Пример #1
  /** This method performs format conversions with string constructors in degrees and dms */
  public void testRandomEquals() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
      Geodetic3DPoint a1 = randomGeoPoint(r);
      Geodetic3DPoint a2 =
          new Geodetic3DPoint(a1.getLongitude(), a1.getLatitude(), a1.getElevation());
      // note by making equals() work in round off errors (such as in this case) using
      // Angle.equals() vs phi1=phi2 && lamb1==lamb2
      // but break contract in hashCode such that a.equals(b) -> true but hashCode(a) may not equal
      // hashCode(b)
      assertEquals(a1, a2);
      assertEquals(a1.hashCode(), a2.hashCode());

      // for symmetric tests to work elevation must be non-zero
      final double elevation = a1.getElevation();
      if (elevation == 0.0 || Math.abs(elevation) < 1e-8) a1.setElevation(1234.5);

      // test symmetric equals tests a.equals(b) -> b.equals(a)
      Geodetic2DPoint pt2 = new Geodetic2DPoint(a1.getLongitude(), a1.getLatitude());
      assertEquals(pt2, a1); // pt2.equals(al) -> a1.equals(pt2)
      assertEquals(a1, pt2);