/** ** Main entery point for debugging/testing */ public static void main(String argv[]) { RTConfig.setCommandLineArgs(argv); Print.setAllOutputToStdout(true); Print.setEncoding(ENCODING_UTF8); String accountID = RTConfig.getString(ARG_ACCOUNT, "demo"); GoogleGeocodeV2 gn = new GoogleGeocodeV2("google", null, null); /* reverse geocode */ if (RTConfig.hasProperty(ARG_REVGEOCODE)) { GeoPoint gp = new GeoPoint(RTConfig.getString(ARG_REVGEOCODE, null)); if (!gp.isValid()) { Print.logInfo("Invalid GeoPoint specified"); System.exit(1); } Print.logInfo("Reverse-Geocoding GeoPoint: " + gp); Print.sysPrintln( "RevGeocode = " + gn.getReverseGeocode(gp, null /*localeStr*/, false /*cache*/)); // Note: Even though the values are printed in UTF-8 character encoding, the // characters may not appear to be property displayed if the console display // does not support UTF-8. System.exit(0); } /* no options */ Print.sysPrintln("No options specified"); System.exit(1); }
private static void usage() { Print.logInfo("Usage:"); Print.logInfo(" java ... " + AccountString.class.getName() + " {options}"); Print.logInfo("Common Options:"); Print.logInfo(" -account=<id> Acount ID which owns AccountString"); Print.logInfo(" -string=<id> String ID to create/edit"); Print.logInfo(" -create Create a new AccountString"); Print.logInfo(" -edit Edit an existing (or newly created) AccountString"); Print.logInfo(" -delete Delete specified AccountString"); System.exit(1); }
private static void usage() { Print.logInfo("Usage:"); Print.logInfo(" java ... " + StatusCode.class.getName() + " {options}"); Print.logInfo("Options:"); Print.logInfo(" -account=<id> Account ID owning StatusCode"); Print.logInfo(" -device=<id> Device ID owning StatusCode (use '/' for ALL)"); Print.logInfo(" -code=<id> StatusCode to create/delete/edit"); Print.logInfo(" -create Create a new StatusCode"); Print.logInfo(" -edit To edit an existing StatusCode"); Print.logInfo(" -delete Delete specified StatusCode"); System.exit(1); }
private static void usage() { Print.logInfo("Usage:"); Print.logInfo(" java ... " + RoleAcl.class.getName() + " {options}"); Print.logInfo("Common Options:"); Print.logInfo(" -account=<id> Acount ID which owns Role"); Print.logInfo(" -role=<id> Role ID which owns RoleAcl"); Print.logInfo(" -list List Acls for Role"); Print.logInfo(" -acl=<id> Role ID to create/edit"); Print.logInfo(" -set=<val> RoleAcl value (create if necessary)"); Print.logInfo(" -create Create a new RoleAcl"); Print.logInfo(" -edit Edit an existing (or newly created) RoleAcl"); Print.logInfo(" -delete Delete specified RoleAcl"); System.exit(1); }
public static void main(String argv[]) { DBConfig.cmdLineInit(argv, true); // main String accountID = RTConfig.getString(ARG_ACCOUNT, ""); String deviceID = RTConfig.getString(ARG_DEVICE, ""); int statusCode = RTConfig.getInt(ARG_CODE, 0); boolean anyCode = true; // RTConfig.hasProperty(ARG_ECODE); /* account-id specified? */ if (StringTools.isBlank(accountID)) { Print.logError("Account-ID not specified."); usage(); } /* get account */ Account account = null; try { account = Account.getAccount(accountID); // may throw DBException if (account == null) { Print.logError("Account-ID does not exist: " + accountID); usage(); } } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logException("Error loading Account: " + accountID, dbe); // dbe.printException(); System.exit(99); } /* device-id specified? */ if (StringTools.isBlank(deviceID) || deviceID.startsWith("/")) { deviceID = ALL_DEVICES; } /* check device existance */ if (!deviceID.equals(ALL_DEVICES)) { try { Device device = Device.getDevice(account, deviceID); // may throw DBException if (device == null) { Print.logError("Device-ID does not exist: " + accountID + " / " + deviceID); usage(); } } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logException("Error loading Device: " + accountID + " / " + deviceID, dbe); System.exit(99); } } /* status-code specified? */ if ((statusCode > 0) && !anyCode && !StatusCodes.IsValid(statusCode, account.getPrivateLabel())) { Print.logError("Invalid Status Code specified."); usage(); } /* statusCode specified? */ if (statusCode <= 0) { Print.logError("StatusCode not specified."); usage(); } /* statusCode exists? */ boolean statusCodeExists = false; try { statusCodeExists = StatusCode.exists(accountID, deviceID, statusCode); } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError( "Error determining if StatusCode exists: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); System.exit(99); } /* option count */ int opts = 0; /* delete */ if (RTConfig.getBoolean(ARG_DELETE, false)) { opts++; if (!statusCodeExists) { Print.logWarn( "StatusCode does not exist: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); Print.logWarn("Continuing with delete process ..."); } try { StatusCode.Key scKey = new StatusCode.Key(accountID, deviceID, statusCode); scKey.delete(true); // also delete dependencies (if any) Print.logInfo("StatusCode deleted: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); statusCodeExists = false; } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError( "Error deleting StatusCode: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); dbe.printException(); System.exit(99); } System.exit(0); } /* create */ if (RTConfig.getBoolean(ARG_CREATE, false)) { opts++; if (statusCodeExists) { Print.logWarn( "StatusCode already exists: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); } else { try { StatusCode.createNewStatusCode(account, deviceID, statusCode); Print.logInfo("Created StatusCode: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); statusCodeExists = true; } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError( "Error creating StatusCode: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); dbe.printException(); System.exit(99); } } } /* edit */ if (RTConfig.getBoolean(ARG_EDIT, false)) { opts++; if (!statusCodeExists) { Print.logError( "StatusCode does not exist: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); } else { try { StatusCode sc = StatusCode.getStatusCode(account, deviceID, statusCode); // may throw DBException DBEdit editor = new DBEdit(sc); editor.edit(); // may throw IOException } catch (IOException ioe) { if (ioe instanceof EOFException) { Print.logError("End of input"); } else { Print.logError("IO Error"); } } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError( "Error editing StatusCode: " + accountID + "/" + deviceID + "/" + statusCode); dbe.printException(); } } System.exit(0); } /* list */ if (RTConfig.hasProperty(ARG_LIST)) { opts++; String listType = RTConfig.getString(ARG_LIST, null); // TODO: complete ... } /* no options specified */ if (opts == 0) { Print.logWarn("Missing options ..."); usage(); } }
public static void main(String args[]) { DBConfig.cmdLineInit(args, true); // main String acctID = RTConfig.getString(ARG_ACCOUNT, ""); String strID = RTConfig.getString(ARG_STRING, ""); /* account-id specified? */ if (StringTools.isBlank(acctID)) { Print.logError("Account-ID not specified."); usage(); } /* get account */ Account acct = null; try { acct = Account.getAccount(acctID); // may throw DBException if (acct == null) { Print.logError("Account-ID does not exist: " + acctID); usage(); } } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logException("Error loading Account: " + acctID, dbe); // dbe.printException(); System.exit(99); } /* string-id specified? */ if ((strID == null) || strID.equals("")) { Print.logError("String-ID not specified."); usage(); } /* string exists? */ boolean stringExists = false; try { stringExists = AccountString.exists(acctID, strID); } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError("Error determining if AccountString exists: " + _fmtStrID(acctID, strID)); System.exit(99); } /* option count */ int opts = 0; /* delete */ if (RTConfig.getBoolean(ARG_DELETE, false) && !acctID.equals("") && !strID.equals("")) { opts++; if (!stringExists) { Print.logWarn("AccountString does not exist: " + _fmtStrID(acctID, strID)); Print.logWarn("Continuing with delete process ..."); } try { AccountString.Key strKey = new AccountString.Key(acctID, strID); strKey.delete(true); // also delete dependencies Print.logInfo("AccountString deleted: " + _fmtStrID(acctID, strID)); stringExists = false; } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError("Error deleting AccountString: " + _fmtStrID(acctID, strID)); dbe.printException(); System.exit(99); } System.exit(0); } /* create */ if (RTConfig.getBoolean(ARG_CREATE, false)) { opts++; if (stringExists) { Print.logWarn("AccountString already exists: " + _fmtStrID(acctID, strID)); } else { try { AccountString.createNewAccountString(acct, strID); Print.logInfo("Created AccountString: " + _fmtStrID(acctID, strID)); stringExists = true; } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError("Error creating AccountString: " + _fmtStrID(acctID, strID)); dbe.printException(); System.exit(99); } } } /* edit */ if (RTConfig.getBoolean(ARG_EDIT, false)) { opts++; if (!stringExists) { Print.logError("AccountString does not exist: " + _fmtStrID(acctID, strID)); } else { try { AccountString str = AccountString.getAccountString(acct, strID, false); // may throw DBException DBEdit editor = new DBEdit(str); editor.edit(true); // may throw IOException } catch (IOException ioe) { if (ioe instanceof EOFException) { Print.logError("End of input"); } else { Print.logError("IO Error"); } } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError("Error editing AccountString: " + _fmtStrID(acctID, strID)); dbe.printException(); } } System.exit(0); } /* no options specified */ if (opts == 0) { Print.logWarn("Missing options ..."); usage(); } }
public static void main(String args[]) { DBConfig.cmdLineInit(args, true); // main String acctID = RTConfig.getString(ARG_ACCOUNT, ""); String roleID = RTConfig.getString(ARG_ROLE, ""); String aclID = RTConfig.getString(ARG_ACL, ""); /* account-id specified? */ if ((acctID == null) || acctID.equals("")) { Print.logError("Account-ID not specified."); usage(); } /* get account */ Account acct = null; try { acct = Account.getAccount(acctID); // may return DBException if (acct == null) { Print.logError("Account-ID does not exist: " + acctID); usage(); } } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logException("Error loading Account: " + acctID, dbe); // dbe.printException(); System.exit(99); } /* role-id specified? */ if ((roleID == null) || roleID.equals("")) { Print.logError("Role-ID not specified."); usage(); } /* get role */ Role role = null; try { role = Role.getRole(acct, roleID); // may return DBException if (role == null) { Print.logError("Role-ID does not exist: " + acctID + "/" + roleID); usage(); } } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logException("Error loading Role: " + acctID + "/" + roleID, dbe); // dbe.printException(); System.exit(99); } /* RoleAcl exists? */ boolean aclExists = false; if ((aclID != null) && !aclID.equals("")) { try { aclExists = RoleAcl.exists(acctID, roleID, aclID); } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError( "Error determining if RoleAcl exists: " + acctID + "/" + roleID + "/" + aclID); System.exit(99); } } /* option count */ int opts = 0; /* list */ if (RTConfig.getBoolean(ARG_LIST, false)) { opts++; try { String aclList[] = role.getAclsForRole(); for (int i = 0; i < aclList.length; i++) { AccessLevel level = RoleAcl.getAccessLevel(role, aclList[i], AccessLevel.NONE); Print.sysPrintln(" " + aclList[i] + " ==> " + level); } } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError("Error getting Acl list: " + dbe); System.exit(99); } System.exit(0); } /* delete */ if (RTConfig.getBoolean(ARG_DELETE, false) && !acctID.equals("") && !roleID.equals("")) { opts++; if (!aclExists) { Print.logWarn("RoleAcl does not exist: " + acctID + "/" + roleID + "/" + aclID); Print.logWarn("Continuing with delete process ..."); } try { RoleAcl.Key aclKey = new RoleAcl.Key(acctID, roleID, aclID); aclKey.delete(true); // also delete dependencies Print.logInfo("RoleAcl deleted: " + acctID + "/" + roleID + "/" + aclID); } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError("Error deleting RoleAcl: " + acctID + "/" + roleID + "/" + aclID); dbe.printException(); System.exit(99); } System.exit(0); } /* create */ if (RTConfig.getBoolean(ARG_CREATE, false)) { opts++; if (aclExists) { Print.logWarn("RoleAcl already exists: " + acctID + "/" + roleID + "/" + aclID); } else { try { RoleAcl.createNewRoleAcl(role, aclID); Print.logInfo("Created RoleAcl: " + acctID + "/" + roleID + "/" + aclID); aclExists = true; } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError("Error creating RoleAcl: " + acctID + "/" + roleID + "/" + aclID); dbe.printException(); System.exit(99); } } } /* set */ if (RTConfig.hasProperty(ARG_SET)) { opts++; AccessLevel aclLevel = EnumTools.getValueOf(AccessLevel.class, RTConfig.getInt(ARG_SET, -1)); try { RoleAcl.setAccessLevel(role, aclID, aclLevel); Print.logInfo( "Set RoleAcl '" + acctID + "/" + roleID + "/" + aclID + "' to level " + aclLevel); } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError("Error setting RoleAcl: " + acctID + "/" + roleID + "/" + aclID); dbe.printException(); System.exit(99); } System.exit(0); } /* edit */ if (RTConfig.getBoolean(ARG_EDIT, false)) { opts++; if (!aclExists) { Print.logError("RoleAcl does not exist: " + acctID + "/" + roleID + "/" + aclID); } else { try { RoleAcl roleAcl = RoleAcl.getRoleAcl(role, aclID, false); // may throw DBException DBEdit editor = new DBEdit(roleAcl); editor.edit(); // may throw IOException } catch (IOException ioe) { if (ioe instanceof EOFException) { Print.logError("End of input"); } else { Print.logError("IO Error"); } } catch (DBException dbe) { Print.logError("Error editing RoleAcl: " + acctID + "/" + roleID + "/" + aclID); dbe.printException(); } } System.exit(0); } /* no options specified */ if (opts == 0) { Print.logWarn("Missing options ..."); usage(); } }