private Future<T> createConnection(final ClientConnectionsEntry entry) { final Promise<T> promise = connectionManager.newPromise(); Future<T> connFuture = connect(entry); connFuture.addListener( new FutureListener<T>() { @Override public void operationComplete(Future<T> future) throws Exception { if (!future.isSuccess()) { releaseConnection(entry); promiseFailure(entry, promise, future.cause()); return; } T conn = future.getNow(); if (!conn.isActive()) { promiseFailure(entry, promise, conn); return; } promiseSuccessful(entry, promise, conn); } }); return promise; }
public Future<RedisConnection> getConnection(InetSocketAddress addr) { ClientConnectionsEntry entry = addr2Entry.get(addr); if (entry != null) { return entries.get(entry); } RedisConnectionException exception = new RedisConnectionException("Can't find entry for " + addr); return connectionManager.newFailedFuture(exception); }
public Future<T> get(ClientConnectionsEntry entry) { if (((entry.getNodeType() == NodeType.MASTER && entry.getFreezeReason() == FreezeReason.SYSTEM) || !entry.isFreezed()) && tryAcquireConnection(entry)) { return connectTo(entry); } RedisConnectionException exception = new RedisConnectionException("Can't aquire connection to " + entry.getClient().getAddr()); return connectionManager.newFailedFuture(exception); }
public Future<Void> add(final ClientConnectionsEntry entry) { final Promise<Void> promise = connectionManager.newPromise(); promise.addListener( new FutureListener<Void>() { @Override public void operationComplete(Future<Void> future) throws Exception { entries.add(entry); } }); initConnections(entry, promise, true); return promise; }
private Future<T> promiseFailure(ClientConnectionsEntry entry, T conn) { int attempts = entry.incFailedAttempts(); if (attempts == config.getFailedAttempts()) { checkForReconnect(entry); } else if (attempts < config.getFailedAttempts()) { releaseConnection(entry, conn); } releaseConnection(entry); RedisConnectionException cause = new RedisConnectionException(conn + " is not active!"); return connectionManager.newFailedFuture(cause); }
public Future<T> get() { for (int j = entries.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { ClientConnectionsEntry entry = getEntry(); if (!entry.isFreezed() && tryAcquireConnection(entry)) { return connectTo(entry); } } List<InetSocketAddress> zeroConnectionsAmount = new LinkedList<InetSocketAddress>(); List<InetSocketAddress> freezed = new LinkedList<InetSocketAddress>(); for (ClientConnectionsEntry entry : entries) { if (entry.isFreezed()) { freezed.add(entry.getClient().getAddr()); } else { zeroConnectionsAmount.add(entry.getClient().getAddr()); } } StringBuilder errorMsg; if (connectionManager.isClusterMode()) { errorMsg = new StringBuilder( "Connection pool exhausted! for slots: " + masterSlaveEntry.getSlotRanges()); } else { errorMsg = new StringBuilder("Connection pool exhausted! "); } if (!freezed.isEmpty()) { errorMsg.append(" Disconnected hosts: " + freezed); } if (!zeroConnectionsAmount.isEmpty()) { errorMsg.append(" Hosts with fully busy connections: " + zeroConnectionsAmount); } RedisConnectionException exception = new RedisConnectionException(errorMsg.toString()); return connectionManager.newFailedFuture(exception); }
public void shutdownAsync() { for (ClientConnectionsEntry entry : addr2Entry.values()) { connectionManager.shutdownAsync(entry.getClient()); } }
@Override public void shutdown() { connectionManager.shutdown(); }
private void scheduleCheck(final ClientConnectionsEntry entry) { connectionManager.getConnectionEventsHub().fireDisconnect(entry.getClient().getAddr()); connectionManager.newTimeout( new TimerTask() { @Override public void run(Timeout timeout) throws Exception { if (entry.getFreezeReason() != FreezeReason.RECONNECT || !entry.isFreezed()) { return; } Future<RedisConnection> connectionFuture = entry.getClient().connectAsync(); connectionFuture.addListener( new FutureListener<RedisConnection>() { @Override public void operationComplete(Future<RedisConnection> future) throws Exception { if (entry.getFreezeReason() != FreezeReason.RECONNECT || !entry.isFreezed()) { return; } if (!future.isSuccess()) { scheduleCheck(entry); return; } final RedisConnection c = future.getNow(); if (!c.isActive()) { c.closeAsync(); scheduleCheck(entry); return; } final FutureListener<String> pingListener = new FutureListener<String>() { @Override public void operationComplete(Future<String> future) throws Exception { try { if (entry.getFreezeReason() != FreezeReason.RECONNECT || !entry.isFreezed()) { return; } if (future.isSuccess() && "PONG".equals(future.getNow())) { entry.resetFailedAttempts(); Promise<Void> promise = connectionManager.newPromise(); promise.addListener( new FutureListener<Void>() { @Override public void operationComplete(Future<Void> future) throws Exception { if (entry.getNodeType() == NodeType.SLAVE) { masterSlaveEntry.slaveUp( entry.getClient().getAddr().getHostName(), entry.getClient().getAddr().getPort(), FreezeReason.RECONNECT); "slave {} successfully reconnected", entry.getClient().getAddr()); } else { synchronized (entry) { if (entry.getFreezeReason() == FreezeReason.RECONNECT) { entry.setFreezed(false); entry.setFreezeReason(null); "host {} successfully reconnected", entry.getClient().getAddr()); } } } } }); initConnections(entry, promise, false); } else { scheduleCheck(entry); } } finally { c.closeAsync(); } } }; if (entry.getConfig().getPassword() != null) { Future<Void> temp = c.async(RedisCommands.AUTH, config.getPassword()); FutureListener<Void> listener = new FutureListener<Void>() { @Override public void operationComplete(Future<Void> future) throws Exception { ping(c, pingListener); } }; temp.addListener(listener); } else { ping(c, pingListener); } } }); } }, config.getReconnectionTimeout(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); }