   * Filter out LUNs that are already a part of storage domains exist in the system.
   * @param luns the LUNs list
   * @return the filtered LUNs list
  protected List<LUNs> filterLUNsThatBelongToExistingStorageDomains(List<LUNs> luns) {
    List<StorageDomain> existingStorageDomains = getStorageDomainDao().getAll();
    final List<Guid> existingStorageDomainIDs = Entities.getIds(existingStorageDomains);

    return luns.stream()
        .filter(lun -> !existingStorageDomainIDs.contains(lun.getStorageDomainId()))
   * Create StorageDomain objects according to the specified VG-IDs list.
   * @param vgIDs the VG-IDs list
   * @return storage domains list
  protected List<StorageDomain> getStorageDomainsByVolumeGroupIds(List<String> vgIDs) {
    List<StorageDomain> storageDomains = new ArrayList<>();

    // Get existing PhysicalVolumes.
    List<String> existingLunIds = Entities.getIds(getLunDao().getAll());

    for (String vgID : vgIDs) {
      VDSReturnValue returnValue;
      try {
        returnValue =
            executeGetVGInfo(new GetVGInfoVDSCommandParameters(getParameters().getVdsId(), vgID));
      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        log.error("Could not get info for VG ID: '{}': {}", vgID, e.getMessage());
        log.debug("Exception", e);

      ArrayList<LUNs> luns = (ArrayList<LUNs>) returnValue.getReturnValue();
      List<String> lunIdsOnStorage = Entities.getIds(luns);
      if (CollectionUtils.containsAny(lunIdsOnStorage, existingLunIds)) {
        log.info("There are existing luns in the system which are part of VG id '{}'", vgID);

      // Get storage domain ID by a representative LUN
      LUNs lun = luns.get(0);
      Guid storageDomainId = lun.getStorageDomainId();

      // Get storage domain using GetStorageDomainInfo
      StorageDomain storageDomain = getStorageDomainById(storageDomainId);
      if (storageDomain != null) {
    return storageDomains;