/** * This basically handles the situation when the user tells the bot to stop. * * @param webHandler * @param isOwnerPresent * @return * @throws InterruptedException */ public static Boolean stopGameBot(WebHandler webHandler) throws InterruptedException { Boolean shouldRestart = false; String chatTranscript = ""; webHandler.sendMessage(ConstantTextStrings.BOT_GOODBYE); webHandler.sendMessage(ConstantTextStrings.BOT_PUBLICITY); webHandler.sendMessage(ConstantTextStrings.BOT_OTHER_SOCIAL_MEDIA); webHandler.sendMessage(ConstantTextStrings.BOT_RESTART_INSTRUCTIONS); chatTranscript = webHandler.getTranscript(); int cnt = 0; while (true) { String newMessages = webHandler.getTranscript().replace(chatTranscript, "").trim(); if (newMessages.toLowerCase().contains("restart")) { shouldRestart = true; break; } cnt += 5000; Thread.sleep(5000); if ((cnt >= 240000) || (webHandler.hasDisconnected())) { shouldRestart = false; break; } } return shouldRestart; }
/** * This is the core function of the project. Starts firefox webdriver, goes to the website and * initiates a chat. Runs in an infinite loop. * * @param isOwnerPresent * @throws Exception */ public static void startJokeBotChat(Boolean isOwnerPresent, ArrayList<String> topics) throws Exception { WebHandler webHandler = new WebHandler(ConstantTextStrings.WEBSITE_URL); webHandler.startBrowser(); while (true) { String fileName = "convs/" + UtilityFunctions.getCurrentTimeStamp() + ".txt"; String newMessage = ""; webHandler.startNewChat(topics); webHandler.waitForChatStart(); try { webHandler.sendMessage(ConstantTextStrings.BOT_WELCOME_MESSAGE); webHandler.waitForNewMessage(); newMessage = webHandler.getNewMessage(); webHandler.sendMessage("Good. Let's get started. The first choice is direct."); StoryNode storyNode = null; StoryTree storyTree = new StoryTree(); int answer = 0; storyTree.startStory(); // This loop is the course of the whole chat. while (true) { storyNode = storyTree.getCurrentStoryNode(); webHandler.sendMessage(storyNode.getContent()); if (storyNode.getNodeType() != 1) { Boolean shouldRestart = false; if (storyNode.getNodeType() == 2) { webHandler.sendMessage("Happy Ending ! Well done :)"); } else { webHandler.sendMessage("Bad Ending ! Hard luck :/"); } shouldRestart = stopGameBot(webHandler); if (shouldRestart) { storyTree.startStory(); continue; } break; } int cnt = 1; for (String option : storyNode.getOptions()) { webHandler.sendMessage(cnt + ". " + option); cnt++; } while (true) { webHandler.sendMessage("Which option do you choose ?"); webHandler.waitForNewMessage(); newMessage = webHandler.getNewMessage(); newMessage = newMessage.replaceAll("[^0-9]", "").trim(); if (newMessage.equals("")) { webHandler.sendMessage( "Invalid option. Enter the number of the option you wish to choose."); continue; } answer = Integer.parseInt(newMessage); if (answer > storyNode.getNumberOfOptions()) { webHandler.sendMessage("Invalid input. Enter a valid option number."); continue; } break; } storyTree.advanceStory(answer - 1); } if (!webHandler.hasDisconnected()) webHandler.disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } UtilityFunctions.writeToFile(webHandler.getTranscript(), fileName); } }