private void reindex( boolean dryRun, JDBCStorageClient jdbcClient, CacheAwareMigrationManager migrationManager, String keySpace, String columnFamily, Indexer indexer, DependencySequence propertyMigrators, IdExtractor idExtractor, int limit, Feedback feedback, boolean reindexAll) throws StorageClientException { long objectCount = jdbcClient.allCount(keySpace, columnFamily); "DryRun:{} Migrating {} objects in {} ", new Object[] {dryRun, objectCount, columnFamily}); feedback.log( "DryRun:{0} Migrating {1} objects in {2} ", new Object[] {dryRun, objectCount, columnFamily}); if (objectCount > 0) { DisposableIterator<SparseRow> allObjects = jdbcClient.listAll(keySpace, columnFamily); try { long c = 0; while (allObjects.hasNext()) { Map<String, PreparedStatement> statementCache = Maps.newHashMap(); SparseRow r =; c++; if (c % 1000 == 0) { "DryRun:{} {}% remaining {} ", new Object[] {dryRun, ((c * 100) / objectCount), objectCount - c}); feedback.progress(dryRun, c, objectCount); } try { Map<String, Object> properties = r.getProperties(); String rid = r.getRowId(); boolean save = false; for (PropertyMigrator propertyMigrator : propertyMigrators) { save = propertyMigrator.migrate(rid, properties) || save; } String key = idExtractor.getKey(properties); if (key != null) { if (!dryRun) { if (save) { migrationManager.insert(keySpace, columnFamily, key, properties, false); } else if (reindexAll) { indexer.index(statementCache, keySpace, columnFamily, key, rid, properties); } } else { if (c > limit) {"Dry Run Migration Stoped at {} Objects ", limit); feedback.log("Dry Run Migration Stoped at {0} Objects ", limit); break; } } } else {"DryRun:{} Skipped Reindexing, no key in {}", dryRun, properties); feedback.log("DryRun:{0} Skipped Reindexing, no key in {1}", dryRun, properties); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.warn(e.getMessage(), e); feedback.exception(e); } catch (StorageClientException e) { LOGGER.warn(e.getMessage(), e); feedback.exception(e); } finally { jdbcClient.closeStatementCache(statementCache); } } } finally { allObjects.close(); } } }
public synchronized void migrate(boolean dryRun, int limit, boolean reindexAll, Feedback feedback) throws ClientPoolException, StorageClientException, AccessDeniedException, IOException, PropertyMigrationException { SessionImpl session = (SessionImpl) repository.loginAdministrative(); StorageClient client = session.getClient(); FileRedoLogger migrateRedoLog = new FileRedoLogger(redoLogLocation, maxLogFileSize, feedback); client.setStorageClientListener(migrateRedoLog); try { if (client instanceof JDBCStorageClient) { JDBCStorageClient jdbcClient = (JDBCStorageClient) client; String keySpace = configuration.getKeySpace(); Indexer indexer = jdbcClient.getIndexer(); PropertyMigrator[] propertyMigrators = propertyMigratorTracker.getPropertyMigrators(); DependencySequence migratorDependencySequence = getMigratorSequence(session, propertyMigrators); for (PropertyMigrator p : migratorDependencySequence) {"DryRun:{} Using Property Migrator {} ", dryRun, p); feedback.log("DryRun:{0} Using Property Migrator {1} ", dryRun, p); } for (PropertyMigrator p : migratorDependencySequence.getUnresolved()) {"DryRun:{} Unresolved Property Migrator {} ", dryRun, p); feedback.log("DryRun:{0} Unresolved Property Migrator {1} ", dryRun, p); } for (Entry<String, Object> p : migratorDependencySequence.getAlreadyRun().entrySet()) {"DryRun:{} Migrator Last Run {} ", dryRun, p); feedback.log("DryRun:{0} Migrator Last Run {1} ", dryRun, p); } if (migratorDependencySequence.hasUnresolved()) { throw new PropertyMigrationException( "There are unresolved dependencies " + migratorDependencySequence.getUnresolved()); } CacheAwareMigrationManager cacheAwareMigrationManager = new CacheAwareMigrationManager( jdbcClient, session.getCache(configuration.getAuthorizableColumnFamily())); reindex( dryRun, jdbcClient, cacheAwareMigrationManager, keySpace, configuration.getAuthorizableColumnFamily(), indexer, migratorDependencySequence, new IdExtractor() { public String getKey(Map<String, Object> properties) { if (properties.containsKey(Authorizable.ID_FIELD)) { return (String) properties.get(Authorizable.ID_FIELD); } return null; } }, limit, feedback, reindexAll); cacheAwareMigrationManager = new CacheAwareMigrationManager( jdbcClient, session.getCache(configuration.getContentColumnFamily())); reindex( dryRun, jdbcClient, cacheAwareMigrationManager, keySpace, configuration.getContentColumnFamily(), indexer, migratorDependencySequence, new IdExtractor() { public String getKey(Map<String, Object> properties) { if (properties.containsKey(BlockSetContentHelper.CONTENT_BLOCK_ID)) { // blocks of a bit stream return (String) properties.get(BlockSetContentHelper.CONTENT_BLOCK_ID); } else if (properties.containsKey(Content.UUID_FIELD)) { // a content item and content block item return (String) properties.get(Content.UUID_FIELD); } else if (properties.containsKey(Content.STRUCTURE_UUID_FIELD)) { // a structure item return (String) properties.get(Content.PATH_FIELD); } return null; } }, limit, feedback, reindexAll); cacheAwareMigrationManager = new CacheAwareMigrationManager( jdbcClient, session.getCache(configuration.getAclColumnFamily())); reindex( dryRun, jdbcClient, cacheAwareMigrationManager, keySpace, configuration.getAclColumnFamily(), indexer, migratorDependencySequence, new IdExtractor() { public String getKey(Map<String, Object> properties) { if (properties.containsKey(AccessControlManagerImpl._KEY)) { return (String) properties.get(AccessControlManagerImpl._KEY); } return null; } }, limit, feedback, reindexAll); saveMigratorSequence(session, migratorDependencySequence); } else { LOGGER.warn("This class will only re-index content for the JDBCStorageClients"); } } finally { client.setStorageClientListener(null); migrateRedoLog.close(); session.logout(); } }