private boolean matches(Node node, String[] properties, Object[] values) { for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { if (node.hasProperty(properties[i]) && !node.getProperty(properties[i]).equals(values[i])) { return false; } else if (!node.hasProperty(properties[i]) && values[i] != null) { return false; } } return true; }
@Test public void testAddProperty() { String key3 = "key3"; Node node1 = getGraphDb().getNodeById(node1Id); Node node2 = getGraphDb().getNodeById(node2Id); Relationship rel = node1.getSingleRelationship(MyRelTypes.TEST, Direction.BOTH); // add new property node2.setProperty(key3, int1); rel.setProperty(key3, int2); assertTrue(node1.hasProperty(key1)); assertTrue(node2.hasProperty(key1)); assertTrue(node1.hasProperty(key2)); assertTrue(node2.hasProperty(key2)); assertTrue(node1.hasProperty(arrayKey)); assertTrue(node2.hasProperty(arrayKey)); assertTrue(rel.hasProperty(arrayKey)); assertTrue(!node1.hasProperty(key3)); assertTrue(node2.hasProperty(key3)); assertEquals(int1, node1.getProperty(key1)); assertEquals(int2, node2.getProperty(key1)); assertEquals(string1, node1.getProperty(key2)); assertEquals(string2, node2.getProperty(key2)); assertEquals(int1, rel.getProperty(key1)); assertEquals(string1, rel.getProperty(key2)); assertEquals(int2, rel.getProperty(key3)); }
@Test public void testNodeGetProperties() { Node node1 = getGraphDb().getNodeById(node1Id); assertTrue(!node1.hasProperty(null)); Iterator<Object> values = node1.getPropertyValues().iterator();;; Iterator<String> keys = node1.getPropertyKeys().iterator();;; assertTrue(node1.hasProperty(key1)); assertTrue(node1.hasProperty(key2)); }
@Test public void testRemoveUnloadedHeavyProperty() { /* * Checks a bug where removing non-cached heavy properties * would cause NPE in auto indexer. */ graphDb.index().getNodeAutoIndexer().setEnabled(true); graphDb.index().getNodeAutoIndexer().startAutoIndexingProperty("nodeProp"); newTransaction(); Node node1 = graphDb.createNode(); // Large array, needed for making sure this is a heavy property node1.setProperty("nodeProp", new int[] {-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1}); newTransaction(); // clear the caches NeoStoreXaDataSource dataSource = graphDb.getDependencyResolver().resolveDependency(NeoStoreXaDataSource.class); dataSource.getNodeCache().clear(); dataSource.getRelationshipCache().clear(); node1.removeProperty("nodeProp"); newTransaction(); assertFalse(node1.hasProperty("nodeProp")); }
private boolean isNewlyCreatedPageNode(Node node) { // Default isolation level is READ_COMMITTED, so the graph keeps keeps // write locks on the node until the // end of the transaction. Threads reusing a node should never see a // half-constructed node. return !node.hasProperty(PageNode.DOMAIN_KEY); }
private String getNodeSuperClass(Node n) { if (n.hasProperty(Constants.NODE_SUPER_CLASS_KEY)) { return (String) n.getProperty(Constants.NODE_SUPER_CLASS_KEY); } else { return ""; } }
@Test public void testFloatArray() { float[] array1 = new float[] {1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f}; Float[] array2 = new Float[] {6.0f, 7.0f, 8.0f}; String key = "testfloatarray"; node1.setProperty(key, array1); newTransaction(); clearCache(); float propertyValue[] = null; propertyValue = (float[]) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(array1.length, propertyValue.length); for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) { assertEquals(array1[i], propertyValue[i], 0.0); } node1.setProperty(key, array2); newTransaction(); clearCache(); propertyValue = (float[]) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(array2.length, propertyValue.length); for (int i = 0; i < array2.length; i++) { assertEquals(array2[i], new Float(propertyValue[i])); } node1.removeProperty(key); newTransaction(); clearCache(); assertTrue(!node1.hasProperty(key)); }
@Test public void testStringArray() { String[] array1 = new String[] {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}; String[] array2 = new String[] {"ff", "gg", "hh"}; String key = "teststringarray"; node1.setProperty(key, array1); newTransaction(); clearCache(); String propertyValue[] = null; propertyValue = (String[]) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(array1.length, propertyValue.length); for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) { assertEquals(array1[i], propertyValue[i]); } node1.setProperty(key, array2); newTransaction(); clearCache(); propertyValue = (String[]) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(array2.length, propertyValue.length); for (int i = 0; i < array2.length; i++) { assertEquals(array2[i], propertyValue[i]); } node1.removeProperty(key); newTransaction(); clearCache(); assertTrue(!node1.hasProperty(key)); }
@Test public void testBooleanType() { boolean value = true; Boolean bValue = new Boolean(value); String key = "testbool"; node1.setProperty(key, bValue); newTransaction(); clearCache(); Boolean propertyValue = null; propertyValue = (Boolean) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(bValue, propertyValue); bValue = new Boolean(false); node1.setProperty(key, bValue); newTransaction(); clearCache(); propertyValue = (Boolean) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(bValue, propertyValue); node1.removeProperty(key); newTransaction(); clearCache(); assertTrue(!node1.hasProperty(key)); }
@Test public void testCharType() { char c = 'c'; Character cValue = new Character(c); String key = "testchar"; node1.setProperty(key, cValue); newTransaction(); clearCache(); Character propertyValue = null; propertyValue = (Character) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(cValue, propertyValue); cValue = new Character('d'); node1.setProperty(key, cValue); newTransaction(); clearCache(); propertyValue = (Character) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(cValue, propertyValue); node1.removeProperty(key); newTransaction(); clearCache(); assertTrue(!node1.hasProperty(key)); }
@Test public void testShortType() { short value = 453; Short sValue = new Short(value); String key = "testshort"; node1.setProperty(key, sValue); newTransaction(); clearCache(); Short propertyValue = null; propertyValue = (Short) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(sValue, propertyValue); sValue = new Short((short) 5335); node1.setProperty(key, sValue); newTransaction(); clearCache(); propertyValue = (Short) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(sValue, propertyValue); node1.removeProperty(key); newTransaction(); clearCache(); assertTrue(!node1.hasProperty(key)); }
@Test public void testByteType() { byte b = (byte) 177; Byte bValue = new Byte(b); String key = "testbyte"; node1.setProperty(key, bValue); newTransaction(); clearCache(); Byte propertyValue = null; propertyValue = (Byte) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(bValue, propertyValue); bValue = new Byte((byte) 200); node1.setProperty(key, bValue); newTransaction(); clearCache(); propertyValue = (Byte) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(bValue, propertyValue); node1.removeProperty(key); newTransaction(); clearCache(); assertTrue(!node1.hasProperty(key)); }
@Test public void testIntArray() { int[] array1 = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; Integer[] array2 = new Integer[] {6, 7, 8}; String key = "testintarray"; node1.setProperty(key, array1); newTransaction(); clearCache(); int propertyValue[] = null; propertyValue = (int[]) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(array1.length, propertyValue.length); for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) { assertEquals(array1[i], propertyValue[i]); } node1.setProperty(key, array2); newTransaction(); clearCache(); propertyValue = (int[]) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(array2.length, propertyValue.length); for (int i = 0; i < array2.length; i++) { assertEquals(array2[i], new Integer(propertyValue[i])); } node1.removeProperty(key); newTransaction(); clearCache(); assertTrue(!node1.hasProperty(key)); }
@Test public void testDoubleArray() { double[] array1 = new double[] {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0}; Double[] array2 = new Double[] {6.0, 7.0, 8.0}; String key = "testdoublearray"; node1.setProperty(key, array1); newTransaction(); clearCache(); double propertyValue[] = null; propertyValue = (double[]) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(array1.length, propertyValue.length); for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) { assertEquals(array1[i], propertyValue[i], 0.0); } node1.setProperty(key, array2); newTransaction(); clearCache(); propertyValue = (double[]) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(array2.length, propertyValue.length); for (int i = 0; i < array2.length; i++) { assertEquals(array2[i], new Double(propertyValue[i])); } node1.removeProperty(key); newTransaction(); clearCache(); assertTrue(!node1.hasProperty(key)); }
/* * It will remove a property from an embedded node if it exists. * After deleting the property, if the node does not have any more properties and relationships (except for an incoming one), * it will delete the embedded node as well. */ private void removePropertyForEmbedded(Node embeddedNode, String[] embeddedColumnSplit, int i) { if (i == embeddedColumnSplit.length - 1) { // Property String property = embeddedColumnSplit[embeddedColumnSplit.length - 1]; if (embeddedNode.hasProperty(property)) { embeddedNode.removeProperty(property); } } else { Iterator<Relationship> iterator = embeddedNode .getRelationships(Direction.OUTGOING, withName(embeddedColumnSplit[i])) .iterator(); if (iterator.hasNext()) { removePropertyForEmbedded(, embeddedColumnSplit, i + 1); } } if (!embeddedNode.getPropertyKeys().iterator().hasNext()) { // Node without properties Iterator<Relationship> iterator = embeddedNode.getRelationships().iterator(); if (iterator.hasNext()) { Relationship relationship =; if (!iterator.hasNext()) { // Node with only one relationship and no properties, // we can remove it: // It means we have removed all the properties from the embedded node // and it is NOT an intermediate node like // (entity) --> (embedded1) --> (embedded2) relationship.delete(); embeddedNode.delete(); } } } }
@Test public void testLongArray() { long[] array1 = new long[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; Long[] array2 = new Long[] {6l, 7l, 8l}; String key = "testlongarray"; node1.setProperty(key, array1); newTransaction(); clearCache(); long[] propertyValue = null; propertyValue = (long[]) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(array1.length, propertyValue.length); for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) { assertEquals(array1[i], propertyValue[i]); } node1.setProperty(key, array2); newTransaction(); clearCache(); propertyValue = (long[]) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(array2.length, propertyValue.length); for (int i = 0; i < array2.length; i++) { assertEquals(array2[i], new Long(propertyValue[i])); } node1.removeProperty(key); newTransaction(); clearCache(); assertTrue(!node1.hasProperty(key)); }
@Test public void testFloatType() { Float fValue = new Float(45.678f); String key = "testfloat"; node1.setProperty(key, fValue); newTransaction(); clearCache(); Float propertyValue = null; propertyValue = (Float) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(fValue, propertyValue); fValue = new Float(5684.3243f); node1.setProperty(key, fValue); newTransaction(); clearCache(); propertyValue = (Float) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(fValue, propertyValue); node1.removeProperty(key); newTransaction(); clearCache(); assertTrue(!node1.hasProperty(key)); }
private void removeTupleOperation( EntityKey entityKey, Node node, TupleOperation operation, TupleContext tupleContext, Set<String> processedAssociationRoles) { if (!tupleContext.getTupleTypeContext().isPartOfAssociation(operation.getColumn())) { if (isPartOfRegularEmbedded(entityKey.getColumnNames(), operation.getColumn())) { // Embedded node String[] split = split(operation.getColumn()); removePropertyForEmbedded(node, split, 0); } else if (node.hasProperty(operation.getColumn())) { node.removeProperty(operation.getColumn()); } } // if the column represents a to-one association, remove the relationship else { String associationRole = tupleContext.getTupleTypeContext().getRole(operation.getColumn()); if (!processedAssociationRoles.contains(associationRole)) { Iterator<Relationship> relationships = node.getRelationships(withName(associationRole)).iterator(); if (relationships.hasNext()) {; } } } }
@Test public void testLongType() { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); Long lValue = new Long(time); String key = "testlong"; node1.setProperty(key, lValue); newTransaction(); clearCache(); Long propertyValue = null; propertyValue = (Long) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(lValue, propertyValue); lValue = new Long(System.currentTimeMillis()); node1.setProperty(key, lValue); newTransaction(); clearCache(); propertyValue = (Long) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(lValue, propertyValue); node1.removeProperty(key); newTransaction(); clearCache(); assertTrue(!node1.hasProperty(key)); node1.setProperty("other", 123L); assertEquals(123L, node1.getProperty("other")); newTransaction(); clearCache(); assertEquals(123L, node1.getProperty("other")); }
@Test public void testByteArray() { byte[] array1 = new byte[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; Byte[] array2 = new Byte[] {6, 7, 8}; String key = "testbytearray"; node1.setProperty(key, array1); newTransaction(); clearCache(); byte[] propertyValue = null; propertyValue = (byte[]) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(array1.length, propertyValue.length); for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) { assertEquals(array1[i], propertyValue[i]); } node1.setProperty(key, array2); newTransaction(); clearCache(); propertyValue = (byte[]) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(array2.length, propertyValue.length); for (int i = 0; i < array2.length; i++) { assertEquals(array2[i], new Byte(propertyValue[i])); } node1.removeProperty(key); newTransaction(); clearCache(); assertTrue(!node1.hasProperty(key)); }
@Test public void testCharArray() { char[] array1 = new char[] {'1', '2', '3', '4', '5'}; Character[] array2 = new Character[] {'6', '7', '8'}; String key = "testchararray"; node1.setProperty(key, array1); newTransaction(); clearCache(); char[] propertyValue = null; propertyValue = (char[]) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(array1.length, propertyValue.length); for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) { assertEquals(array1[i], propertyValue[i]); } node1.setProperty(key, array2); newTransaction(); clearCache(); propertyValue = (char[]) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(array2.length, propertyValue.length); for (int i = 0; i < array2.length; i++) { assertEquals(array2[i], new Character(propertyValue[i])); } node1.removeProperty(key); newTransaction(); clearCache(); assertTrue(!node1.hasProperty(key)); }
@Test public void testIntType() { int time = (int) System.currentTimeMillis(); Integer iValue = new Integer(time); String key = "testing"; node1.setProperty(key, iValue); newTransaction(); clearCache(); Integer propertyValue = null; propertyValue = (Integer) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(iValue, propertyValue); iValue = new Integer((int) System.currentTimeMillis()); node1.setProperty(key, iValue); newTransaction(); clearCache(); propertyValue = (Integer) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(iValue, propertyValue); node1.removeProperty(key); newTransaction(); clearCache(); assertTrue(!node1.hasProperty(key)); node1.setProperty("other", 123L); assertEquals(123L, node1.getProperty("other")); newTransaction(); clearCache(); assertEquals(123L, node1.getProperty("other")); }
/** * Removes all nodes with non-valid resource classes from the graph. * * @param docGraph * @param validResourceClasses */ private void preProcessGraph(DocGraph docGraph, Set<String> validResourceClasses) {"Preprocessing DocGraph[%d]", docGraph.getId())); Node n; int cnt = 0; try (Transaction tx = graphDB.beginTx()) { for (Long nodeId : docGraph.getNodes()) { n = graphDB.getNodeById(nodeId); // node's class is resource class and it's not in the valid set if (n.hasProperty(Constants.NODE_SUPER_CLASS_KEY) && n.getProperty(Constants.NODE_SUPER_CLASS_KEY) .equals(Constants.NODE_SUPER_CLASS_RESOURCE_VALUE) && !validResourceClasses.contains(getNodeClass(n))) { try (Transaction innerTx = graphDB.beginTx()) {"Deleting " + n); for (Relationship e : n.getRelationships()) { e.delete(); } n.delete(); innerTx.success(); cnt++; } } } tx.success(); } String.format("Preprocessing removed %d nodes from DocGraph[%d]", cnt, docGraph.getId())); }
@Test public void testBooleanArray() { boolean[] array1 = new boolean[] {true, false, true, false, true}; Boolean[] array2 = new Boolean[] {false, true, false}; String key = "testboolarray"; node1.setProperty(key, array1); newTransaction(); clearCache(); boolean propertyValue[] = null; propertyValue = (boolean[]) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(array1.length, propertyValue.length); for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) { assertEquals(array1[i], propertyValue[i]); } node1.setProperty(key, array2); newTransaction(); clearCache(); propertyValue = (boolean[]) node1.getProperty(key); assertEquals(array2.length, propertyValue.length); for (int i = 0; i < array2.length; i++) { assertEquals(array2[i], new Boolean(propertyValue[i])); } node1.removeProperty(key); newTransaction(); clearCache(); assertTrue(!node1.hasProperty(key)); }
@Test public void testTxCacheLoadIsolation() throws Exception { Node node = getGraphDb().createNode(); node.setProperty("someproptest", "testing"); Node node1 = getGraphDb().createNode(); node1.setProperty("someotherproptest", 2); commit(); EmbeddedGraphDatabase graphDb = (EmbeddedGraphDatabase) getGraphDb(); TransactionManager txManager = graphDb.getConfig().getTxModule().getTxManager(); NodeManager nodeManager = graphDb.getConfig().getGraphDbModule().getNodeManager(); txManager.begin(); node.setProperty("someotherproptest", "testing2"); Relationship rel = node.createRelationshipTo(node1, MyRelTypes.TEST); javax.transaction.Transaction txA = txManager.suspend(); txManager.begin(); assertEquals("testing", node.getProperty("someproptest")); assertTrue(!node.hasProperty("someotherproptest")); assertTrue(!node.hasRelationship()); nodeManager.clearCache(); assertEquals("testing", node.getProperty("someproptest")); assertTrue(!node.hasProperty("someotherproptest")); javax.transaction.Transaction txB = txManager.suspend(); txManager.resume(txA); assertEquals("testing", node.getProperty("someproptest")); assertTrue(node.hasProperty("someotherproptest")); assertTrue(node.hasRelationship()); nodeManager.clearCache(); assertEquals("testing", node.getProperty("someproptest")); assertTrue(node.hasProperty("someotherproptest")); assertTrue(node.hasRelationship()); txManager.suspend(); txManager.resume(txB); assertEquals("testing", node.getProperty("someproptest")); assertTrue(!node.hasProperty("someotherproptest")); assertTrue(!node.hasRelationship()); txManager.rollback(); txManager.resume(txA); node.delete(); node1.delete(); rel.delete(); txManager.commit(); newTransaction(); }
protected boolean hasPropertyValue(Node node, PropertyKey propertyKey, Object propertyValue) { if (node != null && node.hasProperty(propertyKey.dbName())) { Object value = node.getProperty(propertyKey.dbName()); return value.equals(propertyValue); } return false; }
@Override public QName getName() { if (node.hasProperty(AbstractNode.TYPE_KEY)) { String name = (String) node.getProperty(AbstractNode.TYPE_KEY); // do some encoding // name = XPathEncoder.encode(name); return (new QName(name)); } return (new QName("")); }
/** * Called when a relationship of this combinedType is instatiated. Please note that a relationship * can (and will) be instantiated several times during a normal rendering turn. */ @Override public void onRelationshipInstantiation() { try { if (dbRelationship != null) { Node startNode = dbRelationship.getStartNode(); Node endNode = dbRelationship.getEndNode(); if ((startNode != null) && (endNode != null) && startNode.hasProperty( && endNode.hasProperty( { cachedStartNodeId = (String) startNode.getProperty(; cachedEndNodeId = (String) endNode.getProperty(; } } } catch (Throwable t) { } }
/** * The index nodes do NOT belong to the domain model, and as such need to use the indexes internal * knowledge of the index tree and node structure for decoding the envelope. */ protected Envelope getIndexNodeEnvelope(Node indexNode) { if (indexNode == null) { indexNode = getIndexRoot(); } try (Transaction tx = database.beginTx()) { if (!indexNode.hasProperty(INDEX_PROP_BBOX)) { // this is ok after an index node split tx.success(); return null; } double[] bbox = (double[]) indexNode.getProperty(INDEX_PROP_BBOX); tx.success(); // Envelope parameters: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax return new Envelope(bbox[0], bbox[2], bbox[1], bbox[3]); } }
@Test public void shouldBeAbleToRemoveNodeProperty() throws Exception { Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); properties.put("foo", "bar"); properties.put("number", 15); long nodeId = createNode(properties); actions.removeNodeProperty(nodeId, "foo"); Transaction tx = database.getGraph().beginTx(); try { Node node = database.getGraph().getNodeById(nodeId); assertEquals(15, node.getProperty("number")); assertEquals(false, node.hasProperty("foo")); tx.success(); } finally { tx.finish(); } }