/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>Poll the specified address for service availability. * * @see #poll(InetAddress, Map) */ public PollStatus poll(MonitoredService svc, Map<String, Object> parameters) { NetworkInterface<InetAddress> iface = svc.getNetInterface(); if (iface.getType() != NetworkInterface.TYPE_INET) throw new NetworkInterfaceNotSupportedException( "Unsupported interface type, only TYPE_INET currently supported"); InetAddress address = (InetAddress) iface.getAddress(); return poll(address, parameters); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p>Poll the specified address for service availability. * * <p>During the poll an attempt is made to call the specified external script or program. If the * connection request is successful, the banner line returned as standard output by the script or * program is parsed for a partial match with the banner string specified in the poller * configuration. Provided that the script's response is valid we set the service status to * SERVICE_AVAILABLE and return. * * <p>The timeout is handled by ExecRunner and is also passed as a parameter to the script or * program being called. */ public PollStatus poll(MonitoredService svc, Map<String, Object> parameters) { NetworkInterface<InetAddress> iface = svc.getNetInterface(); // // Process parameters // ThreadCategory log = ThreadCategory.getInstance(getClass()); // // Get interface address from NetworkInterface // if (iface.getType() != NetworkInterface.TYPE_INET) throw new NetworkInterfaceNotSupportedException( "Unsupported interface type, only TYPE_INET currently supported"); TimeoutTracker tracker = new TimeoutTracker(parameters, DEFAULT_RETRY, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); String hoption = ParameterMap.getKeyedString(parameters, "hoption", "--hostname"); String toption = ParameterMap.getKeyedString(parameters, "toption", "--timeout"); // // convert timeout to seconds for ExecRunner // String args = ParameterMap.getKeyedString(parameters, "args", null); // Script // String script = ParameterMap.getKeyedString(parameters, "script", null); if (script == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "GpMonitor: required parameter 'script' is not present in supplied properties."); } // BannerMatch // String strBannerMatch = (String) parameters.get("banner"); // Script standard output // String scriptoutput = ""; // Script error output // String scripterror = ""; // Get the address instance. // InetAddress ipv4Addr = (InetAddress) iface.getAddress(); final String hostAddress = InetAddressUtils.str(ipv4Addr); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( "poll: address = " + hostAddress + ", script = " + script + ", arguments = " + args + ", " + tracker); // Give it a whirl // PollStatus serviceStatus = PollStatus.unavailable(); for (tracker.reset(); tracker.shouldRetry() && !serviceStatus.isAvailable(); tracker.nextAttempt()) { try { tracker.startAttempt(); int exitStatus = 100; // Some scripts, such as Nagios check scripts, look for -H and -t versus --hostname and // --timeout. If the optional parameter option-type is set to short, then the former // will be used. int timeoutInSeconds = (int) tracker.getTimeoutInSeconds(); ExecRunner er = new ExecRunner(); er.setMaxRunTimeSecs(timeoutInSeconds); if (args == null) exitStatus = er.exec( script + " " + hoption + " " + hostAddress + " " + toption + " " + timeoutInSeconds); else exitStatus = er.exec( script + " " + hoption + " " + hostAddress + " " + toption + " " + timeoutInSeconds + " " + args); double responseTime = tracker.elapsedTimeInMillis(); if (exitStatus != 0) { scriptoutput = er.getOutString(); serviceStatus = logDown( Level.DEBUG, script + " failed with exit code " + exitStatus + ". Standard out: " + scriptoutput); } if (er.isMaxRunTimeExceeded()) { serviceStatus = logDown(Level.DEBUG, script + " failed. Timeout exceeded"); } else { if (exitStatus == 0) { scriptoutput = er.getOutString(); scripterror = er.getErrString(); if (!scriptoutput.equals("")) log.debug(script + " output = " + scriptoutput); else log.debug(script + " returned no output"); if (!scripterror.equals("")) log.debug(script + " error = " + scripterror); if (strBannerMatch == null || strBannerMatch.equals("*")) { serviceStatus = PollStatus.available(responseTime); } else { if (scriptoutput.indexOf(strBannerMatch) > -1) { serviceStatus = PollStatus.available(responseTime); } else { serviceStatus = PollStatus.unavailable( script + "banner not contained in output banner='" + strBannerMatch + "' output='" + scriptoutput + "'"); } } } } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { serviceStatus = logDown(Level.DEBUG, script + " ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException", e); } catch (IOException e) { serviceStatus = logDown( Level.DEBUG, "IOException occurred. Check for proper operation of " + script, e); } catch (Throwable e) { serviceStatus = logDown(Level.DEBUG, script + "Exception occurred", e); } } // // return the status of the service // log.debug("poll: GP - serviceStatus= " + serviceStatus + " " + hostAddress); return serviceStatus; }
@Override public PollStatus poll(MonitoredService svc, Map<String, Object> parameters) { NetworkInterface<InetAddress> iface = svc.getNetInterface(); // Get interface address from NetworkInterface // if (iface.getType() != NetworkInterface.TYPE_INET) throw new NetworkInterfaceNotSupportedException( "Unsupported interface type, only TYPE_INET currently supported"); /* * TODO: Use it or loose it. * Commented out because it is not currently used in this monitor */ // get parameters // int retry = ParameterMap.getKeyedInteger(parameters, "retry", DEFAULT_RETRY); // int timeout = ParameterMap.getKeyedInteger(parameters, "timeout", DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); // Extract the address // InetAddress ipv4Addr = (InetAddress) iface.getAddress(); // Default is a failed status // PollStatus serviceStatus = PollStatus.unavailable(); // Attempt to retrieve NetBIOS name of this interface in order // to determine if SMB is supported. // NbtAddress nbtAddr = null; /* * This try block was updated to reflect the behavior of the plugin. */ final String hostAddress = InetAddressUtils.str(ipv4Addr); final boolean doNodeStatus = ParameterMap.getKeyedBoolean(parameters, DO_NODE_STATUS, DO_NODE_STATUS_DEFAULT); try { nbtAddr = NbtAddress.getByName(hostAddress); if (doNodeStatus) { nbtAddr.getNodeType(); } if (!nbtAddr.getHostName().equals(hostAddress)) serviceStatus = PollStatus.available(); } catch (UnknownHostException uhE) { serviceStatus = logDown( Level.DEBUG, "Unknown host exception generated for " + hostAddress + ", reason: " + uhE.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (RuntimeException rE) { serviceStatus = logDown(Level.ERROR, "Unexpected runtime exception", rE); } catch (Throwable e) { serviceStatus = logDown(Level.DEBUG, "Unexpected exception", e); } // // return the status of the service // return serviceStatus; }