public static void relationshipModified( final Principal user, final RelationshipInterface relationship, final PropertyKey key, final Object previousValue, final Object newValue) { TransactionCommand command = currentCommand.get(); if (command != null) { ModificationQueue modificationQueue = command.getModificationQueue(); if (modificationQueue != null) { modificationQueue.modify(user, relationship, key, previousValue, newValue); } else { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Got empty changeSet from command!"); } } else { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Relationship deleted while outside of transaction!"); } }
protected List<AbstractRelationship> createTestRelationships( final RelationshipType relType, final int number) throws FrameworkException { List<AbstractNode> nodes = createTestNodes("UnknownTestType", 2); final AbstractNode startNode = nodes.get(0); final AbstractNode endNode = nodes.get(1); return (List<AbstractRelationship>) transactionCommand.execute( new StructrTransaction() { @Override public Object execute() throws FrameworkException { List<AbstractRelationship> rels = new LinkedList<AbstractRelationship>(); for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { rels.add( (AbstractRelationship) createRelationshipCommand.execute(startNode, endNode, relType)); } return rels; } }); }
protected <T extends AbstractNode> List<T> createTestNodes(final Class<T> type, final int number) throws FrameworkException { final PropertyMap props = new PropertyMap(); props.put(AbstractNode.type, type.getSimpleName()); return (List<T>) transactionCommand.execute( new StructrTransaction<List<T>>() { @Override public List<T> execute() throws FrameworkException { List<T> nodes = new LinkedList<T>(); for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { props.put(, type.getSimpleName() + i); nodes.add((T) createNodeCommand.execute(props)); } return nodes; } }); }
public static void nodeDeleted(final Principal user, final NodeInterface node) { TransactionCommand command = currentCommand.get(); if (command != null) { ModificationQueue modificationQueue = command.getModificationQueue(); if (modificationQueue != null) { modificationQueue.delete(user, node); } else { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Got empty changeSet from command!"); } } else { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Node deleted while outside of transaction!"); } }
@Override public void onNodeDeletion() { final String signature = getResourceSignature(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(signature)) { SchemaHelper.removeDynamicGrants(getResourceSignature()); } // register transaction post processing that recreates the schema information TransactionCommand.postProcess("reloadSchema", new ReloadSchema()); }
public static void relationshipDeleted( final Principal user, final RelationshipInterface relationship, final boolean passive) { TransactionCommand command = currentCommand.get(); if (command != null) { ModificationQueue modificationQueue = command.getModificationQueue(); if (modificationQueue != null) { modificationQueue.delete(user, relationship, passive); } else { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Got empty changeSet from command!"); } } else { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Relationship deleted while outside of transaction!"); } }
public static void postProcess(final String key, final TransactionPostProcess process) { TransactionCommand command = currentCommand.get(); if (command != null) { ModificationQueue modificationQueue = command.getModificationQueue(); if (modificationQueue != null) { modificationQueue.postProcess(key, process); } else { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Got empty changeSet from command!"); } } else { logger.log( Level.SEVERE, "Trying to register transaction post processing while outside of transaction!"); } }
@Override public boolean onModification(SecurityContext securityContext, ErrorBuffer errorBuffer) throws FrameworkException { if (super.onModification(securityContext, errorBuffer)) { // register transaction post processing that recreates the schema information TransactionCommand.postProcess("reloadSchema", new ReloadSchema()); return true; } return false; }
protected List<AbstractNode> createTestNodes(final String type, final int number) throws FrameworkException { final PropertyMap props = new PropertyMap(); props.put(AbstractNode.type, type); return (List<AbstractNode>) transactionCommand.execute( new StructrTransaction() { @Override public Object execute() throws FrameworkException { List<AbstractNode> nodes = new LinkedList<AbstractNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { nodes.add((AbstractNode) createNodeCommand.execute(props)); } return nodes; } }); }
private synchronized < A extends NodeInterface, B extends NodeInterface, R extends Relation<A, B, ?, ?>> R createRelationship( final A fromNode, final B toNode, final Class<R> relType, final PropertyMap properties) throws FrameworkException { final RelationshipFactory<R> factory = new RelationshipFactory(securityContext); final R template = instantiate(relType); final Node startNode = fromNode.getNode(); final Node endNode = toNode.getNode(); final Relationship rel = startNode.createRelationshipTo(endNode, template); final R newRel = factory.instantiate(rel); final Date now = new Date(); // logger.log(Level.INFO, "CREATING relationship {0}-[{1}]->{2}", new Object[] { // fromNode.getType(), newRel.getRelType(), toNode.getType() } ); if (newRel != null) { newRel.unlockReadOnlyPropertiesOnce(); newRel.setProperty(GraphObject.type, relType.getSimpleName()); // set UUID newRel.unlockReadOnlyPropertiesOnce(); newRel.setProperty(, getNextUuid()); // set created date newRel.unlockReadOnlyPropertiesOnce(); newRel.setProperty(AbstractRelationship.createdDate, now); // set last modified date newRel.unlockReadOnlyPropertiesOnce(); newRel.setProperty(AbstractRelationship.lastModifiedDate, now); // Try to get the cascading delete flag from the domain specific relationship type newRel.unlockReadOnlyPropertiesOnce(); newRel.setProperty( AbstractRelationship.cascadeDelete, factory.instantiate(rel).getCascadingDeleteFlag()); // notify transaction handler TransactionCommand.relationshipCreated(newRel); if (properties != null) { for (Entry<PropertyKey, Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) { PropertyKey key = entry.getKey(); // on creation, writing of read-only properties should be possible if (key.isReadOnly() || key.isWriteOnce()) { newRel.unlockReadOnlyPropertiesOnce(); } newRel.setProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } // notify relationship of its creation newRel.onRelationshipCreation(); // iterate post creation transformations for (Transformation<GraphObject> transformation : StructrApp.getConfiguration().getEntityCreationTransformations(newRel.getClass())) { transformation.apply(securityContext, newRel); } } return newRel; }
@Override public Object setProperty( final SecurityContext securityContext, final GraphObject obj, final T value) throws FrameworkException { final PropertyConverter converter = databaseConverter(securityContext, obj); final Object convertedValue; if (converter != null) { convertedValue = converter.convert(value); } else { convertedValue = value; } final PropertyContainer propertyContainer = obj.getPropertyContainer(); if (propertyContainer != null) { if (!TransactionCommand.inTransaction()) { throw new NotInTransactionException("setProperty outside of transaction"); } boolean internalSystemPropertiesUnlocked = (obj instanceof CreationContainer); // notify only non-system properties // collect modified properties if (obj instanceof AbstractNode) { if (!unvalidated) { TransactionCommand.nodeModified( securityContext.getCachedUser(), (AbstractNode) obj, AbstractPrimitiveProperty.this, propertyContainer.hasProperty(dbName()) ? propertyContainer.getProperty(dbName()) : null, value); } internalSystemPropertiesUnlocked = ((AbstractNode) obj).internalSystemPropertiesUnlocked; } else if (obj instanceof AbstractRelationship) { if (!unvalidated) { TransactionCommand.relationshipModified( securityContext.getCachedUser(), (AbstractRelationship) obj, AbstractPrimitiveProperty.this, propertyContainer.hasProperty(dbName()) ? propertyContainer.getProperty(dbName()) : null, value); } internalSystemPropertiesUnlocked = ((AbstractRelationship) obj).internalSystemPropertiesUnlocked; } // catch all sorts of errors and wrap them in a FrameworkException try { // save space if (convertedValue == null) { propertyContainer.removeProperty(dbName()); } else { if (!isSystemInternal() || internalSystemPropertiesUnlocked) { propertyContainer.setProperty(dbName(), convertedValue); } else { logger.warn( "Tried to set internal system property {} to {}. Action was denied.", new Object[] {dbName(), convertedValue}); } } updateAccessInformation(securityContext, propertyContainer); } catch (Throwable t) { // throw FrameworkException with the given cause final FrameworkException fex = new FrameworkException( 500, "Unable to set property " + jsonName() + " on entity with ID " + obj.getUuid() + ": " + t.toString()); fex.initCause(t); throw fex; } if (isIndexed()) { // do indexing, needs to be done after // setProperty to make spatial index // work if (!isPassivelyIndexed()) { index(obj, convertedValue); } } } return null; }
// ~--- methods -------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void processMessage(final WebSocketMessage webSocketData) { final String keyString = (String) webSocketData.getNodeData().get("key"); if (keyString == null) { logger.error("Unable to remove given object from collection: key is null"); getWebSocket().send(MessageBuilder.status().code(400).build(), true); } final String idToRemove = (String) webSocketData.getNodeData().get("idToRemove"); if (idToRemove == null) { logger.error("Unable to remove given object from collection: idToRemove is null"); getWebSocket().send(MessageBuilder.status().code(400).build(), true); } GraphObject obj = getNode(webSocketData.getId()); if (obj != null) { if (!((AbstractNode) obj).isGranted(Permission.write, getWebSocket().getSecurityContext())) { getWebSocket() .send(MessageBuilder.status().message("No write permission").code(400).build(), true); logger.warn( "No write permission for {} on {}", new Object[] {getWebSocket().getCurrentUser().toString(), obj.toString()}); return; } } if (obj == null) { // No node? Try to find relationship obj = getRelationship(webSocketData.getId()); } GraphObject objToRemove = getNode(idToRemove); if (obj != null && objToRemove != null) { try { PropertyKey key = StructrApp.getConfiguration().getPropertyKeyForJSONName(obj.getClass(), keyString); if (key != null) { List collection = (List) obj.getProperty(key); collection.remove(objToRemove); obj.setProperties(obj.getSecurityContext(), new PropertyMap(key, collection)); if (obj instanceof NodeInterface) { TransactionCommand.registerNodeCallback((NodeInterface) obj, callback); } else if (obj instanceof RelationshipInterface) { TransactionCommand.registerRelCallback((RelationshipInterface) obj, callback); } } } catch (FrameworkException ex) { logger.error("Unable to set properties: {}", ((FrameworkException) ex).toString()); getWebSocket().send(MessageBuilder.status().code(400).build(), true); } } else { logger.warn("Graph object with uuid {} not found.", webSocketData.getId()); getWebSocket().send(MessageBuilder.status().code(404).build(), true); } }