protected Object getPropertyObject(String propertyName) throws SAFSException { String rval = null; if (compObject == null) { int status = waitForObject(mapname, windowName, compName, secsWaitForComponent); if (status == 0) compObject = ((STestRecordHelper) testRecordData).getCompTestObject(); } if (compObject != null) { Log.debug("assignPropVar for " + compObject.getLocator() + ":" + propertyName); rval = sUtils.getAttribute(selenium, compObject.getLocator(), propertyName); if (rval == null) { rval = selenium.getEval( "var xpath = \"" + compObject.getLocator() + "\";var prop = \"" + propertyName + "\";SAFSgetAttribute(xpath,prop);"); } } else { Log.warn("component object is null."); } return rval; }
protected boolean exist() throws SAFSException { String debugmsg = StringUtils.debugmsg(false); try { boolean isShowing = false; // wait for the window - secTimout of 0 means a single try to search for given comps // waitForObject checks only component validity and tells nothing about its visibility int status = sUtils.waitForObject(mapname, windowName, compName, 0); if (status == 0) { // component search succeeded isShowing = compIsVisible("//HTML[1]"); SGuiObject obj; obj = sHelper.getCompTestObject(); if (isShowing && (obj != null)) { isShowing = compIsVisible(obj.getLocator()); } } // else status!=0, which means that component search failed return isShowing; } catch (SAFSObjectNotFoundException sonfe) { Log.warn(debugmsg + " Met Exception " + StringUtils.debugmsg(sonfe)); } return false; }
public boolean highlight(SPCTreeNode node) { String dbgmsg = "WDSPC.highlight "; String xpath = node.xpath; String scriptCommand = null; boolean highlighted = true; // CANAGL attempt at setFocus()? try { selenium.manage().window().setPosition(selenium.manage().window().getPosition()); } catch (NullPointerException ignore) { if (selenium == null) { Log.warn(dbgmsg + "did not find a non-null selenium WebDriver to focus!"); } else { Log.warn( dbgmsg + "did not find a non-null WebDriver window() to manage() for get/set Position!"); } } try { String rs = node.getRecognitionString(); if (rs == null || rs.length() == 0) { Log.debug(dbgmsg + "did not find stored recognition string. Switching to XPATH."); rs = "XPATH=" + xpath; } utils.setWDTimeoutLock(); utils.setWDTimeout(0); WebElement item = SearchObject.getObject(rs); if (item == null) { Log.debug(dbgmsg + "did not find the WebElement using recognition string: " + rs); return false; } highlighted = SearchObject.highlight(item); } catch (Exception e) { Log.warn(dbgmsg + e + getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); highlighted = false; } finally { utils.resetWDTimeout(); utils.resetWDTimeoutLock(); } return highlighted; }
/** * <br> * <em>Purpose:</em> inputKeys and inputCharacters */ protected void inputKeystrokes() throws SAFSException { String keys = ""; if (params.size() < 1) { Log.error("Need at least one parameter."); paramsFailedMsg(windowName, compName); return; } keys = (String); Log.debug("Input Parameter '" + keys + "'"); if (GenericMasterFunctions.INPUTKEYS_KEYWORD.equalsIgnoreCase(action)) { try { setFocusToWindow(); if (compObject == null) { Log.warn("component object is null."); } else { clearText(compObject); } Robot.inputKeys(keys); issuePassedSuccessUsing(keys); } catch (AWTException e) { Log.debug("Exception occur: " + e.getMessage()); issueActionFailure("Exception occur " + e.getMessage()); } } else { // InputCharacters try { if (compObject == null) { Log.debug("component object is null"); throw new SAFSException("component object is null"); } else { clearText(compObject); selenium.type(compObject.getLocator(), keys); issuePassedSuccessUsing(keys); } } catch (Exception e) { try { Log.debug("Can not input character by selenium API, try SAFS Robot."); Robot.inputChars(keys); issuePassedSuccessUsing(keys); } catch (AWTException awte) { Log.debug("Fail to inpu the character, Exception " + awte.getMessage()); issueActionFailure("Exception occur " + awte.getMessage()); } } } }
/** Maximize the current window */ protected void _maximize() throws SAFSException { String message = null; // The window can't be resotred if it is maximized by selenium API. // So use the SAFS Robot to maximize the windows firstly try { super._maximize(); return; } catch (SAFSException e) { message = "Can't maximize window by SAFS Robot. Try Selenium API to maximize. Exception=" + e.getMessage(); Log.warn(message); if (!sUtils.maximizeWindow(winObject.getWindowId(), selenium)) { throw new SAFSException("Fail to maximize by Selenium API."); } } }
/** Minimize the current window */ protected void _minimize() throws SAFSException { String message = null; try { sUtils.minimizeWindow(testRecordData.getWindowGuiId()); return; } catch (Throwable se) { message = "Can not minimize window with native function. Exception=" + se.getMessage(); Log.warn(message); // If we fail to minimize window, try the SAFS Robot to do. try { super._minimize(); return; } catch (Exception e) { message = "Fail to minimize window by SAFS Robot. Exception=" + message; Log.error(message); throw new SAFSException(message); } } }
public void process() { String debugmsg = this.getClass().getName() + ".process(): "; // assume this for now.. sHelper = (STestRecordHelper) testRecordData; try { selenium = SApplicationMap.getSelenium(sHelper.getWindowName()); } catch (SAFSException e) { selenium = SApplicationMap.getSelenium(""); } testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.SCRIPT_NOT_EXECUTED); try { getHelpers(); sUtils = (SeleniumGUIUtilities) utils; } catch (SAFSException ex) { testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.GENERAL_SCRIPT_FAILURE); log.logMessage( testRecordData.getFac(), "SAFSException: " + ex.getClass().getName() + ", msg: " + ex.getMessage(), FAILED_MESSAGE); return; } winObject = sHelper.getWindowTestObject(); compObject = sHelper.getCompTestObject(); if (winObject == null) { Log.warn(debugmsg + " Window Object is null, try to get it through SeleniumGUIUtility. "); try { if (sUtils.waitForObject(mapname, windowName, windowName, secsWaitForWindow) == 0) { Log.debug(debugmsg + " we got the window object through SeleniumGUIUtility."); winObject = ((STestRecordHelper) testRecordData).getWindowTestObject(); } else { Log.debug( debugmsg + " can not get window object through SeleniumGUIUtility: waitForObject() error."); } } catch (SAFSObjectNotFoundException e) { Log.debug( debugmsg + " can not get window object through SeleniumGUIUtility: Exception=" + e.getMessage()); } if (winObject == null) { Log.error(debugmsg + " Window Object is still null"); testRecordData.setStatusCode(StatusCodes.GENERAL_SCRIPT_FAILURE); log.logMessage( testRecordData.getFac(), action + " failed, due to 'Window Object is null'", FAILED_MESSAGE); return; } } if (compObject == null) { Log.warn(debugmsg + " Component Object is null, try to get it through SeleniumGUIUtility."); if (!windowName.equals(compName)) { try { if (sUtils.waitForObject(mapname, windowName, compName, secsWaitForWindow) == 0) { Log.debug(debugmsg + " we get the component object through SeleniumGUIUtility."); compObject = ((STestRecordHelper) testRecordData).getCompTestObject(); } else { Log.debug( debugmsg + " can not get component object through SeleniumGUIUtility: waitForObject() error."); } } catch (SAFSObjectNotFoundException e) { Log.debug( debugmsg + " can not get component object through SeleniumGUIUtility: Exception=" + e.getMessage()); } if (compObject == null) { Log.warn(debugmsg + " Component Object is still null."); } } } // updateFromTestRecordData();//why this is commented? // do the work localProcess(); if (testRecordData.getStatusCode() == StatusCodes.SCRIPT_NOT_EXECUTED) { componentProcess(); // handle Generic keywords } else { Log.debug(debugmsg + " processed " + testRecordData); Log.debug(debugmsg + " params " + params); } }
private void setFocusToWindow() throws SAFSException { if (!sUtils.setWindowFocus(winObject.getWindowId(), selenium)) { Log.warn("Not able to focus window: " + testRecordData.getWindowGuiId()); } }