  * Updates objects that matches the given query. If parameter multi is set to false, only the
  * first document matching it will be updated. Otherwise, all the documents matching it will be
  * updated.
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:update-objects}
  * @param collection the name of the collection to update
  * @param query the {@link DBObject} query object used to detect the element to update.
  * @param element the {@link DBObject} mandatory object that will replace that one which matches
  *     the query.
  * @param upsert if the database should create the element if it does not exist
  * @param multi if all or just the first object matching the query will be updated
  * @param writeConcern the write concern used to update
 public void updateObjects(
     String collection,
     DBObject query,
     @Optional @Default("#[payload]") DBObject element,
     @Optional @Default(CAPPED_DEFAULT_VALUE) boolean upsert,
     @Optional @Default("true") boolean multi,
     @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) WriteConcern writeConcern) {
   client.updateObjects(collection, query, element, upsert, multi, writeConcern);
  * Updates objects that matches the given query. If parameter multi is set to false, only the
  * first document matching it will be updated. Otherwise, all the documents matching it will be
  * updated.
  * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:update-objects-using-query-map}
  * @param collection the name of the collection to update
  * @param queryAttributes the query object used to detect the element to update.
  * @param element the {@link DBObject} mandatory object that will replace that one which matches
  *     the query.
  * @param upsert if the database should create the element if it does not exist
  * @param multi if all or just the first object matching the query will be updated
  * @param writeConcern the write concern used to update
 public void updateObjectsUsingQueryMap(
     String collection,
     Map<String, Object> queryAttributes,
     DBObject element,
     @Optional @Default(CAPPED_DEFAULT_VALUE) boolean upsert,
     @Optional @Default("true") boolean multi,
     @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) WriteConcern writeConcern) {
       collection, (DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes), element, upsert, multi, writeConcern);
   * Update objects using a mongo function
   * <p>
   * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample mongo:update-objects-by-function}
   * @param collection the name of the collection to update
   * @param function the function used to execute the update
   * @param query the {@link DBObject} query object used to detect the element to update.
   * @param element the {@link DBObject} mandatory object that will replace that one which matches
   *     the query.
   * @param upsert if the database should create the element if it does not exist
   * @param multi if all or just the first object matching the query will be updated
   * @param writeConcern the write concern used to update
  public void updateObjectsByFunction(
      String collection,
      String function,
      DBObject query,
      DBObject element,
      @Optional @Default(CAPPED_DEFAULT_VALUE) boolean upsert,
      @Optional @Default(value = "true") boolean multi,
      @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) WriteConcern writeConcern) {
    DBObject functionDbObject = fromFunction(function, element);

    client.updateObjects(collection, query, functionDbObject, upsert, multi, writeConcern);
   * Update objects using a mongo function
   * <p>
   * <p>{@sample.xml ../../../doc/mongo-connector.xml.sample
   * mongo:update-objects-by-function-using-map}
   * @param collection the name of the collection to update
   * @param function the function used to execute the update
   * @param queryAttributes the query object used to detect the element to update.
   * @param elementAttributes the mandatory object that will replace that one which matches the
   *     query.
   * @param upsert if the database should create the element if it does not exist
   * @param multi if all or just the first object matching the query will be updated
   * @param writeConcern the write concern used to update
  public void updateObjectsByFunctionUsingMap(
      String collection,
      String function,
      Map<String, Object> queryAttributes,
      Map<String, Object> elementAttributes,
      @Optional @Default(CAPPED_DEFAULT_VALUE) boolean upsert,
      @Optional @Default(value = "true") boolean multi,
      @Optional @Default(WRITE_CONCERN_DEFAULT_VALUE) WriteConcern writeConcern) {
    DBObject functionDbObject = fromFunction(function, (DBObject) adapt(elementAttributes));

        (DBObject) adapt(queryAttributes),