public boolean activate() { for (Npc n : Npcs.getNearest(randoms)) { if (n.getLocation().distanceTo() < 3) { antiRandom = n; return true; } } return false; }
public void execute() { iTMahoganyBenches.status = "Antirandom"; // Makes the noise if (runnable != null); Time.sleep(750); System.out.println("There is a random nearby!"); Time.sleep(750); if (antiRandom.getDef().getId() == 1091) { SceneObject[] portal = SceneObjects.getNearest(8987); for (SceneObject aPortal : portal) { if (bobsIsland.contains(Players.getMyPlayer().getLocation())) { final SceneObject portal2 = aPortal; aPortal.interact(0); Time.sleep(new SleepCondition() { @Override public boolean isValid() { return portal2.getLocation().distanceTo() < 2; } }, 7500); Time.sleep(1000); } } System.out.println("Bob's Island has been completed"); } else if (antiRandom.getDef().getId() == 3022 || antiRandom.getDef().getId() == 3351 || antiRandom.getDef().getId() == 409) { System.exit(0); System.out.println("A mod called a Genie random onto you.\n" + "The client was closed to protect your account."); } else { antiRandom.interact(0); Time.sleep(1500); System.out.println("Sandwich lady/Old man random has been completed"); } rCount++; }