Пример #1
  * Invoked when posting of an act is complete.
  * <p>This prompts to pay the account, and pops up a dialog to print the act.
  * @param act the act
 protected void onPosted(final FinancialAct act) {
   HelpContext help = getHelpContext().subtopic("post");
   Tasks tasks = new Tasks(help);
   TaskContext context = new DefaultTaskContext(getContext(), help);
   String shortName = act.getArchetypeId().getShortName();
   BigDecimal total = act.getTotal();
   if (TypeHelper.isA(act, INVOICE, COUNTER)) {
     PaymentWorkflow payment = new PaymentWorkflow(total, getContext(), help);
     // need to reload the act as it may be changed via the payment
     // workflow as part of the CustomerAccountRules
     tasks.addTask(new ReloadTask(shortName));
         new DefaultTaskListener() {
           public void taskEvent(TaskEvent event) {
             // force a refresh so the summary updates
   PrintActTask print = new PrintActTask(shortName, getMailContext());
  * Determines if an editor has a template product that needs expanding.
  * @param editor the editor
  * @return {@code true} iif the editor has a template product
 private boolean needsTemplateExpansion(IMObjectEditor editor) {
   if (editor instanceof ActItemEditor) {
     IMObjectReference product = ((ActItemEditor) editor).getProductRef();
     return TypeHelper.isA(product, TEMPLATE);
   return false;
Пример #3
  * Confirms that the user wants to post the act.
  * @param act the act to post
  * @param callback the callback to handle the posting, if the user confirms it
 protected void confirmPost(Act act, Runnable callback) {
   if (TypeHelper.isA(act, CustomerAccountArchetypes.INVOICE)) {
     UndispensedOrderChecker checker = new UndispensedOrderChecker(act);
     if (checker.hasUndispensedItems()) {
       checker.confirm(getHelpContext(), callback);
     } else {
       super.confirmPost(act, callback);
   } else {
     super.confirmPost(act, callback);
  * Adds the object being edited to the collection, if it doesn't exist.
  * <p>The object will be selected.
  * @param editor the editor
  * @return {@code true} if the object was added, otherwise {@code false}
 public boolean addEdited(IMObjectEditor editor) {
   boolean result = false;
   if (needsTemplateExpansion(editor)) {
     Product product = ((ActItemEditor) editor).getProduct();
     if (TypeHelper.isA(product, TEMPLATE)) {
       result = expandTemplate((ActItemEditor) editor, product);
   } else {
     result = super.addEdited(editor);
   return result;
  * Determines how {@link IMObjectCopier} should treat an object.
  * @param object the source object
  * @param service the archetype service
  * @return {@code object} if the object shouldn't be copied, {@code null} if it should be
  *     replaced with {@code null}, or a new instance if the object should be copied
 public IMObject getObject(IMObject object, IArchetypeService service) {
   IMObject result;
   if (object instanceof Participation) {
     Participation participant = (Participation) object;
     if (TypeHelper.isA(participant.getEntity(), TEMPLATE)) {
       result = null;
     } else {
       result = super.getObject(object, service);
   } else {
     result = super.getObject(object, service);
   return result;
Пример #6
  * Returns the object associated with the reference, defaulting it to the parent if the reference
  * is unset, and the parent is of the correct archetype.
  * @param reference the reference
  * @param parent the parent object
  * @param archetypeRange the archetypes that the reference may refer to
  * @param cache the cache
  * @return the object, or {@code null} if the reference is set but refers to an invalid object
 private IMObject getObject(
     IMObjectReference reference, IMObject parent, String[] archetypeRange, IMObjectCache cache) {
   IMObject result = null;
   if (reference == null) {
     if (TypeHelper.isA(parent, archetypeRange)) {
       result = parent;
   } else if (reference.equals(parent.getObjectReference())) {
     result = parent;
   } else {
     result = cache.get(reference);
   return result;
  * Helper to determine if a node is copyable.
  * <p>For charge items, this only copies the <em>quantity</em>, <em>patient</em>,
  * <em>product</em>, <em>author</em> and <em>clinician<em> nodes.
  * @param archetype the archetype descriptor
  * @param node the node descriptor
  * @param source if {@code true} the node is the source; otherwise its the target
  * @return {@code true} if the node is copyable; otherwise {@code false}
 protected boolean isCopyable(
     ArchetypeDescriptor archetype, NodeDescriptor node, boolean source) {
   boolean result = super.isCopyable(archetype, node, source);
   if (result && TypeHelper.isA(archetype, INVOICE_ITEM, CREDIT_ITEM, COUNTER_ITEM)) {
     String name = node.getName();
     result =
             || "patient".equals(name)
             || "product".equals(name)
             || "author".equals(name)
             || "clinician".equals(name);
   return result;
Пример #8
  * Copies an order.
  * <p>The copied order will have an <em>IN_PROGRESS</em> status and <em>PENDING</em> delivery
  * status.
  * <p>The copy is saved.
  * @param order the order to copy
  * @param title a title to assign to the copy. May be {@code null}
  * @return the copy of the order
  * @throws ArchetypeServiceException for any archetype service error
 public FinancialAct copyOrder(FinancialAct order, String title) {
   List<IMObject> objects = copy(order, ORDER, new DefaultActCopyHandler(), new Date(), false);
   FinancialAct copy = (FinancialAct) objects.get(0);
   IMObjectBean bean = new IMObjectBean(copy, service);
   bean.setValue("deliveryStatus", DeliveryStatus.PENDING);
   for (IMObject object : objects) {
     if (TypeHelper.isA(object, SupplierArchetypes.ORDER_ITEM)) {
       IMObjectBean itemBean = new IMObjectBean(object, service);
       itemBean.setValue("receivedQuantity", BigDecimal.ZERO);
       itemBean.setValue("cancelledQuantity", BigDecimal.ZERO);
   return copy;
Пример #9
  * Helper to copy an act.
  * @param object the object to copy
  * @param type the expected type of the object
  * @param handler the copy handler
  * @param startTime the start time of the copied object
  * @param save if <tt>true</tt>, save the copied objects
  * @return the copied objects
 private List<IMObject> copy(
     Act object, String type, IMObjectCopyHandler handler, Date startTime, boolean save) {
   if (!TypeHelper.isA(object, type)) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "Expected a "
             + type
             + " for argument 'object'"
             + ", but got a"
             + object.getArchetypeId().getShortName());
   IMObjectCopier copier = new IMObjectCopier(handler, service);
   List<IMObject> objects = copier.apply(object);
   Act act = (Act) objects.get(0);
   if (save) {
   return objects;
  * Invoked when a product changes.
  * <p>This expands any template products
  * @param editor the editor
  * @param product the product.
 private void onProductChanged(ActItemEditor editor, Product product) {
   if (TypeHelper.isA(product, ProductArchetypes.TEMPLATE)) {
     expandTemplate(editor, product);