 public Object visitImportFrom(ImportFrom node) throws Exception {
   String modRep = NodeUtils.getRepresentationString(node.module);
   if (NodeUtils.isWithin(line, col, node.module)) {
     // it is a token in the definition of a module
     int startingCol = node.module.beginColumn;
     int endingCol = startingCol;
     while (endingCol < this.col) {
     int lastChar = endingCol - startingCol;
     moduleImported = modRep.substring(0, lastChar);
     int i = lastChar;
     while (i < modRep.length()) {
       if (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(modRep.charAt(i))) {
       } else {
     moduleImported += modRep.substring(lastChar, i);
   } else {
     // it was not the module, so, we have to check for each name alias imported
     for (aliasType alias : node.names) {
       // we do not check the 'as' because if it is some 'as', it will be gotten as a global in the
       // module
       if (NodeUtils.isWithin(line, col, alias.name)) {
         moduleImported = modRep + "." + NodeUtils.getRepresentationString(alias.name);
   return super.visitImportFrom(node);
  public Object visitNameTok(NameTok node) throws Exception {
    if (node.ctx == NameTok.KeywordName) {
      if (this.line == node.beginLine) {
        String rep = NodeUtils.getRepresentationString(node);

        if (PySelection.isInside(col, node.beginColumn, rep.length())) {
          foundAsDefinition = true;
          // if it is found as a definition it is an 'exact' match, so, erase all the others.
          ILocalScope scope = new LocalScope(this.defsStack);
          for (Iterator<Definition> it = definitions.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            Definition d = it.next();
            if (!d.scope.equals(scope)) {


          definitionFound =
              new KeywordParameterDefinition(
                  line, node.beginColumn, rep, node, scope, module.get(), this.call.peek());
          throw new StopVisitingException();
    return null;
Пример #3
  public void run(IAction action) {
    FastStringBuffer buf = new FastStringBuffer();
    try {
      PyEdit pyEdit = getPyEdit();

      PySelection pySelection = new PySelection(pyEdit);

      IPythonNature nature = pyEdit.getPythonNature();
      File editorFile = pyEdit.getEditorFile();

      if (editorFile != null) {
        if (nature != null) {
          String mod = nature.resolveModule(editorFile);
          if (mod != null) {

          } else {
            // Support for external files (not in PYTHONPATH).
        } else {

      List<stmtType> path =
              pySelection.getDoc(), pySelection.getStartLineIndex());
      for (stmtType stmtType : path) {
        if (buf.length() > 0) {

    } catch (MisconfigurationException e1) {

    Transfer[] dataTypes = new Transfer[] {TextTransfer.getInstance()};
    Object[] data = new Object[] {buf.toString()};

    Clipboard clipboard = new Clipboard(EditorUtils.getShell().getDisplay());
    try {
      clipboard.setContents(data, dataTypes);
    } catch (SWTError e) {
      if (e.code != DND.ERROR_CANNOT_SET_CLIPBOARD) {
        throw e;
          EditorUtils.getShell(), "Error copying to clipboard.", e.getMessage());
    } finally {
Пример #4
   * @param request this is the request for the completion
   * @param theList OUT - returned completions are added here. (IToken instances)
   * @param getOnlySupers whether we should only get things from super classes (in this case, we
   *     won't get things from the current class)
   * @param checkIfInCorrectScope if true, we'll first check if we're in a scope that actually has a
   *     method with 'self' or 'cls'
   * @return true if we actually tried to get the completions for self or cls.
   * @throws MisconfigurationException
  public static boolean getSelfOrClsCompletions(
      CompletionRequest request,
      List theList,
      ICompletionState state,
      boolean getOnlySupers,
      boolean checkIfInCorrectScope,
      String lookForRep)
      throws MisconfigurationException {

    SimpleNode s =
                new PyParser.ParserInfo(request.doc, true, request.nature, state.getLine()))
    if (s != null) {
      FindScopeVisitor visitor = new FindScopeVisitor(state.getLine(), 0);
      try {
        if (checkIfInCorrectScope) {
          boolean scopeCorrect = false;

          FastStack<SimpleNode> scopeStack = visitor.scope.getScopeStack();
          for (Iterator<SimpleNode> it = scopeStack.topDownIterator();
              scopeCorrect == false && it.hasNext(); ) {
            SimpleNode node = it.next();
            if (node instanceof FunctionDef) {
              FunctionDef funcDef = (FunctionDef) node;
              if (funcDef.args != null
                  && funcDef.args.args != null
                  && funcDef.args.args.length > 0) {
                // ok, we have some arg, let's check for self or cls
                String rep = NodeUtils.getRepresentationString(funcDef.args.args[0]);
                if (rep != null && (rep.equals("self") || rep.equals("cls"))) {
                  scopeCorrect = true;
          if (!scopeCorrect) {
            return false;
        if (lookForRep.equals("self")) {
        } else {
        getSelfOrClsCompletions(visitor.scope, request, theList, state, getOnlySupers);
      } catch (Exception e1) {
      return true;
    return false;
   * @param lastMayBeMethod if true, it gets the path and accepts a method (if it is the last in the
   *     stack) if false, null is returned if a method is found.
   * @param tempStack is a temporary stack object (which may be cleared)
   * @return a tuple, where the first element is the path where the entry is located (may return
   *     null). and the second element is a boolen that indicates if the last was actually a method
   *     or not.
  private Tuple<String, Boolean> getPathToRoot(
      ASTEntry entry, boolean lastMayBeMethod, boolean acceptAny, FastStack<SimpleNode> tempStack) {
    if (entry.parent == null) {
      return null;
    // just to be sure that it's empty

    boolean lastIsMethod = false;
    // if the last 'may be a method', in this case, we have to remember that it will actually be the
    // first one
    // to be analyzed.

    // let's get the stack
    while (entry.parent != null) {
      if (entry.parent.node instanceof ClassDef) {

      } else if (entry.parent.node instanceof FunctionDef) {
        if (!acceptAny) {
          if (lastIsMethod) {
            // already found a method
            return null;

          if (!lastMayBeMethod) {
            return null;

          // ok, the last one may be a method... (in this search, it MUST be the first one...)
          if (tempStack.size() != 0) {
            return null;

        // ok, there was a class, so, let's go and set it
        lastIsMethod = true;

      } else {
        return null;
      entry = entry.parent;

    // now that we have the stack, let's make it into a path...
    FastStringBuffer buf = new FastStringBuffer();
    while (tempStack.size() > 0) {
      if (buf.length() > 0) {
    return new Tuple<String, Boolean>(buf.toString(), lastIsMethod);
   * @param node the declaration node we're interested in (class or function)
   * @param name the token that represents the name of that declaration
  private void checkDeclaration(SimpleNode node, NameTok name) {
    String rep = NodeUtils.getRepresentationString(node);
    if (rep.equals(tokenToFind)
        && line == name.beginLine
        && col >= name.beginColumn
        && col <= name.beginColumn + rep.length()) {
      foundAsDefinition = true;
      // if it is found as a definition it is an 'exact' match, so, erase all the others.
      ILocalScope scope = new LocalScope(this.defsStack);
      for (Iterator<Definition> it = definitions.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        Definition d = it.next();
        if (!d.scope.equals(scope)) {

      definitionFound = new Definition(line, name.beginColumn, rep, node, scope, module.get());
Пример #7
  /** @see org.python.pydev.core.ILocalScope#getLocalTokens(int, int, boolean) */
  public IToken[] getLocalTokens(int endLine, int col, boolean onlyArgs) {
    Set<SourceToken> comps = new HashSet<SourceToken>();

    for (Iterator<SimpleNode> iter = this.scope.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
      SimpleNode element = iter.next();

      stmtType[] body = null;
      if (element instanceof FunctionDef) {
        FunctionDef f = (FunctionDef) element;
        final argumentsType args = f.args;

        for (int i = 0; i < args.args.length; i++) {
          String s = NodeUtils.getRepresentationString(args.args[i]);
          comps.add(new SourceToken(args.args[i], s, "", "", "", IToken.TYPE_PARAM));
        if (args.vararg != null) {
          String s = NodeUtils.getRepresentationString(args.vararg);
          comps.add(new SourceToken(args.vararg, s, "", "", "", IToken.TYPE_PARAM));

        if (args.kwarg != null) {
          String s = NodeUtils.getRepresentationString(args.kwarg);
          comps.add(new SourceToken(args.kwarg, s, "", "", "", IToken.TYPE_PARAM));
        if (args.kwonlyargs != null) {
          for (int i = 0; i < args.kwonlyargs.length; i++) {
            String s = NodeUtils.getRepresentationString(args.kwonlyargs[i]);
            comps.add(new SourceToken(args.kwonlyargs[i], s, "", "", "", IToken.TYPE_PARAM));

        if (onlyArgs) {
        body = f.body;
      } else if (element instanceof ClassDef && !iter.hasNext()) {
        ClassDef classDef = (ClassDef) element;
        body = classDef.body;

      if (body != null) {
        try {
          for (int i = 0; i < body.length; i++) {
            GlobalModelVisitor visitor =
                new GlobalModelVisitor(GlobalModelVisitor.GLOBAL_TOKENS, "", false, true);
            stmtType stmt = body[i];
            if (stmt == null) {
            List<IToken> t = visitor.tokens;
            for (Iterator<IToken> iterator = t.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
              SourceToken tok = (SourceToken) iterator.next();

              // if it is found here, it is a local type
              tok.type = IToken.TYPE_LOCAL;
              if (tok.getAst().beginLine <= endLine) {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    return comps.toArray(new SourceToken[0]);
Пример #8
   * Called after the creation of any module. Used as a workaround for filling tokens that are in no
   * way available in the code-completion through the regular inspection.
   * <p>The django objects class is the reason why this happens... It's structure for the creation
   * on a model class follows no real patterns for the creation of the 'objects' attribute in the
   * class, and thus, we have no real generic way of discovering it (actually, even by looking at
   * the class definition this is very obscure), so, the solution found is creating the objects by
   * decorating the module with that info.
  private AbstractModule decorateModule(AbstractModule n, IPythonNature nature) {
    if (n instanceof SourceModule && "django.db.models.base".equals(n.getName())) {
      SourceModule sourceModule = (SourceModule) n;
      SimpleNode ast = sourceModule.getAst();
      for (SimpleNode node : ((Module) ast).body) {
        if (node instanceof ClassDef && "Model".equals(NodeUtils.getRepresentationString(node))) {
          Object[][] metaclassAttrs =
              new Object[][] {
                {"objects", NodeUtils.makeAttribute("django.db.models.manager.Manager()")},
                {"DoesNotExist", new Name("Exception", Name.Load, false)},
                {"MultipleObjectsReturned", new Name("Exception", Name.Load, false)},

          ClassDef classDef = (ClassDef) node;
          stmtType[] newBody = new stmtType[classDef.body.length + metaclassAttrs.length];
          System.arraycopy(classDef.body, 0, newBody, metaclassAttrs.length, classDef.body.length);

          int i = 0;
          for (Object[] objAndType : metaclassAttrs) {
            // Note that the line/col is important so that we correctly acknowledge it inside the
            // "class Model" scope.
            Name name = new Name((String) objAndType[0], Name.Store, false);
            name.beginColumn = classDef.beginColumn + 4;
            name.beginLine = classDef.beginLine + 1;
            newBody[i] = new Assign(new exprType[] {name}, (exprType) objAndType[1]);
            newBody[i].beginColumn = classDef.beginColumn + 4;
            newBody[i].beginLine = classDef.beginLine + 1;

            i += 1;

          classDef.body = newBody;
    return n;