static { // order is important! settingsFactory.add(new DisplayPreference.Factory()); settingsFactory.add(new DrawingPreference.Factory()); settingsFactory.add(new ColorPreference.Factory()); settingsFactory.add(new LafPreference.Factory()); settingsFactory.add(new LanguagePreference.Factory()); settingsFactory.add(new ServerAccessPreference.Factory()); settingsFactory.add(new MapPreference.Factory()); settingsFactory.add(new ProjectionPreference.Factory()); settingsFactory.add(new MapPaintPreference.Factory()); settingsFactory.add(new TaggingPresetPreference.Factory()); settingsFactory.add(new BackupPreference.Factory()); if (!Main.applet) { settingsFactory.add(new PluginPreference.Factory()); } settingsFactory.add(Main.toolbar); settingsFactory.add(new AudioPreference.Factory()); settingsFactory.add(new ShortcutPreference.Factory()); settingsFactory.add(new ValidatorPreference.Factory()); settingsFactory.add(new RemoteControlPreference.Factory()); settingsFactory.add(new ImageryPreference.Factory()); PluginHandler.getPreferenceSetting(settingsFactory); // always the last: advanced tab settingsFactory.add(new AdvancedPreference.Factory()); }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // Select/unselect corresponding plugin in the model model.setPluginSelected(cb.pi.getName(), cb.isSelected()); // Does the newly selected plugin require other plugins ? if (cb.isSelected() && cb.pi.requires != null) { // Select required plugins selectRequiredPlugins(cb.pi); // Alert user if plugin requirements are not met PluginHandler.checkRequiredPluginsPreconditions( PluginListPanel.this, model.getAvailablePlugins(), cb.pi, false); } // If the plugin has been unselected, was it required by other plugins still selected ? else if (!cb.isSelected()) { Set<String> otherPlugins = new HashSet<>(); for (PluginInformation pi : model.getAvailablePlugins()) { if (!pi.equals(cb.pi) && pi.requires != null && model.isSelectedPlugin(pi.getName())) { for (String s : pi.getRequiredPlugins()) { if (s.equals(cb.pi.getName())) { otherPlugins.add(pi.getName()); break; } } } } if (!otherPlugins.isEmpty()) { alertPluginStillRequired(PluginListPanel.this, cb.pi.getName(), otherPlugins); } } }
private static Class<?> loadRendererClass(String className) { for (ClassLoader cl : PluginHandler.getResourceClassLoaders()) { try { return Class.forName(className, true, cl); } catch (final NoClassDefFoundError | ClassNotFoundException e) { Main.trace(e.getMessage()); } } Main.error( tr("Failed to load map renderer class ''{0}''. The class wasn''t found.", className)); return null; }
protected final JPanel buildMainPanel() { JPanel pnl = new JPanel(); pnl.setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); // adding the download tasks pnl.add(new JLabel(tr("Data Sources and Types:")), GBC.std().insets(5, 5, 1, 5)); cbDownloadOsmData = new JCheckBox(tr("OpenStreetMap data"), true); cbDownloadOsmData.setToolTipText( tr("Select to download OSM data in the selected download area.")); pnl.add(cbDownloadOsmData, GBC.std().insets(1, 5, 1, 5)); cbDownloadGpxData = new JCheckBox(tr("Raw GPS data")); cbDownloadGpxData.setToolTipText( tr("Select to download GPS traces in the selected download area.")); pnl.add(cbDownloadGpxData, GBC.eol().insets(5, 5, 1, 5)); // hook for subclasses buildMainPanelAboveDownloadSelections(pnl); slippyMapChooser = new SlippyMapChooser(); // predefined download selections downloadSelections.add(slippyMapChooser); downloadSelections.add(new BookmarkSelection()); downloadSelections.add(new BoundingBoxSelection()); downloadSelections.add(new PlaceSelection()); downloadSelections.add(new TileSelection()); // add selections from plugins PluginHandler.addDownloadSelection(downloadSelections); // now everybody may add their tab to the tabbed pane // (not done right away to allow plugins to remove one of // the default selectors!) for (DownloadSelection s : downloadSelections) { s.addGui(this); } pnl.add(tpDownloadAreaSelectors, GBC.eol().fill()); try { tpDownloadAreaSelectors.setSelectedIndex(Main.pref.getInteger("", 0)); } catch (Exception ex) { Main.pref.putInteger("", 0); } Font labelFont = sizeCheck.getFont(); sizeCheck.setFont(labelFont.deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, labelFont.getSize())); cbNewLayer = new JCheckBox(tr("Download as new layer")); cbNewLayer.setToolTipText( tr( "<html>Select to download data into a new data layer.<br>" + "Unselect to download into the currently active data layer.</html>")); cbStartup = new JCheckBox(tr("Open this dialog on startup")); cbStartup.setToolTipText( tr( "<html>Autostart ''Download from OSM'' dialog every time JOSM is started.<br>You can open it manually from File menu or toolbar.</html>")); cbStartup.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Main.pref.put("download.autorun", cbStartup.isSelected()); } }); pnl.add(cbNewLayer, GBC.std().anchor(GBC.WEST).insets(5, 5, 5, 5)); pnl.add(cbStartup, GBC.std().anchor(GBC.WEST).insets(15, 5, 5, 5)); pnl.add(sizeCheck, GBC.eol().anchor(GBC.EAST).insets(5, 5, 5, 2)); if (!ExpertToggleAction.isExpert()) { JLabel infoLabel = new JLabel( tr( "Use left click&drag to select area, arrows or right mouse button to scroll map, wheel or +/- to zoom.")); pnl.add(infoLabel, GBC.eol().anchor(GBC.SOUTH).insets(0, 0, 0, 0)); } return pnl; }