private static String initPoweredBy() { return String.format( "%s%nOmniFaces %s%nPrimeFaces %s%n%s", Faces.getImplInfo(), Faces.class.getPackage().getSpecificationVersion(), "5.3", // PrimeFaces Constants.VERSION is since 4.0 moved to // RequestContext#getApplicationContext(), however the access point has changed from // application based to request based. Faces.getServerInfo()); }
@Override public String getRequestPath() { String mapping = Faces.getMapping(); String path = ResourceHandler.RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER + "/" + getResourceName(); return Faces.getRequestContextPath() + (Faces.isPrefixMapping(mapping) ? (mapping + path) : (path + mapping)) + "?ln=" + CombinedResourceHandler.LIBRARY_NAME + "&v=" + (info.getLastModified() / 60000); // To force browser refresh whenever a resource changes. }
public void deletePartnership() { if (selectedPartnership != null) { if (partnershipManager.deletePartnership(selectedPartnership)) { init(); } else { Messages.addError("partnershipDelete", bundle.getString("partnership.dialog.delete.error")); Faces.getContext().validationFailed(); } } else { Messages.addError("partnershipDelete", bundle.getString("partnership.dialog.delete.error")); Faces.getContext().validationFailed(); } }
@PostConstruct private void init() { try { classId = Integer.valueOf(Faces.getRequestParameter("classId")); classNo = getClassNo(); } catch (Exception e) { try { Faces.redirect("/backend/index"); } catch (Exception f) { // F**k you! } } }
public void editPartnership() { if (selectedPartnership != null) { if (partnershipManager.updatePartnership(selectedPartnership) == true) { init(); } else { Messages.addError("partnershipUpdate", bundle.getString("partnership.dialog.update.error")); Faces.getContext().validationFailed(); } } else { Messages.addError( "partnershipUpdate", bundle.getString("partnership.dialog.update.error.notselected")); Faces.getContext().validationFailed(); } }
private static void fillMenu(Page menu) { Set<String> resourcePaths = Faces.getResourcePaths(SHOWCASE_PATH); Set<String> groupPaths = new TreeSet<>(resourcePaths); for (String groupPath : groupPaths) { String groupName = groupPath.split("/")[2]; TreeModel<Page> group = menu.addChildNode(new Page(groupName)); Set<String> pagePaths = new TreeSet<>(Faces.getResourcePaths(groupPath)); for (String pagePath : pagePaths) { String viewId = ResourcePaths.stripPrefixPath(SHOWCASE_PATH, pagePath.split("\\.")[0]); String title = viewId.split("/")[2]; group.addChildNode(new Page(pagePath, viewId, title)); } } }
/** * Constructs a new combined resource based on the given resource name. This constructor is only * used by {@link CombinedResourceHandler#createResource(String, String)}. * * @param name The resource name of the combined resource. */ public CombinedResource(String name) { String[] resourcePathParts = name.split("\\.", 2)[0].split("/"); String resourceId = resourcePathParts[resourcePathParts.length - 1]; info = CombinedResourceInfo.get(resourceId); setResourceName(name); setLibraryName(CombinedResourceHandler.LIBRARY_NAME); setContentType(Faces.getMimeType(name)); }
@Override public URL getURL() { try { // Yes, this returns a HTTP URL, not a classpath URL. There's no other way anyway. return new URL(Faces.getRequestDomainURL() + getRequestPath()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // This exception should never occur. throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
public void deleteAllPartnerships() { boolean error = false; init(); for (PartnershipDVO partnershipDVO : partnershipList) { if (false == partnershipManager.deletePartnership(partnershipDVO)) { error = true; } } init(); if (error) { Faces.getContext().validationFailed(); } }
public void autenticar() { try { UsuarioDAO usuarioDAO = new UsuarioDAO(); // usuarioLogado recebe o resultado do método autenticar que está no UsuarioDAO usuarioLogado = usuarioDAO.autenticar(usuario.getPessoa().getCpf(), usuario.getSenha()); if (usuarioLogado == null) { Messages.addGlobalError("CPF e/ou senha incorretos"); return; } Faces.redirect("./pages/usuario.xhtml"); } catch (IOException erro) { erro.printStackTrace(); Messages.addGlobalError(erro.getMessage()); } }
/** * This listener force the navigation to the edit or view page of the target @{link FaqAnswer}. */ public void onFaqAnswerRowSelect(SelectEvent event) { Faces.navigate(context().isReadOnly() ? viewFaqAnswer() : editFaqAnswer()); }
/** * Gets the resource message. * * @param key the key * @return the resource message */ public String getResourceMessage(String key) { ResourceBundle bundle = Faces.getResourceBundle("msg"); return bundle.getString(key); }
/** Reset components. */ public void resetComponents() { this.resetComponents(Faces.getViewRoot().getChildren()); }
public void logout() throws IOException { SecurityUtils.getSubject().logout(); Faces.invalidateSession(); Messages.addFlashGlobalInfo("You have successfully Sing out", (Object) null); Faces.redirect(LOGIN_URL); }