private void validateRule(DefaultIssue issue, Rule rule) { RuleKey ruleKey = issue.ruleKey(); if (rule == null) { throw MessageException.of(String.format("The rule '%s' does not exist.", ruleKey)); } if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty( && Strings.isNullOrEmpty(issue.message())) { throw MessageException.of( String.format( "The rule '%s' has no name and the related issue has no message.", ruleKey)); } }
@Override protected void doOnGetProperties(String key) { if (mode.isPreview() && key.endsWith(".secured") && !key.contains(".license")) { throw MessageException.of( "Access to the secured property '" + key + "' is not possible in preview mode. The SonarQube plugin which requires this property must be deactivated in preview mode."); } }
private void checkUtf8(Connection connection) throws SQLException { // Character set is defined globally and can be overridden on each column. // This request returns all VARCHAR columns. Collation may be empty. // Examples: // issues | key | '' // projects | name | utf8 List<String[]> rows = select( connection, "select table_name, column_name, collation_name " + "from information_schema.columns " + "where table_schema='public' " + "and udt_name='varchar' " + "order by table_name, column_name", new SqlExecutor.StringsConverter(3 /* columns returned by SELECT */)); boolean mustCheckGlobalCollation = false; Set<String> errors = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (String[] row : rows) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(row[2])) { mustCheckGlobalCollation = true; } else if (!containsIgnoreCase(row[2], UTF8)) { errors.add(format("%s.%s", row[0], row[1])); } } if (mustCheckGlobalCollation) { String charset = selectSingleString( connection, "SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database()"); if (!containsIgnoreCase(charset, UTF8)) { throw MessageException.of( format("Database collation is %s. It must support UTF8.", charset)); } } if (!errors.isEmpty()) { throw MessageException.of( format( "Database columns [%s] must support UTF8 collation.", Joiner.on(", ").join(errors))); } }
@CheckForNull private QProfile loadQProfile(Settings settings, String language) { String profileName = settings.getString("sonar.profile." + language); if (profileName != null) { QProfile dto = get(language, profileName); if (dto == null) { throw MessageException.of( String.format( "Quality profile not found : '%s' on language '%s'", profileName, language)); } return dto; } return null; }
@Override public void doAfterStart() { // default value is declared in CorePlugin String taskKey = StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty( taskProperties.get(CoreProperties.TASK), CoreProperties.SCAN_TASK); TaskDefinition def = getComponentByType(Tasks.class).definition(taskKey); if (def == null) { throw MessageException.of("Task " + taskKey + " does not exist"); } Task task = getComponentByType(def.taskClass()); if (task != null) { task.execute(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Task " + taskKey + " is badly defined"); } }
/** * Report file, null if the property is not set. * * @throws org.sonar.api.utils.MessageException if the property relates to a directory or a * non-existing file. */ @CheckForNull private File getReportFromProperty() { String path = this.configuration.getReportPath(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(path)) { File report = new File(path); if (!report.isAbsolute()) { report = new File(this.fileSystem.baseDir(), path); } if (report.exists() && report.isFile()) { return report; } throw MessageException.of( "Fortify report does not exist. Please check property " + FortifyConstants.REPORT_PATH_PROPERTY + ": " + path); } return null; }
/** @param optionalSeverity if null, then the default rule severity is used */ public ActiveRule activateRule(final Rule rule, @Nullable RulePriority optionalSeverity) { if (Iterables.any( activeRules, new Predicate<ActiveRule>() { @Override public boolean apply(ActiveRule input) { return input.getRule().equals(rule); } })) { throw MessageException.of( String.format( "The definition of the profile '%s' (language '%s') contains multiple occurrences of the '%s:%s' rule. The plugin which declares this profile should fix this.", getName(), getLanguage(), rule.getRepositoryKey(), rule.getKey())); } ActiveRule activeRule = new ActiveRule(); activeRule.setRule(rule); activeRule.setRulesProfile(this); activeRule.setSeverity(optionalSeverity == null ? rule.getSeverity() : optionalSeverity); activeRules.add(activeRule); return activeRule; }
private static MessageException processError(Exception e) { String message = String.format("Fail to migrate data, error is : %s", e.getMessage()); LOGGER.error(message, e); throw MessageException.of(message); }