Пример #1
  public void setDateRange(DateTime minDate, DateTime maxDate, int tickCount) throws Exception {

    /* validate dates */
    long minDateTS = (minDate != null) ? minDate.getTimeSec() : 0L;
    long maxDateTS = (maxDate != null) ? maxDate.getTimeSec() : 0L;
    if ((minDate == null)
        || (minDateTS < MIN_DATE)
        || (maxDate == null)
        || (maxDateTS < MIN_DATE)
        || (minDateTS >= maxDateTS)
        || ((maxDateTS - minDateTS) <= 60L)) {
      throw new Exception("Invalid Date range specification");

    /* adjust 'maxDateTS' to make sure (maxDateTS - minDateTS) is a multiple of 'tickCount' */
    maxDateTS += (maxDateTS - minDateTS) % tickCount;

    /* vars */
    this.minDateTS = minDateTS;
    this.maxDateTS = maxDateTS;
    this.timeZone = minDate.getTimeZone();
    this.xTickCount = (tickCount > 0) ? tickCount : 6;