public boolean init(StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi) { meta = (JsonInputMeta) smi; data = (JsonInputData) sdi; if (super.init(smi, sdi)) { data.rownr = 1L; data.nrInputFields = meta.getInputFields().length; // Take care of variable substitution for (int i = 0; i < data.nrInputFields; i++) { JsonInputField field = meta.getInputFields()[i]; field.setPath(environmentSubstitute(field.getPath())); } try { // Init a new JSON reader data.jsonReader = new JsonReader(); data.jsonReader.SetIgnoreMissingPath(meta.isIgnoreMissingPath()); } catch (KettleException e) { logError(e.getMessage()); return false; } return true; } return false; }
@Override public boolean init(StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi) { meta = (VerticaBulkLoaderMeta) smi; data = (VerticaBulkLoaderData) sdi; if (super.init(smi, sdi)) { try { data.databaseMeta = meta.getDatabaseMeta(); data.db = new Database(this, meta.getDatabaseMeta()); data.db.shareVariablesWith(this); if (getTransMeta().isUsingUniqueConnections()) { synchronized (getTrans()) { data.db.connect(getTrans().getThreadName(), getPartitionID()); } } else { data.db.connect(getPartitionID()); } if (log.isBasic()) logBasic("Connected to database [" + meta.getDatabaseMeta() + "]"); data.db.setAutoCommit(false); return true; } catch (KettleException e) { logError("An error occurred intialising this step: " + e.getMessage()); stopAll(); setErrors(1); } } return false; }
public SQLStatement getSQLStatements( TransMeta transMeta, StepMeta stepMeta, RowMetaInterface prev) throws KettleStepException { SQLStatement retval = new SQLStatement(stepMeta.getName(), databaseMeta, null); // default: nothing to do! if (databaseMeta != null) { if (prev != null && prev.size() > 0) { // Copy the row RowMetaInterface tableFields = new RowMeta(); // Now change the field names for (int i = 0; i < fieldTable.length; i++) { ValueMetaInterface v = prev.searchValueMeta(fieldStream[i]); if (v != null) { ValueMetaInterface tableField = v.clone(); tableField.setName(fieldTable[i]); tableFields.addValueMeta(tableField); } else { throw new KettleStepException( "Unable to find field [" + fieldStream[i] + "] in the input rows"); } } if (!Const.isEmpty(tableName)) { Database db = new Database(loggingObject, databaseMeta); db.shareVariablesWith(transMeta); try { db.connect(); String schemaTable = databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination( transMeta.environmentSubstitute(schemaName), transMeta.environmentSubstitute(tableName)); String sql = db.getDDL(schemaTable, tableFields, null, false, null, true); if (sql.length() == 0) retval.setSQL(null); else retval.setSQL(sql); } catch (KettleException e) { retval.setError( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "GPBulkLoaderMeta.GetSQL.ErrorOccurred") + e.getMessage()); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } else { retval.setError( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "GPBulkLoaderMeta.GetSQL.NoTableDefinedOnConnection")); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } else { retval.setError( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "GPBulkLoaderMeta.GetSQL.NotReceivingAnyFields")); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } else { retval.setError( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "GPBulkLoaderMeta.GetSQL.NoConnectionDefined")); // $NON-NLS-1$ } return retval; }
public boolean processRow(StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi) throws KettleException { try { // Grab a row Object[] outputRowData = getOneRow(); if (outputRowData == null) { setOutputDone(); // signal end to receiver(s) return false; // end of data or error. } if (isRowLevel()) logRowlevel( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "LoadFileInput.Log.ReadRow", data.outputRowMeta.getString(outputRowData))); putRow(data.outputRowMeta, outputRowData); if (meta.getRowLimit() > 0 && data.rownr > meta.getRowLimit()) // limit has been reached: stop now. { setOutputDone(); return false; } } catch (KettleException e) { logError( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "LoadFileInput.ErrorInStepRunning", e.getMessage())); // $NON-NLS-1$ logError(Const.getStackTracker(e)); setErrors(1); stopAll(); setOutputDone(); // signal end to receiver(s) return false; } return true; }
@Test public void testReturnDigitsOnly() throws KettleException { RowMeta inputRowMeta = new RowMeta(); ValueMetaString nameMeta = new ValueMetaString("Name"); inputRowMeta.addValueMeta(nameMeta); ValueMetaString valueMeta = new ValueMetaString("Value"); inputRowMeta.addValueMeta(valueMeta); RowSet inputRowSet = smh.getMockInputRowSet(new Object[][] {{"name1", "qwe123asd456zxc"}, {"name2", null}}); inputRowSet.setRowMeta(inputRowMeta); Calculator calculator = new Calculator(smh.stepMeta, smh.stepDataInterface, 0, smh.transMeta, smh.trans); calculator.getInputRowSets().add(inputRowSet); calculator.setInputRowMeta(inputRowMeta); calculator.init(smh.initStepMetaInterface, smh.initStepDataInterface); CalculatorMeta meta = new CalculatorMeta(); meta.setCalculation( new CalculatorMetaFunction[] { new CalculatorMetaFunction( "digits", CalculatorMetaFunction.CALC_GET_ONLY_DIGITS, "Value", null, null, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, false, "", "", "", "") }); // Verify output try { calculator.addRowListener( new RowAdapter() { @Override public void rowWrittenEvent(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] row) throws KettleStepException { assertEquals("123456", row[2]); } }); calculator.processRow(meta, new CalculatorData()); } catch (KettleException ke) { ke.printStackTrace(); fail(); } }
public boolean init(StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi) { meta = (SalesforceDeleteMeta) smi; data = (SalesforceDeleteData) sdi; if (super.init(smi, sdi)) { try { data.realModule = environmentSubstitute(meta.getModule()); // Check if module is specified if (Const.isEmpty(data.realModule)) { log.logError( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "SalesforceDeleteDialog.ModuleMissing.DialogMessage")); return false; } String realUser = environmentSubstitute(meta.getUserName()); // Check if username is specified if (Const.isEmpty(realUser)) { log.logError( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "SalesforceDeleteDialog.UsernameMissing.DialogMessage")); return false; } // initialize variables data.realURL = environmentSubstitute(meta.getTargetURL()); // create a Salesforce connection data.connection = new SalesforceConnection( log, data.realURL, realUser, environmentSubstitute(meta.getPassword())); // set timeout data.connection.setTimeOut(Const.toInt(environmentSubstitute(meta.getTimeOut()), 0)); // Do we use compression? data.connection.setUsingCompression(meta.isUsingCompression()); // Do we rollback all changes on error data.connection.rollbackAllChangesOnError(meta.isRollbackAllChangesOnError()); // Now connect ... data.connection.connect(); return true; } catch (KettleException ke) { logError( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "SalesforceDelete.Log.ErrorOccurredDuringStepInitialize") + ke.getMessage()); // $NON-NLS-1$ } return true; } return false; }
public void loadRep( Repository rep, IMetaStore metaStore, ObjectId id_jobentry, List<DatabaseMeta> databases, List<SlaveServer> slaveServers) throws KettleException { try { serverName = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "servername"); userName = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "username"); password = Encr.decryptPasswordOptionallyEncrypted( rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "password")); serverPort = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "serverport"); ftpDirectory = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "ftpdirectory"); localDirectory = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "localdirectory"); wildcard = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "wildcard"); onlyGettingNewFiles = rep.getJobEntryAttributeBoolean(id_jobentry, "only_new"); usehttpproxy = rep.getJobEntryAttributeBoolean(id_jobentry, "usehttpproxy"); httpProxyHost = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "httpproxyhost"); httpproxyusername = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "httpproxyusername"); httpProxyPassword = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "httpproxypassword"); publicpublickey = rep.getJobEntryAttributeBoolean(id_jobentry, "publicpublickey"); keyFilename = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "keyfilename"); keyFilePass = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "keyfilepass"); useBasicAuthentication = rep.getJobEntryAttributeBoolean(id_jobentry, "usebasicauthentication"); afterFtpPut = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "afterftpput"); destinationfolder = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "destinationfolder"); createdestinationfolder = rep.getJobEntryAttributeBoolean(id_jobentry, "createdestinationfolder"); cachehostkey = rep.getJobEntryAttributeBoolean(id_jobentry, "cachehostkey"); timeout = (int) rep.getJobEntryAttributeInteger(id_jobentry, "timeout"); createtargetfolder = rep.getJobEntryAttributeBoolean(id_jobentry, "createtargetfolder"); includeSubFolders = rep.getJobEntryAttributeBoolean(id_jobentry, "includeSubFolders"); } catch (KettleException dbe) { throw new KettleException( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "JobSSH2GET.Log.UnableLoadRep", "" + id_jobentry, dbe.getMessage())); } }
public boolean processRow(StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi) throws KettleException { meta = (AccessOutputMeta) smi; data = (AccessOutputData) sdi; Object[] r = getRow(); // this also waits for a previous step to be finished. if (r == null) // no more input to be expected... { setOutputDone(); return false; } if (first && meta.isDoNotOpenNewFileInit()) { try { if (!OpenFile()) { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { logError("An error occurred intialising this step: " + e.getMessage()); stopAll(); setErrors(1); } } try { writeToTable(r); putRow(data.outputRowMeta, r); // in case we want it go further... if (checkFeedback(getLinesOutput())) { if (log.isBasic()) { logBasic("linenr " + getLinesOutput()); } } } catch (KettleException e) { logError("Because of an error, this step can't continue: " + e.getMessage()); setErrors(1); stopAll(); setOutputDone(); // signal end to receiver(s) return false; } return true; }
public void getUsedArguments( JobMeta jobMeta, String[] commandLineArguments, IMetaStore metaStore) { for (JobEntryCopy jobEntryCopy : jobMeta.jobcopies) { if (jobEntryCopy.isTransformation()) { JobEntryTrans jobEntryTrans = (JobEntryTrans) jobEntryCopy.getEntry(); try { TransMeta transMeta = jobEntryTrans.getTransMeta(repository, metaStore, jobMeta); Map<String, String> map = transMeta.getUsedArguments(commandLineArguments); for (String key : map.keySet()) { String value = map.get(key); if (!arguments.containsKey(key)) { arguments.put(key, value); } } } catch (KettleException ke) { log.logBasic(ke.getMessage(), ke); } } } }
public static synchronized void initializePentahoSystem(String solutionPath) throws Exception { // this setting is useful only for running the integration tests from within IntelliJ // this same property is set for integration tests via the pom when running with mvn String folderPaths = "target/spoon/plugins"; File f = new File(folderPaths); System.setProperty("KETTLE_PLUGIN_BASE_FOLDERS", f.getAbsolutePath()); StandaloneApplicationContext appContext = new StandaloneApplicationContext(solutionPath, ""); PentahoSystem.setSystemSettingsService(new PathBasedSystemSettings()); if (solutionPath == null) { throw new MetaverseException( Messages.getString("ERROR.MetaverseInit.BadConfigPath", solutionPath)); } try { ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(MetaverseUtil.class.getClassLoader()); IPentahoObjectFactory pentahoObjectFactory = new StandaloneSpringPentahoObjectFactory(); pentahoObjectFactory.init(solutionPath, PentahoSystem.getApplicationContext()); PentahoSystem.registerObjectFactory(pentahoObjectFactory); // Restore context classloader Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(cl); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MetaverseException(Messages.getString("ERROR.MetaverseInit.CouldNotInit"), e); } PentahoSystem.init(appContext); PentahoSessionHolder.setSession(new StandaloneSession()); registerKettlePlugins(); try { KettleEnvironment.init(); } catch (KettleException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public boolean init(StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi) { meta = (SalesforceUpdateMeta) smi; data = (SalesforceUpdateData) sdi; if (super.init(smi, sdi)) { try { // Do we need to rollback all changes on error data.connection.setRollbackAllChangesOnError(meta.isRollbackAllChangesOnError()); // Now connect ... data.connection.connect(); return true; } catch (KettleException ke) { logError( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "SalesforceUpdate.Log.ErrorOccurredDuringStepInitialize") + ke.getMessage()); } return true; } return false; }
public void loadRep( Repository rep, IMetaStore metaStore, ObjectId id_jobentry, List<DatabaseMeta> databases, List<SlaveServer> slaveServers) throws KettleException { try { replaceVars = rep.getJobEntryAttributeBoolean(id_jobentry, "replacevars"); filename = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "filename"); fileVariableType = getVariableType(rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, "file_variable_type")); // How many variableName? int argnr = rep.countNrJobEntryAttributes(id_jobentry, "variable_name"); variableName = new String[argnr]; variableValue = new String[argnr]; variableType = new int[argnr]; // Read them all... for (int a = 0; a < argnr; a++) { variableName[a] = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, a, "variable_name"); variableValue[a] = rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, a, "variable_value"); variableType[a] = getVariableType(rep.getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, a, "variable_type")); } } catch (KettleException dbe) { throw new KettleException( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "JobEntrySetVariables.Meta.UnableLoadRep", String.valueOf(id_jobentry), dbe.getMessage()), dbe); } }
public boolean processRow(StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi) throws KettleException { meta = (HTTPPOSTMeta) smi; data = (HTTPPOSTData) sdi; boolean sendToErrorRow = false; String errorMessage = null; Object[] r = getRow(); // Get row from input rowset & set row busy! if (r == null) // no more input to be expected... { setOutputDone(); return false; } if (first) { first = false; data.inputRowMeta = getInputRowMeta(); data.outputRowMeta = getInputRowMeta().clone(); meta.getFields(data.outputRowMeta, getStepname(), null, null, this); if (meta.isUrlInField()) { if (Const.isEmpty(meta.getUrlField())) { logError(Messages.getString("HTTPPOST.Log.NoField")); throw new KettleException(Messages.getString("HTTPPOST.Log.NoField")); } // cache the position of the field if (data.indexOfUrlField < 0) { String realUrlfieldName = environmentSubstitute(meta.getUrlField()); data.indexOfUrlField = data.inputRowMeta.indexOfValue((realUrlfieldName)); if (data.indexOfUrlField < 0) { // The field is unreachable ! logError(Messages.getString("HTTPPOST.Log.ErrorFindingField", realUrlfieldName)); throw new KettleException( Messages.getString("HTTPPOST.Exception.ErrorFindingField", realUrlfieldName)); } } } else { data.realUrl = environmentSubstitute(meta.getUrl()); } // set body parameters int nrargs = meta.getArgumentField().length; if (nrargs > 0) { data.useBodyParameters = true; data.body_parameters_nrs = new int[nrargs]; data.bodyParameters = new NameValuePair[nrargs]; for (int i = 0; i < nrargs; i++) { data.body_parameters_nrs[i] = data.inputRowMeta.indexOfValue(meta.getArgumentField()[i]); if (data.body_parameters_nrs[i] < 0) { logError( Messages.getString("HTTPPOST.Log.ErrorFindingField") + meta.getArgumentField()[i] + "]"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ throw new KettleStepException( Messages.getString( "HTTPPOST.Exception.CouldnotFindField", meta.getArgumentField()[i])); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } data.bodyParameters[i] = new NameValuePair( environmentSubstitute(meta.getArgumentParameter()[i]), data.outputRowMeta.getString(r, data.body_parameters_nrs[i])); } } // set query parameters int nrQuery = meta.getQueryField().length; if (nrQuery > 0) { data.useQueryParameters = true; data.query_parameters_nrs = new int[nrQuery]; data.queryParameters = new NameValuePair[nrQuery]; for (int i = 0; i < nrQuery; i++) { data.query_parameters_nrs[i] = data.inputRowMeta.indexOfValue(meta.getQueryField()[i]); if (data.query_parameters_nrs[i] < 0) { logError( Messages.getString("HTTPPOST.Log.ErrorFindingField") + meta.getQueryField()[i] + "]"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ throw new KettleStepException( Messages.getString( "HTTPPOST.Exception.CouldnotFindField", meta.getQueryField()[i])); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } data.queryParameters[i] = new NameValuePair( environmentSubstitute(meta.getQueryParameter()[i]), data.outputRowMeta.getString(r, data.query_parameters_nrs[i])); } } // set request entity? if (!Const.isEmpty(meta.getRequestEntity())) { data.indexOfRequestEntity = data.inputRowMeta.indexOfValue(environmentSubstitute(meta.getRequestEntity())); if (data.indexOfRequestEntity < 0) { throw new KettleStepException( Messages.getString( "HTTPPOST.Exception.CouldnotFindRequestEntityField", meta.getRequestEntity())); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } data.realEncoding = environmentSubstitute(meta.getEncoding()); } // end if first try { Object[] outputRowData = callHTTPPOST(r); putRow(data.outputRowMeta, outputRowData); // copy row to output rowset(s); if (checkFeedback(getLinesRead())) { if (log.isDetailed()) logDetailed(Messages.getString("HTTPPOST.LineNumber") + getLinesRead()); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } catch (KettleException e) { if (getStepMeta().isDoingErrorHandling()) { sendToErrorRow = true; errorMessage = e.toString(); } else { logError(Messages.getString("HTTPPOST.ErrorInStepRunning") + e.getMessage()); // $NON-NLS-1$ setErrors(1); logError(Const.getStackTracker(e)); stopAll(); setOutputDone(); // signal end to receiver(s) return false; } if (sendToErrorRow) { // Simply add this row to the error row putError(getInputRowMeta(), r, 1, errorMessage, null, "HTTPPOST001"); } } return true; }
public SQLStatement getSQLStatements( TransMeta transMeta, StepMeta stepMeta, RowMetaInterface prev) { SQLStatement retval = new SQLStatement(stepMeta.getName(), databaseMeta, null); // default: nothing to do! if (databaseMeta != null) { if (prev != null && prev.size() > 0) { if (!Const.isEmpty(tableName)) { Database db = new Database(databaseMeta); db.shareVariablesWith(transMeta); try { db.connect(); String schemaTable = databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(schemaName, tableName); String cr_table = db.getDDL(schemaTable, prev, null, false, null, true); String cr_index = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ String idx_fields[] = null; if (keyLookup != null && keyLookup.length > 0) { idx_fields = new String[keyLookup.length]; for (int i = 0; i < keyLookup.length; i++) idx_fields[i] = keyLookup[i]; } else { retval.setError( Messages.getString("DeleteMeta.CheckResult.KeyFieldsRequired")); // $NON-NLS-1$ } // Key lookup dimensions... if (idx_fields != null && idx_fields.length > 0 && !db.checkIndexExists(schemaTable, idx_fields)) { String indexname = "idx_" + tableName + "_lookup"; // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ cr_index = db.getCreateIndexStatement( schemaName, tableName, indexname, idx_fields, false, false, false, true); } String sql = cr_table + cr_index; if (sql.length() == 0) retval.setSQL(null); else retval.setSQL(sql); } catch (KettleException e) { retval.setError( Messages.getString("DeleteMeta.Returnvalue.ErrorOccurred") + e.getMessage()); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } else { retval.setError( Messages.getString( "DeleteMeta.Returnvalue.NoTableDefinedOnConnection")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else { retval.setError( Messages.getString("DeleteMeta.Returnvalue.NoReceivingAnyFields")); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } else { retval.setError( Messages.getString("DeleteMeta.Returnvalue.NoConnectionDefined")); // $NON-NLS-1$ } return retval; }
public void check( List<CheckResultInterface> remarks, TransMeta transMeta, StepMeta stepinfo, RowMetaInterface prev, String input[], String output[], RowMetaInterface info) { CheckResult cr; String error_message = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ if (databaseMeta != null) { Database db = new Database(databaseMeta); db.shareVariablesWith(transMeta); try { db.connect(); if (!Const.isEmpty(tableName)) { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, Messages.getString("DeleteMeta.CheckResult.TablenameOK"), stepinfo); //$NON-NLS-1$ remarks.add(cr); boolean first = true; boolean error_found = false; error_message = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ // Check fields in table String schemaTable = databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(schemaName, tableName); RowMetaInterface r = db.getTableFields(schemaTable); if (r != null) { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, Messages.getString("DeleteMeta.CheckResult.VisitTableSuccessfully"), stepinfo); //$NON-NLS-1$ remarks.add(cr); for (int i = 0; i < keyLookup.length; i++) { String lufield = keyLookup[i]; ValueMetaInterface v = r.searchValueMeta(lufield); if (v == null) { if (first) { first = false; error_message += Messages.getString("DeleteMeta.CheckResult.MissingCompareFieldsInTargetTable") + Const.CR; // $NON-NLS-1$ } error_found = true; error_message += "\t\t" + lufield + Const.CR; // $NON-NLS-1$ } } if (error_found) { cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepinfo); } else { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, Messages.getString("DeleteMeta.CheckResult.FoundLookupFields"), stepinfo); //$NON-NLS-1$ } remarks.add(cr); } else { error_message = Messages.getString("DeleteMeta.CheckResult.CouldNotReadTableInfo"); // $NON-NLS-1$ cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepinfo); remarks.add(cr); } } // Look up fields in the input stream <prev> if (prev != null && prev.size() > 0) { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, Messages.getString( "DeleteMeta.CheckResult.ConnectedStepSuccessfully", String.valueOf(prev.size())), stepinfo); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ remarks.add(cr); boolean first = true; error_message = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ boolean error_found = false; for (int i = 0; i < keyStream.length; i++) { ValueMetaInterface v = prev.searchValueMeta(keyStream[i]); if (v == null) { if (first) { first = false; error_message += Messages.getString("DeleteMeta.CheckResult.MissingFields") + Const.CR; // $NON-NLS-1$ } error_found = true; error_message += "\t\t" + keyStream[i] + Const.CR; // $NON-NLS-1$ } } for (int i = 0; i < keyStream2.length; i++) { if (keyStream2[i] != null && keyStream2[i].length() > 0) { ValueMetaInterface v = prev.searchValueMeta(keyStream2[i]); if (v == null) { if (first) { first = false; error_message += Messages.getString("DeleteMeta.CheckResult.MissingFields2") + Const.CR; // $NON-NLS-1$ } error_found = true; error_message += "\t\t" + keyStream[i] + Const.CR; // $NON-NLS-1$ } } } if (error_found) { cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepinfo); } else { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, Messages.getString("DeleteMeta.CheckResult.AllFieldsFound"), stepinfo); //$NON-NLS-1$ } remarks.add(cr); // How about the fields to insert/update the table with? first = true; error_found = false; error_message = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ } else { error_message = Messages.getString("DeleteMeta.CheckResult.MissingFields3") + Const.CR; // $NON-NLS-1$ cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepinfo); remarks.add(cr); } } catch (KettleException e) { error_message = Messages.getString("DeleteMeta.CheckResult.DatabaseError") + e.getMessage(); // $NON-NLS-1$ cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepinfo); remarks.add(cr); } finally { db.disconnect(); } } else { error_message = Messages.getString("DeleteMeta.CheckResult.InvalidConnection"); // $NON-NLS-1$ cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepinfo); remarks.add(cr); } // See if we have input streams leading to this step! if (input.length > 0) { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, Messages.getString("DeleteMeta.CheckResult.StepReceivingInfo"), stepinfo); //$NON-NLS-1$ remarks.add(cr); } else { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, Messages.getString("DeleteMeta.CheckResult.NoInputReceived"), stepinfo); //$NON-NLS-1$ remarks.add(cr); } }
public boolean processRow(StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi) throws KettleException { meta = (GPLoadMeta) smi; data = (GPLoadData) sdi; try { Object[] r = getRow(); // Get row from input rowset & set row busy! if (r == null) // no more input to be expected... { setOutputDone(); if (!preview) { if (output != null) { // Close the output try { output.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new KettleException("Error while closing output", e); } output = null; } String loadMethod = meta.getLoadMethod(); if (GPLoadMeta.METHOD_AUTO_END.equals(loadMethod)) { execute(meta, true); } // else if ( GPLoadMeta.METHOD_AUTO_CONCURRENT.equals(meta.getLoadMethod()) ) // { // try // { // if ( psqlProcess != null ) // { // int exitVal = psqlProcess.waitFor(); // logBasic(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "GPLoad.Log.ExitValueSqlldr", "" + exitVal)); // //$NON-NLS-1$ // } // else // { // throw new KettleException("Internal error: no sqlldr process running"); // } // } // catch ( Exception ex ) // { // throw new KettleException("Error while executing sqlldr", ex); // } // } } return false; } if (!preview) { if (first) { first = false; createControlFile(environmentSubstitute(meta.getControlFile()), r, meta); output = new GPLoadDataOutput(meta, log.getLogLevel()); // if ( GPLoadMeta.METHOD_AUTO_CONCURRENT.equals(meta.getLoadMethod()) ) // { // execute(meta, false); // }, gploadProcess); } output.writeLine(getInputRowMeta(), r); } putRow(getInputRowMeta(), r); incrementLinesOutput(); } catch (KettleException e) { logError( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "GPLoad.Log.ErrorInStep") + e.getMessage()); // $NON-NLS-1$ setErrors(1); stopAll(); setOutputDone(); // signal end to receiver(s) return false; } return true; }
public boolean processRow(StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi) throws KettleException { meta = (OraBulkLoaderMeta) smi; data = (OraBulkLoaderData) sdi; try { Object[] r = getRow(); // Get row from input rowset & set row busy! if (r == null) { // no more input to be expected... setOutputDone(); if (!preview) { if (output != null) { // Close the output try { output.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new KettleException("Error while closing output", e); } output = null; } String loadMethod = meta.getLoadMethod(); if (OraBulkLoaderMeta.METHOD_AUTO_END.equals(loadMethod)) { // if this is the first line, we do not need to execute loader // control file may not exists if (!first) { execute(meta, true); sqlldrProcess = null; } } else if (OraBulkLoaderMeta.METHOD_AUTO_CONCURRENT.equals(meta.getLoadMethod())) { try { if (sqlldrProcess != null) { int exitVal = sqlldrProcess.waitFor(); sqlldrProcess = null; logBasic( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "OraBulkLoader.Log.ExitValueSqlldr", "" + exitVal)); checkExitVal(exitVal); } else if (!first) { throw new KettleException("Internal error: no sqlldr process running"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new KettleException("Error while executing sqlldr", ex); } } } return false; } if (!preview) { if (first) { first = false; String recTerm = Const.CR; if (!Utils.isEmpty(meta.getAltRecordTerm())) { recTerm = substituteRecordTerminator(meta.getAltRecordTerm()); } createControlFile(environmentSubstitute(meta.getControlFile()), r, meta); output = new OraBulkDataOutput(meta, recTerm); if (OraBulkLoaderMeta.METHOD_AUTO_CONCURRENT.equals(meta.getLoadMethod())) { execute(meta, false); }, sqlldrProcess); } output.writeLine(getInputRowMeta(), r); } putRow(getInputRowMeta(), r); incrementLinesOutput(); } catch (KettleException e) { logError(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "OraBulkLoader.Log.ErrorInStep") + e.getMessage()); setErrors(1); stopAll(); setOutputDone(); // signal end to receiver(s) return false; } return true; }
public SQLStatement getSQLStatements( TransMeta transMeta, StepMeta stepMeta, RowMetaInterface prev, Repository repository, IMetaStore metaStore) throws KettleStepException { SQLStatement retval = new SQLStatement(stepMeta.getName(), databaseMeta, null); // default: nothing to do! if (databaseMeta != null) { if (prev != null && prev.size() > 0) { // Copy the row RowMetaInterface tableFields = new RowMeta(); // Now change the field names // the key fields if (keyLookup != null) { for (int i = 0; i < keyLookup.length; i++) { ValueMetaInterface v = prev.searchValueMeta(keyStream[i]); if (v != null) { ValueMetaInterface tableField = v.clone(); tableField.setName(keyLookup[i]); tableFields.addValueMeta(tableField); } else { throw new KettleStepException( "Unable to find field [" + keyStream[i] + "] in the input rows"); } } } // the lookup fields for (int i = 0; i < updateLookup.length; i++) { ValueMetaInterface v = prev.searchValueMeta(updateStream[i]); if (v != null) { ValueMetaInterface vk = tableFields.searchValueMeta(updateStream[i]); if (vk == null) { // do not add again when already added as key fields ValueMetaInterface tableField = v.clone(); tableField.setName(updateLookup[i]); tableFields.addValueMeta(tableField); } } else { throw new KettleStepException( "Unable to find field [" + updateStream[i] + "] in the input rows"); } } if (!Const.isEmpty(tableName)) { Database db = new Database(loggingObject, databaseMeta); db.shareVariablesWith(transMeta); try { db.connect(); String schemaTable = databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(schemaName, tableName); String cr_table = db.getDDL(schemaTable, tableFields, null, false, null, true); String cr_index = ""; String[] idx_fields = null; if (keyLookup != null && keyLookup.length > 0) { idx_fields = new String[keyLookup.length]; for (int i = 0; i < keyLookup.length; i++) { idx_fields[i] = keyLookup[i]; } } else { retval.setError( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.CheckResult.MissingKeyFields")); } // Key lookup dimensions... if (idx_fields != null && idx_fields.length > 0 && !db.checkIndexExists(schemaName, tableName, idx_fields)) { String indexname = "idx_" + tableName + "_lookup"; cr_index = db.getCreateIndexStatement( schemaTable, indexname, idx_fields, false, false, false, true); } String sql = cr_table + cr_index; if (sql.length() == 0) { retval.setSQL(null); } else { retval.setSQL(sql); } } catch (KettleException e) { retval.setError( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.ReturnValue.ErrorOccurred") + e.getMessage()); } } else { retval.setError( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.ReturnValue.NoTableDefinedOnConnection")); } } else { retval.setError( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.ReturnValue.NotReceivingAnyFields")); } } else { retval.setError( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.ReturnValue.NoConnectionDefined")); } return retval; }
public boolean processRow(StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi) throws KettleException { meta = (ExecProcessMeta) smi; data = (ExecProcessData) sdi; Object[] r = getRow(); // Get row from input rowset & set row busy! if (r == null) { // no more input to be expected... setOutputDone(); return false; } if (first) { first = false; // get the RowMeta data.previousRowMeta = getInputRowMeta().clone(); data.NrPrevFields = data.previousRowMeta.size(); data.outputRowMeta = data.previousRowMeta; meta.getFields(data.outputRowMeta, getStepname(), null, null, this, repository, metaStore); // Check is process field is provided if (Const.isEmpty(meta.getProcessField())) { logError(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "ExecProcess.Error.ProcessFieldMissing")); throw new KettleException( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "ExecProcess.Error.ProcessFieldMissing")); } // cache the position of the field if (data.indexOfProcess < 0) { data.indexOfProcess = data.previousRowMeta.indexOfValue(meta.getProcessField()); if (data.indexOfProcess < 0) { // The field is unreachable ! logError( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "ExecProcess.Exception.CouldnotFindField") + "[" + meta.getProcessField() + "]"); throw new KettleException( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "ExecProcess.Exception.CouldnotFindField", meta.getProcessField())); } } } // End If first Object[] outputRow = RowDataUtil.allocateRowData(data.outputRowMeta.size()); for (int i = 0; i < data.NrPrevFields; i++) { outputRow[i] = r[i]; } // get process to execute String processString = data.previousRowMeta.getString(r, data.indexOfProcess); ProcessResult processResult = new ProcessResult(); try { if (Const.isEmpty(processString)) { throw new KettleException(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "ExecProcess.ProcessEmpty")); } // execute and return result execProcess(processString, processResult); if (meta.isFailWhenNotSuccess()) { if (processResult.getExistStatus() != 0) { String errorString = processResult.getErrorStream(); if (Const.isEmpty(errorString)) { errorString = processResult.getOutputStream(); } throw new KettleException(errorString); } } // Add result field to input stream int rowIndex = data.NrPrevFields; outputRow[rowIndex++] = processResult.getOutputStream(); // Add result field to input stream outputRow[rowIndex++] = processResult.getErrorStream(); // Add result field to input stream outputRow[rowIndex++] = processResult.getExistStatus(); // add new values to the row. putRow(data.outputRowMeta, outputRow); // copy row to output rowset(s); if (log.isRowLevel()) { logRowlevel( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "ExecProcess.LineNumber", getLinesRead() + " : " + getInputRowMeta().getString(r))); } } catch (KettleException e) { boolean sendToErrorRow = false; String errorMessage = null; if (getStepMeta().isDoingErrorHandling()) { sendToErrorRow = true; errorMessage = e.toString(); } else { logError(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "ExecProcess.ErrorInStepRunning") + e.getMessage()); setErrors(1); stopAll(); setOutputDone(); // signal end to receiver(s) return false; } if (sendToErrorRow) { // Simply add this row to the error row putError( getInputRowMeta(), r, 1, errorMessage, meta.getResultFieldName(), "ExecProcess001"); } } return true; }
public boolean processRow(StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi) throws KettleException { meta = (DatabaseLookupMeta) smi; data = (DatabaseLookupData) sdi; boolean sendToErrorRow = false; String errorMessage = null; Object[] r = getRow(); // Get row from input rowset & set row busy! if (r == null) { // no more input to be expected... setOutputDone(); return false; } if (first) { first = false; // create the output metadata data.outputRowMeta = getInputRowMeta().clone(); meta.getFields(data.outputRowMeta, getStepname(), null, null, this, repository, metaStore); if (meta.isCached()) { if (meta.getCacheSize() > 0) { data.look = new Hashtable<RowMetaAndData, TimedRow>((int) (meta.getCacheSize() * 1.5)); } else { data.look = new Hashtable<RowMetaAndData, TimedRow>(); } } data.db.setLookup( environmentSubstitute(meta.getSchemaName()), environmentSubstitute(meta.getTablename()), meta.getTableKeyField(), meta.getKeyCondition(), meta.getReturnValueField(), meta.getReturnValueNewName(), meta.getOrderByClause(), meta.isFailingOnMultipleResults()); // lookup the values! if (log.isDetailed()) { logDetailed( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "DatabaseLookup.Log.CheckingRow") + getInputRowMeta().getString(r)); } data.keynrs = new int[meta.getStreamKeyField1().length]; data.keynrs2 = new int[meta.getStreamKeyField1().length]; for (int i = 0; i < meta.getStreamKeyField1().length; i++) { data.keynrs[i] = getInputRowMeta().indexOfValue(meta.getStreamKeyField1()[i]); if (data.keynrs[i] < 0 && // couldn't find field! !"IS NULL".equalsIgnoreCase(meta.getKeyCondition()[i]) && // No field needed! !"IS NOT NULL".equalsIgnoreCase(meta.getKeyCondition()[i]) // No field needed! ) { throw new KettleStepException( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "DatabaseLookup.ERROR0001.FieldRequired1.Exception") + meta.getStreamKeyField1()[i] + BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DatabaseLookup.ERROR0001.FieldRequired2.Exception")); } data.keynrs2[i] = getInputRowMeta().indexOfValue(meta.getStreamKeyField2()[i]); if (data.keynrs2[i] < 0 && // couldn't find field! "BETWEEN".equalsIgnoreCase(meta.getKeyCondition()[i]) // 2 fields needed! ) { throw new KettleStepException( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "DatabaseLookup.ERROR0001.FieldRequired3.Exception") + meta.getStreamKeyField2()[i] + BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DatabaseLookup.ERROR0001.FieldRequired4.Exception")); } if (log.isDebug()) { logDebug( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "DatabaseLookup.Log.FieldHasIndex1") + meta.getStreamKeyField1()[i] + BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "DatabaseLookup.Log.FieldHasIndex2") + data.keynrs[i]); } } data.nullif = new Object[meta.getReturnValueField().length]; for (int i = 0; i < meta.getReturnValueField().length; i++) { ValueMetaInterface stringMeta = new ValueMeta("string", ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING); ValueMetaInterface returnMeta = data.outputRowMeta.getValueMeta(i + getInputRowMeta().size()); if (!Const.isEmpty(meta.getReturnValueDefault()[i])) { data.nullif[i] = returnMeta.convertData(stringMeta, meta.getReturnValueDefault()[i]); } else { data.nullif[i] = null; } } // Determine the types... data.keytypes = new int[meta.getTableKeyField().length]; String schemaTable = meta.getDatabaseMeta() .getQuotedSchemaTableCombination( environmentSubstitute(meta.getSchemaName()), environmentSubstitute(meta.getTablename())); RowMetaInterface fields = data.db.getTableFields(schemaTable); if (fields != null) { // Fill in the types... for (int i = 0; i < meta.getTableKeyField().length; i++) { ValueMetaInterface key = fields.searchValueMeta(meta.getTableKeyField()[i]); if (key != null) { data.keytypes[i] = key.getType(); } else { throw new KettleStepException( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "DatabaseLookup.ERROR0001.FieldRequired5.Exception") + meta.getTableKeyField()[i] + BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "DatabaseLookup.ERROR0001.FieldRequired6.Exception")); } } } else { throw new KettleStepException( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "DatabaseLookup.ERROR0002.UnableToDetermineFieldsOfTable") + schemaTable + "]"); } // Count the number of values in the lookup as well as the metadata to send along with it. // data.lookupMeta = new RowMeta(); for (int i = 0; i < meta.getStreamKeyField1().length; i++) { if (data.keynrs[i] >= 0) { ValueMetaInterface inputValueMeta = getInputRowMeta().getValueMeta(data.keynrs[i]); // Try to convert type if needed in a clone, we don't want to // change the type in the original row // ValueMetaInterface value = ValueMetaFactory.cloneValueMeta(inputValueMeta, data.keytypes[i]); data.lookupMeta.addValueMeta(value); } if (data.keynrs2[i] >= 0) { ValueMetaInterface inputValueMeta = getInputRowMeta().getValueMeta(data.keynrs2[i]); // Try to convert type if needed in a clone, we don't want to // change the type in the original row // ValueMetaInterface value = ValueMetaFactory.cloneValueMeta(inputValueMeta, data.keytypes[i]); data.lookupMeta.addValueMeta(value); } } // We also want to know the metadata of the return values beforehand (null handling) data.returnMeta = new RowMeta(); for (int i = 0; i < meta.getReturnValueField().length; i++) { ValueMetaInterface v = data.outputRowMeta.getValueMeta(getInputRowMeta().size() + i).clone(); data.returnMeta.addValueMeta(v); } // If the user selected to load all data into the cache at startup, that's what we do now... // if (meta.isCached() && meta.isLoadingAllDataInCache()) { loadAllTableDataIntoTheCache(); } } if (log.isRowLevel()) { logRowlevel( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "DatabaseLookup.Log.GotRowFromPreviousStep") + getInputRowMeta().getString(r)); } try { // add new lookup values to the row Object[] outputRow = lookupValues(getInputRowMeta(), r); if (outputRow != null) { // copy row to output rowset(s); putRow(data.outputRowMeta, outputRow); if (log.isRowLevel()) { logRowlevel( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "DatabaseLookup.Log.WroteRowToNextStep") + getInputRowMeta().getString(r)); } if (checkFeedback(getLinesRead())) { logBasic("linenr " + getLinesRead()); } } } catch (KettleException e) { if (getStepMeta().isDoingErrorHandling()) { sendToErrorRow = true; errorMessage = e.toString(); } else { logError( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "DatabaseLookup.ERROR003.UnexpectedErrorDuringProcessing") + e.getMessage()); setErrors(1); stopAll(); setOutputDone(); // signal end to receiver(s) return false; } if (sendToErrorRow) { // Simply add this row to the error row putError(getInputRowMeta(), r, 1, errorMessage, null, "DBLOOKUPD001"); } } return true; }
public void check( List<CheckResultInterface> remarks, TransMeta transMeta, StepMeta stepMeta, RowMetaInterface prev, String input[], String output[], RowMetaInterface info) { CheckResult cr; String error_message = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ if (databaseMeta != null) { Database db = new Database(loggingObject, databaseMeta); db.shareVariablesWith(transMeta); try { db.connect(); if (!Const.isEmpty(tableName)) { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "GPBulkLoaderMeta.CheckResult.TableNameOK"), stepMeta); //$NON-NLS-1$ remarks.add(cr); boolean first = true; boolean error_found = false; error_message = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ // Check fields in table String schemaTable = databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination( transMeta.environmentSubstitute(schemaName), transMeta.environmentSubstitute(tableName)); RowMetaInterface r = db.getTableFields(schemaTable); if (r != null) { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "GPBulkLoaderMeta.CheckResult.TableExists"), stepMeta); //$NON-NLS-1$ remarks.add(cr); // How about the fields to insert/dateMask in the table? first = true; error_found = false; error_message = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ for (int i = 0; i < fieldTable.length; i++) { String field = fieldTable[i]; ValueMetaInterface v = r.searchValueMeta(field); if (v == null) { if (first) { first = false; error_message += BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "GPBulkLoaderMeta.CheckResult.MissingFieldsToLoadInTargetTable") + Const.CR; // $NON-NLS-1$ } error_found = true; error_message += "\t\t" + field + Const.CR; // $NON-NLS-1$ } } if (error_found) { cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); } else { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "GPBulkLoaderMeta.CheckResult.AllFieldsFoundInTargetTable"), stepMeta); //$NON-NLS-1$ } remarks.add(cr); } else { error_message = BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "GPBulkLoaderMeta.CheckResult.CouldNotReadTableInfo"); // $NON-NLS-1$ cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } } // Look up fields in the input stream <prev> if (prev != null && prev.size() > 0) { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "GPBulkLoaderMeta.CheckResult.StepReceivingDatas", prev.size() + ""), stepMeta); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ remarks.add(cr); boolean first = true; error_message = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ boolean error_found = false; for (int i = 0; i < fieldStream.length; i++) { ValueMetaInterface v = prev.searchValueMeta(fieldStream[i]); if (v == null) { if (first) { first = false; error_message += BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "GPBulkLoaderMeta.CheckResult.MissingFieldsInInput") + Const.CR; // $NON-NLS-1$ } error_found = true; error_message += "\t\t" + fieldStream[i] + Const.CR; // $NON-NLS-1$ } } if (error_found) { cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); } else { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "GPBulkLoaderMeta.CheckResult.AllFieldsFoundInInput"), stepMeta); //$NON-NLS-1$ } remarks.add(cr); } else { error_message = BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "GPBulkLoaderMeta.CheckResult.MissingFieldsInInput3") + Const.CR; // $NON-NLS-1$ cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } } catch (KettleException e) { error_message = BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "GPBulkLoaderMeta.CheckResult.DatabaseErrorOccurred") + e.getMessage(); // $NON-NLS-1$ cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } finally { db.disconnect(); } } else { error_message = BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "GPBulkLoaderMeta.CheckResult.InvalidConnection"); // $NON-NLS-1$ cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } // See if we have input streams leading to this step! if (input.length > 0) { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "GPBulkLoaderMeta.CheckResult.StepReceivingInfoFromOtherSteps"), stepMeta); //$NON-NLS-1$ remarks.add(cr); } else { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "GPBulkLoaderMeta.CheckResult.NoInputError"), stepMeta); //$NON-NLS-1$ remarks.add(cr); } }
public SQLStatement getSQLStatements( TransMeta transMeta, StepMeta stepMeta, RowMetaInterface prev) { SQLStatement retval = new SQLStatement(stepMeta.getName(), databaseWriteMeta, null); // default: nothing to do! int i; if (databaseWriteMeta != null) { if (prev != null && prev.size() > 0) { if (!Const.isEmpty(tablename)) { String schemaTable = databaseWriteMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(schemaName, tablename); Database db = new Database(databaseWriteMeta); try { boolean doHash = false; String cr_table = null; db.connect(); // OK, what do we put in the new table?? RowMetaInterface fields = new RowMeta(); ValueMetaInterface vkeyfield = null; if (!Const.isEmpty(technicalKeyField)) { // First, the new technical key... vkeyfield = new ValueMeta(technicalKeyField, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER); vkeyfield.setLength(10); vkeyfield.setPrecision(0); } // Then the hashcode (optional) ValueMetaInterface vhashfield = null; if (useHash && !Const.isEmpty(hashField)) { vhashfield = new ValueMeta(hashField, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER); vhashfield.setLength(15); vhashfield.setPrecision(0); doHash = true; } // Then the last update field (optional) ValueMetaInterface vLastUpdateField = null; if (!Const.isEmpty(lastUpdateField)) { vLastUpdateField = new ValueMeta(lastUpdateField, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_DATE); } if (!db.checkTableExists(schemaTable)) { if (vkeyfield != null) { // Add technical key field. fields.addValueMeta(vkeyfield); } // Add the keys only to the table if (keyField != null && keyLookup != null) { int cnt = keyField.length; for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { String error_field = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ // Find the value in the stream ValueMetaInterface v = prev.searchValueMeta(keyField[i]); if (v != null) { String name = keyLookup[i]; ValueMetaInterface newValue = v.clone(); newValue.setName(name); if (vkeyfield != null) { if (name.equals(vkeyfield.getName()) || (doHash == true && name.equals(vhashfield.getName()))) { error_field += name; } } if (error_field.length() > 0) { retval.setError( Messages.getString( "ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.ReturnValue.NameCollision", error_field)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { fields.addValueMeta(newValue); } } } } if (doHash == true) { fields.addValueMeta(vhashfield); } if (vLastUpdateField != null) { fields.addValueMeta(vLastUpdateField); } } else { // Table already exists // Get the fields that are in the table now: RowMetaInterface tabFields = db.getTableFields(schemaTable); // Don't forget to quote these as well... databaseWriteMeta.quoteReservedWords(tabFields); if (vkeyfield != null && tabFields.searchValueMeta(vkeyfield.getName()) == null) { // Add technical key field if it didn't exist yet fields.addValueMeta(vkeyfield); } // Add the already existing fields int cnt = tabFields.size(); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { ValueMetaInterface v = tabFields.getValueMeta(i); fields.addValueMeta(v); } // Find the missing fields in the real table String keyLookup[] = getKeyLookup(); String keyField[] = getKeyField(); if (keyField != null && keyLookup != null) { cnt = keyField.length; for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { // Find the value in the stream ValueMetaInterface v = prev.searchValueMeta(keyField[i]); if (v != null) { ValueMetaInterface newValue = v.clone(); newValue.setName(keyLookup[i]); // Does the corresponding name exist in the table if (tabFields.searchValueMeta(newValue.getName()) == null) { fields.addValueMeta(newValue); // nope --> add } } } } if (doHash == true && tabFields.searchValueMeta(vhashfield.getName()) == null) { // Add hash field fields.addValueMeta(vhashfield); } if (vLastUpdateField != null && tabFields.searchValueMeta(vLastUpdateField.getName()) == null) { fields.addValueMeta(vLastUpdateField); } } cr_table = db.getDDL( schemaTable, fields, (CREATION_METHOD_SEQUENCE.equals(getTechKeyCreation()) && sequenceFrom != null && sequenceFrom.length() != 0) ? null : technicalKeyField, CREATION_METHOD_AUTOINC.equals(getTechKeyCreation()), null, true); // // OK, now let's build the index // // What fields do we put int the index? // Only the hashcode or all fields? String cr_index = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ String cr_uniq_index = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ String idx_fields[] = null; if (useHash) { if (hashField != null && hashField.length() > 0) { idx_fields = new String[] {hashField}; } else { retval.setError( Messages.getString( "ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.ReturnValue.NotHashFieldSpecified")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else // index on all key fields... { if (!Const.isEmpty(keyLookup)) { int nrfields = keyLookup.length; if (nrfields > 32 && databaseWriteMeta.getDatabaseType() == DatabaseMeta.TYPE_DATABASE_ORACLE) { nrfields = 32; // Oracle indexes are limited to 32 fields... } idx_fields = new String[nrfields]; for (i = 0; i < nrfields; i++) idx_fields[i] = keyLookup[i]; } else { retval.setError( Messages.getString( "ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.ReturnValue.NotFieldsSpecified")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } // OK, now get the create index statement... if (!Const.isEmpty(technicalKeyField)) { String techKeyArr[] = new String[] {technicalKeyField}; if (!db.checkIndexExists(schemaName, tablename, techKeyArr)) { String indexname = "idx_" + tablename + "_pk"; // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ cr_uniq_index = db.getCreateIndexStatement( schemaName, tablename, indexname, techKeyArr, true, true, false, true); cr_uniq_index += Const.CR; } } // OK, now get the create lookup index statement... if (!Const.isEmpty(idx_fields) && !db.checkIndexExists(schemaName, tablename, idx_fields)) { String indexname = "idx_" + tablename + "_lookup"; // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ cr_index = db.getCreateIndexStatement( schemaName, tablename, indexname, idx_fields, false, false, false, true); cr_index += Const.CR; } // // Don't forget the sequence (optional) // String cr_seq = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ if (databaseWriteMeta.supportsSequences() && !Const.isEmpty(sequenceFrom)) { if (!db.checkSequenceExists(schemaName, sequenceFrom)) { cr_seq += db.getCreateSequenceStatement(schemaName, sequenceFrom, 1L, 1L, -1L, true); cr_seq += Const.CR; } } retval.setSQL(cr_table + cr_uniq_index + cr_index + cr_seq); } catch (KettleException e) { retval.setError( Messages.getString("ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.ReturnValue.ErrorOccurred") + Const.CR + e.getMessage()); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } else { retval.setError( Messages.getString( "ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.ReturnValue.NotTableDefined")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else { retval.setError( Messages.getString( "ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.ReturnValue.NotReceivingField")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } else { retval.setError( Messages.getString( "ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.ReturnValue.NotConnectionDefined")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return retval; }
private void check( List<CheckResultInterface> remarks, StepMeta stepMeta, RowMetaInterface prev, String[] input, DatabaseMeta daMeta) { CheckResult cr; String error_message; if (daMeta != null) { Database db = new Database(daMeta); try { db.connect(); if (!Const.isEmpty(tablename)) { boolean first = true; boolean error_found = false; error_message = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ String schemaTable = daMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(schemaName, tablename); RowMetaInterface r = db.getTableFields(schemaTable); if (r != null) { for (int i = 0; i < keyLookup.length; i++) { String lufield = keyLookup[i]; ValueMetaInterface v = r.searchValueMeta(lufield); if (v == null) { if (first) { first = false; error_message += Messages.getString( "ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.CheckResult.MissingCompareFields") + Const.CR; // $NON-NLS-1$ } error_found = true; error_message += "\t\t" + lufield + Const.CR; // $NON-NLS-1$ } } if (error_found) { cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); } else { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, Messages.getString( "ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.CheckResult.AllFieldsFound"), stepMeta); //$NON-NLS-1$ } remarks.add(cr); /* Also, check the fields: tk, version, from-to, ... */ if (!Const.isEmpty(technicalKeyField) && r.indexOfValue(technicalKeyField) < 0) { error_message = Messages.getString( "ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.CheckResult.TechnicalKeyNotFound", technicalKeyField) + Const.CR; // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); } else { error_message = Messages.getString( "ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.CheckResult.TechnicalKeyFound", technicalKeyField) + Const.CR; // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, error_message, stepMeta); } remarks.add(cr); } else { error_message = Messages.getString( "ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.CheckResult.CouldNotReadTableInfo"); //$NON-NLS-1$ cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } } // Look up fields in the input stream <prev> if (prev != null && prev.size() > 0) { boolean first = true; error_message = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ boolean error_found = false; for (int i = 0; i < keyField.length; i++) { ValueMetaInterface v = prev.searchValueMeta(keyField[i]); if (v == null) { if (first) { first = false; error_message += Messages.getString("ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.CheckResult.MissingFields") + Const.CR; // $NON-NLS-1$ } error_found = true; error_message += "\t\t" + keyField[i] + Const.CR; // $NON-NLS-1$ } } if (error_found) { cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); } else { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, Messages.getString( "ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.CheckResult.AllFieldsFoundInInputStream"), stepMeta); //$NON-NLS-1$ } remarks.add(cr); } else { error_message = Messages.getString("ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.CheckResult.CouldNotReadFields") + Const.CR; // $NON-NLS-1$ cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } // Check sequence if (daMeta.supportsSequences() && CREATION_METHOD_SEQUENCE.equals(getTechKeyCreation())) { if (Const.isEmpty(sequenceFrom)) { error_message += Messages.getString( "ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.CheckResult.ErrorNoSequenceName") + "!"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } else { // It doesn't make sense to check the sequence name // if it's not filled in. if (db.checkSequenceExists(sequenceFrom)) { error_message = Messages.getString( "ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.CheckResult.ReadingSequenceOK", sequenceFrom); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, error_message, stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } else { error_message += Messages.getString( "ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.CheckResult.ErrorReadingSequence") + sequenceFrom + "!"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } } } if (techKeyCreation != null) { // post 2.2 version if (!(CREATION_METHOD_AUTOINC.equals(techKeyCreation) || CREATION_METHOD_SEQUENCE.equals(techKeyCreation) || CREATION_METHOD_TABLEMAX.equals(techKeyCreation))) { error_message += Messages.getString( "ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.CheckResult.ErrorTechKeyCreation") + ": " + techKeyCreation + "!"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } } } catch (KettleException e) { error_message = Messages.getString("ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.CheckResult.ErrorOccurred") + e.getMessage(); // $NON-NLS-1$ cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } finally { db.disconnect(); } } else { error_message = Messages.getString( "ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.CheckResult.InvalidConnection"); //$NON-NLS-1$ cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } // See if we have input streams leading to this step! if (input.length > 0) { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, Messages.getString( "ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.CheckResult.ReceivingInfoFromOtherSteps"), stepMeta); //$NON-NLS-1$ remarks.add(cr); } else { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, Messages.getString("ConcurrentCombinationLookupMeta.CheckResult.NoInputReceived"), stepMeta); //$NON-NLS-1$ remarks.add(cr); } }
public boolean init(StepMetaInterface smi, StepDataInterface sdi) { meta = (MySQLTableOutputMeta) smi; data = (MySQLTableOutputData) sdi; if (super.init(smi, sdi)) { try { data.databaseMeta = meta.getDatabaseMeta(); // Batch updates are not supported on PostgreSQL (and // look-a-likes) together with error handling (PDI-366) // data.specialErrorHandling = getStepMeta().isDoingErrorHandling() && (meta.getDatabaseMeta().getDatabaseType() == DatabaseMeta.TYPE_DATABASE_POSTGRES || meta.getDatabaseMeta().getDatabaseType() == DatabaseMeta.TYPE_DATABASE_GREENPLUM); // get the boolean that indicates whether or not we can release // savepoints // and set in in data. data.releaseSavepoint = data.specialErrorHandling; data.commitSize = Integer.parseInt(environmentSubstitute(meta.getCommitSize())); data.batchSize = Integer.parseInt(environmentSubstitute(meta.getBatchSize())); data.batchMode = data.commitSize > 0 && meta.useBatchUpdate(); // Batch updates are not supported in case we are running with // transactions in the transformation. // It is also disabled when we return keys... // data.specialErrorHandling |= getTransMeta().isUsingUniqueConnections(); if (data.batchMode && data.specialErrorHandling) { data.batchMode = false; if (log.isBasic()) logBasic(Messages.getString("TableOutput.Log.BatchModeDisabled")); } if (meta.getDatabaseMeta() == null) { throw new KettleException( Messages.getString("TableOutput.Exception.DatabaseNeedsToBeSelected")); } if (meta.getDatabaseMeta() == null) { logError(Messages.getString("TableOutput.Init.ConnectionMissing", getStepname())); return false; } data.db = new Database(meta.getDatabaseMeta()); data.db.shareVariablesWith(this); if (getTransMeta().isUsingUniqueConnections()) { synchronized (getTrans()) { data.db.connect(getTrans().getThreadName(), getPartitionID()); } } else { data.db.connect(getPartitionID()); } if (log.isBasic()) logBasic( "Connected to database [" + meta.getDatabaseMeta() + "] (commit=" + data.commitSize + ")"); // Postpone commit as long as possible. PDI-2091 // if (data.commitSize == 0) { data.commitSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } data.db.setCommit(data.commitSize); if (!meta.isPartitioningEnabled() && !meta.isTableNameInField()) { data.tableName = environmentSubstitute(meta.getTablename()); // Only the first one truncates in a non-partitioned step // copy // if (meta.truncateTable() && ((getCopy() == 0 && getUniqueStepNrAcrossSlaves() == 0) || !Const.isEmpty(getPartitionID()))) { data.db.truncateTable( environmentSubstitute(meta.getSchemaName()), environmentSubstitute(meta.getTablename())); } } return true; } catch (KettleException e) { logError("An error occurred intialising this step: " + e.getMessage()); stopAll(); setErrors(1); } } return false; }
public void assertRoundGeneral( final Object expectedResult, final int calcFunction, final Number value, final Long precision, final Long roundingMode, final int valueDataType, final int functionDataType) throws KettleException { final String msg = getKettleTypeName(valueDataType) + "->" + getKettleTypeName(functionDataType) + " "; final RowMeta inputRowMeta = new RowMeta(); final List<Object> inputValues = new ArrayList<Object>(3); final String fieldValue = "Value"; final ValueMetaInterface valueMeta; switch (valueDataType) { case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BIGNUMBER: valueMeta = new ValueMetaBigNumber(fieldValue); break; case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_NUMBER: valueMeta = new ValueMetaNumber(fieldValue); break; case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER: valueMeta = new ValueMetaInteger(fieldValue); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg + "Unexpected value dataType: " + value.getClass().getName() + ". Long, Double or BigDecimal expected."); } inputRowMeta.addValueMeta(valueMeta); inputValues.add(value); final String fieldPrecision; final ValueMetaInteger precisionMeta; if (precision == null) { fieldPrecision = null; precisionMeta = null; } else { fieldPrecision = "Precision"; precisionMeta = new ValueMetaInteger(fieldPrecision); inputRowMeta.addValueMeta(precisionMeta); inputValues.add(precision); } final String fieldRoundingMode; final ValueMetaInteger roundingModeMeta; if (roundingMode == null) { fieldRoundingMode = null; roundingModeMeta = null; } else { fieldRoundingMode = "RoundingMode"; roundingModeMeta = new ValueMetaInteger(fieldRoundingMode); inputRowMeta.addValueMeta(roundingModeMeta); inputValues.add(roundingMode); } RowSet inputRowSet = smh.getMockInputRowSet(inputValues.toArray()); inputRowSet.setRowMeta(inputRowMeta); final String fieldA = inputRowMeta.size() > 0 ? inputRowMeta.getValueMetaList().get(0).getName() : null; final String fieldB = inputRowMeta.size() > 1 ? inputRowMeta.getValueMetaList().get(1).getName() : null; final String fieldC = inputRowMeta.size() > 2 ? inputRowMeta.getValueMetaList().get(2).getName() : null; final int resultDataType = functionDataType; final String fieldResult = "test"; final int expectedResultRowSize = inputRowMeta.size() + 1; Calculator calculator = new Calculator(smh.stepMeta, smh.stepDataInterface, 0, smh.transMeta, smh.trans); calculator.getInputRowSets().add(inputRowSet); calculator.setInputRowMeta(inputRowMeta); calculator.init(smh.initStepMetaInterface, smh.initStepDataInterface); CalculatorMeta meta = new CalculatorMeta(); meta.setCalculation( new CalculatorMetaFunction[] { new CalculatorMetaFunction( fieldResult, calcFunction, fieldA, fieldB, fieldC, resultDataType, 2, 0, false, "", "", "", "") }); // Verify output try { calculator.addRowListener( new RowAdapter() { @Override public void rowWrittenEvent(RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] row) throws KettleStepException { assertEquals(msg + " resultRowSize", expectedResultRowSize, rowMeta.size()); final int fieldResultIndex = rowMeta.size() - 1; assertEquals( msg + " fieldResult", fieldResult, rowMeta.getValueMeta(fieldResultIndex).getName()); assertEquals(msg, expectedResult, row[fieldResultIndex]); } }); calculator.processRow(meta, new CalculatorData()); } catch (KettleException ke) { ke.printStackTrace(); fail(msg + ke.getMessage()); } }
public void check( List<CheckResultInterface> remarks, TransMeta transMeta, StepMeta stepMeta, RowMetaInterface prev, String[] input, String[] output, RowMetaInterface info, VariableSpace space, Repository repository, IMetaStore metaStore) { CheckResult cr; if (databaseMeta != null) { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResult.TYPE_RESULT_OK, BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "ExecSQLRowMeta.CheckResult.ConnectionExists"), stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); Database db = new Database(loggingObject, databaseMeta); databases = new Database[] {db}; // keep track of it for cancelling purposes... try { db.connect(); cr = new CheckResult( CheckResult.TYPE_RESULT_OK, BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "ExecSQLRowMeta.CheckResult.DBConnectionOK"), stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); if (sqlField != null && sqlField.length() != 0) { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResult.TYPE_RESULT_OK, BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "ExecSQLRowMeta.CheckResult.SQLFieldNameEntered"), stepMeta); } else { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResult.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "ExecSQLRowMeta.CheckResult.SQLFieldNameMissing"), stepMeta); } remarks.add(cr); } catch (KettleException e) { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResult.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "ExecSQLRowMeta.CheckResult.ErrorOccurred") + e.getMessage(), stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } finally { db.disconnect(); } } else { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResult.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "ExecSQLRowMeta.CheckResult.ConnectionNeeded"), stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } if (input.length > 0) { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResult.TYPE_RESULT_OK, BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "ExecSQLRowMeta.CheckResult.StepReceivingInfoOK"), stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } else { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResult.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "ExecSQLRowMeta.CheckResult.NoInputReceivedError"), stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } }
public Result execute(Result result, int nr) throws KettleException { FileLoggingEventListener loggingEventListener = null; LogLevel shellLogLevel = parentJob.getLogLevel(); if (setLogfile) { String realLogFilename = environmentSubstitute(getLogFilename()); // We need to check here the log filename // if we do not have one, we must fail if (Const.isEmpty(realLogFilename)) { logError(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobEntryShell.Exception.LogFilenameMissing")); result.setNrErrors(1); result.setResult(false); return result; } try { loggingEventListener = new FileLoggingEventListener(getLogChannelId(), realLogFilename, setAppendLogfile); KettleLogStore.getAppender().addLoggingEventListener(loggingEventListener); } catch (KettleException e) { logError( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "JobEntryShell.Error.UnableopenAppenderFile", getLogFilename(), e.toString())); logError(Const.getStackTracker(e)); result.setNrErrors(1); result.setResult(false); return result; } shellLogLevel = logFileLevel; } log.setLogLevel(shellLogLevel); result.setEntryNr(nr); // "Translate" the arguments for later String[] substArgs = null; if (arguments != null) { substArgs = new String[arguments.length]; for (int idx = 0; idx < arguments.length; idx++) { substArgs[idx] = environmentSubstitute(arguments[idx]); } } int iteration = 0; String[] args = substArgs; RowMetaAndData resultRow = null; boolean first = true; List<RowMetaAndData> rows = result.getRows(); if (log.isDetailed()) { logDetailed( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "JobEntryShell.Log.FoundPreviousRows", "" + (rows != null ? rows.size() : 0))); } while ((first && !execPerRow) || (execPerRow && rows != null && iteration < rows.size() && result.getNrErrors() == 0)) { first = false; if (rows != null && execPerRow) { resultRow = rows.get(iteration); } else { resultRow = null; } List<RowMetaAndData> cmdRows = null; if (execPerRow) { // Execute for each input row if (argFromPrevious) { // Copy the input row to the (command line) arguments if (resultRow != null) { args = new String[resultRow.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < resultRow.size(); i++) { args[i] = resultRow.getString(i, null); } } } else { // Just pass a single row List<RowMetaAndData> newList = new ArrayList<RowMetaAndData>(); newList.add(resultRow); cmdRows = newList; } } else { if (argFromPrevious) { // Only put the first Row on the arguments args = null; if (resultRow != null) { args = new String[resultRow.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < resultRow.size(); i++) { args[i] = resultRow.getString(i, null); } } else { cmdRows = rows; } } else { // Keep it as it was... cmdRows = rows; } } executeShell(result, cmdRows, args); iteration++; } if (setLogfile) { if (loggingEventListener != null) { KettleLogStore.getAppender().removeLoggingEventListener(loggingEventListener); loggingEventListener.close(); ResultFile resultFile = new ResultFile( ResultFile.FILE_TYPE_LOG, loggingEventListener.getFile(), parentJob.getJobname(), getName()); result.getResultFiles().put(resultFile.getFile().toString(), resultFile); } } return result; }
public void check( List<CheckResultInterface> remarks, TransMeta transMeta, StepMeta stepMeta, RowMetaInterface prev, String[] input, String[] output, RowMetaInterface info, VariableSpace space, Repository repository, IMetaStore metaStore) { CheckResult cr; String error_message = ""; if (databaseMeta != null) { Database db = new Database(loggingObject, databaseMeta); db.shareVariablesWith(transMeta); try { db.connect(); if (!Const.isEmpty(tableName)) { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.CheckResult.TableNameOK"), stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); boolean first = true; boolean error_found = false; error_message = ""; // Check fields in table String schemaTable = databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(schemaName, tableName); RowMetaInterface r = db.getTableFields(schemaTable); if (r != null) { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.CheckResult.TableExists"), stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); for (int i = 0; i < keyLookup.length; i++) { String lufield = keyLookup[i]; ValueMetaInterface v = r.searchValueMeta(lufield); if (v == null) { if (first) { first = false; error_message += BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.CheckResult.MissingCompareFieldsInTargetTable") + Const.CR; } error_found = true; error_message += "\t\t" + lufield + Const.CR; } } if (error_found) { cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); } else { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.CheckResult.AllLookupFieldsFound"), stepMeta); } remarks.add(cr); // How about the fields to insert/update in the table? first = true; error_found = false; error_message = ""; for (int i = 0; i < updateLookup.length; i++) { String lufield = updateLookup[i]; ValueMetaInterface v = r.searchValueMeta(lufield); if (v == null) { if (first) { first = false; error_message += BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.CheckResult.MissingFieldsToUpdateInTargetTable") + Const.CR; } error_found = true; error_message += "\t\t" + lufield + Const.CR; } } if (error_found) { cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); } else { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.CheckResult.AllFieldsToUpdateFoundInTargetTable"), stepMeta); } remarks.add(cr); } else { error_message = BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.CheckResult.CouldNotReadTableInfo"); cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } } // Look up fields in the input stream <prev> if (prev != null && prev.size() > 0) { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.CheckResult.StepReceivingDatas", prev.size() + ""), stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); boolean first = true; error_message = ""; boolean error_found = false; for (int i = 0; i < keyStream.length; i++) { ValueMetaInterface v = prev.searchValueMeta(keyStream[i]); if (v == null) { if (first) { first = false; error_message += BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.CheckResult.MissingFieldsInInput") + Const.CR; } error_found = true; error_message += "\t\t" + keyStream[i] + Const.CR; } } for (int i = 0; i < keyStream2.length; i++) { if (keyStream2[i] != null && keyStream2[i].length() > 0) { ValueMetaInterface v = prev.searchValueMeta(keyStream2[i]); if (v == null) { if (first) { first = false; error_message += BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.CheckResult.MissingFieldsInInput") + Const.CR; } error_found = true; error_message += "\t\t" + keyStream[i] + Const.CR; } } } if (error_found) { cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); } else { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.CheckResult.AllFieldsFoundInInput"), stepMeta); } remarks.add(cr); // How about the fields to insert/update the table with? first = true; error_found = false; error_message = ""; for (int i = 0; i < updateStream.length; i++) { String lufield = updateStream[i]; ValueMetaInterface v = prev.searchValueMeta(lufield); if (v == null) { if (first) { first = false; error_message += BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.CheckResult.MissingInputStreamFields") + Const.CR; } error_found = true; error_message += "\t\t" + lufield + Const.CR; } } if (error_found) { cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); } else { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.CheckResult.AllFieldsFoundInInput2"), stepMeta); } remarks.add(cr); } else { error_message = BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.CheckResult.MissingFieldsInInput3") + Const.CR; cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } } catch (KettleException e) { error_message = BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.CheckResult.DatabaseErrorOccurred") + e.getMessage(); cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } finally { db.disconnect(); } } else { error_message = BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.CheckResult.InvalidConnection"); cr = new CheckResult(CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, error_message, stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } // See if we have input streams leading to this step! if (input.length > 0) { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_OK, BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.CheckResult.StepReceivingInfoFromOtherSteps"), stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } else { cr = new CheckResult( CheckResultInterface.TYPE_RESULT_ERROR, BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "InsertUpdateMeta.CheckResult.NoInputError"), stepMeta); remarks.add(cr); } }
public synchronized BlockingRowSet openReaderSocket(final BaseStep baseStep) throws IOException, KettleException { this.baseStep = baseStep; final BlockingRowSet rowSet = new BlockingRowSet(baseStep.getTransMeta().getSizeRowset()); // Make sure we handle the case with multiple step copies running on a // slave... // rowSet.setThreadNameFromToCopy(sourceStep, sourceStepCopyNr, targetStep, targetStepCopyNr); rowSet.setRemoteSlaveServerName(targetSlaveServerName); final int portNumber = Integer.parseInt(baseStep.environmentSubstitute(port)); final String realHostname = baseStep.environmentSubstitute(hostname); // Connect to the server socket (started during BaseStep.init()) // Because the accept() call on the server socket can be called after we // reached this code // it is best to build in a retry loop with a time-out here. // long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean connected = false; KettleException lastException = null; // // timeout with retry until connected while (!connected && (TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS > (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000) && !baseStep.isStopped()) { try { socket = new Socket(); socket.setReuseAddress(true); baseStep.logDetailed( "Step variable MASTER_HOST : [" + baseStep.getVariable("MASTER_HOST") + "]"); baseStep.logDetailed( "Opening client (reader) socket to server [" + Const.NVL(realHostname, "") + ":" + port + "]"); socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(realHostname, portNumber), 5000); connected = true; if (compressingStreams) { gzipInputStream = new GZIPInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); bufferedInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(gzipInputStream, bufferSize); } else { bufferedInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(socket.getInputStream(), bufferSize); } inputStream = new DataInputStream(bufferedInputStream); lastException = null; } catch (Exception e) { lastException = new KettleException( "Unable to open socket to server " + realHostname + " port " + portNumber, e); } if (lastException != null) { // Sleep for a while try { Thread.sleep(250); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (socket != null) { socket.shutdownInput(); socket.shutdownOutput(); socket.close(); baseStep.logDetailed( "Closed connection to server socket to read rows from remote step on server " + realHostname + " port " + portNumber + " - Local port=" + socket.getLocalPort()); } throw new KettleException( "Interrupted while trying to connect to server socket: " + e.toString()); } } } // See if all was OK... if (lastException != null) { baseStep.logError("Error initialising step: " + lastException.toString()); if (socket != null) { socket.shutdownInput(); socket.shutdownOutput(); socket.close(); baseStep.logDetailed( "Closed connection to server socket to read rows from remote step on server " + realHostname + " port " + portNumber + " - Local port=" + socket.getLocalPort()); } throw lastException; } else { if (inputStream == null) throw new KettleException( "Unable to connect to the SocketWriter in the " + TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS + "s timeout period."); } baseStep.logDetailed( "Opened connection to server socket to read rows from remote step on server " + realHostname + " port " + portNumber + " - Local port=" + socket.getLocalPort()); // Create a thread to take care of the reading from the client socket. // The rows read will be put in a RowSet buffer. // That buffer will hand over the rows to the step that has this RemoteStep // object defined // as a remote input step. // Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { // First read the row meta data from the socket... // RowMetaInterface rowMeta = null; while (!baseStep.isStopped() && rowMeta == null) { try { rowMeta = new RowMeta(inputStream); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { rowMeta = null; } } if (rowMeta == null) { throw new KettleEOFException(); // leave now. } // And a first row of data... // Object[] rowData = getRowOfData(rowMeta); // Now get the data itself, row by row... // while (rowData != null && !baseStep.isStopped()) { baseStep.incrementLinesInput(); baseStep.decrementLinesRead(); if (baseStep.log.isDebug()) baseStep.logDebug("Received row from remote step: " + rowMeta.getString(rowData)); baseStep.putRowTo(rowMeta, rowData, rowSet); baseStep.decrementLinesWritten(); rowData = getRowOfData(rowMeta); } } catch (KettleEOFException e) { // Nothing, we're simply done reading... // if (baseStep.log.isDebug()) baseStep.logDebug( "Finished reading from remote step on server " + hostname + " port " + portNumber); } catch (Exception e) { baseStep.logError("Error reading from client socket to remote step", e); baseStep.setErrors(1); baseStep.stopAll(); } finally { // Close the input socket if (socket != null && !socket.isClosed() && !socket.isInputShutdown()) { try { socket.shutdownInput(); } catch (Exception e) { baseStep.logError( "Error shutting down input channel on client socket connection to remote step", e); } } if (socket != null && !socket.isClosed() && !socket.isOutputShutdown()) { try { socket.shutdownOutput(); } catch (Exception e) { baseStep.logError( "Error shutting down output channel on client socket connection to remote step", e); } } if (socket != null && !socket.isClosed()) { try { socket.close(); } catch (Exception e) { baseStep.logError( "Error shutting down client socket connection to remote step", e); } } if (inputStream != null) { try { inputStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { baseStep.logError( "Error closing input stream on socket connection to remote step", e); } inputStream = null; } if (bufferedInputStream != null) { try { bufferedInputStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { baseStep.logError( "Error closing input stream on socket connection to remote step", e); } } bufferedInputStream = null; if (gzipInputStream != null) { try { gzipInputStream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { baseStep.logError( "Error closing input stream on socket connection to remote step", e); } } gzipInputStream = null; baseStep.logDetailed( "Closed connection to server socket to read rows from remote step on server " + realHostname + " port " + portNumber + " - Local port=" + socket.getLocalPort()); } // signal baseStep that nothing else comes from this step. // rowSet.setDone(); } }; new Thread(runnable).start(); return rowSet; }
public Result execute(Result previousResult, int nr) { Result result = previousResult; result.setResult(false); // see PDI-10270, PDI-10644 for details boolean oldBehavior = "Y" .equalsIgnoreCase( getVariable(Const.KETTLE_COMPATIBILITY_SET_ERROR_ON_SPECIFIC_JOB_ENTRIES, "N")); String countSQLStatement = null; long rowsCount = 0; long errCount = 0; boolean successOK = false; int nrRowsLimit = Const.toInt(environmentSubstitute(limit), 0); if (log.isDetailed()) { logDetailed( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "JobEntryEvalTableContent.Log.nrRowsLimit", "" + nrRowsLimit)); } if (connection != null) { Database db = new Database(this, connection); db.shareVariablesWith(this); try { db.connect(parentJob.getTransactionId(), null); if (iscustomSQL) { String realCustomSQL = customSQL; if (isUseVars) { realCustomSQL = environmentSubstitute(realCustomSQL); } if (log.isDebug()) { logDebug( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "JobEntryEvalTableContent.Log.EnteredCustomSQL", realCustomSQL)); } if (!Const.isEmpty(realCustomSQL)) { countSQLStatement = realCustomSQL; } else { errCount++; logError(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobEntryEvalTableContent.Error.NoCustomSQL")); } } else { String realTablename = environmentSubstitute(tablename); String realSchemaname = environmentSubstitute(schemaname); if (!Const.isEmpty(realTablename)) { if (!Const.isEmpty(realSchemaname)) { countSQLStatement = selectCount + db.getDatabaseMeta() .getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(realSchemaname, realTablename); } else { countSQLStatement = selectCount + db.getDatabaseMeta().quoteField(realTablename); } } else { errCount++; logError(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobEntryEvalTableContent.Error.NoTableName")); } } if (countSQLStatement != null) { if (log.isDetailed()) { logDetailed( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "JobEntryEvalTableContent.Log.RunSQLStatement", countSQLStatement)); } if (iscustomSQL) { if (isClearResultList) { result.getRows().clear(); } List<Object[]> ar = db.getRows(countSQLStatement, 0); if (ar != null) { rowsCount = ar.size(); // ad rows to result RowMetaInterface rowMeta = db.getQueryFields(countSQLStatement, false); List<RowMetaAndData> rows = new ArrayList<RowMetaAndData>(); for (int i = 0; i < ar.size(); i++) { rows.add(new RowMetaAndData(rowMeta, ar.get(i))); } if (isAddRowsResult && iscustomSQL) { if (rows != null) { result.getRows().addAll(rows); } } } else { if (log.isDebug()) { logDebug( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "JobEntryEvalTableContent.Log.customSQLreturnedNothing", countSQLStatement)); } } } else { RowMetaAndData row = db.getOneRow(countSQLStatement); if (row != null) { rowsCount = row.getInteger(0); } } if (log.isDetailed()) { logDetailed( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "JobEntryEvalTableContent.Log.NrRowsReturned", "" + rowsCount)); } switch (successCondition) { case JobEntryEvalTableContent.SUCCESS_CONDITION_ROWS_COUNT_EQUAL: successOK = (rowsCount == nrRowsLimit); break; case JobEntryEvalTableContent.SUCCESS_CONDITION_ROWS_COUNT_DIFFERENT: successOK = (rowsCount != nrRowsLimit); break; case JobEntryEvalTableContent.SUCCESS_CONDITION_ROWS_COUNT_SMALLER: successOK = (rowsCount < nrRowsLimit); break; case JobEntryEvalTableContent.SUCCESS_CONDITION_ROWS_COUNT_SMALLER_EQUAL: successOK = (rowsCount <= nrRowsLimit); break; case JobEntryEvalTableContent.SUCCESS_CONDITION_ROWS_COUNT_GREATER: successOK = (rowsCount > nrRowsLimit); break; case JobEntryEvalTableContent.SUCCESS_CONDITION_ROWS_COUNT_GREATER_EQUAL: successOK = (rowsCount >= nrRowsLimit); break; default: break; } if (!successOK && oldBehavior) { errCount++; } } // end if countSQLStatement!=null } catch (KettleException dbe) { errCount++; logError( BaseMessages.getString( PKG, "JobEntryEvalTableContent.Error.RunningEntry", dbe.getMessage())); } finally { if (db != null) { db.disconnect(); } } } else { errCount++; logError(BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobEntryEvalTableContent.NoDbConnection")); } result.setResult(successOK); result.setNrLinesRead(rowsCount); result.setNrErrors(errCount); return result; }