private JDocComment addBaseJavaDoc(final Action action, final JMethod method) { final JDocComment javadoc = method.javadoc(); if (isNotBlank(action.getDescription())) { javadoc.add(action.getDescription()); } return javadoc; }
private void addResourceMethod( final JDefinedClass resourceInterface, final String resourceInterfacePath, final Action action, final MimeType bodyMimeType, final boolean addBodyMimeTypeInMethodName, final Collection<MimeType> uniqueResponseMimeTypes) throws Exception { final String methodName = Names.buildResourceMethodName(action, addBodyMimeTypeInMethodName ? bodyMimeType : null); final JType resourceMethodReturnType = getResourceMethodReturnType( methodName, action, uniqueResponseMimeTypes.isEmpty(), resourceInterface); // the actually created unique method name should be needed in the previous method but // no way of doing this :( final JMethod method = context.createResourceMethod(resourceInterface, methodName, resourceMethodReturnType); context.addHttpMethodAnnotation(action.getType().toString(), method); addParamAnnotation(resourceInterfacePath, action, method); addConsumesAnnotation(bodyMimeType, method); addProducesAnnotation(uniqueResponseMimeTypes, method); final JDocComment javadoc = addBaseJavaDoc(action, method); addPathParameters(action, method, javadoc); addHeaderParameters(action, method, javadoc); addQueryParameters(action, method, javadoc); addBodyParameters(bodyMimeType, method, javadoc); }
private void addParamAnnotation( final String resourceInterfacePath, final Action action, final JMethod method) { final String path = StringUtils.substringAfter(action.getResource().getUri(), resourceInterfacePath + "/"); if (isNotBlank(path)) { method.annotate(Path.class).param(DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_PARAMETER, path); } }
private void addHeaderParameters( final Action action, final JMethod method, final JDocComment javadoc) throws Exception { for (final Entry<String, Header> namedHeaderParameter : action.getHeaders().entrySet()) { addParameter( namedHeaderParameter.getKey(), namedHeaderParameter.getValue(), HeaderParam.class, method, javadoc); } }
private Collection<MimeType> getUniqueResponseMimeTypes(final Action action) { final Map<String, MimeType> responseMimeTypes = new HashMap<String, MimeType>(); for (final Response response : action.getResponses().values()) { if (response.getBody() != null && !response.getBody().isEmpty()) { for (final MimeType responseMimeType : response.getBody().values()) { if (responseMimeType != null) { responseMimeTypes.put(responseMimeType.getType(), responseMimeType); } } } } return responseMimeTypes.values(); }
private JDefinedClass createResourceMethodReturnType( final String methodName, final Action action, final JDefinedClass resourceInterface) throws Exception { final JDefinedClass responseClass = resourceInterface ._class(capitalize(methodName) + "Response") ._extends(context.getResponseWrapperType()); final JMethod responseClassConstructor = responseClass.constructor(JMod.PRIVATE); responseClassConstructor.param(, "delegate"); responseClassConstructor.body().invoke("super").arg(JExpr.ref("delegate")); for (final Entry<String, Response> statusCodeAndResponse : action.getResponses().entrySet()) { createResponseBuilderInResourceMethodReturnType(action, responseClass, statusCodeAndResponse); } return responseClass; }
private void addResourceMethods( final Resource resource, final JDefinedClass resourceInterface, final String resourceInterfacePath) throws Exception { for (final Action action : resource.getActions().values()) { if (action.getBody() == null || action.getBody().isEmpty()) { addResourceMethods(resourceInterface, resourceInterfacePath, action, null, false); } else if (action.getBody().size() == 1) { final MimeType bodyMimeType = action.getBody().values().iterator().next(); addResourceMethods(resourceInterface, resourceInterfacePath, action, bodyMimeType, false); } else { for (final MimeType bodyMimeType : action.getBody().values()) { addResourceMethods(resourceInterface, resourceInterfacePath, action, bodyMimeType, true); } } } for (final Resource childResource : resource.getResources().values()) { addResourceMethods(childResource, resourceInterface, resourceInterfacePath); } }
private void addMethod( ActionType action, Resource res, IMethodModel m, IDocInfo documentation, String returnName, String parameterName) { Action value = new Action(); value.setType(action); res.getActions().put(action, value); IParameterModel[] parameters = m.getParameters(); String[] responseCodes = new String[] {ResourceVisitor.DEFAULT_RESPONSE}; String[] responseDescriptions = new String[] {null}; if (config != null) { responseCodes = new String[] {config.getResponseCode(action)}; } IAnnotationModel annotation = m.getAnnotation(ResourceVisitor.API_RESPONSE); if (annotation != null) { responseCodes = new String[] {annotation.getValue(ResourceVisitor.CODE)}; responseDescriptions = new String[] {annotation.getValue(ResourceVisitor.MESSAGE)}; } annotation = m.getAnnotation(ResourceVisitor.API_RESPONSES); if (annotation != null) { IAnnotationModel[] subAnnotations = annotation.getSubAnnotations("value"); responseCodes = new String[subAnnotations.length]; responseDescriptions = new String[subAnnotations.length]; int a = 0; for (IAnnotationModel mq : subAnnotations) { responseCodes[a++] = mq.getValue(ResourceVisitor.CODE); responseDescriptions[a - 1] = mq.getValue(ResourceVisitor.MESSAGE); } } for (IParameterModel pm : parameters) { if (pm.hasAnnotation(QUERY_PARAM)) { String annotationValue = pm.getAnnotationValue(QUERY_PARAM); String type = pm.getType(); QueryParameter value2 = new QueryParameter(); configureParam(pm, value2); proceedType(type, value2, pm); String text = documentation.getDocumentation(pm.getName()); if (!"".equals(text)) { // $NON-NLS-1$ value2.setDescription(text); } value.getQueryParameters().put(annotationValue, value2); } } for (IParameterModel pm : parameters) { if (pm.hasAnnotation(HEADER_PARAM)) { String annotationValue = pm.getAnnotationValue(HEADER_PARAM); Header value2 = new Header(); configureParam(pm, value2); proceedType(pm.getType(), value2, pm); String text = documentation.getDocumentation(pm.getName()); if (!"".equals(text)) { // $NON-NLS-1$ value2.setDescription(text); } value.getHeaders().put(annotationValue, value2); } } for (IParameterModel pm : parameters) { if (pm.hasAnnotation(PATH_PARAM)) { String annotationValue = pm.getAnnotationValue(PATH_PARAM); UriParameter value2 = new UriParameter(); configureParam(pm, value2); String text = documentation.getDocumentation(pm.getName()); if (!"".equals(text)) { // $NON-NLS-1$ value2.setDescription(text); } proceedType(pm.getType(), value2, pm); res.getUriParameters().put(annotationValue, value2); } } String[] consumesValue = m.getAnnotationValues(CONSUMES); if (consumesValue == null) { consumesValue = classConsumes; } if (consumesValue != null) { for (String s : consumesValue) { s = sanitizeMediaType(s); MimeType bodyType = new MimeType(); if (s.contains(XML)) { bodyType.setSchema(parameterName); if (parameterName != null) { bodyType.setExample(EXAMPLES_PREFFIX + parameterName + XML_FILE_EXT); bodyType.setExampleOrigin(EXAMPLES_PREFFIX + parameterName + XML_FILE_EXT); } } if (s.contains(JSON)) { if (parameterName != null) { bodyType.setSchema(parameterName + ResourceVisitor.JSONSCHEMA); // $NON-NLS-1$ bodyType.setExample(EXAMPLES_PREFFIX + parameterName + JSON_FILE_EXT); bodyType.setExampleOrigin(EXAMPLES_PREFFIX + parameterName + JSON_FILE_EXT); } } bodyType.setType(s); if (s.contains(FORM)) { for (IParameterModel pm : parameters) { if (pm.hasAnnotation(FORM_PARAM)) { String annotationValue = pm.getAnnotationValue(FORM_PARAM); FormParameter vl = new FormParameter(); configureParam(pm, vl); String text = documentation.getDocumentation(pm.getName()); if (!"".equals(text)) { // $NON-NLS-1$ vl.setDescription(text); } proceedType(pm.getType(), vl, pm); ArrayList<FormParameter> arrayList = new ArrayList<FormParameter>(); arrayList.add(vl); if (bodyType.getFormParameters() == null) { bodyType.setFormParameters(new HashMap<String, java.util.List<FormParameter>>()); } bodyType.getFormParameters().put(annotationValue, arrayList); } } } value.getBody().put(s, bodyType); } } String[] producesValue = m.getAnnotationValues(PRODUCES); if (producesValue == null) { producesValue = classProduces; } int a = 0; for (String responseCode : responseCodes) { if (producesValue != null) { Response value2 = new Response(); String text = documentation.getReturnInfo(); String respDesc = responseDescriptions[a]; if (respDesc != null && respDesc.length() > 0) { text = respDesc; } a++; if (!"".equals(text)) { // $NON-NLS-1$ value2.setDescription(text); } for (String s : producesValue) { s = sanitizeMediaType(s); MimeType mimeType = new MimeType(); if (returnName != null) { if (s.contains(XML)) { mimeType.setSchema(returnName); if (returnName != null) { mimeType.setExample(EXAMPLES_PREFFIX + returnName + XML_FILE_EXT); mimeType.setExampleOrigin(EXAMPLES_PREFFIX + returnName + XML_FILE_EXT); } } if (s.contains(JSON)) { if (returnName != null) { mimeType.setSchema(returnName + ResourceVisitor.JSONSCHEMA); // $NON-NLS-1$ mimeType.setExample(EXAMPLES_PREFFIX + returnName + JSON_FILE_EXT); mimeType.setExampleOrigin(EXAMPLES_PREFFIX + returnName + JSON_FILE_EXT); } } } mimeType.setType(s); value2.getBody().put(s, mimeType); } value.getResponses().put(responseCode, value2); // $NON-NLS-1$ } else { Response value2 = new Response(); String text = documentation.getReturnInfo(); if (!"".equals(text)) { // $NON-NLS-1$ value2.setDescription(text); } value.getResponses().put(responseCode, value2); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } }
private void processResponses( IMethodModel m, Action action, IDocInfo documentation, String returnName) { HashMap<String, ResponseModel> responses = new HashMap<String, ResponseModel>(); String mainResponseCode = DEFAULT_RESPONSE; if (config != null) { ActionType actionType = action.getType(); mainResponseCode = config.getResponseCode(actionType); } ResponseModel mainResponse = new ResponseModel(mainResponseCode, null, returnName); responses.put(mainResponseCode, mainResponse); IAnnotationModel apiResponse = m.getAnnotation(ResourceVisitor.API_RESPONSE); if (apiResponse != null) { String code = apiResponse.getValue(ResourceVisitor.CODE); String message = apiResponse.getValue(ResourceVisitor.MESSAGE); ResponseModel response = new ResponseModel(code, message, returnName); responses.put(code, response); } IAnnotationModel apiResponses = m.getAnnotation(ResourceVisitor.API_RESPONSES); if (apiResponses != null) { IAnnotationModel[] subAnnotations = apiResponses.getSubAnnotations("value"); if (subAnnotations != null) { for (IAnnotationModel subAnn : subAnnotations) { String code = subAnn.getValue(ResourceVisitor.CODE); String message = subAnn.getValue(ResourceVisitor.MESSAGE); String adjustedReturnName = returnName; String responseQualifiedName = subAnn.getValue(RESPONSE); if (responseQualifiedName != null) { try { Class<?> responseClass = classLoader.loadClass(responseQualifiedName); ReflectionType rt = new ReflectionType(responseClass); generateXMLSchema(rt, null); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } adjustedReturnName = firstLetterToLowerCase(getSimpleName(responseQualifiedName)); } ResponseModel response = responses.get(code); if (response == null) { response = new ResponseModel(code, message, adjustedReturnName); responses.put(code, response); } else { response.setMessage(message); response.setReturnTypeName(adjustedReturnName); } } } } String[] producesValues = new String[0]; ITypeModel returnType = m.getReturnedType(); if (returnType != null) { boolean returnsValue = !returnType.getName().toLowerCase().equals("void"); producesValues = extractMediaTypes(m, PRODUCES, classProduces, returnsValue, null); if (producesValues != null) { for (ResponseModel responseModel : responses.values()) { responseModel.setProduces(producesValues); } } } IAnnotationModel apiOperation = m.getAnnotation(API_OPERATION); if (apiOperation != null) { String responseContainer = apiOperation.getValue("responseContainer"); StructureType st = StructureType.COMMON; if (responseContainer != null) { responseContainer = responseContainer.toLowerCase(); if (responseContainer.equals("set") || responseContainer.equals("list")) { st = StructureType.COLLECTION; } else if (responseContainer.equals("map")) { st = StructureType.MAP; } } String responseQualifiedName = apiOperation.getValue(RESPONSE); if (responseQualifiedName != null) { try { Class<?> responseClass = classLoader.loadClass(responseQualifiedName); ReflectionType rt = new ReflectionType(responseClass); generateXMLSchema(rt, st); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String adjustedReturnType = firstLetterToLowerCase(getSimpleName(responseQualifiedName)); mainResponse.setReturnTypeName(adjustedReturnType); } } for (ResponseModel rm : responses.values()) { Response response = new Response(); String description = rm.getMessage(); if (description == null || description.trim().isEmpty()) { description = documentation.getReturnInfo(); } if (description != null && !description.trim().isEmpty()) { response.setDescription(description); } String[] produces = rm.getProduces(); if (produces != null) { String returnTypeName = rm.getReturnTypeName(); for (String mediaType : producesValues) { mediaType = sanitizeMediaType(mediaType); MimeType mimeType = new MimeType(); tryAppendSchemesAndExamples(mimeType, mediaType, returnTypeName); mimeType.setType(mediaType); response.getBody().put(mediaType, mimeType); } } String code = rm.getCode(); action.getResponses().put(code, response); } }
private void addMethod( ActionType actionType, Resource res, IMethodModel m, IDocInfo documentation, String returnName, String parameterName) { Action action = new Action(); String description = documentation.getDocumentation(); if (!"".equals(description)) { // $NON-NLS-1$ action.setDescription(description); } ActionType adjustedActionType = adjustActionType(m, actionType); action.setType(adjustedActionType); res.getActions().put(adjustedActionType, action); processResponses(m, action, documentation, returnName); IParameterModel[] parameters = m.getParameters(); for (IParameterModel pm : parameters) { if (pm.hasAnnotation(QUERY_PARAM)) { IAnnotationModel paramAnnotation = pm.getAnnotation(QUERY_PARAM); QueryParameter value2 = new QueryParameter(); String paramName = configureParam(pm, value2, documentation, paramAnnotation); action.getQueryParameters().put(paramName, value2); } } for (IParameterModel pm : parameters) { if (pm.hasAnnotation(HEADER_PARAM)) { IAnnotationModel paramAnnotation = pm.getAnnotation(HEADER_PARAM); Header value2 = new Header(); String paramName = configureParam(pm, value2, documentation, paramAnnotation); action.getHeaders().put(paramName, value2); } } for (IParameterModel pm : parameters) { if (pm.hasAnnotation(PATH_PARAM)) { IAnnotationModel paramAnnotation = pm.getAnnotation(PATH_PARAM); UriParameter value2 = new UriParameter(); String paramName = configureParam(pm, value2, documentation, paramAnnotation); res.getUriParameters().put(paramName, value2); } } boolean hasBody = m.getBodyType() != null; String[] consumesValue = extractMediaTypes(m, CONSUMES, classConsumes, hasBody, adjustedActionType); if (consumesValue != null) { for (String s : consumesValue) { s = sanitizeMediaType(s); MimeType bodyType = new MimeType(); tryAppendSchemesAndExamples(bodyType, s, parameterName); bodyType.setType(s); if (s.contains(FORM)) { for (IParameterModel pm : parameters) { if (pm.hasAnnotation(FORM_PARAM)) { IAnnotationModel paramAnnotation = pm.getAnnotation(FORM_PARAM); FormParameter vl = new FormParameter(); String paramName = configureParam(pm, vl, documentation, paramAnnotation); ArrayList<FormParameter> arrayList = new ArrayList<FormParameter>(); arrayList.add(vl); if (bodyType.getFormParameters() == null) { bodyType.setFormParameters(new HashMap<String, java.util.List<FormParameter>>()); } bodyType.getFormParameters().put(paramName, arrayList); } } } action.getBody().put(s, bodyType); } } }