/** Override the parent method to update the last login date on successful authentication. */
 protected void successfulAuthentication(
     HttpServletRequest request,
     HttpServletResponse response,
     FilterChain chain,
     Authentication auth)
     throws IOException, ServletException {
   super.successfulAuthentication(request, response, chain, auth);
   Object principal = auth.getPrincipal();
   // find authenticated username
   String username = null;
   if (principal instanceof UserDetails) {
     // using custom authentication with Spring Security UserDetail service
     username = ((UserDetails) principal).getUsername();
   } else if (principal instanceof String) {
     // external authentication returns only username
     username = String.valueOf(principal);
   if (username != null) {
     try {
       WikiUser wikiUser = WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupWikiUser(username);
       if (wikiUser != null) {
         wikiUser.setLastLoginDate(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
         WikiBase.getDataHandler().writeWikiUser(wikiUser, wikiUser.getUsername(), "");
         // update password reset challenge fields, just in case
     } catch (WikiException e) {
       // log but do not throw - failure to update last login date is non-fatal
       logger.error("Failure while updating last login date for " + username, e);
 public void success(
     HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Authentication authResult)
     throws IOException, ServletException {
   super.successfulAuthentication(request, response, null, authResult);