Пример #1
   * Default constructor
   * @param element the Scicos block parameters used by this element.
  public InputPortElement(final JavaController controller, ScilabType element) {

    data = (ScilabMList) element;
    graphics = (ScilabMList) data.get(GRAPHICS_INDEX);
    model = (ScilabMList) data.get(MODEL_INDEX);
 // Uncomment to regenerate a new reference file
 // @org.junit.Before
 public void writeMListFileReference() throws IOException {
   ScilabMList data = new ScilabMList();
   data.add(new ScilabString("hello"));
   data.add(new ScilabDouble(2));
   data.add(new ScilabDouble(51));
   writeReference(data, scilabMListFile);
 public void readJavaSerializedMListTest() throws IOException {
   ScilabMList data = new ScilabMList();
   data.add(new ScilabString("hello"));
   data.add(new ScilabDouble(2));
   data.add(new ScilabDouble(51));
   assertTrue(data.equals(readFromFile(scilabMListFile)) == true);
Пример #4
   * Allocate a port according to the explicit/implicit values.
   * @return a new typed port
  private InputPort allocatePort() {
    InputPort ret;

     * backward compatibility, use explicit as default.
    if (graphics.size() <= GRAPHICS_INIMPL_INDEX) {
      return new ExplicitInputPort(
          controller, controller.createObject(Kind.PORT), Kind.PORT, null, null, null);
    ScilabType inImpl = graphics.get(GRAPHICS_INIMPL_INDEX);

     * backward compatibility, use explicit as default.
    if (isEmptyField(inImpl)) {
      return new ExplicitInputPort(
          controller, controller.createObject(Kind.PORT), Kind.PORT, null, null, null);

    final ScilabString inImplicit = (ScilabString) inImpl;

     * backward compatibility, use explicit as default.
    if (isEmptyField(inImplicit)) {
      return new ExplicitInputPort(
          controller, controller.createObject(Kind.PORT), Kind.PORT, null, null, null);

    final boolean isColumnDominant = inImplicit.getHeight() >= inImplicit.getWidth();
    final int[] indexes = getIndexes(alreadyDecodedCount, isColumnDominant);
    final String[][] inimpl = inImplicit.getData();

    // can we safely access the indexed data ?
    final boolean isSet = canGet(inImplicit, indexes);

     * when the type is set, create a new port instance; create an explicit typed port otherwise.
    if (isSet && inimpl[indexes[0]][indexes[1]].equals(EXPLICIT)) {
      ret =
          new ExplicitInputPort(
              controller, controller.createObject(Kind.PORT), Kind.PORT, null, null, null);
    } else if (isSet && inimpl[indexes[0]][indexes[1]].equals(IMPLICIT)) {
      ret =
          new ImplicitInputPort(
              controller, controller.createObject(Kind.PORT), Kind.PORT, null, null, null);
    } else {
      // when not specified, use explicit
      ret =
          new ExplicitInputPort(
              controller, controller.createObject(Kind.PORT), Kind.PORT, null, null, null);

    return ret;
Пример #5
  public void putAndGetXCOSMListTest() throws NullPointerException, JavasciException {
    String mlistcode =
        "mlist([\"diagram\", \"props\", \"objs\"], tlist([\"params\", \"wpar\", \"title\", \"tol\", \"tf\", \"context\", \"void1\", \"options\", \"void2\", \"void3\", \"doc\"], [600.0, 450.0, 0.0, 0.0, 600.0, 450.0], [\"CLSS\"], [1.0E-6, 1.0E-6, 1.0E-10, 100001.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [10.0], [\"\"], [], tlist([\"scsopt\", \"3D\", \"Background\", \"Link\", \"ID\", \"Cmap\"], list([%t], [33.0]), [8.0, 1.0], [1.0, 5.0], list([5.0, 1.0], [4.0, 1.0]), [0.8, 0.8, 0.8]), [], [], list()), list(mlist([\"Block\", \"graphics\", \"model\", \"gui\", \"doc\"], mlist([\"graphics\", \"orig\", \"sz\", \"flip\", \"theta\", \"exprs\", \"pin\", \"pout\", \"pein\", \"peout\", \"gr_i\", \"id\", \"in_implicit\", \"out_implicit\", \"in_style\", \"out_style\", \"style\"], [430.0, -180.0], [40.0, 40.0], [%t], [0.0], [], [], [], [], [7.0], list([\"xstringb(orig(1),orig(2),\"\"CLOCK_c\"\",sz(1),sz(2));\"], [8.0]), [\"\"], [], [], [], [], [\"CLOCK_c;flip=false;mirror=false\"]), mlist([\"model\", \"sim\", \"in\", \"in2\", \"intyp\", \"out\", \"out2\", \"outtyp\", \"evtin\", \"evtout\", \"state\", \"dstate\", \"odstate\", \"rpar\", \"ipar\", \"opar\", \"blocktype\", \"firing\", \"dep_ut\", \"label\", \"nzcross\", \"nmode\", \"equations\"], [\"csuper\"], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [-1.0], [], [], list(), mlist([\"diagram\", \"props\", \"objs\"], tlist([\"params\", \"wpar\", \"title\", \"tol\", \"tf\", \"context\", \"void1\", \"options\", \"void2\", \"void3\", \"doc\"], [600.0, 450.0, 0.0, 0.0, 600.0, 450.0], [\"Untitled\"], [1.0E-6, 1.0E-6, 1.0E-10, 100001.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [100000.0], [\"\"], [], tlist([\"scsopt\", \"3D\", \"Background\", \"Link\", \"ID\", \"Cmap\"], list([%t], [33.0]), [8.0, 1.0], [1.0, 5.0], list([5.0, 1.0], [4.0, 1.0]), [0.8, 0.8, 0.8]), [], [], list()), list(mlist([\"Block\", \"graphics\", \"model\", \"gui\", \"doc\"], mlist([\"graphics\", \"orig\", \"sz\", \"flip\", \"theta\", \"exprs\", \"pin\", \"pout\", \"pein\", \"peout\", \"gr_i\", \"id\", \"in_implicit\", \"out_implicit\", \"in_style\", \"out_style\", \"style\"], [440.0, -160.0], [40.0, 40.0], [%t], [0.0], [\"0.1\" ; \"0.1\"], [], [], [5.0], [6.0], list([\"xstringb(orig(1),orig(2),\"\"EVTDLY_c\"\",sz(1),sz(2));\"], [8.0]), [\"\"], [], [], [], [], [\"EVTDLY_c\"]), mlist([\"model\", \"sim\", \"in\", \"in2\", \"intyp\", \"out\", \"out2\", \"outtyp\", \"evtin\", \"evtout\", \"state\", \"dstate\", \"odstate\", \"rpar\", \"ipar\", \"opar\", \"blocktype\", \"firing\", \"dep_ut\", \"label\", \"nzcross\", \"nmode\", \"equations\"], list([\"evtdly4\"], [4.0]), [], [], [], [], [], [], [-1.0], [-1.0], [], [], list(), [0.1 ; 0.1], [], list(), [\"d\"], [0.1], [%f, %f], [\"bedc105:13552780191:-7fc7\"], [0.0], [0.0], list()), [\"EVTDLY_c\"], list([\"bedc105:13552780191:-7fc7\"])), mlist([\"Block\", \"graphics\", \"model\", \"gui\", \"doc\"], mlist([\"graphics\", \"orig\", \"sz\", \"flip\", \"theta\", \"exprs\", \"pin\", \"pout\", \"pein\", \"peout\", \"gr_i\", \"id\", \"in_implicit\", \"out_implicit\", \"in_style\", \"out_style\", \"style\"], [519.0, -230.0], [20.0, 20.0], [%t], [0.0], [\"1\"], [], [], [4.0], [], list([\"xstringb(orig(1),orig(2),\"\"CLKOUT_f\"\",sz(1),sz(2));\"], [8.0]), [\"\"], [], [], [], [], [\"CLKOUT_f\"]), mlist([\"model\", \"sim\", \"in\", \"in2\", \"intyp\", \"out\", \"out2\", \"outtyp\", \"evtin\", \"evtout\", \"state\", \"dstate\", \"odstate\", \"rpar\", \"ipar\", \"opar\", \"blocktype\", \"firing\", \"dep_ut\", \"label\", \"nzcross\", \"nmode\", \"equations\"], [\"output\"], [], [], [], [], [], [], [-1.0], [], [], [], list(), [], [1.0], list(), [\"d\"], [], [%f, %f], [\"bedc105:13552780191:-7fcb\"], [0.0], [0.0], list()), [\"CLKOUT_f\"], list([\"bedc105:13552780191:-7fcb\"])), mlist([\"Block\", \"graphics\", \"model\", \"gui\", \"doc\"], mlist([\"graphics\", \"orig\", \"sz\", \"flip\", \"theta\", \"exprs\", \"pin\", \"pout\", \"pein\", \"peout\", \"gr_i\", \"id\", \"in_implicit\", \"out_implicit\", \"in_style\", \"out_style\", \"style\"], [500.71066, -220.0], [8.0, 8.0], [%t], [0.0], [], [], [], [6.0], [4.0 ; 5.0], list([\"xstringb(orig(1),orig(2),\"\"CLKSPLIT_f\"\",sz(1),sz(2));\"], [8.0]), [\"\"], [], [], [], [], [\"CLKSPLIT_f\"]), mlist([\"model\", \"sim\", \"in\", \"in2\", \"intyp\", \"out\", \"out2\", \"outtyp\", \"evtin\", \"evtout\", \"state\", \"dstate\", \"odstate\", \"rpar\", \"ipar\", \"opar\", \"blocktype\", \"firing\", \"dep_ut\", \"label\", \"nzcross\", \"nmode\", \"equations\"], [\"split\"], [], [], [], [], [], [], [-1.0], [-1.0 ; -1.0], [], [], list(), [], [], list(), [\"d\"], [-1.0 ; -1.0], [%f, %f], [\"bedc105:13552780191:-7fc2\"], [0.0], [0.0], list()), [\"CLKSPLIT_f\"], list([\"bedc105:13552780191:-7fc2\"])), mlist([\"Link\", \"xx\", \"yy\", \"id\", \"thick\", \"ct\", \"from\", \"to\"], [500.71066 ; 529.0], [-216.0 ; -186.0], [\"drawlink\"], [0.0, 0.0], [5.0, -1.0], [3.0, 1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 1.0, 0.0]), mlist([\"Link\", \"xx\", \"yy\", \"id\", \"thick\", \"ct\", \"from\", \"to\"], [510.71066 ; 533.71 ; 493.0 ; 460.0], [-216.0 ; -114.0 ; -114.0 ; -76.0], [\"drawlink\"], [0.0, 0.0], [5.0, -1.0], [3.0, 2.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]), mlist([\"Link\", \"xx\", \"yy\", \"id\", \"thick\", \"ct\", \"from\", \"to\"], [460.0 ; 478.0 ; 500.71066], [-124.0 ; -276.0 ; -200.0], [\"drawlink\"], [0.0, 0.0], [5.0, -1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [3.0, 1.0, 0.0])), [\"\"]), [], list(), [\"h\"], [-1.0], [%f, %f], [\"3bcfd9d2:12c7e695a9b:-7fc5\"], [0.0], [0.0], list()), [\"CLOCK_c\"], list([\"3bcfd9d2:12c7e695a9b:-7fc5\"])), mlist([\"Block\", \"graphics\", \"model\", \"gui\", \"doc\"], mlist([\"graphics\", \"orig\", \"sz\", \"flip\", \"theta\", \"exprs\", \"pin\", \"pout\", \"pein\", \"peout\", \"gr_i\", \"id\", \"in_implicit\", \"out_implicit\", \"in_style\", \"out_style\", \"style\"], [270.0, -300.0], [100.0, 70.0], [%t], [0.0], [\"[-2 -1/5;10 0]\" ; \"[1/5;0]\" ; \"[0 1]\" ; \"0\" ; \"[0 0.5]\"], [5.0], [6.0], [], [], list([\"xstringb(orig(1),orig(2),\"\"CLSS\"\",sz(1),sz(2));\"], [8.0]), [\"\"], [\"E\"], [\"E\"], [\"ExplicitInputPort;align=center;labelPosition=right;verticalLabelPosition=middle;rotation=0;spacingLeft=5;flip=false;mirror=false\"], [\"ExplicitOutputPort;align=center;labelPosition=left;verticalLabelPosition=middle;rotation=0;spacingRight=5;flip=false;mirror=false\"], [\"CLSS;flip=false;mirror=false\"]), mlist([\"model\", \"sim\", \"in\", \"in2\", \"intyp\", \"out\", \"out2\", \"outtyp\", \"evtin\", \"evtout\", \"state\", \"dstate\", \"odstate\", \"rpar\", \"ipar\", \"opar\", \"blocktype\", \"firing\", \"dep_ut\", \"label\", \"nzcross\", \"nmode\", \"equations\"], list([\"csslti4\"], [4.0]), [1.0], [1.0], [1.0], [1.0], [1.0], [1.0], [], [], [0.0 ; 0.5], [], list(), [-2.0 ; 10.0 ; -0.2 ; 0.0 ; 0.2 ; 0.0 ; 0.0 ; 1.0 ; 0.0], [], list(), [\"c\"], [], [%f, %t], [\"3bcfd9d2:12c7e695a9b:-7fde\"], [0.0], [0.0], list()), [\"CLSS\"], list([\"3bcfd9d2:12c7e695a9b:-7fde\"])), mlist([\"Block\", \"graphics\", \"model\", \"gui\", \"doc\"], mlist([\"graphics\", \"orig\", \"sz\", \"flip\", \"theta\", \"exprs\", \"pin\", \"pout\", \"pein\", \"peout\", \"gr_i\", \"id\", \"in_implicit\", \"out_implicit\", \"in_style\", \"out_style\", \"style\"], [160.0, -290.0], [48.0, 40.0], [%t], [0.0], [], [], [5.0], [], [], list([\"xstringb(orig(1),orig(2),\"\"STEP_FUNCTION\"\",sz(1),sz(2));\"], [8.0]), [\"\"], [], [\"E\"], [], [\"ExplicitOutputPort;align=center;labelPosition=left;verticalLabelPosition=middle;rotation=0;spacingRight=5;flip=false;mirror=false\"], [\"STEP_FUNCTION;flip=false;mirror=false\"]), mlist([\"model\", \"sim\", \"in\", \"in2\", \"intyp\", \"out\", \"out2\", \"outtyp\", \"evtin\", \"evtout\", \"state\", \"dstate\", \"odstate\", \"rpar\", \"ipar\", \"opar\", \"blocktype\", \"firing\", \"dep_ut\", \"label\", \"nzcross\", \"nmode\", \"equations\"], [\"csuper\"], [], [], [], [-1.0], [1.0], [1.0], [], [], [], [], list(), mlist([\"diagram\", \"props\", \"objs\"], tlist([\"params\", \"wpar\", \"title\", \"tol\", \"tf\", \"context\", \"void1\", \"options\", \"void2\", \"void3\", \"doc\"], [600.0, 450.0, 0.0, 0.0, 600.0, 450.0], [\"STEP_FUNCTION\"], [1.0E-4, 1.0E-6, 1.0E-10, 100001.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [14.0], [\" \"], [], tlist([\"scsopt\", \"3D\", \"Background\", \"Link\", \"ID\", \"Cmap\"], list([%t], [33.0]), [8.0, 1.0], [1.0, 5.0], list([5.0, 1.0], [4.0, 1.0]), [0.8, 0.8, 0.8]), [], [], list()), list(mlist([\"Block\", \"graphics\", \"model\", \"gui\", \"doc\"], mlist([\"graphics\", \"orig\", \"sz\", \"flip\", \"theta\", \"exprs\", \"pin\", \"pout\", \"pein\", \"peout\", \"gr_i\", \"id\", \"in_implicit\", \"out_implicit\", \"in_style\", \"out_style\", \"style\"], [202.230597, -160.0], [40.0, 40.0], [%t], [0.0], [\"1\" ; \"0\" ; \"1\"], [], [3.0], [4.0], [4.0], list([\"xstringb(orig(1),orig(2),\"\"STEP\"\",sz(1),sz(2));\"], [8.0]), [\"\"], [], [\"E\"], [], [\"ExplicitOutputPort;align=right;verticalAlign=middle;spacing=10;rotation=0\"], [\"STEP\"]), mlist([\"model\", \"sim\", \"in\", \"in2\", \"intyp\", \"out\", \"out2\", \"outtyp\", \"evtin\", \"evtout\", \"state\", \"dstate\", \"odstate\", \"rpar\", \"ipar\", \"opar\", \"blocktype\", \"firing\", \"dep_ut\", \"label\", \"nzcross\", \"nmode\", \"equations\"], list([\"step_func\"], [4.0]), [], [], [], [1.0], [1.0], [1.0], [-1.0], [-1.0], [], [], list(), [0.0 ; 1.0], [], list(), [\"c\"], [1.0], [%f, %t], [\"bedc105:13552780191:-7fb7\"], [0.0], [0.0], list()), [\"STEP\"], list([\"bedc105:13552780191:-7fb7\"])), mlist([\"Block\", \"graphics\", \"model\", \"gui\", \"doc\"], mlist([\"graphics\", \"orig\", \"sz\", \"flip\", \"theta\", \"exprs\", \"pin\", \"pout\", \"pein\", \"peout\", \"gr_i\", \"id\", \"in_implicit\", \"out_implicit\", \"in_style\", \"out_style\", \"style\"], [270.80203, -150.0], [20.0, 20.0], [%t], [0.0], [\"1\"], [3.0], [], [], [], list([\"xstringb(orig(1),orig(2),\"\"OUT_f\"\",sz(1),sz(2));\"], [8.0]), [\"\"], [\"E\"], [], [\"ExplicitInputPort;align=left;verticalAlign=middle;spacing=10;rotation=0\"], [], [\"OUT_f\"]), mlist([\"model\", \"sim\", \"in\", \"in2\", \"intyp\", \"out\", \"out2\", \"outtyp\", \"evtin\", \"evtout\", \"state\", \"dstate\", \"odstate\", \"rpar\", \"ipar\", \"opar\", \"blocktype\", \"firing\", \"dep_ut\", \"label\", \"nzcross\", \"nmode\", \"equations\"], [\"output\"], [-1.0], [-2.0], [-1.0], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], list(), [], [1.0], list(), [\"c\"], [], [%f, %f], [\"bedc105:13552780191:-7fb4\"], [0.0], [0.0], list()), [\"OUT_f\"], list([\"bedc105:13552780191:-7fb4\"])), mlist([\"Link\", \"xx\", \"yy\", \"id\", \"thick\", \"ct\", \"from\", \"to\"], [246.230597 ; 266.80203], [-100.0 ; -120.0], [\"drawlink\"], [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [2.0, 1.0, 1.0]), mlist([\"Link\", \"xx\", \"yy\", \"id\", \"thick\", \"ct\", \"from\", \"to\"], [222.230597 ; 270.2306 ; 231.708992 ; 231.708992 ; 270.2306 ; 222.230597], [-124.0 ; -262.39289999999994 ; -262.39289999999994 ; -172.69678 ; -172.69678 ; -76.0], [\"drawlink\"], [0.0, 0.0], [5.0, -1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0])), [\"\"]), [], list(), [\"h\"], [], [%f, %f], [\"3bcfd9d2:12c7e695a9b:-7fd6\"], [0.0], [0.0], list()), [\"STEP_FUNCTION\"], list([\"3bcfd9d2:12c7e695a9b:-7fd6\"])), mlist([\"Block\", \"graphics\", \"model\", \"gui\", \"doc\"], mlist([\"graphics\", \"orig\", \"sz\", \"flip\", \"theta\", \"exprs\", \"pin\", \"pout\", \"pein\", \"peout\", \"gr_i\", \"id\", \"in_implicit\", \"out_implicit\", \"in_style\", \"out_style\", \"style\"], [430.0, -290.0], [40.0, 40.0], [%t], [0.0], [\"1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15\" ; \"-1\" ; \"[]\" ; \"[600;400]\" ; \"0.2\" ; \"1.1\" ; \"10\" ; \"20\" ; \"0\" ; \"\"], [6.0], [], [7.0], [], list([\"xstringb(orig(1),orig(2),\"\"CSCOPE\"\",sz(1),sz(2));\"], [8.0]), [\"\"], [\"E\"], [], [\"ExplicitInputPort;align=center;labelPosition=right;verticalLabelPosition=middle;rotation=0;spacingLeft=5;flip=false;mirror=false\"], [], [\"CSCOPE;flip=false;mirror=false\"]), mlist([\"model\", \"sim\", \"in\", \"in2\", \"intyp\", \"out\", \"out2\", \"outtyp\", \"evtin\", \"evtout\", \"state\", \"dstate\", \"odstate\", \"rpar\", \"ipar\", \"opar\", \"blocktype\", \"firing\", \"dep_ut\", \"label\", \"nzcross\", \"nmode\", \"equations\"], list([\"cscope\"], [4.0]), [-1.0], [1.0], [1.0], [], [], [], [-1.0], [], [], [], list(), [0.0 ; 0.2 ; 1.1 ; 10.0], [-1.0 ; 1.0 ; 20.0 ; 1.0 ; 3.0 ; 5.0 ; 7.0 ; 9.0 ; 11.0 ; 13.0 ; 15.0 ; -1.0 ; -1.0 ; 600.0 ; 400.0], list(), [\"c\"], [], [%t, %f], [\"3bcfd9d2:12c7e695a9b:-7fcd\"], [0.0], [0.0], list()), [\"CSCOPE\"], list([\"3bcfd9d2:12c7e695a9b:-7fcd\"])), mlist([\"Link\", \"xx\", \"yy\", \"id\", \"thick\", \"ct\", \"from\", \"to\"], [212.0 ; 266.0], [-230.0 ; -200.0], [\"drawlink\"], [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [3.0, 1.0, 0.0], [2.0, 1.0, 1.0]), mlist([\"Link\", \"xx\", \"yy\", \"id\", \"thick\", \"ct\", \"from\", \"to\"], [374.0 ; 426.0], [-200.0 ; -230.0], [\"drawlink\"], [0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0], [2.0, 1.0, 0.0], [4.0, 1.0, 1.0]), mlist([\"Link\", \"xx\", \"yy\", \"id\", \"thick\", \"ct\", \"from\", \"to\"], [450.0 ; 450.0], [-144.0 ; -206.0], [\"drawlink\"], [0.0, 0.0], [5.0, -1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [4.0, 1.0, 0.0])), [\"\"])";
    assertTrue(sci.exec("ml=" + mlistcode));
    ScilabMList mlFromScilab = (ScilabMList) sci.get("ml");
    sci.put("ml1", mlFromScilab);

    ScilabMList ml1FromScilab = (ScilabMList) sci.get("ml1");
Пример #6
   * Test if the current instance can be used to decode the element
   * @param element the current element
   * @return true, if the element can be decoded, false otherwise
   * @see org.scilab.modules.xcos.io.scicos.Element#canDecode(org.scilab.modules.types.ScilabType)
  public boolean canDecode(ScilabType element) {
    data = (ScilabMList) element;

    final String type = ((ScilabString) data.get(0)).getData()[0][0];
    return type.equals(DATA_FIELD_NAMES.get(0)) && getNumberOfInputPort() > alreadyDecodedCount;
Пример #7
   * Fill the port with the parameters from the model structure.
   * @param port the target instance
  private void decodeModel(InputPort port) {
    ScilabDouble dataLines = (ScilabDouble) model.get(MODEL_IN_DATALINE_INDEX);
    ScilabDouble dataColumns = (ScilabDouble) model.get(MODEL_IN_DATACOL_INDEX);
    ScilabDouble dataType = (ScilabDouble) model.get(MODEL_IN_DATATYPE_INDEX);

    // The number of row of the port
    int nbLines;
    if (dataLines.getRealPart() != null) {
      nbLines = (int) dataLines.getRealPart()[alreadyDecodedCount][0];
    } else {
      nbLines = 1;

    // The number of column of the port
    int nbColumns;
    if (dataColumns.getRealPart() != null) {
      try {
        nbColumns = (int) dataColumns.getRealPart()[alreadyDecodedCount][0];
      } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        nbColumns = 1;
    } else {
      nbColumns = 1;

    // port scilab type
    int type;
    if (dataType.getRealPart() != null) {
      try {
        type = (int) dataType.getRealPart()[alreadyDecodedCount][0];
      } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        type = 1;
    } else {
      type = 1;

    VectorOfInt v = new VectorOfInt(3);
    v.set(0, nbLines);
    v.set(1, nbColumns);
    v.set(2, type);
    controller.setObjectProperty(port.getUID(), port.getKind(), ObjectProperties.DATATYPE, v);
Пример #8
  public void ReadStructTest() throws NullPointerException, JavasciException {
    assertTrue(sci.exec("myDate=struct('day',25,'month' ,'DEC','year',2006)"));
    assertEquals(sci.getVariableType("myDate"), ScilabTypeEnum.sci_mlist);

    ScilabMList myDate = (ScilabMList) sci.get("myDate");
                "mlist([\"st\", \"dims\", \"day\", \"month\", \"year\"], int32([1, 1]), [25.0], [\"DEC\"], [2006.0])"));
    assertEquals(myDate.getHeight(), 1);
    assertEquals(myDate.getWidth(), 5);
    Map<String, ScilabType> listFields = myDate.getMListFields();
    ScilabString month = (ScilabString) listFields.get("month");
    ScilabDouble year = (ScilabDouble) listFields.get("year");
    assertEquals(year.getRealPart()[0][0], 2006.0, 1e-8);
    ScilabDouble day = (ScilabDouble) listFields.get("day");
    assertEquals(day.getRealPart()[0][0], 25.0, 1e-8);
Пример #9
   * Fill the port with the parameters from the graphics structure.
   * @param port the target instance
  private void decodeGraphics(InputPort port) {
    // protection against previously stored blocks
    if (graphics.size() > GRAPHICS_INSTYLE_INDEX
        && !isEmptyField(graphics.get(GRAPHICS_INSTYLE_INDEX))) {
      final ScilabString styles = (ScilabString) graphics.get(GRAPHICS_INSTYLE_INDEX);

      boolean isColumnDominant = styles.getHeight() >= styles.getWidth();
      int[] indexes = getIndexes(alreadyDecodedCount, isColumnDominant);

      if (canGet(styles, indexes)) {
        final String style;

        style = styles.getData()[indexes[0]][indexes[1]];
        port.setStyle(new StyleMap(port.getStyle()).putAll(style).toString());

    // protection against previously stored blocks
    if (graphics.size() > GRAPHICS_INLABEL_INDEX
        && !isEmptyField(graphics.get(GRAPHICS_INLABEL_INDEX))) {
      final ScilabString labels = (ScilabString) graphics.get(GRAPHICS_INLABEL_INDEX);

      boolean isColumnDominant = labels.getHeight() >= labels.getWidth();
      int[] indexes = getIndexes(alreadyDecodedCount, isColumnDominant);

      if (canGet(labels, indexes)) {
        final String label = labels.getData()[indexes[0]][indexes[1]];

        if (label != null) {
        } else {
Пример #10
 /** @return the number of input port for the element. */
 public int getNumberOfInputPort() {
   return model.get(MODEL_IN_DATALINE_INDEX).getHeight();
Пример #11
  public void putAndGetListTest() throws NullPointerException, JavasciException {
    ScilabList aOriginal = new ScilabList();
    aOriginal.add(new ScilabDouble(new double[][] {{1, 2, 3}, {3, 4, 5}}));
    aOriginal.add(new ScilabInteger(new int[][] {{1, 2, 3}, {3, 4, 5}}, false));
    aOriginal.add(new ScilabString(new String[][] {{"1", "22", "333"}, {"333", "4444", "55555"}}));
    aOriginal.add(new ScilabSparse(new double[][] {{0, 22.0, 0, 39.0}, {23.2, 0, 0, 40.0}}));
        new ScilabDouble(
            new double[][] {{1, 2, 3}, {3, 4, 5}}, new double[][] {{3, 4, 5}, {1, 2, 3}}));
        new ScilabBooleanSparse(
            new boolean[][] {{false, true, false, true}, {true, false, false, true}}));
        new ScilabPolynomial(
            new double[][][] {
              {{1, 2, 3}, {2}, {0, 0, 0, -4}}, {{-1, 0, 2}, {0, 2, 0, 0, 3}, {0}}
    aOriginal.add(new ScilabInteger(new byte[][] {{1, 2, 3}, {3, 4, 5}}, true));
        new ScilabSparse(
            new double[][] {{0, 22.0, 0, 39.0}, {23.2, 0, 0, 40.0}},
            new double[][] {{0, 11.0, 0, 18.5}, {1.34, 0, 0, 41.0}}));
        new ScilabPolynomial(
            new double[][][] {{{1, 2, 3}, {2}, {0, 0, 0, -4}}, {{-1, 0, 2}, {0, 2, 0, 0, 3}, {0}}},
            new double[][][] {
              {{2, -1, 3}, {0}, {2, 0, 1, -3}}, {{3, 0, 1}, {1, -3, 0, 0, -2}, {0}}

    ScilabMList ml = new ScilabMList();
    ml.add(new ScilabDouble(new double[][] {{1, 2, 3}, {3, 4, 5}}));
        new ScilabPolynomial(
            new double[][][] {{{1, 2, 3}, {2}, {0, 0, 0, -4}}, {{-1, 0, 2}, {0, 2, 0, 0, 3}, {0}}},
            new double[][][] {
              {{2, -1, 3}, {0}, {2, 0, 1, -3}}, {{3, 0, 1}, {1, -3, 0, 0, -2}, {0}}

    ScilabList l = new ScilabList();
    l.add(new ScilabInteger(new short[][] {{1, 2, 3}, {3, 4, 5}}, false));
    l.add(new ScilabInteger(new short[][] {{1, 2, 3}, {3, 4, 5}}, true));
        new ScilabPolynomial(
            new double[][][] {
              {{1, 2, 3}, {2}, {0, 0, 0, -4}}, {{-1, 0, 2}, {0, 2, 0, 0, 3}, {0}}

    ScilabTList tl = new ScilabTList();
    tl.add(new ScilabInteger(new short[][] {{1, 2, 3}, {3, 4, 5}}, true));

    ScilabList l1 = new ScilabList();
    l1.add(new ScilabInteger(new byte[][] {{1, 2, 3}, {3, 4, 5}}, false));
    aOriginal.add(new ScilabString(new String[][] {{"1", "22", "333"}, {"333", "4444", "55555"}}));
    sci.put("a", aOriginal);

    ScilabList aFromScilab = (ScilabList) sci.get("a");
