private void readIndexMap() throws IOException { MappedByteBuffer mapOffset = makeReadOnlyBuffer(8, 8); if (mapOffset.getInt() != MultipageTiffWriter.INDEX_MAP_OFFSET_HEADER) { ReportingUtils.logError("Image map offset header incorrect"); indexMap_ = null; return; } long offset = unsignInt(mapOffset.getInt()); MappedByteBuffer mapHeader = makeReadOnlyBuffer(offset, 8); int headerCode = mapHeader.getInt(); if (headerCode != MultipageTiffWriter.INDEX_MAP_HEADER) { ReportingUtils.logError("Image index map header incorrect"); indexMap_ = null; return; } int numMappings = mapHeader.getInt(); MappedByteBuffer mapData = makeReadOnlyBuffer(offset + 8, 24 * numMappings); for (int i = 0; i < numMappings; i++) { int channel = mapData.getInt(); int slice = mapData.getInt(); int frame = mapData.getInt(); int position = mapData.getInt(); long imageOffset = mapData.getLong(); indexMap_.put(MDUtils.generateLabel(channel, slice, frame, position), imageOffset); } }
public DisplayPlus( final ImageCache stitchedCache, AcquisitionEngine eng, JSONObject summaryMD, boolean invX, boolean invY, boolean swapXY) { eng_ = eng; invertX_ = invX; invertY_ = invY; swapXY_ = swapXY; try { MultiStagePosition pos0 = MMStudioMainFrame.getInstance().getPositionList().getPosition(0); pos0x_ = pos0.getX(); pos0y_ = pos0.getY(); tileWidth_ = MDUtils.getHeight(summaryMD); tileHeight_ = MDUtils.getWidth(summaryMD); } catch (Exception e) { ReportingUtils.showError("Couldnt get grid info"); } vad_ = new VirtualAcquisitionDisplay(stitchedCache, eng, WINDOW_TITLE) { public void showImage(final JSONObject tags, boolean waitForDisplay) throws InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException { // Since this is multichannel camera, only show when last channel arrives try { if (MDUtils.getChannelIndex(tags) == super.getNumChannels() - 1) { super.showImage(tags, waitForDisplay); } else { ImagePlus ip = super.getHyperImage(); if (ip != null) { // canvas never gets painted so need to set painpending false ip.getCanvas().setPaintPending(false); } } } catch (JSONException ex) { } } }; DisplayControls controls = new Controls(); // Add in custom controls try { JavaUtils.setRestrictedFieldValue( vad_, VirtualAcquisitionDisplay.class, "controls_", controls); } catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) { ReportingUtils.showError("Couldn't create display controls"); }; // Zoom to 100% vad_.getImagePlus().getWindow().getCanvas().unzoom(); // add mouse listeners for moving grids addMouseListeners(); stitchedCache.addImageCacheListener(this); }
public JSONObject readSummaryMD() throws IOException { MappedByteBuffer mdInfo = makeReadOnlyBuffer(16, 8); if (mdInfo.getInt() != MultipageTiffWriter.SUMMARY_MD_HEADER) { ReportingUtils.logError("Summary Metadata Header Incorrect"); return null; } long length = unsignInt(mdInfo.getInt()); try { return readJSONObject(24, length); } catch (JSONException ex) { ReportingUtils.showError("Error reading summary metadata"); return null; } }
@Override public void newImageUpdate(JSONObject tags) { if (tags == null) { return; } updateLabels(tags); try { if (vad_.acquisitionIsRunning() && vad_.getNextWakeTime() > 0) { final long nextImageTime = vad_.getNextWakeTime(); if (System.nanoTime() / 1000000 < nextImageTime) { final java.util.Timer timer = new java.util.Timer("Next frame display"); TimerTask task = new TimerTask() { public void run() { double timeRemainingS = (nextImageTime - System.nanoTime() / 1000000) / 1000; if (timeRemainingS > 0 && vad_.acquisitionIsRunning()) { setStatusLabel( "Next frame: " + NumberUtils.doubleToDisplayString(1 + timeRemainingS) + " s"); } else { timer.cancel(); setStatusLabel(""); } } }; timer.schedule(task, 2000, 100); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ReportingUtils.logError(ex); } }
private void updateLabels(JSONObject tags) { // Z position label String zPosition = ""; try { zPosition = NumberUtils.doubleStringCoreToDisplay(tags.getString("ZPositionUm")); } catch (Exception e) { try { zPosition = NumberUtils.doubleStringCoreToDisplay(tags.getString("Z-um")); } catch (Exception e1) { // Do nothing... } } zPosLabel_.setText("Z Position: " + zPosition + " um "); // time label try { int ms = (int) tags.getDouble("ElapsedTime-ms"); int s = ms / 1000; int min = s / 60; int h = min / 60; String time = twoDigitFormat(h) + ":" + twoDigitFormat(min % 60) + ":" + twoDigitFormat(s % 60) + "." + threeDigitFormat(ms % 1000); timeStampLabel_.setText("Elapsed time: " + time + " "); } catch (JSONException ex) { ReportingUtils.logError("MetaData did not contain ElapsedTime-ms field"); } }
protected void initializeFlags() { flags_ = new ShowFlags(); if (showFlagsPanelVisible) { flags_.load(getPrefsNode()); Configuration cfg; try { if (presetName_.length() == 0) cfg = new Configuration(); else cfg = core_.getConfigState(groupName_, presetName_); showFlagsPanel_ = new ShowFlagsPanel(data_, flags_, core_, cfg); } catch (Exception e) { ReportingUtils.showError(e); } getContentPane().add(showFlagsPanel_); springLayout_.putConstraint( SpringLayout.EAST, showFlagsPanel_, 440, SpringLayout.WEST, getContentPane()); springLayout_.putConstraint( SpringLayout.WEST, showFlagsPanel_, 290, SpringLayout.WEST, getContentPane()); springLayout_.putConstraint( SpringLayout.SOUTH, showFlagsPanel_, 135, SpringLayout.NORTH, getContentPane()); springLayout_.putConstraint( SpringLayout.NORTH, showFlagsPanel_, 5, SpringLayout.NORTH, getContentPane()); } data_.setFlags(flags_); }
private JSONObject readMMMetadata(IFDData data) throws IOException { try { return readJSONObject(data.mdOffset, data.mdLength); } catch (JSONException ex) { ReportingUtils.showError("Error reading image metadata"); return new JSONObject(); } }
@Override public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col) { if (col == 1) { try { labels_[row] = (String) value; curDevice_.setSetupLabel(row, (String) value); fireTableCellUpdated(row, col); } catch (Exception e) { ReportingUtils.showError(e); } } }
@Override public void imageReceived(TaggedImage taggedImage) { try { // duplicate so image storage doesnt see incorrect tags JSONObject newTags = new JSONObject(taggedImage.tags.toString()); MDUtils.setPositionIndex(newTags, 0); taggedImage = new TaggedImage(taggedImage.pix, newTags); } catch (JSONException ex) { ReportingUtils.showError("Couldn't manipulate image tags for display"); } vad_.imageReceived(taggedImage); }
public void readFromHardware() { LabelTableModel labelTableModel = (LabelTableModel) labelTable_.getModel(); Device selectedDevice = labelTableModel.getCurrentDevice(); if (selectedDevice != null) { try { selectedDevice.getSetupLabelsFromHardware(core_); labelTableModel.setData(model_, selectedDevice.getName()); labelTableModel.fireTableStructureChanged(); } catch (Exception e) { ReportingUtils.logError(e); } } }
public void start() { for (DataProcessor<E> processor : processors_) { if (!processor.isAlive()) { if (processor.isStarted()) { ReportingUtils.showError( "Processor: " + processor.getName() + " is no longer running. Remove and re-insert to get it to go again"); } else { processor.start(); } } } }
public boolean enterPage(boolean next) { DevTableModel tm = (DevTableModel) devTable_.getModel(); tm.setData(model_); try { try { model_.loadStateLabelsFromHardware(core_); } catch (Throwable t) { ReportingUtils.logError(t); } // default the selection to the first row if (devTable_.getSelectedRowCount() < 1) { TableModel m2 = devTable_.getModel(); if (0 < m2.getRowCount()) devTable_.setRowSelectionInterval(0, 0); } } catch (Exception e) { ReportingUtils.showError(e); return false; } resetLabels(); return true; }
private void refreshOneAxisStagePositions() { for (Devices.Keys devKey : Devices.STAGES1D) { String mmDevice = devices_.getMMDevice(devKey); if (mmDevice == null) { // skip devices not set in devices tab oneAxisDrivePositions_.put(devKey, null); continue; } try { if (devices_.is1DStage(devKey)) { double pt = core_.getPosition(mmDevice); oneAxisDrivePositions_.put(devKey, pt); } } catch (Exception ex) { ReportingUtils.logMessage("Problem getting position of " + mmDevice); } } }
public TaggedImage readImage(String label) { if (indexMap_.containsKey(label)) { try { long byteOffset = indexMap_.get(label); IFDData data = readIFD(byteOffset); Object pixels = readPixels(data); JSONObject md = readMMMetadata(data); return new TaggedImage(pixels, md); } catch (IOException ex) { ReportingUtils.logError(ex); return null; } } else { // label not in map--maybe parse whole file? return null; } }
private void refreshTwoAxisStagePositions() { for (Devices.Keys devKey : Devices.STAGES2D) { String mmDevice = devices_.getMMDevice(devKey); if (mmDevice == null) { // skip devices not set in devices tab twoAxisDrivePositions_.put(devKey, null); continue; } Point2D.Double pt; try { if (devices_.isXYStage(devKey)) { pt = core_.getXYStagePosition(mmDevice); } else if (devices_.isGalvo(devKey)) { pt = core_.getGalvoPosition(mmDevice); } else { pt = new Point2D.Double(); } twoAxisDrivePositions_.put(devKey, pt); } catch (Exception ex) { ReportingUtils.logMessage("Problem getting position of " + mmDevice); } } }
protected void handleException(Exception e) { ReportingUtils.showError(e); }