static void printHelp() { System.out.format( "Argument error.\n" + " Call: ClientPublisher \n" + "[OPC Server string] - OPC server,e.g. [opc.tcp://server:51210/UA/SampleServer]\n" + "[Device connection string] - String containing Hostname, Device Id & Device Key in the following format: HostName=<iothub_host_name>;DeviceId=<device_id>;SharedAccessKey=<device_key>\n" + "[Protocol] - (https | amqps | mqtt | amqps_ws).\n"); System.exit(1); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.println("Starting ClientPublisher sample"); if (args.length < 2 || args.length > 3) { printHelp(); return; } String opcUrl = args[0]; String connString = args[1]; IotHubClientProtocol protocol = IotHubClientProtocol.AMQPS; if (args.length > 2) { String protocolStr = args[2].toLowerCase(); if (protocolStr.equals("https")) { protocol = IotHubClientProtocol.HTTPS; } else if (protocolStr.equals("amqps")) { protocol = IotHubClientProtocol.AMQPS; } else if (protocolStr.equals("mqtt")) { protocol = IotHubClientProtocol.MQTT; } else if (protocolStr.equals("amqps_ws")) { protocol = IotHubClientProtocol.AMQPS_WS; } else { System.out.format("Protocol: %s not found, using AMQPS instead\n", protocolStr); } } System.out.format("OPC Server: %s\n", opcUrl); System.out.format("IoT Hub ConnectionString: %s\n", connString); System.out.format("Start communication using protocol %s.\n",; ////////////// CLIENT ////////////// // Load Client's Application Instance Certificate from file KeyPair myClientApplicationInstanceCertificate = getOPCCert("ClientPublisher"); // Create Client Client myClient = Client.createClientApplication(myClientApplicationInstanceCertificate); ////////// DISCOVER ENDPOINT ///////// // Discover server's endpoints, and choose one String publicHostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); EndpointDescription[] endpoints = myClient.discoverEndpoints(opcUrl); // Filter out all but opc.tcp protocol endpoints if (opcUrl.startsWith("opc.tcp")) { endpoints = selectByProtocol(endpoints, "opc.tcp"); // Filter out all but Signed & Encrypted endpoints endpoints = selectByMessageSecurityMode(endpoints, MessageSecurityMode.SignAndEncrypt); // Filter out all but Basic128 cryption endpoints endpoints = selectBySecurityPolicy(endpoints, SecurityPolicy.BASIC128RSA15); // Sort endpoints by security level. The lowest level at the // beginning, the highest at the end of the array endpoints = sortBySecurityLevel(endpoints); } else { // we don't have a valid https cert for now System.out.format("HTTPS protocol not suported.\n"); System.exit(0); endpoints = selectByProtocol(endpoints, "https"); } // Choose one endpoint EndpointDescription endpoint = endpoints[endpoints.length - 1]; // fix connection issue on localhost if (endpoint.getEndpointUrl().contains(publicHostname)) { endpoint.setEndpointUrl(endpoint.getEndpointUrl().replace(publicHostname, "localhost")); } else { // fix .Net UA Server bug, patch localhost with hostname of server if (endpoint.getEndpointUrl().contains("localhost")) { URL opcURL = new URL(opcUrl.replace("opc.tcp", "http")); endpoint.setEndpointUrl(endpoint.getEndpointUrl().replace("localhost", opcURL.getHost())); } } ////////////////////// AZURE IotHub //////////////////////////// // connect to Azure IotHub with connection string and protocol // see // DeviceClient client = new DeviceClient(connString, protocol); System.out.println("Successfully created an IoT Hub client."); if (protocol == IotHubClientProtocol.MQTT) { MessageCallbackMqtt callback = new MessageCallbackMqtt(); Counter counter = new Counter(0); client.setMessageCallback(callback, counter); } else { MessageCallback callback = new MessageCallback(); Counter counter = new Counter(0); client.setMessageCallback(callback, counter); } System.out.println("Successfully set message callback.");; System.out.println("Opened connection to IoT Hub."); System.out.println("Beginning to receive messages..."); //////////// SESSION //////////// // Create Session SessionChannel mySession = myClient.createSessionChannel(endpoint); mySession.activate(); System.out.println("Opened session to OPC Server."); ///////////// EXECUTE ////////////// // Browse Root BrowseDescription browse = new BrowseDescription(); browse.setNodeId(Identifiers.RootFolder); browse.setBrowseDirection(BrowseDirection.Forward); browse.setIncludeSubtypes(true); browse.setNodeClassMask(NodeClass.Object, NodeClass.Variable); browse.setResultMask(BrowseResultMask.All); BrowseResponse browseResponse = mySession.Browse(null, null, null, browse); System.out.println(browseResponse); ///////////// PUBLISH ///////////// // Poll OPC server and publish to Azure IotHub int count = 0; while (count++ < 100) { // Read current time NodeId nodeId = Identifiers.Server_ServerStatus_CurrentTime; ReadResponse opcCurrentTime = mySession.Read( null, 500.0, TimestampsToReturn.Both, new ReadValueId(nodeId, Attributes.Value, null, null)); // convert node to JSON JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("Id", nodeId.toString()); obj.put("Uri", endpoints[0].getServer().getApplicationUri()); JSONObject value = new JSONObject(); value.put("Value", opcCurrentTime.getResults()[0].getValue().toString()); value.put("SourceTimestamp", opcCurrentTime.getResults()[0].getSourceTimestamp().toString()); value.put("ServerTimestamp", opcCurrentTime.getResults()[0].getServerTimestamp().toString()); JSONObject monitoredItem = new JSONObject(); monitoredItem.put("MonitoredItem", obj); monitoredItem.put("ClientHandle", 2); monitoredItem.put("Value", value); // publish JSON string to IotHub String msgStr = monitoredItem.toString(); try { Message msg = new Message(msgStr); msg.setProperty("messageCount", Integer.toString(count)); msg.setExpiryTime(5000); System.out.println(msgStr); EventCallback eventCallback = new EventCallback(); client.sendEventAsync(msg, eventCallback, count); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { System.out.println(opcCurrentTime); System.out.println(msgStr); Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } ///////////// SHUTDOWN ///////////// mySession.close(); mySession.closeAsync(); ////////////////////////////////////// client.close(); ////////////////////////////////////// System.exit(0); }