private String getPriceListVersion(String priceList, String clientId) { try { String whereClause = " as plv left outer join plv.priceList pl where'Y' and'Y' and " + " = :priceList and = :clientId order by plv.validFromDate desc"; OBQuery<PriceListVersion> ppriceListVersion = OBDal.getInstance().createQuery(PriceListVersion.class, whereClause); ppriceListVersion.setNamedParameter("priceList", priceList); ppriceListVersion.setNamedParameter("clientId", clientId); if (!ppriceListVersion.list().isEmpty()) { return ppriceListVersion.list().get(0).getId(); } else { return "0"; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new OBException(e); } }
/** * Returns a message in the right language with parameter substitution. Each occurence of a % * parameter (%0, %1 etc) is replaced with the corresponding parameter value. in the params array. * * @param key the key of the message * @param params the parameters to substitute in the message * @return the translated message with the parameters substituted */ public static String getI18NMessage(String key, String[] params) { OBContext.setAdminMode(); try { // first read the labels from the base table final OBQuery<Message> messages = OBDal.getInstance().createQuery(Message.class, Message.PROPERTY_SEARCHKEY + "=:key"); messages.setNamedParameter("key", key); if (messages.list().isEmpty()) { return null; } if (messages.list().size() > 1) { log4j.warn("More than one message found using key " + key); } // pick the first one final Message message = messages.list().get(0); String label = message.getMessageText(); final String languageId = OBContext.getOBContext().getLanguage().getId(); for (MessageTrl messageTrl : message.getADMessageTrlList()) { if (DalUtil.getId(messageTrl.getLanguage()).equals(languageId)) { label = messageTrl.getMessageText(); break; } } // parameter substitution if (params != null && params.length > 0) { int cnt = 0; for (String param : params) { label = label.replace("%" + cnt++, param); } } return label; } catch (Exception e) { throw new OBException("Exception when getting message for key: " + key, e); } finally { OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); } }
@Override protected List<Map<String, Object>> getData( Map<String, String> parameters, int startRow, int endRow) { OBContext.setAdminMode(true); final List<Map<String, Object>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); try { readCriteria(parameters); final String strProductId = parameters.get(""); final Product product = OBDal.getInstance().get(Product.class, strProductId); int totalMaxLength = product.getSearchKey().length(); long variantNumber = 1; Map<ProductCharacteristic, ProductCharacteristicAux> prChUseCode = new HashMap<ProductCharacteristic, ProductCharacteristicAux>(); OBCriteria<ProductCharacteristic> prChCrit = OBDal.getInstance().createCriteria(ProductCharacteristic.class); prChCrit.add(Restrictions.eq(ProductCharacteristic.PROPERTY_PRODUCT, product)); prChCrit.add(Restrictions.eq(ProductCharacteristic.PROPERTY_VARIANT, true)); prChCrit.addOrderBy(ProductCharacteristic.PROPERTY_SEQUENCENUMBER, true); List<ProductCharacteristic> prChs = prChCrit.list(); int chNumber = prChs.size(); if (chNumber == 0) { return result; } ProductCharacteristicConf[] currentValues = new ProductCharacteristicConf[chNumber]; boolean includeInResult = true; int i = 0; for (ProductCharacteristic prCh : prChs) { OBCriteria<ProductCharacteristicConf> prChConfCrit = OBDal.getInstance().createCriteria(ProductCharacteristicConf.class); prChConfCrit.add( Restrictions.eq(ProductCharacteristicConf.PROPERTY_CHARACTERISTICOFPRODUCT, prCh)); List<ProductCharacteristicConf> prChConfs = prChConfCrit.list(); long valuesCount = prChConfs.size(); boolean useCode = true; int maxLength = 0; for (ProductCharacteristicConf prChConf : prChConfs) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(prChConf.getCode())) { useCode = false; break; } if (prChConf.getCode().length() > maxLength) { maxLength = prChConf.getCode().length(); } } variantNumber = variantNumber * valuesCount; if (useCode) { totalMaxLength += maxLength; } List<CharacteristicValue> filteredValues = selectedChValues.get(prCh.getCharacteristic().getId()); ProductCharacteristicAux prChAux = new ProductCharacteristicAux(useCode, prChConfs, filteredValues); currentValues[i] = prChAux.getNextValue(); if (filteredValues != null) { includeInResult = includeInResult && filteredValues.contains(currentValues[i].getCharacteristicValue()); } prChUseCode.put(prCh, prChAux); i++; } totalMaxLength += Long.toString(variantNumber).length(); boolean useCodes = totalMaxLength <= searchKeyLength; boolean hasNext = true; int productNo = 0; do { // reset boolean value. includeInResult = true; // Create variant product Map<String, Object> variantMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); variantMap.put("Client", product.getClient()); variantMap.put("Organization", product.getOrganization()); variantMap.put("Active", "Y"); variantMap.put("creationDate", new Date()); variantMap.put("createdBy", OBContext.getOBContext().getUser()); variantMap.put("updated", new Date()); variantMap.put("updatedBy", OBContext.getOBContext().getUser()); variantMap.put("name", product.getName()); variantMap.put("variantCreated", false); variantMap.put("obSelected", false); String searchKey = product.getSearchKey(); for (i = 0; i < chNumber; i++) { ProductCharacteristicConf prChConf = currentValues[i]; ProductCharacteristicAux prChConfAux = prChUseCode.get(prChs.get(i)); List<CharacteristicValue> filteredValues = prChConfAux.getFilteredValues(); if (filteredValues != null) { includeInResult = includeInResult && filteredValues.contains(currentValues[i].getCharacteristicValue()); } if (useCodes && prChConfAux.isUseCode()) { searchKey += prChConf.getCode(); } } for (int j = 0; j < (Long.toString(variantNumber).length() - Integer.toString(productNo).length()); j++) { searchKey += "0"; } searchKey += productNo; variantMap.put("searchKey", searchKey); StringBuffer where = new StringBuffer(); where.append(" as p "); where.append(" where p." + Product.PROPERTY_GENERICPRODUCT + " = :product"); String strChDesc = ""; String strKeyId = ""; JSONArray valuesArray = new JSONArray(); for (i = 0; i < chNumber; i++) { ProductCharacteristicConf prChConf = currentValues[i]; Characteristic characteristic = prChConf.getCharacteristicOfProduct().getCharacteristic(); where.append(buildExistsClause(i)); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(strChDesc)) { strChDesc += ", "; } strChDesc += characteristic.getName() + ":"; strChDesc += " " + prChConf.getCharacteristicValue().getName(); strKeyId += prChConf.getCharacteristicValue().getId(); JSONObject value = new JSONObject(); value.put("characteristic", characteristic.getId()); value.put("characteristicValue", prChConf.getCharacteristicValue().getId()); value.put("characteristicConf", prChConf.getId()); valuesArray.put(value); } variantMap.put("characteristicArray", valuesArray); variantMap.put("characteristicDescription", strChDesc); variantMap.put("id", strKeyId); OBQuery<Product> variantQry = OBDal.getInstance().createQuery(Product.class, where.toString()); variantQry.setNamedParameter("product", product); for (i = 0; i < chNumber; i++) { ProductCharacteristicConf prChConf = currentValues[i]; Characteristic characteristic = prChConf.getCharacteristicOfProduct().getCharacteristic(); variantQry.setNamedParameter("ch" + i, characteristic.getId()); variantQry.setNamedParameter("chvalue" + i, prChConf.getCharacteristicValue().getId()); } Product existingProduct = variantQry.uniqueResult(); if (existingProduct != null) { variantMap.put("name", existingProduct.getName()); variantMap.put("searchKey", existingProduct.getSearchKey()); variantMap.put("variantCreated", true); variantMap.put("variantId", existingProduct.getId()); variantMap.put("id", existingProduct.getId()); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(searchKeyFilter)) { includeInResult = includeInResult && StringUtils.contains((String) variantMap.get("searchKey"), searchKeyFilter); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(nameFilter)) { includeInResult = includeInResult && StringUtils.contains((String) variantMap.get("name"), nameFilter); } if (variantCreated != null) { includeInResult = includeInResult && variantCreated == (existingProduct != null); } if (!selectedIds.isEmpty()) { includeInResult = includeInResult || selectedIds.contains(variantMap.get("id")); } if (includeInResult) { result.add(variantMap); } for (i = 0; i < chNumber; i++) { ProductCharacteristicAux prChConfAux = prChUseCode.get(prChs.get(i)); currentValues[i] = prChConfAux.getNextValue(); if (!prChConfAux.isIteratorReset()) { break; } else if (i + 1 == chNumber) { hasNext = false; } } productNo++; } while (hasNext); String strSortBy = parameters.get("_sortBy"); if (strSortBy == null) { strSortBy = "characteristicDescription"; } boolean ascending = true; if (strSortBy.startsWith("-")) { ascending = false; strSortBy = strSortBy.substring(1); } Collections.sort(result, new ResultComparator(strSortBy, ascending)); } catch (JSONException e) { // Do nothing } finally { OBContext.restorePreviousMode(); } return result; }