public RefactoringInfo(PyEdit edit, ITextSelection selection) throws MisconfigurationException { IEditorInput input = edit.getEditorInput(); this.indentPrefs = edit.getIndentPrefs(); IPythonNature localNature = edit.getPythonNature(); if (input instanceof IFileEditorInput) { IFileEditorInput editorInput = (IFileEditorInput) input; this.sourceFile = editorInput.getFile(); this.realFile = sourceFile != null ? sourceFile.getLocation().toFile() : null; } else { this.realFile = edit.getEditorFile(); } if (localNature == null) { Tuple<IPythonNature, String> infoForFile = PydevPlugin.getInfoForFile(this.realFile); if (infoForFile != null && infoForFile.o1 != null) { localNature = infoForFile.o1; } } this.nature = localNature; this.doc = edit.getDocument(); this.project = edit.getProject(); versionProvider = this.nature; initInfo(selection); }
public void run(IAction action) { FastStringBuffer buf = new FastStringBuffer(); try { PyEdit pyEdit = getPyEdit(); PySelection pySelection = new PySelection(pyEdit); IPythonNature nature = pyEdit.getPythonNature(); File editorFile = pyEdit.getEditorFile(); if (editorFile != null) { if (nature != null) { String mod = nature.resolveModule(editorFile); if (mod != null) { buf.append(mod); } else { // Support for external files (not in PYTHONPATH). buf.append(FullRepIterable.getFirstPart(editorFile.getName())); } } else { buf.append(FullRepIterable.getFirstPart(editorFile.getName())); } } List<stmtType> path = FastParser.parseToKnowGloballyAccessiblePath( pySelection.getDoc(), pySelection.getStartLineIndex()); for (stmtType stmtType : path) { if (buf.length() > 0) { buf.append('.'); } buf.append(NodeUtils.getRepresentationString(stmtType)); } } catch (MisconfigurationException e1) { Log.log(e1); return; } Transfer[] dataTypes = new Transfer[] {TextTransfer.getInstance()}; Object[] data = new Object[] {buf.toString()}; Clipboard clipboard = new Clipboard(EditorUtils.getShell().getDisplay()); try { clipboard.setContents(data, dataTypes); } catch (SWTError e) { if (e.code != DND.ERROR_CANNOT_SET_CLIPBOARD) { throw e; } MessageDialog.openError( EditorUtils.getShell(), "Error copying to clipboard.", e.getMessage()); } finally { clipboard.dispose(); } }
/** * Gets the command to send to the console (either the selected text or a runfile with the * editor). */ private static String getCommandToSend(PyEdit edit, PySelection selection) { String cmd = null; String code = selection.getTextSelection().getText(); if (code.length() != 0) { cmd = code + "\n"; } else { // no code available: do a runfile in the current context File editorFile = edit.getEditorFile(); if (editorFile != null) { cmd = PythonSnippetUtils.getRunfileCommand(editorFile); } } return cmd; }
private ArrayList<IDefinition> findDefinitions( IPythonNature nature, PyEdit edit, int start, IDocument doc) { CompletionCache completionCache = new CompletionCache(); ArrayList<IDefinition> selected = new ArrayList<IDefinition>(); RefactoringRequest request = new RefactoringRequest( edit.getEditorFile(), new PySelection(doc, new TextSelection(doc, start, 0)), new NullProgressMonitor(), nature, edit); try { PyRefactoringFindDefinition.findActualDefinition(request, completionCache, selected); } catch (CompletionRecursionException | BadLocationException e1) { Log.log(e1); } return selected; }
/** * If the file is passed, we also set the document automatically * * @param file the file correspondent to this request * @throws MisconfigurationException */ public RefactoringRequest(PyEdit pyEdit, PySelection ps) throws MisconfigurationException { this(pyEdit.getEditorFile(), ps, null, pyEdit.getPythonNature(), pyEdit); }
@Override public void addProps( MarkerAnnotationAndPosition markerAnnotation, IAnalysisPreferences analysisPreferences, String line, PySelection ps, int offset, IPythonNature nature, PyEdit edit, List<ICompletionProposal> props) throws BadLocationException, CoreException { if (nature == null) { return; } ICodeCompletionASTManager astManager = nature.getAstManager(); if (astManager == null) { return; } if (markerAnnotation.position == null) { return; } IMarker marker = markerAnnotation.markerAnnotation.getMarker(); Integer id = (Integer) marker.getAttribute(AnalysisRunner.PYDEV_ANALYSIS_TYPE); int start = markerAnnotation.position.offset; int end = start + markerAnnotation.position.length; ps.setSelection(start, end); String markerContents; try { markerContents = ps.getSelectedText(); } catch (Exception e1) { return; // Selection may be wrong. } IDocument doc = ps.getDoc(); List<String> parametersAfterCall = ps.getParametersAfterCall(end); switch (id) { case IAnalysisPreferences.TYPE_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE: addCreateClassOption(ps, edit, props, markerContents, parametersAfterCall); addCreateMethodOption(ps, edit, props, markerContents, parametersAfterCall); break; case IAnalysisPreferences.TYPE_UNDEFINED_IMPORT_VARIABLE: // Say we had something as: // import sys // sys.Bar // in which case 'Bar' is undefined // in this situation, the activationTokenAndQual would be "sys." and "Bar" // and we want to get the definition for "sys" String[] activationTokenAndQual = ps.getActivationTokenAndQual(true); if (activationTokenAndQual[0].endsWith(".")) { ArrayList<IDefinition> selected = findDefinitions(nature, edit, start - 2, doc); for (IDefinition iDefinition : selected) { IModule module = iDefinition.getModule(); if (module.getFile() != null) { Definition definition = (Definition) iDefinition; File file = module.getFile(); if (definition.ast == null) { // if we have no ast in the definition, it means the module itself was found (global // scope) // Add option to create class at the given module! addCreateClassOption(ps, edit, props, markerContents, parametersAfterCall, file); addCreateMethodOption(ps, edit, props, markerContents, parametersAfterCall, file); } else if (definition.ast instanceof ClassDef) { ClassDef classDef = (ClassDef) definition.ast; // Ok, we should create a field or method in this case (accessing a classmethod or // staticmethod) PyCreateMethodOrField pyCreateMethod = new PyCreateMethodOrField(); String className = NodeUtils.getNameFromNameTok(; pyCreateMethod.setCreateInClass(className); pyCreateMethod.setCreateAs(PyCreateMethodOrField.CLASSMETHOD); addCreateClassmethodOption( ps, edit, props, markerContents, parametersAfterCall, pyCreateMethod, file, className); } } } } break; case IAnalysisPreferences.TYPE_UNRESOLVED_IMPORT: // This case is the following: from other_module4 import Foo // with 'Foo' being undefined. // So, we have to suggest creating a Foo class/method in other_module4 PyImportsHandling importsHandling = new PyImportsHandling(ps.getDoc(), false); int offsetLine = ps.getLineOfOffset(start); String selectedText = ps.getSelectedText(); Tuple<IModule, String> found = null; String foundFromImportStr = null; boolean isImportFrom = false; OUT: for (ImportHandle handle : importsHandling) { if (handle.startFoundLine == offsetLine || handle.endFoundLine == offsetLine || (handle.startFoundLine < offsetLine && handle.endFoundLine > offsetLine)) { List<ImportHandleInfo> importInfo = handle.getImportInfo(); for (ImportHandleInfo importHandleInfo : importInfo) { String fromImportStr = importHandleInfo.getFromImportStr(); List<String> importedStr = importHandleInfo.getImportedStr(); for (String imported : importedStr) { if (selectedText.equals(imported)) { if (fromImportStr != null) { foundFromImportStr = fromImportStr + "." + imported; isImportFrom = true; } else { // if fromImportStr == null, it's not a from xxx import yyy (i.e.: simple // import) foundFromImportStr = imported; } try { String currentModule = nature.resolveModule(edit.getEditorFile()); ICompletionState state = CompletionStateFactory.getEmptyCompletionState( nature, new CompletionCache()); found = nature .getAstManager() .findModule( foundFromImportStr, currentModule, state, new SourceModule( currentModule, edit.getEditorFile(), edit.getAST(), null)); } catch (Exception e) { Log.log(e); } break OUT; } } } break OUT; } } boolean addOptionToCreateClassOrMethod = isImportFrom; if (found != null && found.o1 != null) { // Ok, we found a module, now, it may be that we still have to create some intermediary // modules // or just create a class or method at the end. if (found.o1 instanceof SourceModule) { // if all was found, there's nothing left to create. if (found.o2 != null && found.o2.length() > 0) { SourceModule sourceModule = (SourceModule) found.o1; File file = sourceModule.getFile(); if (found.o2.indexOf('.') != -1) { // We have to create some intermediary structure. if (!addOptionToCreateClassOrMethod) { // Cannot create class or method from the info (only the module structure). if (sourceModule.getName().endsWith(".__init__")) { File f = getFileStructure(file.getParentFile(), found.o2); addCreateModuleOption(ps, edit, props, markerContents, f); } } else { // Ok, the leaf may be a class or method. if (sourceModule.getName().endsWith(".__init__")) { String moduleName = FullRepIterable.getWithoutLastPart(sourceModule.getName()); String withoutLastPart = FullRepIterable.getWithoutLastPart(found.o2); moduleName += "." + withoutLastPart; String classOrMethodName = FullRepIterable.getLastPart(found.o2); File f = getFileStructure(file.getParentFile(), withoutLastPart); addCreateClassInNewModuleOption( ps, edit, props, classOrMethodName, moduleName, parametersAfterCall, f); addCreateMethodInNewModuleOption( ps, edit, props, classOrMethodName, moduleName, parametersAfterCall, f); } } } else { // Ok, it's all there, we just have to create the leaf. if (!addOptionToCreateClassOrMethod || sourceModule.getName().endsWith(".__init__")) { // Cannot create class or method from the info (only the module structure). if (sourceModule.getName().endsWith(".__init__")) { File f = new File( file.getParent(), found.o2 + FileTypesPreferencesPage.getDefaultDottedPythonExtension()); addCreateModuleOption(ps, edit, props, markerContents, f); } } else { // Ok, the leaf may be a class or method. addCreateClassOption(ps, edit, props, markerContents, parametersAfterCall, file); addCreateMethodOption(ps, edit, props, markerContents, parametersAfterCall, file); } } } } } else if (foundFromImportStr != null) { // We couldn't find anything there, so, we have to create the modules structure as needed // and // maybe create a class or module at the end (but only if it's an import from). // Ok, it's all there, we just have to create the leaf. // Discover the source folder where we should create the structure. File editorFile = edit.getEditorFile(); String onlyProjectPythonPathStr = nature.getPythonPathNature().getOnlyProjectPythonPathStr(false); List<String> split = StringUtils.splitAndRemoveEmptyTrimmed(onlyProjectPythonPathStr, '|'); for (int i = 0; i < split.size(); i++) { String fullPath = FileUtils.getFileAbsolutePath(split.get(i)); fullPath = PythonPathHelper.getDefaultPathStr(fullPath); split.set(i, fullPath); } HashSet<String> projectSourcePath = new HashSet<String>(split); if (projectSourcePath.size() == 0) { return; // No source folder for editor... this shouldn't happen (code analysis wouldn't // even run on it). } String fullPath = FileUtils.getFileAbsolutePath(editorFile); fullPath = PythonPathHelper.getDefaultPathStr(fullPath); String foundSourceFolderFullPath = null; if (projectSourcePath.size() == 1) { foundSourceFolderFullPath = projectSourcePath.iterator().next(); } else { for (String string : projectSourcePath) { if (fullPath.startsWith(string)) { // Use this as the source folder foundSourceFolderFullPath = string; break; } } } if (foundSourceFolderFullPath != null) { if (!addOptionToCreateClassOrMethod) { // Cannot create class or method from the info (only the module structure). File f = getFileStructure(new File(foundSourceFolderFullPath), foundFromImportStr); addCreateModuleOption(ps, edit, props, foundFromImportStr, f); } else { // Ok, the leaf may be a class or method. String moduleName = FullRepIterable.getWithoutLastPart(foundFromImportStr); File file = getFileStructure(new File(foundSourceFolderFullPath), moduleName); String lastPart = FullRepIterable.getLastPart(foundFromImportStr); addCreateClassInNewModuleOption( ps, edit, props, lastPart, moduleName, parametersAfterCall, file); addCreateMethodInNewModuleOption( ps, edit, props, lastPart, moduleName, parametersAfterCall, file); } } } break; } }