSampleCollections() {
    HashMap<DataType, Object> sampleCollections = new HashMap<DataType, Object>();
    HashMap<DataType, Object> setAndListCollection;
    HashMap<DataType, HashMap<DataType, Object>> mapCollection;

    for (DataType.Name dataTypeName : DATA_TYPE_NON_PRIMITIVE_NAMES) {
      switch (dataTypeName) {
        case LIST:
          for (DataType typeArgument : DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES) {
            if (exclude(typeArgument)) continue;

            List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

            setAndListCollection = new HashMap<DataType, Object>();
            setAndListCollection.put(typeArgument, list);
            sampleCollections.put(DataType.list(typeArgument), setAndListCollection);
        case SET:
          for (DataType typeArgument : DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES) {
            if (exclude(typeArgument)) continue;

            Set<Object> set = new HashSet<Object>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

            setAndListCollection = new HashMap<DataType, Object>();
            setAndListCollection.put(typeArgument, set);
            sampleCollections.put(DataType.set(typeArgument), setAndListCollection);
        case MAP:
          for (DataType typeArgument1 : DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES) {
            if (exclude(typeArgument1)) continue;

            for (DataType typeArgument2 : DATA_TYPE_PRIMITIVES) {
              if (exclude(typeArgument2)) continue;

              HashMap<DataType, Object> map = new HashMap<DataType, Object>();
              map.put(typeArgument1, SAMPLE_DATA.get(typeArgument2));

              mapCollection = new HashMap<DataType, HashMap<DataType, Object>>();
              mapCollection.put(typeArgument1, map);
              sampleCollections.put(DataType.map(typeArgument1, typeArgument2), mapCollection);
          throw new RuntimeException("Missing handling of " + dataTypeName);

    return sampleCollections;

  /** Helper method to stringify SAMPLE_DATA for simple insert statements */
  private static String helperStringifiedData(DataType dataType) {
    String value = SAMPLE_DATA.get(dataType).toString();

    switch (dataType.getName()) {
      case BLOB:
        value = "0xCAFE";

      case INET:
        InetAddress v1 = (InetAddress) SAMPLE_DATA.get(dataType);
        value = String.format("'%s'", v1.getHostAddress());

      case TIMESTAMP:
        Date v2 = (Date) SAMPLE_DATA.get(dataType);
        value = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ").format(v2);
      case ASCII:
      case TEXT:
      case VARCHAR:
        value = String.format("'%s'", value);


    return value;

  /** Generates the insert statements that will be used in testing */
  private static Collection<String> getPrimitiveInsertStatements() {
    ArrayList<String> insertStatements = new ArrayList<String>();

    for (DataType dataType : SAMPLE_DATA.keySet()) {
      String value = helperStringifiedData(dataType);
      insertStatements.add(String.format(PRIMITIVE_INSERT_FORMAT, dataType, value));

    return insertStatements;

  /** Generates the select statements that will be used in testing */
  private static HashMap<DataType, String> getPrimitiveSelectStatements() {
    HashMap<DataType, String> selectStatements = new HashMap<DataType, String>();

    for (DataType dataType : SAMPLE_DATA.keySet()) {
      selectStatements.put(dataType, String.format(BASIC_SELECT_FORMAT, dataType));

    return selectStatements;

  /** Helper method to generate table names in the form of: DataType_TypeArgument[_TypeArgument] */
  private static String helperGenerateTableName(DataType dataType) {
    String tableName = dataType.getName().toString();
    for (DataType typeArgument : dataType.getTypeArguments()) tableName += "_" + typeArgument;

    return tableName;

  /** Generates the insert statements that will be used in testing */
  private static Collection<String> getCollectionInsertStatements() {
    ArrayList<String> insertStatements = new ArrayList<String>();

    String tableName;
    String key;
    String value;
    for (DataType dataType : SAMPLE_COLLECTIONS.keySet()) {
      HashMap<DataType, Object> sampleValueMap =
          (HashMap<DataType, Object>) SAMPLE_COLLECTIONS.get(dataType);

      // Create tableName in form of: DataType_TypeArgument[_TypeArgument]
      tableName = helperGenerateTableName(dataType);

      if (dataType.getName() == DataType.Name.MAP) {
        List<DataType> typeArgument = dataType.getTypeArguments();

        key = helperStringifiedData(typeArgument.get(0));
        value = helperStringifiedData(typeArgument.get(1));

        insertStatements.add(String.format(MAP_INSERT_FORMAT, tableName, key, value));
      } else if (dataType.getName() == DataType.Name.LIST) {
        DataType typeArgument = sampleValueMap.keySet().iterator().next();
        key = helperStringifiedData(typeArgument);

        // Create the value to be a list of the same 5 elements
        value = "[";
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) value += key + ',';
        value = value.substring(0, value.length() - 1) + ']';

        insertStatements.add(String.format(COLLECTION_INSERT_FORMAT, tableName, key, value));
      } else {
        DataType typeArgument = sampleValueMap.keySet().iterator().next();
        key = helperStringifiedData(typeArgument);
        value = '{' + key + '}';

        insertStatements.add(String.format(COLLECTION_INSERT_FORMAT, tableName, key, value));

    return insertStatements;

  /** Generates the select statements that will be used in testing */
  private static HashMap<DataType, String> getCollectionSelectStatements() {
    HashMap<DataType, String> selectStatements = new HashMap<DataType, String>();

    String tableName;
    for (DataType dataType : SAMPLE_COLLECTIONS.keySet()) {
      tableName = helperGenerateTableName(dataType);
      selectStatements.put(dataType, String.format(BASIC_SELECT_FORMAT, tableName));

    return selectStatements;

  /** Test simple statement inserts for all primitive data types */
  public void primitiveInsertTest() throws Throwable {
    ResultSet rs;
    for (String execute_string : PRIMITIVE_INSERT_STATEMENTS) {
      rs = session.execute(execute_string);
    assertEquals(SAMPLE_DATA.size(), 15);
    assertEquals(PRIMITIVE_INSERT_STATEMENTS.size(), SAMPLE_DATA.size());

  /** Validate simple statement selects for all primitive data types */
  public void primitiveSelectTest() throws Throwable {
    String execute_string;
    Object value;
    Row row;
    for (DataType dataType : PRIMITIVE_SELECT_STATEMENTS.keySet()) {
      execute_string = PRIMITIVE_SELECT_STATEMENTS.get(dataType);
      row = session.execute(execute_string).one();

      value = SAMPLE_DATA.get(dataType);
      assertEquals(TestUtils.getValue(row, "k", dataType), value);
      assertEquals(TestUtils.getValue(row, "v", dataType), value);
    assertEquals(SAMPLE_DATA.size(), 15);
    assertEquals(PRIMITIVE_SELECT_STATEMENTS.keySet().size(), SAMPLE_DATA.size());

  /** Test simple statement inserts and selects for all primitive data types */
  @Test(groups = "long")
  public void primitiveTests() throws Throwable {

  /** Test simple statement inserts for all collection data types */
  public void collectionInsertTest() throws Throwable {
    ResultSet rs;
    for (String execute_string : COLLECTION_INSERT_STATEMENTS) {
      rs = session.execute(execute_string);
    assertEquals(SAMPLE_COLLECTIONS.size(), 255);

  /** Test simple statement selects for all collection data types */
  public void collectionSelectTest() throws Throwable {
    HashMap<DataType, Object> sampleValueMap;
    String execute_string;
    DataType typeArgument1;
    DataType typeArgument2;
    Row row;
    for (DataType dataType : COLLECTION_SELECT_STATEMENTS.keySet()) {
      execute_string = COLLECTION_SELECT_STATEMENTS.get(dataType);
      row = session.execute(execute_string).one();

      sampleValueMap = (HashMap<DataType, Object>) SAMPLE_COLLECTIONS.get(dataType);
      typeArgument1 = dataType.getTypeArguments().get(0);
      if (dataType.getName() == DataType.Name.MAP) {
        typeArgument2 = dataType.getTypeArguments().get(1);

        // Create a copy of the map that is being expected
        HashMap<DataType, Object> sampleMap =
            (HashMap<DataType, Object>) sampleValueMap.get(typeArgument1);
        Object mapKey = SAMPLE_DATA.get(sampleMap.keySet().iterator().next());
        Object mapValue = sampleMap.values().iterator().next();
        HashMap<Object, Object> expectedMap = new HashMap<Object, Object>();
        expectedMap.put(mapKey, mapValue);

        assertEquals(TestUtils.getValue(row, "k", typeArgument2), SAMPLE_DATA.get(typeArgument2));
        assertEquals(TestUtils.getValue(row, "v", dataType), expectedMap);
      } else {
        Object expectedValue = sampleValueMap.get(typeArgument1);

        assertEquals(TestUtils.getValue(row, "k", typeArgument1), SAMPLE_DATA.get(typeArgument1));
        assertEquals(TestUtils.getValue(row, "v", dataType), expectedValue);
    assertEquals(SAMPLE_COLLECTIONS.size(), 255);
    assertEquals(COLLECTION_SELECT_STATEMENTS.keySet().size(), SAMPLE_COLLECTIONS.size());

  /** Test simple statement inserts and selects for all collection data types */
  @Test(groups = "long")
  public void collectionTest() throws Throwable {

  // The two following tests a really unit tests, but since the whole uses
  // CCMBridge.PerClassSingleNodeCluster, they'll still spawn a cluster even
  // you execute only them, so we keep them in the "long" group. We could
  // move them in another class but not sure where honestly (one could argue
  // that it would make more sense to move all the *other* tests to some
  // DataTypeIntegrationTest class).
  @Test(groups = "long")
  public void serializeDeserializeTest() {

    for (DataType dt : DataType.allPrimitiveTypes()) {
      if (exclude(dt)) continue;

      Object value = TestUtils.getFixedValue(dt);
      assertEquals(dt.deserialize(dt.serialize(value)), value);

    try {
      fail("This should not have worked");
    } catch (InvalidTypeException e) {
      /* That's what we want */

    try {
      ByteBuffer badValue = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
      fail("This should not have worked");
    } catch (InvalidTypeException e) {
      /* That's what we want */

  @Test(groups = "long")
  public void serializeDeserializeCollectionsTest() {

    List<String> l = Arrays.asList("foo", "bar");

    DataType dt = DataType.list(DataType.text());
    assertEquals(dt.deserialize(dt.serialize(l)), l);

    try {
      fail("This should not have worked");
    } catch (InvalidTypeException e) {
      /* That's what we want */

  /** Prints the table definitions that will be used in testing (for exporting purposes) */
  @Test(groups = "doc")
  public void printTableDefinitions() {
    String objective = "Table Definitions";
    System.out.println(String.format("Printing %s...", objective));

    // Prints the full list of table definitions
    for (String definition : getTableDefinitions()) {

    System.out.println(String.format("\nEnd of %s\n\n", objective));

  /** Prints the sample data that will be used in testing (for exporting purposes) */
  @Test(groups = "doc")
  public void printSampleData() {
    String objective = "Sample Data";
    System.out.println(String.format("Printing %s...", objective));

    for (DataType dataType : SAMPLE_DATA.keySet()) {
      Object sampleValue = SAMPLE_DATA.get(dataType);
      System.out.println(String.format("%1$-10s %2$s", dataType, sampleValue));

    System.out.println(String.format("\nEnd of %s\n\n", objective));

  /** Prints the sample collections that will be used in testing (for exporting purposes) */
  @Test(groups = "doc")
  public void printSampleCollections() {
    String objective = "Sample Collections";
    System.out.println(String.format("Printing %s...", objective));

    for (DataType dataType : SAMPLE_COLLECTIONS.keySet()) {
      HashMap<DataType, Object> sampleValueMap =
          (HashMap<DataType, Object>) SAMPLE_COLLECTIONS.get(dataType);

      if (dataType.getName() == DataType.Name.MAP) {
        DataType typeArgument = sampleValueMap.keySet().iterator().next();
        HashMap<DataType, Object> sampleMap =
            (HashMap<DataType, Object>) sampleValueMap.get(typeArgument);

        Object mapKey = SAMPLE_DATA.get(typeArgument);
        Object mapValue = sampleMap.get(typeArgument);
        System.out.println(String.format("%1$-30s {%2$s : %3$s}", dataType, mapKey, mapValue));
      } else {
        DataType typeArgument = sampleValueMap.keySet().iterator().next();
        Object sampleValue = sampleValueMap.get(typeArgument);

        System.out.println(String.format("%1$-30s %2$s", dataType, sampleValue));

    System.out.println(String.format("\nEnd of %s\n\n", objective));

  /** Prints the simple insert statements that will be used in testing (for exporting purposes) */
  @Test(groups = "doc")
  public void printPrimitiveInsertStatements() {
    String objective = "Primitive Insert Statements";
    System.out.println(String.format("Printing %s...", objective));

    for (String execute_string : PRIMITIVE_INSERT_STATEMENTS) {

    System.out.println(String.format("\nEnd of %s\n\n", objective));

  /** Prints the simple select statements that will be used in testing (for exporting purposes) */
  @Test(groups = "doc")
  public void printPrimitiveSelectStatements() {
    String objective = "Primitive Select Statements";
    System.out.println(String.format("Printing %s...", objective));

    for (String execute_string : PRIMITIVE_SELECT_STATEMENTS.values()) {

    System.out.println(String.format("\nEnd of %s\n\n", objective));

  /** Prints the simple insert statements that will be used in testing (for exporting purposes) */
  @Test(groups = "doc")
  public void printCollectionInsertStatements() {
    String objective = "Collection Insert Statements";
    System.out.println(String.format("Printing %s...", objective));

    for (String execute_string : COLLECTION_INSERT_STATEMENTS) {

    System.out.println(String.format("\nEnd of %s\n\n", objective));

  /** Prints the simple insert statements that will be used in testing (for exporting purposes) */
  @Test(groups = "doc")
  public void printCollectionSelectStatements() {
    String objective = "Collection Select Statements";
    System.out.println(String.format("Printing %s...", objective));

    for (String execute_string : COLLECTION_SELECT_STATEMENTS.values()) {

    System.out.println(String.format("\nEnd of %s\n\n", objective));