@Override public void run() { while (true) { log("Running check"); long pre = TimeService.nanoTime(); Map<Thread, StackTraceElement[]> stacks = Thread.getAllStackTraces(); long post = TimeService.nanoTime(); log("Thread.getAllStackTraces() took " + (post - pre) + " nanoseconds"); for (Thread t : stacks.keySet()) { String name = t.getName(); if (!name.equals(WATCHDOG) && (mask == null || name.contains(mask))) { StackTraceElement[] stack = stacks.get(t); if (stack.length < shortStack) { continue; } boolean stuck = isStuck(t, stack); if (!onlyStuck || stuck) { traceStack(t, stack, stuck); } } } lastStacks = stacks; try { Thread.sleep(period); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("Thread has been interrupted", e); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } }
@Override public DistStageAck executeOnSlave() { random = new Random(randomSeed + slaveState.getSlaveIndex()); if (ramPercentage > 0 && valueCount > 0) { return errorResponse( "Either valueCount or ramPercentageDataSize should be specified, but not both"); } if (ramPercentage > 1) { return errorResponse("The percentage of RAM can not be greater than one."); } if (shareWords && !limitWordCount) { return errorResponse( "The shareWords property can only be true when limitWordCount is also true."); } if (limitWordCount && !stringData) { return errorResponse( "The limitWordCount property can only be true when stringData is also true."); } if (valueByteOverhead == -1 && cacheInformation == null) { return errorResponse("The valueByteOverhead property must be supplied for this cache."); } /* * If valueByteOverhead is not specified, then try to retrieve the byte overhead from the * CacheWrapper */ if (valueByteOverhead == -1 && cacheInformation != null) { valueByteOverhead = cacheInformation.getCache(null).getEntryOverhead(); } runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); int valueSizeWithOverhead = valueByteOverhead; /* * String data is twice the size of a byte array */ if (stringData) { valueSizeWithOverhead += (valueSize * 2); } else { valueSizeWithOverhead += valueSize; } if (ramPercentage > 0) { System.gc(); targetMemoryUse = (long) (runtime.maxMemory() * ramPercentage); log.trace("targetMemoryUse: " + Utils.kbString(targetMemoryUse)); nodePutCount = (long) Math.ceil(targetMemoryUse / valueSizeWithOverhead); } else { long totalPutCount = valueCount; if (targetMemoryUse > 0) { if (targetMemoryUse % valueSizeWithOverhead != 0) { log.warn( "The supplied value for targetMemoryUse (" + targetMemoryUse + ") is not evenly divisible by the value size plus byte overhead (" + valueSizeWithOverhead + ")"); } totalPutCount = targetMemoryUse / valueSizeWithOverhead; } nodePutCount = (long) Math.ceil(totalPutCount / slaveState.getClusterSize()); /* * Add one to the nodeCount on each slave with an index less than the remainder so that the * correct number of values are written to the cache */ if ((totalPutCount % slaveState.getClusterSize() != 0) && slaveState.getSlaveIndex() < (totalPutCount % slaveState.getClusterSize())) { nodePutCount++; } } long putCount = nodePutCount; long bytesWritten = 0; BasicOperations.Cache<String, Object> cache = basicOperations.getCache(bucket); try { byte[] buffer = new byte[valueSize]; Statistics stats = new DefaultStatistics(new DefaultOperationStats()); stats.begin(); while (putCount > 0) { String key = Integer.toString(slaveState.getSlaveIndex()) + "-" + putCount + ":" + TimeService.nanoTime(); long start = -1; boolean success = false; String cacheData = null; if (stringData) { cacheData = generateRandomStringData(valueSize); } else { random.nextBytes(buffer); } for (int i = 0; i < putRetryCount; ++i) { try { if (stringData) { if (putCount % 5000 == 0) { log.info(i + ": Writing string length " + valueSize + " to cache key: " + key); } start = TimeService.nanoTime(); cache.put(key, cacheData); } else { if (putCount % 5000 == 0) { log.info(i + ": Writing " + valueSize + " bytes to cache key: " + key); } start = TimeService.nanoTime(); cache.put(key, buffer); } long durationNanos = TimeService.nanoTime() - start; stats.registerRequest(durationNanos, BasicOperations.PUT); if (printWriteStatistics) { log.info( "Put on slave" + slaveState.getSlaveIndex() + " took " + Utils.prettyPrintTime(durationNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)); } success = true; break; } catch (Exception e) { // If the put fails, sleep to see if staggering the put will succeed Thread.sleep(maxSleepInterval * 1000); } } if (!success) { return errorResponse( "Failed to insert entry into cache", new RuntimeException( String.format("Failed to insert entry %d times.", putRetryCount))); } if (stringData) { bytesWritten += (valueSize * 2); } else { bytesWritten += valueSize; } putCount--; } stats.end(); System.gc(); log.info( "Memory - free: " + Utils.kbString(runtime.freeMemory()) + " - max: " + Utils.kbString(runtime.maxMemory()) + "- total: " + Utils.kbString(runtime.totalMemory())); log.debug( "nodePutCount = " + nodePutCount + "; bytesWritten = " + bytesWritten + "; targetMemoryUse = " + targetMemoryUse + "; countOfWordsInData = " + countOfWordsInData); return new DataInsertAck( slaveState, nodePutCount, cacheInformation.getCache(null).getLocallyStoredSize(), bytesWritten, targetMemoryUse, countOfWordsInData, wordCount, stats); } catch (Exception e) { return errorResponse("An exception occurred", e); } finally { // Log the word counts for this node if (stringData && !wordCount.isEmpty()) { log.debug("Word counts for node" + slaveState.getSlaveIndex()); log.debug("--------------------"); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : wordCount.entrySet()) { log.debug("key: " + entry.getKey() + "; value: " + entry.getValue()); } log.debug("--------------------"); } } }