private boolean menuClick(View v, boolean longClick) { boolean goToTOC = longClick; longClick = false; MenuButton mb = (MenuButton) v; MenuState newMenuState = menuState.goForward(mb.getNode(), mb.getSectionNode()); Intent intent; if (mb.isBook()) { Book book = null; try { if (!Settings.getUseAPI() && !Database.hasOfflineDB()) { // There's no DB //TODO make it work with API Settings.setUseAPI(true); } book = new Book(newMenuState.getCurrNode().getTitle(Util.Lang.EN)); if (goToTOC) { intent = TOCActivity.getStartTOCActivityIntent(context, book, null); /// intent = new Intent(context, TOCActivity.class); // intent.putExtra("currBook", book); // intent.putExtra("lang", newMenuState.getLang()); context.startActivity(intent); return true; } else { SuperTextActivity.startNewTextActivityIntent(context, book, longClick); } } catch (Book.BookNotFoundException e) { Toast.makeText(context, MyApp.getRString(R.string.sorry_book_not_found), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } } else { intent = new Intent(context, MenuActivity.class); Bundle options = null; if (longClick) { intent = MyApp.startNewTab(intent); options = ActivityOptionsCompat.makeCustomAnimation( context, R.animator.activity_zoom_in, R.animator.activity_zoom_out) .toBundle(); } intent.putExtra("menuState", newMenuState); intent.putExtra("hasSectionBack", mb.getSectionNode() != null); intent.putExtra("hasTabBack", hasTabs); if (longClick) { ActivityCompat.startActivityForResult((Activity) context, intent, 0, options); } else { ((Activity) context).startActivityForResult(intent, 0); } } return false; }
@Override protected void onPostExecute(Boolean success) { super.onPostExecute(success); isWorking = false; if (success == false) { if (APIError) Toast.makeText( superTextActivity, MyApp.getRString(R.string.not_avil_in_online_mode), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); if (finishedEverything) Toast.makeText( superTextActivity, MyApp.getRString(R.string.didnt_find_query_in_book), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); return; } superTextActivity.postFindOnPageBackground(); if (goingToNode != null) { Log.d("findOnPage", "node:" + goingToNode); superTextActivity.lastLoadedNode = null; superTextActivity.firstLoadedNode = goingToNode; superTextActivity.openToSegment = goingToSegment; if (superTextActivity.openToSegment != null) { if (snackbar == null || !snackbar.isShown()) snackbar = Snackbar.make( superTextActivity.searchActionBarRoot, superTextActivity.openToSegment.getLocationString(superTextActivity.menuLang), Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT); else { snackbar.setText( superTextActivity.openToSegment.getLocationString(superTextActivity.menuLang)); }; } superTextActivity.init(); } }
// segment is used to update segment list public void setCurrLinkCount(LinkFilter linkCount, Segment segment) { // try not to update too often if (!linkCount.equals(currLinkCount)) { currLinkCount = linkCount; if (segment != null) // o/w no need to update itemList. You probably just initialized LinkTextAdapter try { setItemList(Link.getLinkedTexts(segment, currLinkCount)); } catch (API.APIException e) { setItemList(new ArrayList<Segment>()); API.makeAPIErrorToast(activity); } catch (Exception e) { setItemList(new ArrayList<Segment>()); try { Toast.makeText( activity, MyApp.getRString(R.string.error_getting_links), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } }