/** * Adds <tt>listener</tt> to the list of {@link CapsVerListener}s that we notify when new features * occur and the version hash needs to be regenerated. The method would also notify * <tt>listener</tt> if our current caps version has been generated and is different than * <tt>null</tt>. * * @param listener the {@link CapsVerListener} we'd like to register. */ public void addCapsVerListener(CapsVerListener listener) { synchronized (capsVerListeners) { if (capsVerListeners.contains(listener)) return; capsVerListeners.add(listener); if (currentCapsVersion != null) listener.capsVerUpdated(currentCapsVersion); } }
/** * Handles chat room presence status updates. * * @param evt the <tt>LocalUserChatRoomPresenceChangeEvent</tt> instance containing the chat room * and the type, and reason of the change */ @Override public void localUserPresenceChanged(LocalUserChatRoomPresenceChangeEvent evt) { ChatRoom sourceChatRoom = evt.getChatRoom(); String eventType = evt.getEventType(); boolean existingContact = false; ChatRoomSourceContact foundContact = null; synchronized (contactResults) { for (ChatRoomSourceContact contact : contactResults) { if (contactEqualsChatRoom(contact, sourceChatRoom)) { existingContact = true; foundContact = contact; contactResults.remove(contact); break; } } } if (LocalUserChatRoomPresenceChangeEvent.LOCAL_USER_JOINED.equals(eventType)) { if (existingContact) { foundContact.setPresenceStatus(ChatRoomPresenceStatus.CHAT_ROOM_ONLINE); synchronized (contactResults) { contactResults.add(foundContact); } fireContactChanged(foundContact); } else { ChatRoomWrapper chatRoom = MUCActivator.getMUCService().findChatRoomWrapperFromChatRoom(sourceChatRoom); if (chatRoom != null) addChatRoom(sourceChatRoom, false, chatRoom.isAutojoin()); } } else if ((LocalUserChatRoomPresenceChangeEvent.LOCAL_USER_LEFT.equals(eventType) || LocalUserChatRoomPresenceChangeEvent.LOCAL_USER_KICKED.equals(eventType) || LocalUserChatRoomPresenceChangeEvent.LOCAL_USER_DROPPED.equals(eventType))) { if (existingContact) { foundContact.setPresenceStatus(ChatRoomPresenceStatus.CHAT_ROOM_OFFLINE); synchronized (contactResults) { contactResults.add(foundContact); } fireContactChanged(foundContact); } } }
private void addMetaTypeProviderWrappers( String servicePropertyName, ServiceReference<Object> serviceReference, MetaTypeProvider service, boolean factory, Set<MetaTypeProviderWrapper> wrappers) { String[] pids = getStringProperty(servicePropertyName, serviceReference.getProperty(servicePropertyName)); for (String pid : pids) { wrappers.add(new MetaTypeProviderWrapper(service, pid, factory)); } }
/** * Adds found result to the query results. * * @param room the chat room. * @param addQueryResult indicates whether we should add the chat room to the query results or * fire an event without adding it to the results. * @param isAutoJoin the auto join state of the contact. */ private void addChatRoom(ChatRoom room, boolean addQueryResult, boolean isAutoJoin) { if (queryString == null || ((room.getName().contains(queryString) || room.getIdentifier().contains(queryString)))) { ChatRoomSourceContact contact = new ChatRoomSourceContact(room, this, isAutoJoin); synchronized (contactResults) { contactResults.add(contact); } if (addQueryResult) { addQueryResult(contact, false); } else { fireContactReceived(contact, false); } } }
private static Object mapValue(Object v) { if ((v == null) || v instanceof Number || v instanceof Boolean || v instanceof Character || v instanceof String || v instanceof DTO) { return v; } if (v instanceof Map) { Map<?, ?> m = (Map<?, ?>) v; Map<Object, Object> map = newMap(m.size()); for (Map.Entry<?, ?> e : m.entrySet()) { map.put(mapValue(e.getKey()), mapValue(e.getValue())); } return map; } if (v instanceof List) { List<?> c = (List<?>) v; List<Object> list = newList(c.size()); for (Object o : c) { list.add(mapValue(o)); } return list; } if (v instanceof Set) { Set<?> c = (Set<?>) v; Set<Object> set = newSet(c.size()); for (Object o : c) { set.add(mapValue(o)); } return set; } if (v.getClass().isArray()) { final int length = Array.getLength(v); final Class<?> componentType = mapComponentType(v.getClass().getComponentType()); Object array = Array.newInstance(componentType, length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Array.set(array, i, mapValue(Array.get(v, i))); } return array; } return String.valueOf(v); }
/** * Adds found result to the query results. * * @param pps the protocol provider associated with the found chat room. * @param chatRoomName the name of the chat room. * @param chatRoomID the id of the chat room. * @param addQueryResult indicates whether we should add the chat room to the query results or * fire an event without adding it to the results. * @param isAutoJoin the auto join state of the contact. */ private void addChatRoom( ProtocolProviderService pps, String chatRoomName, String chatRoomID, boolean addQueryResult, boolean isAutoJoin) { if (queryString == null || ((chatRoomName.contains(queryString) || chatRoomID.contains(queryString)))) { ChatRoomSourceContact contact = new ChatRoomSourceContact(chatRoomName, chatRoomID, this, pps, isAutoJoin); synchronized (contactResults) { contactResults.add(contact); } if (addQueryResult) { addQueryResult(contact, false); } else { fireContactReceived(contact, false); } } }
static Set toImmutableSet(Object obj) { Set set = new HashSet(); set.add(obj); set = Collections.unmodifiableSet(set); return set; }