Пример #1
 private void expandSupertypes(Multimap<String, String> mmap, String key, Class<?> type) {
   for (Class<?> supertype : ReflectionUtils.getSuperTypes(type)) {
     if (mmap.put(supertype.getName(), key)) {
       if (log != null) log.debug("expanded subtype {} -> {}", supertype.getName(), key);
       expandSupertypes(mmap, supertype.getName(), supertype);
Пример #2
  * get all fields annotated with a given annotation
  * <p>depends on FieldAnnotationsScanner configured
 public Set<Field> getFieldsAnnotatedWith(final Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) {
   final Set<Field> result = Sets.newHashSet();
   for (String annotated : store.get(index(FieldAnnotationsScanner.class), annotation.getName())) {
     result.add(getFieldFromString(annotated, loaders()));
   return result;
Пример #3
  * get types annotated with a given annotation, both classes and annotations
  * <p>{@link Inherited} is honored according to given honorInherited.
  * <p>when honoring @Inherited, meta-annotation should only effect annotated super classes and
  * it's sub types
  * <p>when not honoring @Inherited, meta annotation effects all subtypes, including annotations
  * interfaces and classes
  * <p><i>Note that this (@Inherited) meta-annotation type has no effect if the annotated type is
  * used for anything other then a class. Also, this meta-annotation causes annotations to be
  * inherited only from superclasses; annotations on implemented interfaces have no effect.</i>
  * <p>depends on TypeAnnotationsScanner and SubTypesScanner configured
 public Set<Class<?>> getTypesAnnotatedWith(
     final Class<? extends Annotation> annotation, boolean honorInherited) {
   Iterable<String> annotated =
       store.get(index(TypeAnnotationsScanner.class), annotation.getName());
   Iterable<String> classes =
       getAllAnnotated(annotated, annotation.isAnnotationPresent(Inherited.class), honorInherited);
   return Sets.newHashSet(concat(forNames(annotated, loaders()), forNames(classes, loaders())));
Пример #4
 /** get constructors with any parameter annotated with given annotation */
 public Set<Constructor> getConstructorsWithAnyParamAnnotated(
     Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) {
   return getConstructorsFromDescriptors(
       store.get(index(MethodParameterScanner.class), annotation.getName()), loaders());
Пример #5
  * get all constructors annotated with a given annotation
  * <p>depends on MethodAnnotationsScanner configured
 public Set<Constructor> getConstructorsAnnotatedWith(
     final Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) {
   Iterable<String> methods =
       store.get(index(MethodAnnotationsScanner.class), annotation.getName());
   return getConstructorsFromDescriptors(methods, loaders());
Пример #6
  * gets all sub types in hierarchy of a given type
  * <p>depends on SubTypesScanner configured
 public <T> Set<Class<? extends T>> getSubTypesOf(final Class<T> type) {
   return Sets.newHashSet(
           store.getAll(index(SubTypesScanner.class), Arrays.asList(type.getName())), loaders()));